Darkness, Darkness

By Elysian_2023

670 40 6

(Obi-Wan Kenobi x OC) Darkness darkness Hide my yearning For the things that cannot be Keep my mind from cons... More

˜"*Β°β€’.˜"*Β°β€’ Cast β€’Β°*"˜.β€’Β°*"˜
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 𝟜

56 3 0
By Elysian_2023

Chapter 4 - A Second Padawan

"In the coolness of your shadow"


    "I request that I train Princess Aurelia, Master Windu." Obi-Wan Kenobi suggested before the Jedi Council. "I understand that to train more than one padawan at once is against the Jedi Code, but I have seen firsthand what kind of power she wields and I know what happens in the Force when her power fluctuates."

    The Council members gave each other glances in thought, wondering what their judgment should be. "I'm not sure." Mace Windu mumbled, deep in thought as his hand held his chin. "I understand you have been with her every day since the rescue?"

    "Yes. She is still too foreign to everything and everyone here. Different species and races of people scare her, especially the medical droids. It's a lot for her to take in. Coming from a world that is so separate from the Republic and isolated to only themselves, she is overwhelmed by everything. She's only confided in me and Anakin when we visit her in the hospital." He explained, trying to get his point across. It had been exactly a week since they had arrived on Coruscant from their risky rescue mission. Although Aurelia had seen Yoda that once, and had taken comfort in his strange way of speaking and his wise words, she still didn't trust anyone but Obi-Wan and Anakin. She had told him that.

    "I don't want to see another one of those...those...machines!" She shouted, throwing a pillow at the door as a medical droid exited just in time. Obi-Wan and Anakin were at her bedside, looking upon her with sorrowful eyes as they saw her fear and confusion lacing her expression. "They're too frightening! They look like World War I soldiers with gas masks."

    "World War I?" Anakin began to ask but was quickly cut off by his Master's hand gesture.

    Obi-Wan grabbed her hand and cupped it between his own. "It's all right, Aurelia. We'll just have nurses and doctors come in then. But droids are a part of our lives out in the grand galaxy." He exaggerated with his hands. "They help us with chores and even function as extra calculable situations. They are talking computers, if you may."

    Obi-Wan's soft tone and small gestures eased her mind and body, bringing her eyes to a sweet dilation. "Do they all look like that?" She asked.

    Anakin snickered at that, which caught her confused attention. "No. They don't." He answered, minding a softer tone. "They come in all shapes and sizes. I built one myself when I was younger. I was a bit of a tinker." His giggle brought a smile to her face.


    "Yeah. He was a protocol droid, fluent in over six million forms of communication." Anakin told her.

    The awe prominent on her face almost about melted Obi-Wan's heart. "Six million?! That many?!"

    He nodded in return. "Yep. Although, he's still on Tatooine with my mother."

    "Your mother? She's not on this planet with you?" Aurelia inquired of him.

    Anakin's smile faded, hesitant to answer a hard question. It may have not been a hard question to answer, but it was difficult for him to remember that he had left his mother still a slave on Tatooine. All alone with only his tinker toys to remind her of him. Obi-Wan noticed Anakin's reaction, a pang of guilt and remorse filling his own heart. He wished he could've saved Anakin's mother from the desolate desert planet, but at the time there was no way to make it possible. He only hoped that someday they would be able to return to Tatooine and complete what they had promised.

    "She could not follow me when I was recruited to become a Jedi. It's a bit of a long story." Anakin sighed with a wavering smile.

    Aurelia took grasp of her mind, observing his reactions. She immediately pulled away from the subject and apologized. "I'm so sorry for prying. I didn't mean to touch on such a sensitive subject."

    "No, no, no. You're fine. No need to worry." Anakin defended. "But hey, you're becoming more aware. That's a plus."

    "Yeah! You're right. I guess I'm slowly becoming more of myself." She beamed. "Thank you both for saving me. Your visits are the highlights of my day. I trust no one but you two."

    "Are you proposing that you want to make her a Jedi?" Master Windu inquired.

    Obi-Wan shook his head slightly. "No. Not yet at least. I will leave that decision up to her if she wishes to. Currently, she has no knowledge of anything about the galaxy's wide history. All I want is to train her to control her power. Control will be the essence to pointing her down the right path."

    The Council turned to discuss further. Mace Windu, the spokesperson of the Council, nodded to the others and returned his attention to the Jedi Knight before them. "We will grant you this opportunity. We have noticed the open connection the Princess has with you and your padawan and we believe this arrangement will be the best for both her health and the benefit of the Jedi's knowledge of her power. We trust that you will teach her to the best of your ability." The excitement that bubbled inside Obi-Wan's chest was overwhelming. It took almost everything in him to remain his serious expression while still in the Council's presence. "However, there is one condition." He was pulled out of his thoughts to listen to their request. "Teach her everything you know. Teach her about the Republic, the situation with the Separatists, as well as the history of the galaxy. She's been drawn out of her isolated world, now she must learn of this one."

    Obi-Wan nodded to them and was dismissed. The moment he exited the room, he breathed out his excitement, a smile spreading across his face. Anakin almost pounced on him, asking him millions of questions.

    "What happened?" He finally asked.

    "We got her. She'll be training under me." Anakin smiled wide. He slowly turned around and burst into jumping and cheering. However, Obi-Wan quickly grabbed him and steadied his excitement. "Though this is a win, you still need to pitch in at least a little. I want your help when explaining things to her. You both are very powerful in the Force, which means you'll be the perfect teacher when connecting her to feel. You must remember that she comes from a background of no knowledge of our life throughout the galaxy. So we'll be starting from scratch, almost explaining everything to a child. You understand this, correct?" He clarified.

    Anakin nodded excitedly. "Yes, Master."

    "Great. Let's go tell the Princess the good news."


    "So, what does all of this mean?" Aurelia asked, sitting up in the hospital bed with her legs tucked underneath her.

    Obi-Wan answered her, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Well, it means that you'll be under my tutelage, you'll get to learn more about the galaxy, and you'll get your own room in the Jedi dormitories."

    Immediately, her face brightened. "My own room? With a comfy bed and a noiseless atmosphere?"

    Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes. Your own room."

    She squealed with glee and jumped into his embrace. "Thank you! Thank you!" Then she grabbed Anakin and squeezed him tighter. "This is more than I could've ever asked." Her cheeks pinched with joy; her smile brighter than a million stars. Obi-Wan felt that strange emotion again, at that moment. That same emotion he had when he saved her in the other hospital room. That fluttery feeling that made his stomach jump and do flips. The feeling that brought a smile to his face and a sparkle to his ocean eyes. His heart warmed to her happiness.

    "There are a couple of conditions, however." He told her, standing to grab the bag he had brought in with him and Anakin. Aurelia tilted her head to the side in question, her smile still prominent. "You will have to learn about the galaxy and its history, as well as the history of the Jedi and Sith. The Jedi Council said that it would be the best for your knowledge."

    "Of course! I've actually begun to read a little." She said, grabbing a glowing tablet from her bedside table. "I'm thankful that it has so many translations, including English, but it's a bit strange reading from a tablet instead of a physical book with paper pages and whatnot. But this book has peaked my interests even more."

    She handed Anakin the tablet for him to look over. He recognized it. "Oh! It's the history of the Jedi Council. You've got quite the pick. I would've read one of those realistic fiction stories about the galaxy's history though. I like a story with reality." Anakin confessed.

    "So do I." Aurelia nodded as she watched Anakin hand the tablet to Obi-Wan. "Back on Earth, we had all types of books and movies like that. One of my favorites was the 1997 movie Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio. One of the best movies and one of the best soundtracks." She giggled, but soon her laughter faded to only a small smile. She remembered what it was like to go down to the village with one of her closest friends and watch a movie in the movie theater, all the while remaining undercover. It was the excitement she had when it was only her in charge of everything. Princess Aurelia, the royal heir who gave to the poor and humbled herself before others. She remembered that. Her title, her reputation, and the exciting risks she made just to act like a normal human being. But those days are long over now. She was a long way from home and had the existing thought that the Separatists, or that man who calls himself Count Dooku, was after her. All for a power she never knew existed until now.

    Obi-Wan noticed her small silence. He observed her face, how her smile faded to a longing grin. How her eyes dimmed just slightly as her mind traveled to a place that he didn't know. She still missed her home, and he knew it. He wished in all of his soul that he could bring her back to Earth and reunite her with her people - if there were any left. All he could do was gently grab her hand and give her the softest smile he had.

    She looked up at him, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes, which she had found most fascinating. A flush of red appeared on her cheeks as she gave him a content smile before standing off to the side, her white hospital gown hanging loosely off her body. Obi-Wan took one long look at the ragged thing, noticing how Aurelia fiddled with it, an expression of discomfort crossing her face. Then he turned to the bag he held, placing it on the bed.

    "We got you something for the introduction of your training." He pushed the bag toward her. "Here. Open it."

    Aurelia sat back down and took her time taking out the tissue paper until she got to the gift. Her smile widened as she lifted up the piece of clothing. "My very own Jedi robes!?" She gasped, hugging them.

    Obi-Wan nodded with a chuckle. "Yep. Try it on."

    Aurelia practically leapt into the bathroom where she immediately tossed off her annoying medical gown and put on the robes. It fit her perfectly. The cloth was soft and comfortable, giving her the warmth she desired. The back trailed down to her shins while the front stopped just above her knees. Her sleeves were long but loose, allowing her air and movement. She slipped on pants and the boots that accompanied it, making sure everything was on and snug. When she looked in the mirror, she almost couldn't recognize herself. Her face was the only thing that spoke her name. Her freckles were still present on her nose and cheeks, and her hair was still a curly red. But she didn't look anything like the Princess of Sleadia. She was simple, not at all grand and luxurious. And somehow, it brought a smile to her face.

    She exited the bathroom with a twirl and a giggle. Obi-Wan and Anakin were almost caught off-guard with how perfectly it suited her. And her smile matched it all.

    "Wow. You look lovely." Obi-Wan smiled at her. She turned to him and embraced him with a proud expression.

    "Thank you." She mumbled through her muffled mouth.

    "Of course."


    Obi-Wan and Anakin helped her pack up the little she had in the hospital and escorted her to the Jedi dormitories. Doors went on for the entire hall they walked. Anakin described his childhood memories within these dorms and the most recent activity on his side. His rebellious childhood stories made Aurelia laugh, reminding her all too much of her own childhood friends back on Earth. How they would prank her guards with silly string and water when they passed through a doorway. Or when they would prank the Prime Minister by moving his desk into the other room before he came into work or putting his office supplies in jello. Those were some of her most rebellious moments, yet some of the best moments she'd ever had. Their laughter rang in her ears evermore as she was reminded once again of her situation. Of the unknowns that lingered around a corner.

    But all of that washed away when they arrived in front of the final door. Her door. Obi-Wan opened it for her, allowing her to explore her new home. It was a large room with one double bed to one side against the windows that overlooked the city below. A small desk space was positioned in one corner while a closet was built into the other. The room was definitely more modern than Aurelia could've imagined, but it was a nice space nonetheless. And she didn't complain. On the contrary, she praised it.

    Proud of their work, Anakin and Obi-Wan nodded to each other with smiles stretched across their faces. With one big group hug, the three of them embraced with laughter. That was the start of it all. The spark of friendship and love that created an unbreakable bond between them. A bond that would last for many years.

    But it wasn't just the start of a bond, it was the start of a long journey. A journey that Aurelia would have to take. She'd have to go about it herself, but she wasn't alone. For no one is ever alone, even on a journey that seems long and hard and even hopeless. Because there is always hope, even in the darkest of places. But that fact would be something that Aurelia would have to come face-to-face with. For now, she was unaware of this journey and only focused on the here-and-now within the arms of the two she trusted. The two that rescued her then gave her a life and a purpose in a strange world she never knew. That was all she cared about and all she needed to care about.

    And now, her journey begins...


A/N : Chapter 4 is done!! Yay!! Next chapter we will dive into Aurelia's training and possibly something more 😏. Haha. You'll just have to wait and see! I love you all! ❤️


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