Unforgotten Night (English Tr...

By s3xductive

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KamolxKim More



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By s3xductive

Chapter 3

The familiar voice made Kim's heart race, but he tried to keep his face still, tried not to think about how their voices were alike.

"What are you talking about?" Kim asked, letting Kamol move to stand in front of him.

"Can I come in, Kim?" Kamal asked again. Kamol's sharp gaze made Kim feel hot and cot

"You can't because I don't know you, I'm sorry I don't have anything else to talk to you about", Kim spoke curtly. Thinking to himself that he should stay away from this guy, the man seemed too dangerous in Kim's eyes.The man, just looking at him, made Kim's hear race. Kim tried to close the door, but Kamol immediately showed a sharp look, his subordinates acted quickly, and Sharp grabbed the doorknob.

"Then I beg your pardon. Mister Kim" Khom replied before pushing the door hard to enter Kim's room, followed but Kamol, one of Kamol's subordinates led away Kim's condo caretaker.

Kim was shocked. He did not think that this group would dare to invade his room without permission. Kamol entered Kim's room and looked around.

"The room is clean and tidy, do you live alone?" Kamol asked in a low voice, causing Kim to frown.

"Who are you!? Get out of my room now! Otherwise, I'll call the police!" Kim threatened, Kamol cracked a smile.

"Do not act like a villain" exclaimed Kamol, walking slowly towards Kim, little by little Kim took a step back, the subordinate who was standing by Kim's door did not move, because right now, his boss just wanted to have a chat with Kim.

"Well, you guys are invading my room like this" Kim yelled immediately, trying not to show how scared he was of Kamol.

"Come on Kim, lets have a good conversation here" Kamol asked in said calm tone.

"How is it that you know me?" Kim asked curiously, but he tried to find a way to escape his own room. Kim turned to look at the door with the intention of escaping and then calling the police

"Ahhh!" Kim exclaimed in shock when Kamol moved back and tripped on the sofa, sat up and fell unexpectedly, Kamol took the opportunity to step forward and raised both hands towards the sofa, flanking Kim, the two figures do not move. Kim shuddered form the shock and fear, Kamol looked at Kim's body curiously and licked it, but Kim did not feel that Kamol's gaze was ride, instead it made Kim more nervous.

"You don't me because you haven't asked for my name yet, but..." Kamol stutters, he was very happy and satisfied with the expression of the person in front of him, the slight nervous tremor came out despite the fear. This made Kim look very cute in Kamol's eyes.

He looked at his lips and was secretly biting hid lower lips, making him look more palatable.

"But what?! And please get away from me" Kim said in a deep voice, ready to take off, but Kamol did not let him escape, before leaning closer to Kim's face, but moved to whisper into Kim's ear gently.

"That night...you asked me for a hug, why are you rejecting me today?" Kamol said in a low and purring voice4, that shook Kim who as looking at the face of the one who walked away, but not far from the sweet face of Kim.

"That night, was him?" Kim thought, confused, his eyes immediately flashing in shock and nervousness. "What happened that night? I don't know, I don't remember, get out of my room right now," Kim pushed the figure in front of him, but Kamol did seem to move at all.

"That's what you're going to say? Did you forget who made those marks on you?" Kamol asked with a smile, rubbing his hands over Kim's throat, the bite marks, and the red marks that Kamol had made on him, had now faded a bit.

Kim was a bit surprised when Kamol's hand touched his throat, suddenly the blood flooded to his cheeks, giving them a reddish color, Kim did not dare to look Kamol in the eyes.

Suddenly... Kim's figure slipped out of Kamol's arms and ran into the bedroom hoping to call the police. Kamol immediately closed and locked the door, causing only Kim and Kamol to be in the room, Kim looked terrified at Kamol as he thought of cursing himself in his heart, for allowing Kamol to enter and be alone with him.

"Everyone out! I don't want anyone to come in" Kim shouted with a movement, Kamol had a relaxed attitude, he didn't take Kim's threat seriously.

"Let's have a good talk Kim, you know I wouldn't hurt you...unless you let it" said Kamol, the last sentence was said looking lewd at Kim, then a small smile on the corner of his lips made Kim's face immediately blush, the more they talked, the more Kim became confident with the person he had hugged that night.

"Who are you?" Kim decided to ask; Kamol smiled when he saw that Kim had already agreed to have a good conversation.

"Hello again, my name is Kamol," Kamol officially introduced himself.

"So, what do you want from me?" Kim asked nonchalantly.

"You ask like that... means you remember me, right?" Kamol asked making Kim bite his lips immediately.

"Ah, I remember you! Can you tell me what more you want from me?" Kim asked reluctantly, Kamol released a soft chuckle from his throat.

"Get your clothes, then come with me" Kamol said directly, Kim immediately frowned.

"Are you crazy!? Why would I come with you?" Exclaimed Kim.

"Well now you are my wife, so I came to bring my wife home, is there a problem?" Kamol replied with a normal expression, Lim gasped a bit surprised at what Kamol said.

"Oh, are you crazy? Who is the wife? You don't know me, I think you should go back" Kim said again, as well as looking at the person in front of him, not understanding why he was speaking like that.

"You remember, right? What we did together that night?" K asked in a calm tone, not feeling angry or upset, instead he felt rather amused and cheerful.

"Well then why do you care about what happened that night?" Kim asked curiously, Kim admits that Kamol is a handsome man, good form, fair skin, he was very mature and as a leader of himself, just looking at his eyes almost made Kim melt.

"Because it was the only night that made me addicted and it touched my heart ", Kamol replied sincerely, Kim was speechless as his face flushed slightly.

"I'm not a sell out guy, go find someone else," Kim said in case the other person is understood.

"I never thought of you selling yourself, because there won't be any salesperson asking me to hug him to help him forget to someone's hug" Kamol said all of this, making Kim freeze, the edge of his eyes instantly heated, as he thought about what he said in that drunken moment.

"I don't want to humiliate you, Kim," Kamol replied, causing Kim to freeze when he felt Kamol's hand move closer to his face and gently caress his cheek.

"Pack your things and come with me" Kamol said softly again.

Suddenly... Kim pulled Kamol's hands away from his cheek.

"No! No, I'm going nowhere with you, get out of my room, the two of us are nothing," Kim forced his voice not to shake, Kamol frowned.

"Why don't you understand!?" Kamol asked in a firm tone.

"You're the one who doesn't understand! I don't want anymore responsibilities" Kim said.

"I'll be the one to take full responsibility, you probably know how well you and I get along, please come on, I don't want to use violence, Kim" Kamol said again.

"Are you threatening me?" Kim asked in a stern voice.

"When did I threaten you?" Kamol With a young cousin came to stand up, clenching his fists, but they did not dare to do anything to the person in front of him, because he knows that he cannot fight him.

Where are Kamol's subordinates? Kim wondered why Kamol had so many guards.

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation between the two, before Kamol frowned and walked to open the door.

"What is it!?" Kamol asked, his voice deep and menacing, Khom bowed his head slightly.

"Sorry to interrupt Sir, but our guard from the warehouse B, called to say that our warehouse is on fire, now they're putting out the fire and looking for the source of the fire" Khom immediately reported the situation to Kamol.

The person in front of him immediately frowned, before turning to look at Kim, who was very confused by the conversation.

"Kim, I have to go today and do a couple of things, but when I finish the errands, I will come to pick you up, so pack your things and don't think about running away" Kamol said and didn't wait for Kim to reply.

Kim quickly ran out and locked the door, his heart pounding as the strong figure gave Kim a meaningful glance. An angry look at work Anna stubborn look that once came to be with him, Kim can't help but tremble in his heart. What the hell am I doing? Does is eyes suck me so much? Kim thought to himself, scolded himself before collapsing against the door and rubbing his face in a tired and confused way. What should I do? Can thought. Suddenly, Kamol came in and told him that he was forcing him to go with him even though the two of them didn't know each other very well, it was just a one*night stand.


Did I ask a mob boss to hug me? Kim spoke up when he had already guessed what Kamol would be working on.

"I want people to follow Kim, don't let you eyes go elsewhere" Kamol ordered Khom as he drove to his own warehouse.

"Yes," Khom replied, taking a deep breath, Kamol too the car to get to the warehouse, which now still has a bit of fire, since everything is under control, Kamol's subordinates walked towards their master.

"What happened? Explain." Kamol asked in a stern voice, the subordinate in charge bowed is head to apologize.

"I'm sorry sir, this incident happened at the shift change, it was provoked, however, we were able to catch one of the arsonists, but the other two men escaped, the person we caught is in the office." Reported the men to Kamol.

"What else happened?" Kamol asked in a calm tone, his eyes shining coldly, this is very different from what Kim saw.

"The damaged product was more than ten boxes, but none of the ammunitions exploded, because we were able to pack them in time" said Kamol's subordinate, Kamol was silent for a moment, he did not think that anyone would be that stupid to start a fire in broad daylight.

"Have you already contacted the police, so they don't interfere with this matter?" Kamol asked

"We already did" the subordinate replied

"Fine, I'll go talk to the person you caught," Kamol said before his subordinates hurriedly led him to the office. After entering and threatening the person they caught and knowing who the mastermind that hired them to burn Kamol's products, he had to go to the central office to call a meeting with his subordinates who were in charge, of the warehouses in each area to chat.

"The day after tomorrow, I'm gong to Korea to take care of the beginners, you re going to stay in charge of this area, stay tuned, I don't want any more problem" Kamol said quietly in the small meeting room.

"Sir, let me take care of that myself," Khom offered, knowing that the man who ordered the fire was the son of an influential figure in South Korea, wo came to study in Thailand and was kicked out the bar several times, so when he found out who the bar owner was, and confident of his father's prestige, the little one went to take revenge on Kamol, for a person like him, he would never let anyone humiliate him like that.

"It's okay, I already intend to talk abut working with Nam Hyun Sik" Kamol replied. He gave the orders and listened to the reports from his subordinates in each area before the meeting ended and finally asked everyone to get back to work.

"Where are you going?" Khom asked, looking at his watch.

"At first, I had the intentions of going back to Kim, but first I will take care of the pending task, because the day after tomorrow I will go to Korea. Order people to follow Kim, do not let him escape, when I return to Thailand, I myself will take Kim to my house" replied Kamol, he did not want his subordinates to bring Kim, because he did not want Kim to feel disturbed, he wanted to take Kim home by himself.

"Are you taking Kim to the big house?" Khom asked in surprise because no one had ever entered under roof of his master's house, there are only subordinates who live in a small house around the man one.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Kamol asked.

"Are you serious?" Khom asked again. Kamol leaned on the back of the chair and looked at his close subordinate who was standing in front of him.

"You know that people like me, if I don't have confidence, if I didn't mean it, I wouldn't make that decision without being sure," Kamol replied Khom could only tilt his head in response.

Kamol took the photo of Kim, the photo that was photo taken in secret that made it possible for him to find Kim. He gently rubbed the photo before reading the details again.

"Wait, the high school Kim attended was the same as the one Dayman attended," Kamol said as he read the name of the high school Kim attended.

"Yes, they studied in the same class, the same group too" Khom replied because he already knew the details.

"Eh, I didn't think I knew someone close to him" Kamol said with a slight smile before sitting down to discuss the work and clarify the tasks with his own subordinates.

After cleaning up, Khom took Kamol back to the big house in the earl afternoon, Kamol hadn't thought of going to see Kim today, because he wanted Kim to have time to get ready.

"Water, Khun Kamol" called the voice of the housekeeper of Kamol's house and brought water to Kamol in the living room. Kamol sat down and rested before preparing to go up to his bedroom.

"I do not want to this. It is not my job !". Kamol said because, usually after one in the afternoon, the housekeeper would go out to rest excluding specific days.

"The aunt is waiting to speak with Khun Kamol" said the housekeeper, Kamol frowned slightly.

"What's going on?" he asked surprised to see the worried face of the aunt who has been with him for a long time and never thought of laving, she always cared about him and Kamol considered her relative of his.

"Well, this aunt would like to ask Khun Kamol's permission. Can I bring my grandson with me? Nong Bua has abandoned her son and ran away. The boy did not know where to go and at the end of the day, Baiboon came crying to the front of the fence. It's good that Auntie had come to pick him up, Auntie took him home without asking Khun's permission first, I'm sorry" said the old woman in a low voice.

"Where did Nong Bua go to leave the boy alone to his fate?" Kamol asked in a stressed tone, because he knew the housekeeper's family. The aunt's daughter at first helped in Kamol's house, but she courted a young bodyguard until she got pregnant, so the aunt managed to rent her house near the main house because she didn't want to infer with Kamol. Bua's husband died in an accident last year.

At first Kamol was going to ask her to come back and live with his aunt, but Bua refused to return for fear of not being free and intended to raise the child on her won, but Kamol did not think that she would dare to abandon her own child.

"Auntie doesn't know, but you can ask Baiboon, I just know that Nong Bua has a new boyfriend abroad. He said he would go on a trip, but he disappeared for 3 days and did not return, the landlord went to ask for the room, Baiboon is still a child who does to have money to pay for the room, so I took a car to come here." Said the aunt in a shaking voice, Kamol knew that the aunt regretted what her daughter had done to her grandson.

"Where is your grandson?" asked Kamol again

"Aunt told him to wait for me in my room, he did not dare to go out fearing that Khun Kamol would not agree with his presence in the house" said the aunt cautiously.

"Then let me talk to aunt's grandson," Kamol replied, and the aunt immediately went to get her grandson.

"Are you going to accept her grandson?" Khom asked.

"Well I'll accept them, I've been accepting a lot of people, it's okay to raise another child" Kamol replied.

After a while, the aunt came in with a young man with a bright face, but with tears in his eyes and cheeks.

"Raise your hand and pay your respects, Baiboon," the aunt told her grandson.

"Sawatdee Khrap" the young man raised his hands to greet Kamol and Khom who was nearby. Baiboon nodded a little sacred by the watery gaze with still eyes.

"What is your name?" asked Kamol.

"Bah, Baiboon" asked the young man.

"How old are you?" asked Kamol again

"Fifteen years" Baiboon replied in a low voice, together with his aunt he tried to hold his ground.

"Do you study?" Kamol asked in a low voice.

"I'm studying...I'm studying, but I haven't been to school in two weeks" replied the young man with darkening eyes.

"Why?" Kamol asked briefly.

"Mum had no money to pay for school," the young man replied again, Kamol raised an eyebrow.

"Auntie doesn't know what she did with the money, auntie also transferred the money to her last week" replied the auntie, Kamol sighed softly.

"What about your grandson's belonging?" Kamol asked nervously, he didn't like it at all when he found out that the child in front of him had been abandoned by his mother, because it reminded him of himself.

Kamol is an orphan, who was abandoned by his real mother in an orphanage. He had grown up in various orphanages and when he left there, he was struggling to make a living for himself, he walked the dark path until he reached this point alone, on his own, then Kamol returned to help an orphanage where he himself had been.

"Didn't take anything, Baiboon was afraid that the landlord found out that he ran away and refused to pay rent" Auntie said again, Kamol sat in silence for a moment.

"Khom" Kamol called out to his closest partner.

"Yes" replied Khom.

"Tomorrow you are going to pay the rent for the room, he will move in to live with his aunt in the house and then he will go back to the old school" Said Kamol in a serious tone.

"Khun, just letting Baiboon move here is enough, I can take care of the school," said the aunt cautiously.

"it's fine auntie, I can take of everything so that he continues to study, don't worry" Kamol replied, causing the aunt to cry tears of joy.

"Yes, thank you very much Khun Kamol" the aunt raised her hand to pay tribute to Kamol, he immediately raised his hands to reply.

"Baiboon, pay homage and thank Khun, son" said the aunt to her grandson, Baiboon quickly raised his hand to pay tribute to Kamol.

"Thank you," Baiboon said in a shaky voice.

"Okay, come here, don't give trouble or I'll let Khom take care of you" Kamol pretended to threaten and Baibon turned to look at him in surprised and turned to look at Khom's face a little surprised, in addition to hiding behind his grandma.

"yes, Baiboon will not give trouble" said the little boy with a trembling voice, Kamol smiled slightly but thought he was not wrong in trusting the boy in front of him. He seemed like a good boy for Kamol to accept under his own care.

"Auntie will take Baiboon to rest first. Tomorrow morning, I will have Khom take you to fix the rental room" said Kamol again, the aunt and Baiboon raised their hands to pay tribute again before leaving the house.

"Khom, take care of that first, we'll see you tomorrow," concluded Kamol before going up to his bedroom with quite a bit of fatigue. Kamol entered the room before picking up his phone and calling someone.

["Hello"] a sweet voice answered the call, this made Kamol smile a little.

"Are you read to pack your things?" asked Kamol.

["Khun Kamol!"] The sweet voice immediately turned into a cutting voice.

"Hey, I'm glad you remember me," Kamol replied.

["Where did you get my number from?"] Kim asked in a stern voice.

"If I can find your address, it will be much easier to find your phone number, Kim" said Kamol with a smile

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