By Praise1234567

35.4K 2.8K 1.1K

Sequel to "why me? " Hearing the statement coming from him, however hit the last nerve of yn, smirking and cl... More

chp- 06
chp- 07
Chp- 08
chp 10

chp 1

3.6K 198 81
By Praise1234567

7 years later

"Mummmma!" a little girl shouted, running out of her room towards the kitchen. As soon as her mom came into view, she stood in front of her with a jump. "Mummmyyyyy!" she shouted again, giggling and looking at her mom. The lady in the kitchen, with her messy bun, looked at the girl.

"Angels in the heaven! Why are you shouting, honey?" she said, wiping away the sweat from her forehead. She held a spatula in her other hand and looked at the little girl, shaking her head. "I know you're looking pretty in your new dress, sweetie," the lady said, having a smile on her face looking at her daughter, and stirring the pot while also focusing on the food she was making. The little girl giggled and twirled around doing a hook step of her favorite band Blackpink. Seeing that, the lady chuckled and shook her head, continuing with the cooking work.

"Mummmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaa!" another loud voice of the little boy echoed. The lady immediately covered her ears, and the little girl screamed and jumped in place, getting scared of the sudden loud voice. The lady gritted her teeth, immediately turned off the gas, took off her apron, and rushed towards the room, making the little girl follow her as well.

"how many times did I tell you no- she entered her children's bedroom and stopped on her tracks noticing the boy was all colored in various colors cos of the water colors and had a page in his hands which had a picture of
the lady , all her anger vanished away seeing him smiling sheepishly and was so excited to show the painting which he made of her, she walked to him hiding the spatula behind her and took the painting from him, there was a smile on her which she couldn't even explain, she was admiring her son's hardwork, she sat on the bed making the little girl to drop herself all on the lady by wrapping arms around her mom's neck and the little boy to sit beside her mom waiting for his reaction

"you like it mom?" he asked in his baby voice and the lady just giggled and looked at him

"OH MY GOODNESS!! MY SON IS SUCH A GOOD PAINTER!!" She said shouting making both the children to cover their ears. "momma shouting why" the boy asked with his knitted eyebrows and pout on his face ,an angry pout, "cos you shouted the same way earlier" she said having this sheepish smile on her face, making that little boy to whine. chuckling she took both of her children in their biting their cheeks lightly laughing at their cute reactions

"aishhhhhhh noooooo mummmmmmmma noooo!!" both the twins the girl and the little boy was laughing out loudly also wiggling under her touch. a sudden knock halted them, the lady frowned and gasped when she realized what's the time

"ANGELS OF HEAVEN!!!!!!! GET READY FOR YOUR SCHOOL KIDSSS" she shouted and rushed out of their room to the door she opened the door only to meet a guy with his boxy smile

"hey beautiful" the guy said leaning against the door had his arms crossed against each other the lady giving "am done" look to him and flicked his forehead "get inside we are getting late you coconut head" she said making him groan in frustration

"the almighty will never give you for ignoring my love you dumb lady" he said placing the car keys on the table near the couch and plopping on it

lady just shook her head at his flirtatious nature "I know I Know my lord pls forgive me my little tea bag" she said holding on to the laugh and packing tiffin boxes . the guy on the couch rolled his eyes on the name "ill kill you if you call me that its tae bear and that name isn't for you its for my kids, its taehyung for you" he said making the lady to raise her both the hands up in air surrendering and don't want to argue with the man who had a big pout on his face.

Mentioning the kids, both children ran out of their rooms, and as soon as they saw Taehyung, they gasped and ran to him. "Tae bear!!!!" both of them yelled in unison and jumped on him. Taehyung, on the other hand, was equally enthusiastic as them and embraced them in his arms. Seeing this, the lady chuckled and adored all three of them. She immediately took out her phone and captured the moment on her phone. Folding her arms against her chest, she didn't say anything but had this beautiful smile on her face. After a while, she looked at the clock and then at them. "Come on now, Tia, Joshua, Taehyung, get here and have your breakfast," she said, making all three of them snap their heads towards her. "Okiieee mummmaaa," Joshua, always the overhyped child, shouted from Taehyung's arms.

Taehyung got up from the seat with Tia and Joshua in his arms, carrying them like a carry bag. "Come on now, this pilot will land you guys on the dining table," he said in a bold tone, making the children giggle and hold onto him tightly. The lady loved seeing this bubbly side of Taehyung with her kids, but always teased him by calling him "kiddo," "tea bag," "coconut head," "childish," and whatnot.

Taehyung placed them on their chairs and settled on his chair as well. They were mimicking playing drums on the table. Shaking her head at them and biting her smile, she served them breakfast. "Finish it fast, I'll get ready for work," she said and was about to go change into her office attire when Taehyung held her hand and stopped her. "YN," he said and, with his manly attitude, looked at her. YN felt intimidated by his sudden gestures, but she knew Taehyung was a gentleman and respected boundaries, which attracted every girl in the office. "What about your breakfast?" he asked her, still holding her hand. Chuckling at his concerned behavior, she leaned down a bit and said, "I already had mine, my dear kiddo," pinching his nose and running off, making both kids laugh loudly.

"ughhhh i'll give it back lady just wait" he said looking at the closed door of yn's bedroom and got back to his seat having a big pout on his face.

yn's pov:

I looked at myself in the office attire and smiled to myself , heaving a deep breath and closing my eyes and looked at the mirror the lady in front of me , "mother of two healthy children by god's grace" I chuckled to myself .

never knew thing would change so drastically , tracing the mirror particularly my own image I smiled , but is this smile even for real? I'm thankful for the life I've right now but there's void in my heart which I really don't understand what it is for? I've two beautiful children , one caring best friend who I knew would never turn his back to me like she did . what more I could ask for? is it cos of him? not really I think. Whenever those memories flashes my soul shudders , But its been seven years , seven fucking years they must be living their life very beautifully, happily in fact . then why I am so bothered about to hell with them who ruined and try ruining my life, my only focus should be my three people and no one else, they are the only people should be mattering me and no one else

but again the same thought, why destiny was cruel to me back then, I remember not harming anyone unknowingly or unknowingly , intentionally or unintentionally then why I went through so much, I know its pointless to even think of it now knowing its been seven years no one would probably even thinking about it but definitely the one who did bad would even care of what they did? no I guess definitely not, cos eventually the person with good heart suffers at the end .

Sighing, I took my handbag putting all the necessary docs and stuffs and zipping it back hanging it on my arms, looking at my own image for the last time and smiling brightly I tuck a strand of hair behind my ears.

Let the past be past honey, they did what they wanted but turning into evil isn't your character that's not what dad taught you, "do good to others and it'll come back to you in many ways" is the only lesson you've been learning so far , but don't repeat the past mistakes ever, don't let people enter your life again who ruined your life.

A knock on the door made me snap back from my thoughts, I looked at the door and it slowly opened and there I meet the guy again my dear best friend, he leaned against the door tucking his hands inside the pocket . shaking my head at him , I looked myself at the mirror back brushing my hair back and with one final look I turned my heels walking to him .

"let's go" I said walking past him but he held my arms and yanked me back. yea one of his habits I'm so used to him now I really now I know what his next words would be . Giving him a boring look I waited for his pick up line, yes I'm so used to with all of his habit that I actually knew what his next words would be.

"are you a time traveler" he said giving smoldering look , rolling my eyes at him I shake my head as no and waited for him to end with his stupid flirt games. he brushed his hairs back making him look more handsome biting my inner cheeks inorder to control myself from compliment him. tapping my foot against the floor and taking a deep breath I smiled and continued before he even completes the sentence.

"Cos I see you in the future" he and me we both said it at the same time, I shook my head at him and flicked his forehead , come n let's go we re getting late you tea bag, I said walking past him only to find my babies tying their shoelace on their own , "my grown up champs" muttering to myself and biting my smile I took their bags in my hands, walking towards the door turning back I knocked on the door only to draw all three of their attentions

"are we ready guys" I asked them with a big smile .

"yea"!!!!!! they yelled in unison . chuckling to them all three of us walked out of the door as tae carried them in his arms to the car, I wonder if it wasn't for him how I would be managing everything. checking everything twice , I left the place as well not forgetting to lock the door .

As soon as I exited the building I found tae and my children waiting in the car for me already

"mom we are getting late"!!!! again all three of them said in unison and I just rolled my eyes on them , yea it was a every day thing for me now , no matter how early I complete my work these three devil would team up every time , getting inside the car I passed them their bags and looked at myself in the rear view mirror.

"come on sweeties" I said opening the door for them and I have to help them as their little feet doesn't reach to ground.

I walked them till the gate not forgetting to plant a kiss on their foreheads

"take care guys mumma will be waiting for you guys ok" I said crouching down to their level and with my heavy heart I really don't know why a minute without them feels so disturbing, terrifying and what not.

they kissed either side of my cheeks and josh has this habit of pecking my lips whenever he feels am sad or upset , I chuckled looking at him and caressed his cheeks softly . I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was none other than tae. I smiled as he was kissing their foreheads too "study well champs have fun ok" he said in his enthusiastic tone making them smile brightly "yay!!!" they said and we had our group hug .

I was staring at them running with their little feet towards the door.
Chuckling to myself I felt a hand wrapped around my waist.
I looked at the person giving a boring look.
"Our kids are so grown up right"
He said wiping off his fake tears.
And here we  go with the drama again.
Flicking his forehead I walked past him to the car.
"Come on we are getting late you tea bag"
I can feel him rolling his eyes  at me and saying numerous cuss words under his  breath.
Controlling my laugh I got inside the car waiting for him  .

I can see him sulking but didnt want to react so looked outside the window and then sudden I felt a stinging sensation on my ears cos this Kim trash flicked my ears.
Yelping in pain I looked at him gritting my teeth, now it was his turn to smirk

rolling my eyes at him and groaned internally

"aishhhhhh nevermind"

soon enough their car stopped at the entrance gate of the company. getting out of the car and wearing their id cards both looked at each other , "long day to go now" in a tiring tone. taking a deep breath and putting up a smile "it will be good tae" saying this both entered the office building getting ready for the important meeting.

hello there angels. finally why me 2 is out hope you all support me the way you support me in the first season . first chap wanted to keep it short just want to see it goes, to all my angels read it and lemme know. also one request to everyone , pls don't ask me "when are you going to update" cos even I don't know when I would be getting another off to give an update so please.

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