My Fake Husband (JAELE)

By ushalakshmik

33K 1.9K 985

Cover by killercongress---------------------Riele Downs, twenty-four-years-old is the only daughter of multi... More

Meet the Cast
Horrific Past 😒
Past & Present
This isn't Happening!πŸ˜”
Coming Home
Special AnnouncementπŸ’
Riele's Answer πŸ™ˆ
You're Mine! πŸ’š
Irene's Plan
New Opportunities
Party Time! πŸŽ‰
Shocking News
Anything for family
Hire a Boyfriend
When Jace & Riele met...😍
Dinner with the Downs 🍽
First Impressions
Dreams & Fantasies πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘¨πŸΌ
False Accusations
Noah's Warning πŸ™ˆ
Saving Jace
First Kiss!πŸ’
Family πŸ’œ
Promises & Misunderstandings πŸ˜”
The Twins' Birthday Party πŸŽ‚πŸŽŠ
A Father's Love ❀
New Beginnings
Sex on Legs
I Love You
'Twas the night before Christmas...πŸŽ„

Evil Intensions

648 42 29
By ushalakshmik



When he heard the door close behind him, Jace turned around to see Irene standing there, her lips curling upwards in devilish delight.

"Mrs. Downs? What.....what are you doing here?" Jace asked, his heart hammering inside his chest.

"Hi, handsome" She spoke in a seductive voice as she locked the door and started walking towards him.


Jace looked at her wide eyed, dread creeping in as he started backing away. "Wh....what are you doing here, Mrs. Downs?" His voice shivered a little as he spoke.

"Don't you know what I am doing here, Jace?" She asked, stalking towards him.

Seeing a predatory smile grace her features made him shudder as the horrific memories of his past came rushing to his mind. He could never forget the way those older men and women had used him for their pleasure.

Fear coursed through him as he stumbled backwards but before he could regain his balance, she had him cornered against the wall as she crashed her lips onto his forcing her tongue into his mouth.

Jace was in utter shock and it took him a few moments to gather himself before he pushed her away.

"Mrs. Downs, what are you doing!?" He shrieked, fear rolling in like a riptide trying to take him out to sea.

"What do you think I am doing, Jacey?" She licked her lips smirking wickedly.

"Mrs. Downs, please! I don't know what you're....." Jace began to say, his fear-blown eyes flitting between the woman standing before him and the locked door, hoping against hope that he could somehow escape from his predicament.

"Oh, you naughty boy, did you think I didn't see the way you've been eyeing me all evening?" Irene asked, as she came closer, pressing her body against his making him cringe in disgust.

"Wha....No! No, I didn't... I swear, ma'am, I...." 

He stopped speaking, swallowing hard when Irene covered his mouth with the tips of her slim fingers. "'s okay, handsome. I can understand your feelings. So, how do you want to do this?"

She took a step back, staring at him with lust filled eyes. "Do you want to ride me or would you like to have a taste first?"

By this point, Jace had begun trembling badly as his mind went back to the day he was forced by that stranger in the public bathroom. He could still remember the wild feral look the man had given him. And now, with Mrs. Downs standing in front of him, looking at him with a similar expression made his heart beat erratically.

"M...miss....Mrs. Downs, I don't...."

"Aww, come on, Jace, you don't have to be so shy about it. I know, now-a-days, young men like you prefer women with more experience and I don't blame you" She said, undoing the buttons on his shirt while he desperately tried to pull away from her.

"I'm sure I can make you feel so good..." She continued, her one hand going down to his pants, rubbing his package.

"No, please, don't do this...." Jace pleaded as he tried to walk past her but she pulled him back causing him to trip and fall, twisting his ankle in the process. 

Irene simply smirked to herself and caged him against the wall as he bit his lip from crying out in pain. "Come on, handsome, let's not waste any more time. I know we need to get back to the party before anyone notices we're gone" She said, running her hands over his chest sensually.

"Please, ma'am, I can't do this. I really like Riele so much. Please, let me go!" He implored but she didn't heed his pleas.

"It's alright, Jace, I'm her mother and she won't feel bad about it. Besides, I can assure you I'm way more experienced than her and can make you feel so good...." She said before unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the floor.

"No, please!" Jace covered his eyes with his hands but she pried them away and placed them on her breasts.

" you like it, baby?" A sultry rumble purred through her as she removed his trousers, letting it fall to the ground.

"Please, ma'am, I can't... I don't want to...." Jace whimpered, trying his best to put his pants back on but she just pushed his hands away and grabbed his hair, pulling him down for a forceful kiss.

"Stop fighting me, Jace" Irene said, gripping his chin in her hand and forcing him to look at her.

"You know I will have you one way or another" She threatened, a menacing smirk playing on her lips.

Jace's head started spinning as he realized there was no way he'd be able to get out of this situation without giving the woman what she wants.

When she let him go, all he could do was lower his head in submission because he knew from experience what would happen if he didn't comply to her demands.

Taking a deep breath he resigned himself to his cruel fate. After all his uncle was right yet again, he was a dirty whore who was good for one thing and one thing alone.


In the meanwhile, Riele was seething in anger. She would be a fool if she didn't notice the kind of looks her step-mother had been giving Jace all evening.

She did not miss the subtle advances Irene had been making towards Jace, who of course had been completely oblivious to them. Riele clenched her fist, enraged. She did not like it one bit and wanted to give her step-mother a piece of her mind but decided to keep quiet and wait until later to have a talk with her as she didn't want to ruin the party.

After mingling with the guests for a while, Riele decided to go check on Ruby and see if she was hungry or needed a diaper change.

Riele couldn't help but smile when she saw that her friends have gathered around Ruby and were cooing at her, talking to her in baby voices. Her baby love had a way of wrapping everyone around her little finger.

Walking over, Riele picked up the baby in her arms and kissed her cheek lovingly causing little Ruby to giggle and clap her hands, gurgling happily. "Hello, my baby love, did you miss mummy?"

Ruby smiled widely as she clutched onto Riele's arms, hiding her tiny face in her chest shyly.

"Aww, she's so cute" Zendaya cooed while Bella tried to lure the baby by offering her some ice cream.

"Hey, stop hogging my baby" Riele said pulling back, holding her baby close whilst slightly rocking her. "It's okay, baby love, mummy's got you"

"Hey, Rie, where's Jace? It's time for the cake" Ella inquired.

"I don't know. I thought he was with the twins" Riele said, looking around to see if she could spot her boyfriend in the crowd.

"Ahh, I think I saw him go upstairs a while ago" Zendaya said causing Riele to turn to her, furrowing her eyebrows. "Upstairs?" 

"Yeah, maybe he's gone to the restroom" Bella supplied.

"But he's been gone for a long time now" Zendaya pointed out.

Riele's eyes widened slightly as she looking around once again to try and find her parents but was only able to find her father talking to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Noticing that Irene was missing, Riele immediately got to her feet.

"Guys, stay with Ruby. I'll be back in a moment" She said and practically ran up the stairs leaving her friends in a state of bewilderment.

To say that Riele was furious was an understatement. She didn't want to have an argument with Irene in front of all the guests but now when both her boyfriend and her step-mother are missing, she couldn't help the anger that was building inside her chest.

Oh, if Irene thought that she could get away with it, she had another thing coming. She wasn't going to let her seduce her Jace. She might have manipulated her father but she would do anything to protect Jace from her cajoling tricks.

Reaching the upstairs bathroom, Riele saw that it was locked and so she knocked on the door. "Jace, are you in there? Jace, open the door"

When she received no answer, she put her ear to the door trying to listen. On hearing Irene's voice, Riele was apoplectic and she started banging on the door. "Jace, open the door! I know you are in there..."

Still getting no answer, Riele closed her eyes to calm herself and think of other options. She could always go and get her dad but that would garner everyone else's attention and ruin the party.

Riele's eyes snapped open when she remembered the secret security system installed throughout their mansion. Quickly opening the small secret door beside the restroom door, she activated the emergency unlock system that her parents had had installed when she was just a baby.

No one, not even their helping staff, knew about it. Riele's parents had gotten the security system when the Andersons' one year old baby was kidnapped and killed by one of their enemies. Of course, they never had any reason to use it until now.

As soon as she punched in the code, the door clicked open and she stepped in. The moment she entered the room, Riele was met with the sight of Irene making out with her boyfriend.

Irene had Jace pressed up against the wall as she sucked on his neck, her hands groping his body while Jace simply stood there enduring it. His arms limp at his sides, his body stiff as he stared ahead, his face devoid of emotion.

Riele's anger was off the charts as she lunged at the older woman. "You vile bitch, get the fuck away from my boyfriend!" She screamed as she pushed Irene away from Jace, who just slid to the floor, tears brimming in his eyes as he kept apologizing. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry....M' sorry"

"Riele, what are you doing here?" Irene asked, feigning innocence.

"I could ask you the same thing, bitch!" Riele snarled at her before going over to see if Jace was okay.

"Oh, uhm, you know...uhm... This is not what it looks like. Tell her, Jace" Irene said as she hastily put on her clothes before someone else showed up.

"Don't you dare talk to my boyfriend, Irene and stay the fuck away from him or I will not hesitate to scratch your eyes out!" Riele barked at her step-mother as she helped Jace put on his clothes.

"You know, he was the one that came onto me. I was just minding my business when he came to me and started making all sorts of dirty comments, and when I told him to leave me alone, he pulled me in here and started kissing me" Irene blamed Jace.

"And you want me to believe that!?" Riele scowled at her.

"What's happening in here?" Joseph came in, curious to know why his wife and daughter were yelling at each other.

Riele opened her mouth to respond when Irene spoke up. "Oh it's nothing, honey. I was just out in the hallway talking to my friend over the phone when I heard someone cry out in pain so I rushed inside to see Jace lying on the floor. Poor thing, he must have slipped and fell" Irene said, a hint of false sympathy in her tone.

"Oh, are you alright, Jace?" Joseph inquired with concern.

"But dad, that's not true. She was the one who...." Riele began to argue but got cut off by her father.

"Stop it, Riele! Your mother was just trying to help. Why can't you accept that?" He said, glaring at his daughter.

All Riele could do was stand there with her jaw agape, eyebrows furrowed in barely concealed fury. How could her father blindly believe everything she tells him?

Joseph then turned to Jace, who was staring at the floor, not daring to look him in the eye. "Jace, are you okay?"

"Y....yes, sir" Jace nodded his head jerkily, replying in a faint voice but Joseph wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure, son. Do you need me to call a doctor?" He asked further.

"Th....that's not necessary, sir. I...I'm fine" Jace tried to sound more confident. He felt so guilty for kissing his wife, even though Irene was the one who had forced him.

"Okay, come on, son, let's get you out of here" Joseph said as he and Riele helped him to his feet while Irene frowned at having her plans ruined. So, making an excuse that she was not well, she went back to her bedroom. She needed to come up with a new plan to break them up.

Taking Jace to Riele's room, they sat him on the bed as Riele went to grab the can of cold spray from her medical cabinet. By the time she had returned, Joseph had arranged Jace's leg in an elevated position so as to reduce the inflammation. After tending to the sprain, Joseph left to give the young couple some privacy. "I'll go downstairs and make sure everything is alright"

"Thanks, dad" Riele smiled softly.

Joseph smiled back and kissed her on the forehead. "Anytime, sweetheart"

After he left, Jace turned to his girlfriend. "Riele, I deeply apologize for what happened back there. My...." Jace swallowed the lump in his throat and lowered his head in shame. "My behavior must have somehow given Mrs. Downs the wrong impression that I....." He choked up and had to take a deep breath before speaking further. "I promise I did not mean it and I...I will not repeat it again"

"Oh, baby, you don't have to apologize. I know it's not your fault, Jace" Riele pulled him into a tight hug, encasing him within her arms as she rubbed his back soothingly.

Jace closed his eyes as the loving voice of his girlfriend washed over him. He felt so happy that she actually believed him. In a way, it also terrified him because he didn't know how to respond to Riele's easy acceptance.

"I don't deserve you, Rie" He mumbled into her chest.

Riele planted a gentle kiss on his head. "Jace, don't say like that, baby. I told you, it's not your fault"

They stayed like that for a while before a knock came on the door and Bella came in. "Ahh, guys, everyone is waiting downstairs. Samuel and Amarr are trying to entertain the guests with some games but the little ones are getting a bit fussy. And Jace, Abi and Alex are asking for you" She said softly.

Sitting up straight, Jace wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded his head. "Yes, sorry, we'll be there in a minute" He spoke, attempting to prevent his voice from trembling.

Riele placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Baby, it's okay if you want to stay here for a while..."

"No, that's fine, Rie. I'm okay" Jace gave her a convincing smile. Today was his kids' Birthday and he needed to make sure they had a great time. Drawing in a deep breath, he resolved to forget about what happened with Irene and stay strong for his family. He needed to look happy for his children.


A/N: Thank you for reading. I hope you liked the chapter 💖 I would love to hear your thoughts. 

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