แดœษดแด‡xแด˜แด‡แด„แด›แด‡แด… สŸแดแด แด‡

By bangtanfella1995

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โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ 31 โ˜ฝเผ“๏ฝฅ*หšโบโ€งอ™


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By bangtanfella1995

Third-person pov :
Jungkook was looking at taehyung sensing the pain but he kept it hidden.

Jungkook:" may we know what happened in the past?".

Taehyung:" my parents wanted me to marry him because he is wealthy, he has everything but I wasn't searching for luxurious life, I was just keeping myself strong for my son ".

Jichul:" why did he abuse you?".

Taehyung:" he married me for fame because my parents were Kim's corporation you might know this family as it is a business family".

Namjoon:" so you are the only heir?".

Taehyung:" yes but I don't want that so my dad gave the position to my husband".

Jungkook:" he is ridiculous shouldn't he be proud to have an heir and on top of that you have A son to take over ".

All looked at jungkook because before he didn't give a shit about others.

Taehyung:" he was ashamed of me, I was never in a photo with him, he had a girl and that girl took everything from him and still my parents love her ".

Hyori:" if they loved her why did they marry you to him?".

Taehyung:" they follow profit, Choi my husband is the second well-known businessman ".

Jungkook:" did you say, Choi?".

Taehyung:" yes ".

Yoongi:" what's his name?".

Taehyung:" Choi Jason ".

Jungkook got up and was fuming in anger.

Hyori:" what's wrong son?".

Jungkook: "she cheated on me with him ".

They gasped.

Taehyung:" if I may ask who is she?".

Jungkook:" my wife cheated on me with your husband".

Taehyung widen his eyes and looked so sad.

Taehyung:" I... I'm sorry".

Namjoon:" don't be sorry, it's not your fault ".

Hyori:" this is insane, but shouldn't you both do revenge?".

Taehyung:" I'm sorry madame but he cheated I don't like putting my finger on someone cheap ".

They smiled, although they see the pain in his face.

Hyori:" did you love him taehyung?"/

Taehyung:" I did, I loved him but after abusing my son, it's like he took all love and replace it with hate ".

Jichul:" jungkook loved her too, he even-".

Jungkook:" dad stop ".

He got up and walked away.

Hyori:" after two years, he still doesn't like talking about her ".

Taehyung:" guys I think I should leave".

Jichul:" leaving at this hour, no not gonna happen especially you have a son with you ".

Hyori:" you should rest now taehyung even your son must be traumatised by earlier events ".

Taehyung nodded.

Taejun:" mommy baby is sweepy".

Taehyung lifted him and hugged him.

Jungkook entered and looked at them.

Jimin:" come tea I will show you the room ".

Taehyung nodded and walked with him.

Jichul:" jungkook don't do something stupid ".

Jungkook:" I won't, I don't have time for bullshits ".

He walked away towards his room.

He was passing until he heard a conversation.

Taejun:" mommy will we stay here?".

Taehyung:" no baby, tomorrow we will go ".

Taejun:" mommy I don't want to go to monster please ".

He sobbed.

Taehyung:" we won't go to him, baby ".

Taejun:" mommy didn't eat from yesterday ".

Taehyung:" don't worry baby mommy is fine as long as my cutie pie is okay ".
He pecks his cheeks.

Taejun lay down on the bed and slept almost directly.

Taehyung looked at him and smiled sadly.

Taehyung:" I'm sorry baby I couldn't give you a better life ".

Taehyung sobbed but he didn't see someone who is looking at him from the door.

Taehyung got up and set on the floor with his phone looking through it.

Jungkook:" come with me ".

Taehyung was startled.

Taehyung:" you scared me ".

He followed him and jungkook was in the kitchen.

Jungkook:" sit ".

He put some plates that he heated and gave them to taehyung.

Jungkook: "come on, eat ".

Taehyung looked at jungkook tears falling.

Taehyung:" thank you ".

Jungkook:" when you come to university, where taejun stay?".

Taehyung:" I usually put him to stay at our hidden spot, I don't study all day I skip it for him ".

Jungkook looked at him deeply.

He sacrifices his education for his son.

Jungkook:" is it why you wanted to stop your studies?".

Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung: "even if I was married to the prosperous man, he still didn't pay for his son's school, I had no money so I had to work 4 jobs to accomplish his studies ".

Jungkook:" what about now?".

Taehyung saddened.

Taehyung:" they dropped my son out of school because he had no name and no father and my parents didn't want to give him our surname ".

Jungkook was angry.

Jungkook:" so now taejun don't go to school?".

Taehyung:" no, because Jason warned all the school to not accept him, and he even called my university to kick me out but the principal didn't want it ".

Jungkook:" what about your jobs?".

Taehyung:" I still have them all, today I had an interview and they accepted me ".

Jungkook:" where?".

Taehyung looked away.

Jungkook:" tell me ".

Taehyung:" it's inappropriate but I have to do it for my son, he should go to school like others I have to do it ".

He sobbed.

Jungkook:" what job taehyung?".

Taehyung:" prostitution ".

Jungkook slammed his hands on the table making taehyung flinch.

Taehyung:" jungkook please don't tell anyone".

Jungkook:" are you out of your mind taehyung, a business student who wants to work as a prostitute?".

Taehyung:" I don't have other options jungkook, I told you for my son I will do anything, he has nothing to do with all this jungkook, he is still small for this world ".

He was crying hard.

Jungkook embraced him for the first time he felt desperate for a hug for someone who is broken by him, someone who is sacrificing his body for a better future for his son.

Jungkook:" you won't do that taehyung, let me take care of that, you should focus on your studies ".

Taehyung:" jungkook I have to ".

Jichul:" this is not the solution taehyung ".

Taehyung hide because he was ashamed to show himself to others that they were standing at the kitchen door.

Jungkook :" leave it to me, your son education is on me don't worry about that ".

Hyori :" jungkook is right ".

Jichul :" you seem tired, jungkook take him to his room you should rest ".

Jungkook and taehyung left yo his room.

Yoongi :" he cares ".

Hyori :" he saw pain that's why he is like that , jungkook was hurt too ".

Jichul :" let's see what the future holds for them ".

They walked away.

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