
By Avax9193

7.6K 399 851

~The story is set in 1970s~ She had one silly nightmare. But it wasn't just any type of nightmare. It was a s... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 12

159 6 15
By Avax9193

Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it


"Samantha" Elizabeth whispered into the telephone.
"Yes mother?"
"You need to come here to work as well"
"Why's that?"
"Hannah is suspicious of me so is the king's uncle. In case they fire me, I need you to be here. Close to Louis"
"Come here. Beg the king to provide you a job. Also pretend you don't know me and use a fake name"
"Be here as soon as you can" she hung the phone and went back to bed pretending nothing has happened.


King Horan arrived at the mansion at midnight as expected. He went to their room and took his coat out. He saw Hannah laying on bed fast asleep. While changing his clothes his eyes were fixed on her. Not once he moved his gaze to somewhere else. Once he was in his pajamas he laid down. He gently wrapped his arms around her and placed a small kiss on side of her head and closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

Morning arrived and King Horan was in his office.
"Your majesty" Liam entered bowing. King nodded.
"There is a young girl waiting for your permission to enter and have a word with you"
"Send her in"
"Yes sir" he bowed.
Two seconds later Samantha entered and courtesied.

"I'm busy. Tell me what you need" King ordered.
"Your majesty. I am an older sister to two young boys. Our parents have deceased and we have no source of income. I was hoping our king would help us and prevent us from starving by providing me a job in here."

"What happens to your younger brothers?"
"They're staying with my aunt but she can't work. She just provided her home for us"
"Liam call the Queen"
"Yes your majesty" he bowed and walked out of the office.
He went toward Niall and Hannah's room and knocked.
"Come in" she said softly.
Liam entered and bowed.

"The king wants you to meet him at his office."
She got up and took a step but Liam stopped her.
"You may need that" he pointed at the crown sitting on the stand next to the dresser.

She sighed and walked to that direction. She placed the round object on her head. They walked toward the king's office in silence.

"He didn't leave did he?" Liam whisper asked.
"no he did not" she said trying to erase the emotional conversation they had last night from her mind.
"What happens now?"
"Nothing. I no longer worry about him"
"Oh yeah?"

She stopped walking facing him.
"You said it yourself. I shall not think or worry about any man except my husband" she said coldly and walked toward the office. Liam nodded and followed her.

They knocked.
"Enter" King's deep voice said.
Hannah entered and courtesied. Niall smiled and motioned her to join him by his desk.
She took a few strides and stood next to him.

"Last time you didn't like your lady-in-waiting. This time I want your opinion on her. Would she be a good lady-in-waiting?" he asked.
She moved her gaze and sat on Samantha. "Is lady-in-waiting necessary?" she asked innocently. He chuckled lightly.
"Yes darling it's necessary. You'll get used to it eventually. Now is she a good option?" he asked again.

"What's your name?" Hannah asked her.
"I'm Lisa" Samantha replied.
"She can be my lady-in-waiting" Hannah nodded approvingly.
"You heard the queen Liam. Make her ready"
"yes your majesty" he bowed.
"Thank you so much" Samantha bowed as well. Liam took her out to make her ready.

The door opened and Josephine entered. She courtesied and her eyes landed on Hannah. She felt more betrayed seeing the crown on her head.
Niall's mood changed and he became tense. As usual Hannah moved her gaze to the ground.

"What is it Josephine?" Niall asked emotionless.
"I need to have a word with my husband privately." she said.
"Can I be dismissed?" Hannah asked.
"Yes you can be dismissed Hannah" Niall said. Hannah courtesied and left.

"What word do you have?" Niall asked coldly.
"You are so cold toward me. Why?"
He let out a heavy sigh but stayed silent.
"Why did you marry her? Was one wife not enough?"
He closed his eyes and leaned back on his seat.
"Niall darling" she walked closer.
"Don't call me that" he said with his eyes closed.
"Niall I'm your wife"

"Why did you come back from Paris?" he asked opening his eyes looking at her.
Her mouth gaped open.
"I came to see you after two years. Why aren't you happy to see your wife?" she leaned close but he turned his face to the side.

"Niall" she said with a broken heart.
He took his pen and began doing his paper work.
"I'm busy Josephine"
"Tonight come to my room" she said but he wasn't listening.
"I came in this castle first Niall" she snatched the pen out of his hand and threw it to the other side.

"I am your first wife. Not her. Me. You should spend more time with Me. I should be the queen because I am your first wife Niall. Me. I should get to kiss you because I am your first wife" she leaned closer and raise her hand to cup Niall's cheek but he caught her wrist mid air causing her to stop.

"Listen carefully" he said in a low tone.
"You and I" he whispered. Her breath quickened.
"Are only married on papers" he said and let go of her wrist harshly.
"Now leave. I'm busy" he said coldly while focusing on the papers.
Her breath quickened even more. She bowed quickly and left the office. She rushed to her room and slid down crying hard.

Elizabeth was dusting the windows that Calum reached her.
"I finally figured where I know you from" he said once he was next to her.
"Pardon me?" she asked acting innocent.
"You are the witch from down side of the town. What are you doing here?"
"I don't know what you are talking about sir"
"Quit acting" he snapped at her.
"Alright you are correct. I used to be a witch. But I don't want to be anymore. I want to be a normal person. That's why I am working here"

"And you expect me to believe that?"
"Has anything happen unexpectedly so far?"
He began thinking.
"Fine, but if you do something you'll get fired."
"I won't do anything sir"
"Good" he walked away.

"You" Josephine called Elizabeth.
"Yes mam?" she bowed.
"You're a witch?"
"I heard you talking to Calum Horan."
"I am trying not to be"
"Well try later. Come to my room" she ordered and Elizabeth followed her.

"I have a proposal for you" Josephine said once they entered her room.
"A proposal?"
"Do you want more money?"
"Yes mam"
"Then put a spell on the king so he hates Hannah"
"Mam I can't put a spell on a person. I just can provide the environment and sense some stuff"
"Then do something she gets banned from this castle"
"I will try my best mam"
"Good. Now go"
She bowed and left.

"I tried my best for her to come here and you want me to ban her? Sit and wait for me to ban her from the castle" Elizabeth muttered under her breath laughing slightly and walking away.

Night time arrived. Both Niall and Hannah were laying on bed facing the ceiling.
"You should've told me about her" she said calmly.
He sighed heavily.
"Why didn't you divorce her if you didn't like her?"
"My father's business" he replied.

She didn't continue.
"Hannah she really means nothing to me"
"She's still your wife. You can't ignore her completely."
This time he remained silent.
"You're committed to her" she reminded.
"I wish I wasn't" he mumbled.

He then faced her. She could sense his stare.
"I wish I met you sooner" he whispered.
She swallowed.
"You make living worth it. You make me being the king worth it. You make fighting worth it. You make everything worth it. You are the reason that" he took her hand and placed it on his chest. "my heart beats" he said softly.

"Your character. Your personality. Your beauty. You. You Hannah. You are the reason that I am breathing right now" he whispered. She slowly turned her face around and faced him not sure how to response.
He smiled warmly and removed pieces of her hair from her face. He then leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She closed her eyes swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Finding you is the best thing that has happened to me" he whispered.
She slowly opened her eyes. He smiled gently and kissed her one more time.
Guilty. She was feeling guilty.

Elizabeth was not enough now Samantha has entered the castle😒

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