And Action [jenvid.]

alwaysroschel tarafından

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"Jen?" "Hmm, yea sorry. Just looking through it again." "Nothing will change this okay?" - after receiving... Daha Fazla

One: The Table Read
Two: The Night Before
Three: Filming Part 1.
Four: Filming Part 2.
Five: Realizations
Six: Lunch
Seven: Olive Branches
Eight: Paparazzi, Playbills, and Dinner?
Nine: Waiting
Ten: Lobsters and 20 Dollars
Eleven: Love bubble
Twelve: Rumour Has It
13: Lies.
14: All I Want
15: Anywhere With You
16: Reality Check Part One.
17: Reality Check Part Two.
18: One Step Closer
19: Welcome To New York
20: The Moment He Knew
21: The Moment She Knew
22: This is Love
23: The Lucky One
25: Meant To Be
26: i have you (always)
tow the author's note

24: Interviews to make the news

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alwaysroschel tarafından

What many fail to believe is how the public misconstrues and try to pick, to obstruct and force themselves upon relationships. Relationships are after all between two people only. But suddenly the public believe otherwise because of the status of certain people. Jennifer and David fall into this category. Especially after revealing their engagement. With the revelation of Ross and Rachel in reality it caused more of a media storm than they expected. More so that they were advised by both management teams including Marta, David and Kevin to lay low. Including perhaps leaving Los Angeles or New York for a few weeks.

So here they say now, across from each other in first class waiting to land in none other than Cabo. Jennifer's go to vacation spot with her friends. The first "safe" place she thought of when they were asked. David followed in her footsteps only thinking of Europe as a destination when they both knew the media there would be equal if not worse than America. Jennifer's eyes wandered out of the airplane window, David's eyes looking at his fiancé.

"Hey." He said to catch her attention but it didn't work she seemed wrapped up in her thoughts. David leaned over to take her hand in his, intertwining them. That was when she looked towards him.

"Is everything okay honey?" Jennifer asked with concern.

"I think I should be asking you that." David laughed quietly. "You look too up in your thoughts."

"Oh no." Jennifer awkwardly laughed. "I just hate planes still." She confessed.

"Why didn't you say so?" David moved in his seat a little bit making enough room for her to sit next to him. "Come here babe." He motioned over and she sat next to him. His arms wrapping around her in a hug. "You're always safe with me, always." He whispered kissing the top of her head.

"I know, I can feel it." She sighed snuggling into him letting out a breathe she didn't know she was holding in. Soon enough both of their eyes closed.

"Mr. Schwimmer? Miss Aniston?" The flight attendants voice woke them up. "Sorry to wake you both, but the plane is about to land. Please sit in your respective seats and buckle up!" The attendant smiled and walked down the aisle.

"Did your arm fall asleep?" Jennifer joked getting up to go back to her seat.

"Nothing im not used to already." David joked back laughing. "Are you alright with landing?"

"I'm good, you're right in front of me." She smiled.

"Good, just keep your eyes on me." He told Jennifer to relax her.

"Bold of you to assume I look elsewhere Schwimmer." She smirked squeezing his knee as she buckled herself. David just winked in return as their plane descended down to Mexico. There safe space for the next week or so.

In the Los Angeles timing of media this is a story that isn't going away. When two of the biggest celebrities get engaged the media will think of every single possibility to twist the headlines, or extravagant them into something larger than life. When David and Jennifer took off to Mexico through the advice of everyone that left the headlines to ask their loved ones regarding the recent news. Albeit that the couple did not put that burden on their loved ones to clean up a mess that has been left. Specifically the cast members felt that they wanted to, to help them; to protect them.

"Did you read this? Schwimmer and Aniston engaged and leaving the show!" Matthew read a tabloid magazine.

"Oh I can one up you with this one. Schwimmer caught cheating on fiancé Jennifer with this exclusive photo. Isn't this your sister leaving the celebration dinner we had for them Lisa?" Courteney showed everyone.

"Now this is getting ridiculous guys." Matt spoke up. The four of them gathered at Lisa's house this time. Previously it had been at Courteney's however the paparazzi caught that. "We need to stop buying these, all we can do is decline their reach out for comments until Jen or David tell us we can speak. They're going to us because there's no one else to speak to right?"

"Agreed with LeBlanc. Let's just stay low too. Keep what we're doing. For our sanity and theirs." Lisa sat down next to Courteney. "After all they're in México we should also have our own fun here!"

"Alright fine." Courteney sighed heavily. "I just feel like we aren't doing any for them."

"What is there to do?" Lisa asked. "We support them. That's all we can do. After all we're happy for them that's all they need from us. And when we get the signal to protect them publicly that's when we can do something. Until then? Stop buying these." She held up the magazines.

There phones had been off for the majority of their stay in Mexico. Just the way that their managements had intended them to be. Nothing more than to relax and enjoy the engagement. As it should, just like they are normal people: just Jennifer and David. Being the regular occupant of the place for vacations, Jennifer was the one to show David what she normally does for fun or to keep herself busy. After numerous lounge days reading and just strolling hand in hand they made their way to the ocean. Paddle boards in hand and smiles on their faces. As if they had no other worries in the world besides wedding planning.

"Now I can see why you come here as often as you do." David said as the two of them are now standing and rowing on their separate boards. "It's calming. I'm surprised I haven't seen a camera in sight."

"It is calming isn't it?" Jennifer smiles at her fiancé. "Do you know when I started coming here?" She went from standing to just sitting on the board. The sun at it's peak; beaming down on the two of them. "I just had ended a relationship, and the first time paparazzi had truly followed me home. To the point that I was scared. I needed just even a small vacation, I mean it's no place of complete solitude but it's more calming than Hollywood. I felt like I was drowning at that point." Jennifer paused then turned around to see David now off his board but swimming towards her. "I'm happy to be here with you. Because you're my home; now this place feels more than just solitude it's filled with more than escapism." She smiles as David looks up at her. She then proceeds to bend down and give him a longing kiss. "I love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

David didn't say anything after that moment. He didn't need to, she knows that he loves her as much as she loves him. Before definitely earlier on in their relationship she was sure she would need that constant reassurance from him. It wasn't that he won't give it to her. Jennifer just knows she doesn't need it because he hasn't given her a reason to not trust him. They've built their own little solitude that she didn't need to go all the way to Mexico to find one. It was then she realized that all she needed is him and no matter what she will be at peace.

On their last official full day prior to being busy packing up their belongings to take back to Los Angeles; David had dinner set up on the beach. Similarly to emulate the night they told each other that they will give this a shot. Back when filming for the show was the only worry on their minds. A table and a lot of lights along with rose petals leading to it. Jennifer knew he was a romantic but she still manages to be surprised every time.

"You know the other day when you told me about how this place was your solitude? A form of escapism for you?" David opened up a deep conversation. Jennifer nodded. "I hated to think that you needed escapism from your own life."

"It was the early days honey, I'm used to it now. This whatever this is." Jennifer waved her fork around in the air. "I don't need it anymore. I don't need to escape from reality because in the end of it all we managed to build a life together; to continue building that life."

David took Jennifer's left hand in his. Brushing his thumb over the engagement ring on her ring finger. "You know when I proposed to you it was embedded with promises that is more than just spending the rest of our lives together. I will protect you, love you and treasure our relationship for however long it will be. In any other circumstances that doesn't make us famous in people's eyes I would've been shouting how in love with you I am. But doing that will come with more consequences than admiration from the public. I promise you that our lives together may not be perfect, but you can feel safe. You can always escape to me. You don't need to go on a plane or pack a bag. You can just come home." David gave her engagement ring a kiss. "That's all you need to do to feel every ounce of love and protection you used to seek from this place. Just come home. You will never forget for as long as I am here; that I love you. That I will let everything go in my life to protect you to show you that this is what I want. A life with you is more than enough than some show or movie or award show nomination. Just you and Norman—"

"And maybe a kid or two." Jennifer interjected which made David smile.

"Definitely mini Jennifer's around the house." Jennifer smiled. "That's all I need."

"That's all I ever need." Jennifer agreed.

"We can do anything together baby." David squeezed her hand.

As their plane wheels hit the ground Jennifer and David already braced themselves for the media storm that will be outside LAX. Surrounded by five body guards and big sunglasses the couple walked hand in hand passed the flashing lights to their car. David by extinct pulled Jennifer into him into a bear hug. She just sighed in comfort knowing that as bizarre their situation is at least he is the constant throughout the craziness. As their car ride felt longer than normal David asked their driver where they were being driven to.

"Warner Brothers studios Mr. Schwimmer." The driver replied. David had no idea why, but instead of waking up his fiancé to ask if she had any idea he instead powered on his phone to be alerted by numerous missed texts and phone calls. One thing he noticed in particular was that there were several talk shows that wanted the two of them together or just him. Another thing was how there have been several tabloids spreading fake rumours regarding their relationship more so than ever.

"How much longer?" He proceeded to ask.

"20 more minutes sir." The response was polite. Truthfully David has no idea how to approach this. Everything is all too new. When they had announced their relationship people had speculated for some time which meant that it wasn't a surprise to the public. However what changed from then to their engagement? Instead of allowing his thoughts to overconsume his mindset; David closed his eyes and allowed himself to gain 20 more minutes of rest before chaos began.

"Oprah." Jennifer said it before David could. "You want us to go on Oprah? Isn't that a little bit much?"

"Damage control needs to be done." Jennifer's manager stood next to David's. Both teams behind the two. "We thought that letting you two leave for Mexico would ease away the media prowess. Turns out it only fanned the flames."

"What that means is that... Well the media has been misconstruing so many things about your relationship. Right down to the start of it. People have so many opinions they've stooped as low as asking for your parents comments. And then your ex boyfriend Jennifer; he spoke about the two of you to Page 6. That only just caused more media attention." David's manager finished. "Listen, we aren't telling you both that this needs to happen in order for the media to go down. It is an option to take. Silence is also another option, let the media really see that the two of you love each other. We're trying to put together as many options as possible."

David looked at Jennifer who was looking right at him. "Can we get a minute?" He asked and everyone nodded causing the people to leave the couple be. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking... That it's your choice." Jennifer admitted. "Babe, I am fine keeping silent of course. But I agree with them, how long will they keep getting our lives mixed up? At least this turns the narrative to the truth even just for a moment. But it's your call. I'm yours regardless of an interview or not."

That's all it took for David to come to his conclusion for the both of them to film a special with the talk show host. His conditions were to give them minimum five days since they had just gotten back from Mexico. A few days to let themselves adjust to life that is passed beaches, alcohol and the two of them. Which landed them in the dressing room approximately five minutes before call time.

"I love you." Jennifer said looking into the mirror as David stood behind her.

"Forever baby." David replied.

"Forever baby." Jennifer smiled; David took her left hand and kissed her engagement ring.

Walking out hand in hand in essentially their first public appearance that isn't a red carpet was rather terrifying. But they stand as a unit, and they always have. Their biggest strength is being together. Even the audience can see it. Just being in their orbit, seeing their smiles and genuine love is something that the tabloids can never erase; no matter how hard they try.

"Well I can tell you right now that no one has had a reception by the audience like that before." Oprah began. "Welcome to the show you two, happy to have you."

"Thank you for asking us to be on." David replied for the pair.

As most interviews go it was general in the beginning. "So how did Ross and Rachel being David and Jennifer?"

"Not as scandalous as people have been making it out to be really." Jennifer made a half hazard joke which luckily got the reception she wanted. "We went from being best friends to developing feelings for each other. Of course the timeline never aligned for us properly until recently. Both of us were in relationships before and contrary to what has been allegedly revealed when we both became a couple we were both single. It's like what they say in the movies I guess." Jennifer replied. To which gained applause and a big smile from Oprah.

But as time went on during the interview they both knew the hard questions could no longer be avoided. "So you two are engaged."

"We are." David smiled putting his arm protectively over Jennifer.

"Can I ask what changed between the two of you to make that step? I mean as Jennifer had mentioned prior you two were in serious relationships in the past. Even right before the two of you started dating. What is it about one another that made you think that marriage is what is needed?"

"Marriage isn't needed to spend forever with someone that's right." David began and looked at Jennifer. "I didn't plan on getting married before Jennifer. Honestly, that is what I told girlfriends in the past. Marriage for me is real of course I saw a great example through my parents but I realized that the reason I never agreed on marriage is because I wanted a love like my parents. I never got that until I really looked at Jennifer. It wasn't because I was outwardly looking or denying girlfriends. I just genuinely believe that things changed when I had her. I wanted more than anything to protect her. I want to make sure she's healthy and cared for just like how she cares for others. Make sure she knows she's loved at every point. Marriage isn't needed for a relationship but I knew one look at Jen Aniston that this person would be in my life forever." David answered putting a light kiss to Jennifer's temple.

"I was the opposite. I wanted marriage, I want to build a family with someone. Not saying that you need a ring in order to do so but I want that unity between me and my partner that is more than just a house lease or children. It's hard to explain but when you find it; you'll just know." Jennifer spoke and threaded her fingers with David.

Celebrity couple Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer made headlines surrounding several accusations and rumours surrounding their relationship and engagement. However the two appeared on Oprah earlier this week in order to clarify that the media isn't all that it seems. From us here at People Magazine, we hope the couple all the best and if we can help in any way that we can please reach out to us. We will refrain from printing anything surrounding David and Jennifer during this time. Our apologies to the couple if we have printed stories that are accusatory and false. 

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