On the king's command

By Bachtome

5.5K 169 29

Thranduil invites Bard, king of Dale, to his palace, with the intention to make new good trading connections... More

I am the king
Being a son of Thranduil
A golden cage
The spiders of Mirkwood Forest
The finding of Bard
Healing Bard
An invitation
Very formal dinner
The effect of elven wine
A strange confession
Rating Bard's attractiveness
Big confusion
The end

"Are you alright?"

405 13 2
By Bachtome

Thranduil sat in the great hall and ate his dinner. He was joined by his son Legolas and Tauriel, who were discussing the next operation against the spiders that were threatening the forest. As they didn't include the king in their conversation, he had enough time to eat and think. But thinking wasn't very smart to do. It only made him realise, how lonely he actually was. 

The last day had made him have to deal with the consequences of his actions. Because he learnt, if he imprisoned someone, they'd flee and then they'd die, if he didn't find them and heal them. Normally, he would have just imprisoned them again, but now he knew that wasn't an option. He didn't want his guests to perish like flies in the forest. 

With a wink of his hand, he called a guard over to his place. His son and the female elf were still deeply into their conversation, and he just managed to notice how very close they were. He'd have to do something about it soon, but for now he had other problems. 

"Release the prisoners and give them each a room to sleep in while they are staying here", he demanded of the guard. Haldor (that was his name) gave him a strange look, but bowed and went to do as he was told. 

Then Thranduil pushed his plate away and stood up. 

"I will be with my guests, and I do not want to be disturbed", he told Legolas and Tauriel as he did so. They finally turned their heads towards him and made unbelieving faces. But the king decided to just ignore them and turned his back on them. He marched out of the hall, with the eyes of many elves on his back.


There was a knock on the door and then the doorhandle twisted and the door opened. In the door frame stood the king, dressed as usual in a wide ice-blue tunic and with a small tiara on his head. Now that was unusual, as normally, he would always wear his huge crown.

It was obvious that Thranduil didn't know what to say, as he still stood awkwardly in the doorframe and tried to decide whether he should smile or not. In the end, he decided to try, but it hurt his cheeks, so he let it be again.

"Your majesty", Bard greeted the king. "What a surprise to see you."

"I came by to see if my guest was still alive", was the answer, and Bard had to smile, despite his wounded arm, that still hurt a lot. 

"I am alive, thank you very much", he replied and sat up in his bed. "Thanks to your healing me I maybe won't have to call me Bard the One-handed in the future."

Thranduil smiled slightly. It was just for a second, but in that second, Bard noticed how the king's face lit up and made him shine even more with his beauty. He turned his gaze away, and tried to think of his companions in the dungeons to get his bad mood, and thus distance from the king back. 

As if on cue, the elven king sat down on the lower edge of the bed and turned towards Bard. The latter had to move his body closer to the wall, away from the king, to keep concentrated. He didn't feel comfortable at all, having this man so close to him.

"By the way, I have released your companions and they have each been given a room to stay in during your visit. And soon, someone will come to return your bow and sword to you", the king declared. 

"That is very generous of you ... thank you?", Bard replied, surprised by these actions the king had taken. Now he didn't have a reason anymore to be angry with him, and it was getting more uncomfortable in the room for each second that passed. Why was he here again, on this trip to Mirkwood? Oh, he remembered, but maybe he shouldn't have, because the reason, being in love with the king, was not very helpful to him right now.

"How are you feeling?", Thranduil wanted to know, putting a hand on the blanket. Bard moved his feet away.

"I am ... fine, really", he replied, concentrating on not looking at that hand, which was way to close for him.

"You do not seem very fine", the king answered, and moved his head closer, staring at him with piercing eyes. Bard tried to look away, but it was impossible. The king held the eye contact with him, staring at him, while his head moved ever more close. It was a very Thranduil-like thing to do, and in a world far away from Middle-Earth, people would make fun of him. 

"I ... am fine", Bard got out.


The king's head was now only a few inched away from Bard's.



Bard felt small pearls of sweat running down his spine, and the nervousness made his stomach hurt. His arm, however, he had almost forgotten. The king still stared at him, and he could see the perfectly formed eyebrows, his long eyelashes, the slightly pink cheeks, his l...

"No, you're right, I am not fine!", Bard suddenly burst out and in one movement sat up straight, pulled the king towards him and kissed him on the lips. Hard. 

I'm sorry for not publishing, that's the only thing I can say. 

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