Live|Laugh|No Love

By 28Tommo_Styles28

1.2K 99 36

I dont want love, I dont need love, and Im damn sure not going to give love. There is no love in me. So I th... More

Chapter 15


45 3 0
By 28Tommo_Styles28


I didnt expect Harry to offer me a place to stay or give me the money he made a bit ago. I also dont get why it would matter what I do with my life, Its my decision if I want to fuck it up no one elses. I told him Id tell Timmy I was backing out but he insisted on him letting Timmy know. Ive already told him I dont let people tell me what to do. When you tell me not to do something its only going to make me want to do it more. All I want to know is why hes letting me crash at his place when hes nonstop tells me I dont fit in but now hes telling me how much I shouldnt ruin my life and his last sentence really caught me off guard. 

'Alone together' 

Harry gets out of the truck and goes to the front waiting for me. I hop out and walk to the front following behind him up to his house. He opens the door and moves aside letting me walk in. I walk in and look around seeing the big living room. The floor is a light wooden color and the ceiling is glass, a huge black couch going in a square, the walls are also black. Im pretty sure his favorite color is black. He has a really nice home from what Ive already seen. I didnt think it would be this clean either but its actually spotless. The smell of lemons and roses fill the air when I hear something puff out. Im guessing he has one of those things that go off every few minutes with stuff that smells good. 

"You thirsty?" I hear him say walking in a different room. I go in to the same direction and see its the kitchen. The walls are actually white, with white flooring, but theres  a small black bar with black stools under it and a purple light bar shining above it, a big skull picture hanging and theres a wide window going along the wall. 

"Yea Ill take some water." He gets bottled water out and tosses it to me. I take the cap off and take a few drinks wiping the top of my lip with the back of my hand.

"Come on Ill show you what room youll be staying in." I following him up a spiral set of black stairs getting to the top we go down a small hallway with back carpet all the way down it. I see black door on my right thats closed, not paying attention I collide into what feels like a wall in front of me. 

"Ow shit, sorry." I say backing up from Harrys back. He felt like a brick wall when I bumped into him. I see the dark red door to my left thats right across from the closed black door. 

"This is it." He opens the door and nods for me to go in. I raise my brows seeing how big the room is. Its way bigger than my old one. Theres a rock wall on one side, a black wall behind the bed and half of a black wall with a huge window. The bed is huge for one person, the comforter is of course black as well. The head board and foot board is leather. Theres an ottoman at the bottom with a small throw blanket on it. The floors are a light wooden brown and look really clean.

"You really like black dont you?" I say looking back at him.

"No its a hideous color choice." I lightly laugh and look back at the room. He shows me a few other rooms of the house. The bathroom is the one we go to after leaving my room. The bathroom is once again black but big. The shower is fucking huge, the head of the shower is a big square, little lights in the top, the walls of the shower look like square dark grey rocks, theres a shower head thats hanging on the side and a wooden little bench built in on one of the walls, the bottom of the shower is dark and light gray. He shows me the other bedroom that gets used sometimes by the other boys and then we go back down stairs to another room, theres no door on this one though, Its like a lounge/game room. Theres a pool table in the middle, different posters hanging, guitars hanging on the wall , a small bar with different liquor lined up on the shelves. The walls are black and there are different black shaped lights hanging over the pool table. He shows me the small down stairs bathroom. Its not as big and roomy as the one upstairs. The walls are grey with a white bathtub and a small white sink.

"You really have a nice set up."

"Ehh its livable, something I can call my own."

"Most people would say thank you." I say look at him.

"And Im not most people." He says walking out of the room.

"So Ive seen almost every room but umm...where is your room? Do you sleep on the couch?"

"No, my room is upstairs. Right across from your room. Its the door you were staring at when you bumped into me because you werent watching what you were doing."

"I shouldve guess that. Its the only black door in the house." 

"Ive got to go and handle a few things, theres food and shit in the kitchen, do whatever just dont go in my room." That only makes me want to do it even more but I wont because this isnt my house to go snooping in.

"Where are you going?"

"If I wanted you to know Id of told you yea?" He says wiping the sweat thats forming on his forehead. He goes upstairs and I hear his door shut. I go into the bathroom down stairs and get my phone out. Ive got to get ahold of Timmy before he does. 


"Hey its Louis."

"Louis mate whats up?"

"I uh its Harry, He dosent want me to help you."

"Ah is that right? are you trying to back out on me already?"

"No thats why Im calling, I told him I wouldnt help you but I lied, I need quick cash and this is the fastest way."

"How do you think thatll go over with Harry? He dosent like when people over run him."

"I dont give a shit, He cant tell me what to do."

"Glad to hear bud."

"Only thing is, hes letting me stay at his place and I cant mess it up, at least until I get enough saved up to buy my own could we some how keep it between us?"

"My lips are locked."

"Thanks Timmy." I hang up the phone and flush the toilet like I had really been using the bathroom. I walk out and sit on the couch. I turn the tv on and put my feet up resting my back on the couch. 


After I finish showing Louis around the house I feel the coke wearing off. My body is starts to shake and sweat starts seeping out of my skin. I need a quick fix. I tell him I have something to handle and when he tries asking me what Im doing it pisses me off. I tell him not to worry about it, If i wanted him to know Id tell him. I go up the stairs and into my room shutting the door, I go over to my desk and pull a small bag of the white powder out and line it up on the desk. I sniff it all up and rub the left over powder off with my finger rubbing it on the gums under my top lip.

thats better. I close my eyes letting my head hang down with my hands holding me up on my desk. Ive got to go talk to Timmy and tell him Louis isnt doing his shit for him, he has enough of us messed up fucks working for him already. I unlock my phone and dial Timmys number waiting for him to pick up.


"Hes not doing it."

"Whos not doing what?"

"Dont act fucking dumb Tim! Louis, He isnt doing this shit."

"Why are you calling me and not him?"

"That dosent matter, Im calling to let you know he isnt being apart in anything we do. Hes not cut out for it."

"And did he say that?"

"Im saying it. Its done and over with."

"I think you should let the boy decide himself."

"And I think you should shut the fuck up and listen to what the fuck Im telling you. Hes not doing it end of story."

"Fine alright just means youll have more deals to do."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and hang up the phone. 

Three days have gone by with Louis staying here. I cant even tell hes here half the time. He stays quite and out of the way. Usually hes always got something smart to say to me or he tries getting in my business but after that little arguement over him coming in my room when Niall told him to he hasnt talked much. Ive missed this whole week of school from having to run and do my deals, luckily I can get by with making up my work past the dead lines. Like I say gotta love black mail. There isnt a teacher at the shit hole school I go to that dosent buy from me and they all know if they try to fail me I release all the shit Ive got on video of them. Buying from a student I dont think would go over to well with the board.

Im sitting one side of the couch and Louis in on the other one. He has his legs crossed under him watching the tv. I dont think Ive been paying attention much to the tv, my eyes some how keep landing back on him. His fringe is laid down on his forehead and his tongue keeps poking out wetting his cherry color lips. I havent noticed how full his lips look until now, theyre really full and they look like a good set of lips to have arou-.

"Why are you staring at me?" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear him. 

"Im not staring at you?"

"You were definitely staring me." He says raising his brows, he takes a sip of the water he had sitting beside of him. His tongue pokes back out making my eyes follow it.

oh fuck me, Im attracted to him. This is bad, This is so fucking bad. 

"I wasnt, I was in one of those trans things, where you zone out." 

"Mmm right."

"I was!" a smile forms on my face. 

"I didnt know those zoning out things happen for fifteen minutes but hey everyone's different." He says raising his hands in defense. 

"Why have you been quite the past few days?" He looks away from me and back at the tv. 

"Ive, you know been busy with school work and studying."

"Studying for?"

"If youd go to school youd know. Theres a math test in a few days." I furrow my brows and look at him.

"No there isnt?" He looks at me.

"We have the same classes and we dont have a math test any time this week." He chews on his lip.

"Ive been needing time to myslf, been thinking about my mom and dad. Thats it."

"Now that I can believe." He nods once looking at the tv.

"Why do you even want to know?"

"Was just asking." Its silent for a few minutes between us.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I arch a brow looking at him again.

"No I dont."

"Why? are you not the relationship type guy, like having more than one?"

"Uh well yea, I dont do relationships."

"So you have more than one girl you mess around with." 

"Nope." He furrows his brows.

"Are you a virgin or some shit?" I laugh loudly shaking my head.

"I wouldnt fit no where near the definition of a virgin."

"Bull shit!" 

"Im not a virgin Louis."

"Then what the hell is the answer to my question?"

"Dick." I bluntly say. His brows raise. 

"Excuse me?"

"I like Dick." 

"Are you fucking with me?" He scrunches his face making me chuckle.

"Im not no." 

"Youre gay?" 

"Bingo!" I say watching him take in my answer.

"I never thought, wow ok."

"Now that thats out of the way... Do you want to order some pizza?"

"Youre not gay."


"Theres no way your flirt too much with girls, ther- youre not." I lick nod pushing myself up off the couch and walk in front of him.  I lean down even with his face to mine. He staring back at me. 

"You know when you asked me why I was staring at you?"

"I- uh yes?" I smirk looking from his eyes to his lips.

"I was thinking about your lips being wrapped my dick." His blue eyes are wide nearly about to pop out of the sockets. I stand up straight still smirking at him. 

"Now, do you like pepperoni on your pizza?"

"You want me to answer about pizza when you just told me you were thinking about my lips being around your dick! How do you even switch from a conversation like that?" I laugh out running my hand through my hair.

"Like I just did, if you could please tell me what you like on your pizza so I can place the order, that would be nice." I say pulling my phone from my pocket. He shakes his head half smiling.

"Yea I like pepperoni." I dial the number to the restaurant and put the phone to my ear.

"I need to place an order."

"Ok when youre ready!" The lady on the other line says.

"I need two pepper-" I feel my jogging pants and boxers get pulled down. I look down and see Louis licking his lips looking up at me. My brows are raised way up and my mouth is slightly parted. 


"Im sorry , I need two pepperoni pi- holy shit!" I feel his wet warm lips open a little on the tip of my dick. 

"Sir are you going to place an order?" I end the call and toss my phone on the couch.

"Louis what the fu- oh fuck." He takes the head of me in his mouth and his hand wraps around me pumping slowly. Im hard within second, I dont think Ive ever been this hard, I can feel the blood rushing to the tip and the veins are bulging more than usual. He sinks his mouth further onto me making my head fall back. 

"I knew your mouth was going to be fuckable." I look back down at him, Hes bobing his head looking up at me.

"Fuck, dont look at me when youre like this. Youll make me cum too fast." He goes faster the more I talk which sends a shock through me. Fuck he looks amazing like this. 

"You like sucking dick? is that what else that sassy little mouth of yours does best?" He moans sending a vibration on my dick making my legs shake, I can feel my build up close. 

"Fuck Louis Im so close, what do you want me to do?" I ask him not knowing if he swallows. He brings his lips off of me with a pop making me groan from the loss of his mouth.

"I want you to cum in my mouth." He says pumping me fast. He dips his head back down working on my tip going at the same rhythm as his hand. My hand finds its way to his head and pushs down a little. I can feel the build up right at the tip. His tongue starts swirling around making me moan loudly and my legs shake. 

"Shit Im cumming." I fist his hair and shoot my load watching him swallow every drip of me. He pops off of me and licks his lips looking at me. 

"What the hell!" I lightly laugh asking him, not sure what the hell made him do that. 

"You wanted to know what they felt like so I figured Id show you." he shrugs standing up smiling, 

"They felt pretty fucking great." I see sweat coating his forehead and his hands are a little shaky when he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Yea Im just hot, Im going to go up stairs and take a shower and get this spit off my face." I watch him turn around and start walking towards the stairs.

"And by the way this sassy mouth dont suck dick, so you should feel lucky." He winks turning back around and going up the stairs. 

Louis bedroom

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