Random Boya content (All Boix...

By Localhoodboya

13.8K 431 294

Stories for fun, eating my boya cravings, join me if you can handle de warnings. All kinds of boya would be... More

Love Sick R17
Love sick: Chapter 2
Yaya×elementalsBBB (Omegaverse au) R17
Love sick: Chapter 3
Attention (Ft Supya) R18
Attention Chapter 2
Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 1/2, Ft Tauya) R18
Caught by the Emperor (alternative story 2/2, Ft GemHaliTauYa)
The Listener (ft Haliya) R17
Love sick: Chapter 4
My little Slave Wolf (ft Blazya) R18
Alone (ft RevbYaBoi, Requested) R18
What If Painful (Fan-created continuation)
What If Painful 2
What if Painful 3
What If Painful 4 (Ending)
Housewife (tf Glacya) R16

Love drink (Ft All fusion x Yaya) R16

828 26 7
By Localhoodboya

Author's note: I'm gonna try comedy now, something light for dessert so this is basically reverse harem comedy romantic?

Something was indeed strange in the school, Yaya a freshman, was minding her own business in the library until a boy approached her out of nowhere. The boy had distinctive iris eyes and was the level of Yaya's height, he was cute? Yaya could only adore that puff red cheeks and the puppy dog eyes that he was gazing at her but was taken back when she saw his uniform, being that he was her senior.

"Is there something you need help with, Senior-"

"Yaya, I've always liked you! Will you be my girlfriend?" He shyly asked her.

Yaya wanted to reject since studying always had come first for her but those adorable bubbly eyes that reflected at her, begging her to say yes. This small puppy was so hard to get away once it had chosen you, she couldn't say that "no" would destroy his heart.

Despite only knowing him today, Yaya's heart remained soft in cuteness therefore even if the stranger was cute like a child, she can't run away. However, a new individual had entered the conversation and he was made mad.

"Hey! Fuck off my girlfriend, Glaicer!"

Yaya was suddenly grabbed by this new entity, she took a glance and saw another person, much taller and muscular judging from his arms around her waist. He was angry from his shouting tone at the little senior but his words were confusing for Yaya to comprehend.

"Wait- who are you?" Yaya questioned the large man holding her like a hostage, forgetting about an upset Glacier in front.

"Ehhhh, wait Yaya you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!" He protested, grabbing Yaya's arm to pull her away.

"That's right! I Gentar, is Yaya's man so back off, puppy!" He claimed proudly, gripping Yaya's waist tighter when Glacier tried to steal her from him.

"Oh please, as if a meathead like you could ever treat her better!"

Both of the boys were now tugging on Yaya and arguing while Yaya herself was still confused. If only Yaya had listened to her mother and tone it down with the coffee drinking at night for studying , maybe she wouldn't see such illusions.

Although, wouldn't it be about studying instead besides boys and love? That's right because this isn't a dream or an illusion, it's real and Yaya could feel the awkward stares people are giving at the commotion since they are standing at a library.

While the two boys were distracted with their petty fighting, Yaya made her way out of the situation quietly. It was her first week at school and the last thing she wants is to create any attention right off the bat. Her walking slowly turned into running once she was out of the room, only stopping when she felt like it was safe, taking a deep breath to think.

"... What just happened?" She questioned herself openly, thoughts ran across her mind as she never experienced this to prepare herself for an answer.

"What happened, what?"

Indeed, she spoke too soon when she said she was safe, Yaya was suddenly cornered by a very handsome gentleman, the mysterious voice was smooth yet slightly irritated as if he just had a bad day. It was Supra, a popular senior that she had run passed not too long ago and had picked up her books when she accidentally dropped them by him.

"Oh oh nothing, mister- sir I mean, senior!" She stammered.

Her words were scattered when their distance from each other's faces were enough to feel one's breath, she had to duck down away from his gorgeous features to look at his plain senior uniform.

She was blushing bright red and wanted out from this uncomfortable position she's in. He was a very charming devil, she admits and that's why he earned the title of the school's playboy which it was dangerous enough for her to stay away from.

Part of the reason why he is popular is that he achieved an every man's (who's desperate for girls) dream, and had twenty one girlfriends at the same time. Of course, he wasn't like the movie ones, his academics were high and always kept up on his studies which Yaya can praise him for but the fact he always calculates his schedule perfectly to separate his studies and love life is weird.

Also, when it was said he "had '' twenty one girlfriends, this morning, Yaya had heard a news that the playboy of the school had broken up with his girlfriends at the same time by texting for an unknown reason. It's quite impressive knowing when it comes to school news it takes a whole week for students to remember when it comes to gossiping, words and whispers were always heard in the hallways.

Yaya could see the jealous and envious eyes from the crowd of girls around them, some were glaring and others were crying, as Supra could never be theirs now. This fate of hers was more worse than the one in the library, making her wish she had stayed there instead.

"Yaya, where do you think you're going, have you forgotten the anniversary!?" His tone was getting louder which scared her a bit, thinking she had wronged him in some way.

"W-what anniversary?" She asked slightly nervous of what he's gonna do to her, he was getting closer and she had no way to lean back when her head was backed to the wall.

"Our 2 hours anniversary of course, idiot!!"

This made her question her own memory now, did she have forgotten something yesterday? Certainly not, she remembers everything as it was a school day.

"Umm Senior Supra, do tell me when have we ever been in a relationship?" She looked up at him with utter loss as she wasn't scared anymore since there was no reason to.

"Well I'm glad you asked my dear, since that time you touched my hand when I picked up your dropped books." He smiled pridefully, no more anger as his favorite topic is always about the love between them.

"Ehhhhh but but that doesn't make sense." She examined but Supra didn't hear her puzzling words and babbled on.

"Such soft and small hands you have, I can still remember the first touch we had... I don't think I would ever wash this blessed hand of mine." He idealized while lovingly rubbing his right hand to his cheek but to Yaya it sounded creepy more than romantic.

"Uhhhh thank you?"

She was debating in her mind if it's a compliment or a joke because again, everything that's happening currently has been hectic and crazy and she doesn't know how to respond to all of this. She was wondering if something had hitted the poor boy's head too hard and he needed to go to the nurse.

"The first time we met, your attempt of being clumsy in order to get my attention was not a disappointment, I admit it I've got caught up in your enchanting face and got smashed on the floor, my dear."

She was so tempted to land a punch on his pretty boy face but looking at it was so sincere that it made her think twice if he was just too self-centered to realize his words were an insult. She sighed, choosing to give up on it for the result of either angered him or upset him.

"So, how about a little kiss as an apology for being two minutes late?"

He was leaning in close again as his words felt very seductive for some reason but remember she had never even kissed a boy before, her panic alarms began to turn on as she didn't know what to do physically. He was hot but that doesn't mean she would accept kissing a stranger or let along her first kiss wasn't special!

Suddenly, her prayers had been heard. The very captivating moment was stopped by two people causing another commotion from their left. She turned to see her saviors that had removed her from an inescapable position but the brightness in her pupils went soulless when she was looking at the two boys who were fighting over her before. It was neither a blessing or a curse now.

"Supra! What do you think you're doing with her!!?"

"Yeah, get the hell off my girlfriend, you perverted nerd!"

Supra groaned, annoyed that his moment with his claimed lover was sabotaged by the two, pulling back off Yaya to face them.

"Last time I checked I claimed her first, Glacier and you-" He gave Gentar a doubtful look which only made Gentar more agitated.

"What? If you have something to say then say it!" Gentar screamed.

"I'm just thinking if you were actually her boyfriend, I highly doubt the girl will be in one piece with your loud mouth." He mockingly exclaimed.

"Why you little-"

As the boys were arguing, the heated attention was off her chest as now people were focused on the three, forgetting who they were fighting for. She was correct that they were trying to find her so it would be the same after she runs away now.

So she only had one option that no one could ever reach her until the bell rings, the rooftop. It was the safest because no one had ever step foot on it since it was also dangerous ever since a student committed suicide up there.

They had locked it after the incident but some students made spare keys to chill up there, however they got caught and were suspended. Soon after, rumors started to spread, saying that the roof was haunted by the boy who committed suicide and no one dares to enter any longer. The teachers also confiscated every key from the students but somehow Yaya got her hands on one.

She admitted it was wrong of her to break school rules on the first week but what other options did she have? The girls bathroom would define not be safe, seeing how the fangirls of Supra are ready to beat her up.

The door to the rooftop was opened, no one was besides her to hear the loud pounding of her heart beating very fast. Could some silly ghost rumor really scare her that much? In fact, it was nerve-wracking for her as her foot layed contact with the ground of the highest floor.

Although it sounded scary, Yaya felt at ease when seeing such a calming, pleasant and relaxing setting. The blue sky and the warm and windy atmosphere was perfect, maybe too perfect. Just as she was about to rest up from all the running, a boy popped out of nowhere in front of her.

"Why hello there, m'lady-"

Before he could continue, Yaya had good reflexes therefore the poor boy had to endure a fist to his face. He rolled back, landing on the ground as he held his nose, groaning out of pain from the impact. Yaya realized she had hurt someone so she went to check up on him.

"Ou ou ou! What was that for???" He screamed in sheer disbelief.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry- are you alright?!?" She apologized multiple times, guilty for what she had done to the injured boy.

The apologizing only stopped when the new individual had kinda recovered from the punch. Yaya had also noticed the way he was dressed was odd like he was off to an anime conversation, with the wings and the bag of arrows on his waist. His wings felt so real, she was so mesmerized that she wanted to touch them without any intuition.

"H-hey! Don't touch them, it feels w-weird." He blushed when he felt a hand brushing off his feathered left wing.

"Huh they're real???!" She examined.

"Of course they are! I'm a cupid, haven't you known to never touch one's wing?" He snatched his own wings out of her reach, glaring embarrassingly at her.

"O-oh, I'm sorry I didn't know, I thought they were just part of your costume- wait a minute....did you say you were a cupid?"

He called himself Beliung, a cupid who was sent to create interesting moments in one's love life. He also explained the reason why he is here, the fact that Yaya accidentally drank a love potion meant for her younger brother who needed love. The plan was for him to get a harem of certain girls but since Yaya had drunk it instead, she got hot and handsome boys to crush on her obsessively without her doing anything.

"Wait!! It was you who put me in this stupid otaku harem game cliche thing?!" She pointed him out for his mistake which he only giggled as a means of a guilty person would.

"It's not good to make your assumptions early... but then again you are wrong but come on! Admit it, you gotta like it when hot guys try to pursue you at the same time hehhe."

"Frankly, I'm a girl who studies to get a suitable job in the future so I can live in peace."

"Pff- guess I just wasted on a nerd then, well actually a very pretty nerd I would say." He smirked seductively at her.

"Whatever, tell me how to reverse this curse you put on me, mister perverted cupid."

"Ehhhhhhh! I'll have you know young woman, this is a blessing than a curse and don't call me a pervert! There is no such thing as handsome perverts, got it girlie?" He winked at her but Yaya responded in a gag at his pathetic attempt to redeem himself.

"Ok ok, I'll tell you how to reverse this"

"Go on"

"The only way to reverse this curse is.."

Oh does God knows how much she wants to scream and throw this idiot cupid off the roof for putting her in this mess. Yaya couldn't help but blushed reddishly of what the blue cupid had told her, the only way to get back her normal life is to sacrifice her pureness for one of the guys. Which means, she would need to get in bed with one of those handsome maniacs.


•Glacier, Frostfire and Supra are seniors, Gentar and Sori are juniors and Yaya's a freshman.

•Sori and Yaya are childhood friends, both are very close but Yaya was the only one who considered them just being "friends".

•Supra's the son of a Ceo, having a business single father, he barely got attention and love from his parents. Therefore, girlfriends were his escape for the false love he needed.

•Frostfire and Glacier are twins, despite the size, they look the same with face features.

Frostfire has a feisty personality and Glacier is the opposite with a gentle soul, this is due to the fact when they were young, they were bullied in the orphanage by the kids there. Since Frostfire was the older twin, he was very protective over Glacier and still is now.

•Gentar's parents died when he was very young, the term working hard and dependent was always his forte since his family members who he was living with told him they wouldn't be supporting him after he turned into an adult.

Gentar and Frostfire are both athletic, it's concluded both of them are the best in sports which created a rivalry.

Beliung is a cupid who God knows how old he is. Decided to create a harem instead of shooting one arrow at two people since anime is interesting.

•All boys besides Frostfire have fallen for Yaya, Frostfire is there because of his brother.

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