Shots Fired!

By freehugproductions

90.4K 1.6K 280

After catching her fiance cheating with his realtor partner, Aubrey Peters decides to sell everything and mov... More

Prologue: Shots Fired
Chapter One: Before
Chapter Two: Now
Chapter Three: Then
Chapter Four: Now
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten: During

1.8K 50 5
By freehugproductions



"Eddie! How's it going?" Buck is all smiles, eyes childish and alert. He holds his hand out, expectantly. But I can't shake it- there's this off feeling bubbling up inside of me- something about today feels wrong

"Ok, ok. Wow, um, rough night?" He notes, curling his fingers back into his palm. All I can do is stare at him as he slides into the seat next to me, pulling a deck of cards out of nowhere. "The guys and I have a little bet goin'," he continues, "want to buy in?"

I shouldn't be bothered, but I am. The grinding sensation clawing along the pit of my stomach won't go away. I've felt this way before, a few times now. But I don't know how to vocalize it without sounding crazy.

Something bad is going to happen. 


"It's kinda-" He catches himself before finishing, "It's like we're not getting any calls." He settles. "Weird, right? I know it's 'bad luck' to say it, so I won't, but it's given me a lot of time to practice poker with the guys. I think I'm getting pretty good."

He has to know I'm not listening, right? I'm radiating 'fuck off' vibes, but this guy is oblivious. He's either determined or stupid, or some weird cocktail of both.

I watch him clumsily shuffle the deck a few times, distributing the cards as if I agreed to play. He keeps the small talk going, a merciless one-sided conversation as I ready my phone. Waiting.

In a minute, I'm going to get a call.

I don't know who. 

I don't know why.

But it won't be good.

"Uh, Eddie. You have to actually look at them to play." His tone is sickeningly sweet and so unassuming. I can't take my eyes off my phone. I need it. I know I do.

"Leave him alone, kid." Nash's gruff voice pulls my attention for a split second. He strides into the kitchen and yanks open the fridge, fishing for something. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Buck falter. Just out of earshot, Hen hums along to Howie. Sweet and earnest.

Everything is so normal.

But all my attention is still on my damn phone.

Who is it going to be this time?

"You expecting someone?"

"Kid," Nash warns again, "find something else to-"

Bre's face and number flash across my screen. My body reacts before my mind, raising me abruptly to my feet as I fumble to answer. Heart hammering, heat retreating from my hands. A large, unwelcomed lump growing in the back of my throat.

"Hello?" Panic tickles my tone. "Mrs. Peters? Hello?" 

Buck snaps his head back in my direction. Nash stiffens. I zero in on the voice on the other line. The sniffling- her sniffling sends sick chills prickling across my skin.


"Mr. Diaz, hi!" She fakes enthusiasm between breaths. I can feel my mind starting to spiral. Anxiety like a poison to my blood. I want to throw up. "I don't know how to say this-" Then don't. My eyes instinctively seal shut, my body begging her not to say the words I'm dreading- the words I've prayed never to hear- "The school is under attack."

"Where's my son!" My heart drops and a flurry of emotions fight to dominate my expression. "Where are you?"

I'm screaming. Rage licks at my skin. I'm hot with heat and only mildly aware of the growing crowd as Bre struggles to assure me they're both safe. My feet carry me in circles around the room. Pacing frantically about as Buck and Nash exchange worried looks.

"It's Christopher's teacher." He whispers a little too loud. My ears are bright red, my breathing too erratic. I know I should be calm, but I'm not.

Time slows.

I don't know what hits me first. The sound of kids screaming for their lives, or the thundering of a massive explosion. 

I can't hold back my tears.

"Ms. Peters!" They flow freely down my face. "Hello?" I've trained my whole life for situations like this. I'm supposed to be calm. Reassuring. But my kid- "Talk to me!" It's a prayer. If I will her enough, she'll respond. "What's-" I choke out the word, I'm crumbling. Everything is on fire. The room warps.


I kissed him goodbye this morning. I let him out of the car, waved at him. Bre smiled at me, I didn't know- didn't know-

"Eddie-" Nash's voice is low and concerned. I can't look at him. I'm too focused on the chaos on the other end of the phone. The screams- the screams! 

The children... 

Underneath the shuffling, I can hear her. Directing with authority and certainty. All I can do is pray that's enough.

"Eddie, what's going on?"

I'm only vaguely aware of Buck at my side. I can't meet his gaze, all that matters is what's happening on the other end of this phone- the phone that he's prying and lifting away from me. I'm too weak to fight him.

"Nash..." the horror that escapes Buck's lips reflect the state of my unraveling mind. He hands my phone off to the captain and takes up residency next to me.

"They're just kids." Buck whispers latching his hand on my shoulder. He squeezes tight. "What the fuck is wrong with people?"

In a matter of seconds Howie and Hen are clued in. My brain can only grasp fragments of the conversation. Multiple phone calls are being made at once. Buck slips away, Hen on his heels.

"At the school." Howie barely finishes before turning to leave. I can see the pain on his face as he looks at me and shakes his head. "You've got to sit this one out."

It's a statement I already know, and I allow his voice to fade to white noise.

I feel drunk with sorrow.

I want so badly to be the hero my son expects me to be, but I'm utterly and completely useless.

Strangers I've risked my life for. People who I owed nothing to. And yet- and yet-

My own son? I've failed.

The siren echos around my head.

My body is lead. It melts into the seat.

Why can't I move?


Author's Notes:

Hi, friends! Sorry it's been a while. You may not have notice, but I decided to go back and redo the last chapter (it doesn't exist anymore). The reason for this is because so much time had passed between when I started this story and now that I was kind of unsure of where I was going. I went back and re-read what I had written and what you were commenting and decided to (for lack of better phrasing) give you what you wanted.

And I'm so glad I did!

From here on out, I'll be giving you the POVs of the other charcters as I try to figure out the original ending I was hoping for. I'll also be taking a poll soon of who you think Bre should end up with and what other pairings you want (if you want it).

Thank you for sticking around after I fell off the deepend. You guys seriously rock!

Peace, love, and happy endings,

Rachel of freehugproductions

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