The Best Defense: A Sports Ro...

By brillbeans

2.7K 9 4

I don't want a girlfriend, I don't even want a girl as a friend. At the peak of my game the last thing I shou... More



429 2 1
By brillbeans

I'm pacing by the front door waiting for all my roommates to finish their glam session. 

I don't understand why they need to put this much effort into their image when we are just going to be sat in uncomfortable blue vinyl seats for two hours, not like the team will even notice them. They haven't up until now. Well, minus one of them, so I doubt the gold glitter eyeliner is going to make a difference tonight. 

I refuse to admit to any of the girls that our free seats are because I am the daughter of the coach. My dad doesn't advertise it, and I certainly won't. Not because we don't have a good relationship or anything, but because my sister banked on the title and slept her way through the roster when she was in college. So, by the time I was applying for college and got accepted by UBC I decided it would keep me off the hockey teams radar. It's worked out so far. I'm in my third year and as you could guess no hockey players in my life. I don't need to complicate my dad's life, my sister did that enough.

I almost fucked up last night and told Devon my last name, but I shut my mouth before I could slip up. It wouldn't matter too much, my last name is hyphenated and I use my moms last name online. Even if he did want to look me up there's not much to find.

I never told the girls that either, they'd claw my eyes out if they found out I spent time alone with Devon Taylor and didn't make a move. Not like I even wanted to anyways.

Okay, maybe. He seems to have finally left me alone. I find myself hoping he just found a new girl to torture. Which sends a resounding wave of guilt through me for even having that thought. It's been a few weeks since he got drunk and decided me looking in the direction of another male was reason enough to give me a few kicks to the side, which resulted in a massive bruise. A bruise I have successfully hidden for so long. That is until Devon fricken Taylor happened to see it. He didn't seem to buy my story either but he also didn't push the matter, thank God. Not a conversation I want to have with a stranger.

After what felt like hours but in reality was about twenty minutes later the girls spill down the stairs. The five of us live in this house, I don't even know how the hell we ended up with such a cluster fuck of a group but here we are.

There's Rachelle, she's tall, like model tall with the looks to match. She's sweet as honey though. Crystal, she's always rocking pink and purple hair with dark makeup. She's not sweet, but she is the type of friend everyone needs, ready to fight no matter what. Jess, who has white blonde hair that is grown down to her ass, it's also what happens to make up most of her personality. Well, okay that's rude. However, all she ever talks about is her hair care and skin care, which she's very good at but it's annoying to listen to after awhile.

Lastly, there's Jennifer. Jennifer and I don't get along but we are civil. She's beautiful but the type of beautiful that comes off cold and sharp. She wasn't pleased when he dated me, and hind sight being twenty twenty, part of me wishes he saw her first that night. Lord knows she's prettier than me. Okay no, that's also a lie. I would never want anyone to be on his radar. 

Which leaves me. I always feel a little self conscious when it comes to all of us together. Ever since him I have lost the spark for life that they all still have. Crystal has noticed it the most and has spent way to many hours trying to get me to tell her what the hell is wrong with me. But like how do you tell someone you have spent the last year hiding abuse from them. I'm embarrassed enough as it is, I don't need her to give me shit over things I struggle enough with.

We all file into my SUV and make our way to the arena that is already swarming with hockey fans. This is Canada after all, how embarrassing would it be if our hockey team didn't have fans? Thankfully, we get to skip the line.

"So are you ever going to tell me how you managed to get VIP season passes for all of us?" Crystal says as she slips a lanyard that hold her pass over her head. 

"I just know someone, who knows someone." I scrunch my nose up at her, teasing.

"You're secretly rich, I'm calling it." She reaches out to poke my nose, she's always been a touchy person but I learned to accept that about her. 

"Top secret."

We all make our way into the arena and move towards our assigned seats. They aren't front row and center and I asked for them to be that way. I want to be here for the game, I don't need my friends drawing attention by being right at the boards. 

"So, everyone's going to The Pit after the game. You guys in?" Rachelle looks up from her phone, she is the most popular out of all of us and always seems to have the line on what's going on.

"Fuck yeah." Crystal all but yells.
"For sure." Jess nods.
"You already know my answer, so don't bother asking." Jennifer adds.

"Till?" Rachelle looks at me, she pouts her lips, then adds puppy dog eyes. Asshole. She knows that makes me cave every time.

"Don't bother Rach, she never comes out anymore." Jennifer chirps. 

"Shut up Jen, don't be a dick." Crystal snaps back at her. Told you, the best type of friend.

Then to everyone's surprise I agree to go. "I'll come. It's been too long." 
I know part of me is only doing it because of the dig from Jennifer but honestly, it has been too long. When I was with him, we went out but he was always dragging us to some creepy house party with his teammates. Whom I hated. He didn't like me dancing at a club, he said it made me look like, and I quote 'a desperate slut'.

"Yay, this is going to be so much fun." Rachelle is all but bouncing in her seat.

We settle into our seats chatting as we watch both teams take the ice for their warm ups. It's always my favourite part, I get to watch the teams and see who's on their shit and who's going to be shit. The girls love it because well hockey players.

I can see my dad talking to Matt Smith the captain. I wish I could wave to him, I know he's seen me. Instead, I watch the team take shots at the net. Some good dangles, they look in good shape to play well tonight.

"Hey, is that Devon Taylor?" Jess points toward the player looking around at the seats above us. "Oh my God, it is. He's looking at us."

I move my gaze from the guys stretching to Jess whos waving at Devon. The girl met him once at a party, brought him home, banged him loudly I might add then never spoke to him again. Yet, she's waving and staring at him with eyes that say she wants to mount him right on the ice. 

I look at Devon, who is already staring at me with a cocky grin slapped across his full lips. He truly is hot, a sharp jaw, smooth almost sun-kissed looking skin, brown wavy hair, the most incredible brown eyes I have ever seen. Great, now I'm envisioning kissing him. I've spent way more time in the last twenty four hours then I'd like to admit thinking about locking lips with Devon Taylor. He smelled so good last night, remembering that musky scent makes my skin tighten. I know I was flirting with him and I might not have the best experience with men but I know when they're hitting on me, and Devon was definitely flirting back.

Which he's continuing to do now as he waves at me before heading back to the bench. My heart hammers against my chest. Shit shit shit. I didn't tell the girls about Devon last night, by the time I got home they were all in their rooms and I kind of wanted to just have that moment to myself. That moment has expired.

"Are you going to explain why Devon Taylor is waving at you, or is that top secret too?" Crystal has the most smug grin on her face, she loves a good bit of gossip and anything involving a hockey player is good gossip.

"Uh, I met him at the laundromat last night." I try to make it sound so unbelievably underwhelming so they don't press the topic, I was not successful. The questions were rapid fire, all three of them. I catch a word here or there but in general I have no idea what they are asking, I can only assume. So I go back to looking at the ice, both teams have gone to their locker rooms while the zamboni floods the ice.

"Spill." I don't have to look to know it was Crystal demanding a real explanation.

"There isn't anything to tell, I was doing laundry, he came in, we talked, the end." I don't bother to give details because I don't really feel like details of our brief run in should be shared like gossip.

"You talked." Jennifer draws out the words slowly, I don't miss her accusing tone. She doesn't believe me.

"Yeah, we talked." I grind out.

"Retract the claws bitches, only fighting allowed here is on the ice." Thank God for Crystal's interventions.

"What's he like? Is he as hot up close?" Rachel chimes in completely oblivious to the mood change.

"Yes, and he seemed nice. Nicer then I expected honestly." The lights dim and coloured spotlights dance along the ice, allowing me to abandon the conversation completely. Thank fuck.

The announcers voice booms across the arena as he annouces the starting line for the visiting team, the Timberwolves or some thing. I don't bother to pay attention, however the girls were as they all search through Instagram to cyber stalk. Jess like clockwork has announced she wants to marry at least one of them.

The announcers voice picks up some energy as he begins calling out our starting line up and when Devon's name is called I feel the featherlight tip of a butterfly wing flutter. No. No. I can't possibly be crushing this hard on a hockey player. I made a promise to myself. Dad never told me to stay away but I chose to for his sake. No drama for him not from me.

The game flies by and without even noticing it at first I find myself looking for Devon on the ice. I get excited when he jumps the boards and gets on the ice, and sad when he's sat on the bench. I shouldn't feel this way, I spent less than hour with the guy. I should not get this excited after minimal attention from a good looking guy, it's ridiculous. Yet here I am, giddy over a wave.

The game ends with the Thunderbirds winning 4-2. It was a good game, both teams really worked for it. It was the type of game that leaves you jacked up on adrenaline for awhile.

"Maybe we should wait around and see if Devon wants to see Till." Crystal nudges me with her elbow.

"Fat chance of that happening, let's go." As much as I want to ask him why he waved, I feel the sudden urge to run more. The coward that I am. The arena was full, so getting out to the parking lot was more of a chore than we expected. Which of course left just the right amount of time for a certain hockey player to shower and track me down.

"Tillie." I hear his deep voice and an involuntary shiver runs the length of my spine. "Tillie, wait up." Then as if I can't stop myself from listening to him I stop dead in my tracks and turn around.

"Just talked huh?" Jenn snides. She walks away, I really don't understand how the tension between us keeps growing. I'm not even with him anymore.

I feel a pinch on my side and see Crystal wink as she pulls a drooling Rachelle and scowling Jess away.

I wait for Devon to reach me. I was fully prepared to ask him what he deal is but once he's stood in front of me and all I can smell is his body wash I go stupid. My brain no longer functions, in fact my mouth has also gone lame.

"You came." He sounds surprised, which confuses me because I told him I go to every game.

I feel like a middle school girl right now, I shift my weight from side to side and struggle to make eye contact. Pull it together woman, he's just a guy. A hot guy. A hot guy that wants to talk to you.

My mouth won't move and that urge to run, yeah it's stronger now. Between his presence throwing me off kilter and the amount of people staring at me right now, I am extremely uncomfortable.

"So, are you going to The Pit tonight?" His voice is so deep, I want to hear it on repeat forever.

A nod is all I can muster up, it's truly pathetic. He seems pleased enough though as he smiles.

"Sweet, I'll uh, see you there? Maybe?" Is he nervous? Oh God, why does that make me feel more knotted up. This is insane.

"Yeah, maybe." Two fucking words, that's it. It's official, I'm the worst flirt on this planet. Thankfully the most awkward conversation in my life is cut short when someone else calls his name.

I take the escape window thats offered when he turns to whoever called him. It's the lamest thing to do but I might combust if I keep embarrassing myself talking to him. I slip through the crowd and damn near sprint towards the door.


I dont think I have ever encountered a girl like Tillie, who by the way has her socials locked up tighter than area 51. I found her gram account but was too much of a wimp to request a follow. I only found her from her roommate Jess' gram, she's hot and seems oddly familiar. I only tap on pictures with Tillie in them. 

I feel like a total creep with the amount of cyber stalking I have done.

She's the most effortlessly beautiful out of her friends but from how she stands in pictures with her friends you could tell she doesn't know that. It's bizarre to see someone like her have no confidence.

Even more bizarre is how she's acting tonight. I scanned the entire crowd during warm up before I finally spotted her. I don't know how I have never noticed her before, because fuck she's beautiful. One of the girls with her waved at me I think I have slept with her, but I was focused solely on Till. Who by the way, gave nothing back. We made eye contact, her cheeks went beet red then she looked at her friends.

Rejection is not something I deal with often, that sounds cocky but it's true. There's nothing girls around her love more than a sexy hockey player who's born and bred Canadian. It's like candy to a baby, they eat us up.

Then after the game I showered at warp speed hoping I could catch her leaving the arena. Which I did.

She seems uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. This girl does nothing but blow my ego to smithereens, but I want to know her.

She's going to The Pit, that's all I know because when I turned to see who yelled at me she bolted out of the lobby like a fucking track star.

I have a feeling she's going to have me keep chasing her, and if I'm being honest the thought excites me.

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