The Job 2

By Nepenthe0000

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After a horrible accident takes place, Milo and the others have to try and make things right whilst also tryi... More

Part 10: My Beauty
Part 11: Crimson And Clover
Part 12: Untraviolence
Part 13: Cradles
Part 14: Game Of Survival
Part 15: Born To Die
Part 16: Trouble

Part 9: 99 Problems

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By Nepenthe0000

One second, it had only been one second. That's all the time it took for the life to be pulled from Ryan's body. A young person dying can be one of two very impacting things. One, it can be the most traumatising thing to ever happen to someone because the person that died was so young and they barely lived or two, it can be rather comforting in a strange way for the exact same reason. The person barely even lived which means they hadn't experienced as much and therefore never felt as though they missed out on anything. For Milo and Cassie it was a mix of both. They obviously felt bad and horrible for what had happened but they also sort of felt relieved it was Ryan that had died instead of someone less deserving. Not to say Ryan deserved to die but there are people that would have deserved it less than him. They were still in his bedroom, completely shocked and trying not to hyperventilate whilst the blood slowly ran down the wall and gradually spread out across the carpet. In any other situation this scene would have looked quite artistic. The contrast between the red and white, Ryan's gracefully posed body, the muscles looking defined and almost like they were carved from stone, and the generously placed duvet that was barely covering Ryan's manhood.

"Oh my god I'm going to be sick" said Cassie, turning away from Ryan and putting a hand on her stomach.

"What have I done?"Said Milo, almost a whisper and then instantly being pulled back to reality by what Cassie had said. Milo walked over and quickly put his hand over Cassie's mouth. "No, you can't be sick."

"Why?" Asked Cassie through Milo's hand, confused and still feeling ill.

"If you vomit everywhere your DNA will be all over this room" answered Milo, sounding serious.

"Milo, you can't serious think we're going to get away with this" said Cassie, removing Milo's hand. "We just killed someone. No, not even someone. We killed Ryan. It's not like we aren't unrelated to the victim. He's someone we go to college with and he's also someone everyone knows hates us."

"True but loads of people hate Ryan" replied Milo. "It's not our fault that we're the only ones that don't stand for his bullshit."

"First of all, we didn't stand for his bullshit. We're going to have to start speaking about him in past tense" said Cassie, gesturing over towards Ryan. "And second, he recently got you arrested and questioned by the police. If that isn't going to get seen as a motive I don't know what is."

"Fuck... I need time to think" replied Milo, pacing around the room and then returning to Cassie. "I know you think we're not going to get away with this but just think about it for a second. Ryan has always had everything he's ever wanted and yes, it's definitely terrible that he died. However, with what we've been doing we could finally get what we deserve. Are you really going to let Ryan take that away from you even after his death? I know that I'm not."

"Your reasoning is a little wonky but I think I get the picture" said Cassie, thinking about it and swallowing hard. "Alright fine, we can deal with this however you want to deal with it but we're not done with this conversation. He may have been an asshole but he didn't deserve this."

"Alright yes, okay" replied Milo, letting out a breathe of relief.

"So, what do you want to do?" Wondered Cassie, biting her lip.

"Well first we get the fuck out of here and then everything else we can figure out later" responded Milo.

"Okay" said Cassie, nodding and then opening the door so they could both leave. However, as they were walking down the corridor, they heard the sound of police sirens getting closer and people downstairs sounding panicked. "Shit, what's happening now?"

"The people left from the party must have called the police" replied Milo, grabbing one of Cassie's hands and pulling her back towards the bedroom. "We'll have to go this way."

"You've got to be kidding" said Cassie, seeing that Milo was pulling her towards the balcony.

"Shit... the gun" replied Milo, running back quickly and picking the gun up from the floor as Cassie opened the doors to the balcony.

"Are we really going to do this?" Asked Cassie, breathing heavier. "We're running from the police and debating whether to jump from the first floor of a house."

"Well if we're really going to try and figure this out probably I don't see any other choice" answered Milo, smiling comfortingly and then once again taking one of Cassie's hands.

They both let out one last breathe and then jumped. Not too far and not too high because they were aiming for some bushes below the balcony that looked like the softest option. A few branches broke, there was so stabs and cuts to their skin, and there was the occasional tumble out onto the grass but overall it went alright and they were both fine. Milo was the first up, ducking down just as quickly when he saw the police entering through the front door. He quickly helped Cassie to her feet and they proceeded to scurry across the garden, trying to be as stealthy as possible. Eventually they made it to the fence at the back of the property, almost giving up because of how high it seemed. They had come this far though and Milo was determined for them to succeed. So, mustering all the strength he had, Milo knelt down and then slowly lifted Cassie up and to the top of the fence. When she was comfortably perched, she reached down as far as she could so she could reach Milo's hands. Trying their hardest not to make too much noise, Cassie pulled and Milo climbed until they were sat opposite one another.

"You ready?" Asked Milo, raising his eyebrows and nodding in the direction of the other side of the fence.

"I guess so" answered Cassie, smiling nervously before they both swung their other legs over and then jumped again, not as far a distance as the balcony but still quite a way. "Do you even know how to get back from here?"

"Erm... maybe. That's not my main concern right now though" said Milo as they started running through the miles of forest behind Ryan's house. "My main concern is getting as far away from Ryan's house in as little amount of time as possible."

Intro song: Fidelio - Tom Hillock -

Neither Milo or Cassie had a car so they had just had to as fast as they could. It was very tiring and occasionally they both wondered if it was worth it. I mean, if they got arrested by the police at least they'd be getting a ride somewhere. They ran and they ran until eventually they came across a road. Acting as normal as possible, they both walked out from the the tree line and started walking down the street. There were people around but no one seemed to be paying them much attention because this was one of the areas between the poor and rich neighborhoods which mean Milo and Cassie could be from wherever. They turned a corner and that's when Milo spotted a bus stop. Luckily the bus arrived only about 5 minutes after they decided to stop there and since they had both gotten the bus to Ryan's house they both had tickets already. As soon as they sat down, Milo felt his phone going off.

"Who is it?" Wondered Cassie, feeling like everyone was watching them.

"It's Ani" responded Milo, reading the messages. "She's saying her dad had to leave because of an emergency."

"You don't think" said Cassie, looking at Milo and insinuating.

"I think it's most likely" replied Milo, sighing as the bus started moving.

When they next could, Milo and Cassie hoped off the first bus and then waited for another one. The second bus would take them to Ani's house. They thought it was a good idea to go there and explain what had happened, prepare her for the news about Ryan inevitably coming out. Milo texted Danny and told him to meet them there as well. It didn't take long to get there, only about 10 minutes. Danny had borrowed his dad's car which meant he was traveling faster, therefore he arrived at pretty much the exact same time as Milo and Cassie. Ani let them in and then led the way to her bedroom, trying to move as quickly as possible so as not to get asked too many questions by her mum.

"I'm so glad you guys were already out of there" said Ani, not having a lock for her door so just blocking it with a chair instead. "My dad got a call and then sped out the house. I barely had any time to try and stop him."

"Don't worry about it, we're pretty sure he got the call after we had just left" replied Cassie.

"Can someone please remind me what the plan was exactly" said Danny, looking at something on his phone.

"Why?" Asked Milo, raising an eyebrow.

"Because there's loads of police cars outside Ryan's house" answered Danny, showing everyone his phone screen. All his friends and people from the party were videoing police surrounding the house and asking people questions. "What did you guys do?"

"Danny... we're so sorry" said Cassie, tearing up slightly and causing Danny to look more worried.

"Guys, my dad is there" replied Ani, pointing to where her dad was climbing out of his police car and speaking to some officers. "This has to be serious if the police chief was called."

"What the fuck did you do?" Questioned Danny, raising his voice.

"We didn't mean for it to happen" responded Milo, moving his hands in a 'calm down' movement. "We were just doing what we said we were going to do, threatening him with the gun and making him leave us alone."

"Well apparently that's not the only thing you did" said Danny, violently gesturing towards his phone.

"The gun went off" replied Milo bluntly.

"What?" Said Ani, covering her mouth for a second. "I took the bullets out."

"There was still one in the chamber" replied Cassie, biting her lip.

"Crap... I always forget about that one" said Ani, closing her eyes and shaking her head slightly.

"Well maybe you shouldn't" replied Cassie, not meaning to sound rude be being a little stressed.

"Did you hit Ryan?" Wondered Ani, Danny listening closely but Milo didn't say anything.

"Oh god... is Ryan dead?" Added Danny, breathing heavier and putting his hands on his head.

"We're so sorry" responded Cassie, repeating what she said earlier.

"Oh my god... oh fuck" gasped Danny, turning around so he wasn't looking at them and putting his hands over his heart before crouching down into a little ball. "You killed my best friend."

"Danny, please liste-" said Milo, placing a comforting hand on Danny's shoulder but instantly getting interupted by Danny pushing it off and standing up.

"Don't touch me... just please, don't touch me" replied Danny, trying to calm his breathing. He then left Ani's bedroom and the house after saying "I need to be alone right now."

"Milo... you killed someone" said Ani, not entirely sure what else to say but hoping the tone she spoke in would get across how she felt and how he should feel about everything.

"Well I obviously didn't fucking mean to" replied Milo, sighing and rubbing his temples.

A week past and by that point everyone was back at college. The news that Ryan had died had spread like roots of a tree, forever growing and reaching as far out as possible. Ryan's family was rich, we've already established this. However, because of that it meant the news of his death wasn't just secluded to the town they all lived in. The news had traveled across the country to places they regularly visited or places they owned or to other people just as rich as them. None of them had seen or heard from Danny since he left Ani's house. Not for lack of trying though.

Ani reached out first because she didn't know what they should do. Sure herself and Danny hadn't actually been there when Ryan was killed but they had technically helped premeditate his death. Ani supplying the weapon and Danny helping the killer get in the house. Danny didn't reply, too busy dealing with Ryan's grieving parents and his own parents not letting him go anywhere on his own incase someone came for him as well. Milo tried next but it was obvious why Danny hadn't replied to him, still not full knowing how he felt about one of his possible new friends killing his old one. By the end of the week Danny didn't need to be involved as much because Ryan's parents were now talking to the police about what they should do and how they were going to catch the person that did this. That's when Cassie attempted contact and Danny actually replied. Well, she messaged him asking how he was doing and he replied with the simple answer 'we'll see'. Deep down Cassie was glad Danny had replied despite the small response but she didn't know whether it was because he possibly had a crush on her or because he had nothing better to do in that moment whilst sat on his bed in the dark. Either way, it was good to know he hadn't decided to kill himself or something.

During those days that passed, Milo and Cassie also explained every little detail to Ani because she wanted to know everything. She wanted to know what the specific circumstances had been to make the gun go off. She wanted to know whether Ryan died straightaway or if he suffered. She wanted to know what went through Milo and Cassie's heads when they decided to leave and not turn themselves in. They explained everything, hoping Ani would see where they were coming from when they told her their reason for leaving. She did, sort of. It was strange, something had definitely changed between all of them. They all liked one another still but now there was a small part inside all of them that kept telling them not to trust everyone else. Something was different in college as well, it was clear to see as soon as they all came back on the first day. People were crying, there was protest mainly conducted by Ryan's friends saying they were going to hunt down whoever did this, there were candle sat by flowers and pictures of Ryan outside the college building and inside as well, there was even a couple of news people interviewing students in the hopes to find out who Ryan was as a person. One of them even came up to Milo, Cassie and Ani but they quickly walked away after nothing interesting was said.

"Why are they all crying so much?" Wondered Ani as they all sat round a table and looked over at people crying and comforting one another.

"Fuck knows" responded Cassie, rolling her eyes subtly. "Ryan used to bully the shit out most of them."

"Really they should be thanking me then" said Milo, shrugging his shoulders and smiling. "I did them a service."

"That's kind of fucked" replied Danny as he walked up to them, speaking in a monotone voice.

"Danny, how have you been?" Said Ani, turning to face Danny and biting her lip.

"How do you think?" Replied Danny.

"Yeah, sorry... stupid question" said Ani,, mentally hitting herself.

"Are you lot not heading inside?" Questioned Danny, his face emotionless.

"Why? What's inside?" Countered Cassie, all of them glancing at the building.

"There putting on an assembly for Ryan" responded Danny. "In fact, maybe you shouldn't go. You might feel too guilty."

He was right. Milo, Ani and Cassie all followed Danny into college after that and headed for the lecture theatre. Danny didn't sit with them, obviously going to sit with his rich friends instead. Well, was there any point in differentiating between the two anymore. Might as well just say friends since it was unclear whether Danny still liked Milo and the others anymore. However he had decided to come up to them when he didn't have to. They all sat through the assembly, listening to people sob whilst teachers and fellow students said things about Ryan and a photo montage video played on the big roll down screen behind them. It was all very depressing and obviously didn't make anyone feel less like crap about what had happened. It was necessary though. Milo needed to feel guilty about what he'd done otherwise it didn't mean anything. If it had just been some random person that broke in and killed Ryan, they would have just forgotten about him immediately. However, since it was someone Ryan knew, his death meant more to the people involved.

The atmosphere around the college had changed. There was no more bullying because the bullies were mourning their friend. However, that might have also been because a couple students started a rumor saying there was a serial killer going around punishing anyone that was horrible to another student. Those couple students had quickly been expelled and then shortly after that another rumor started saying they had been killed by the supposed serial killer. Whatever the case, things were different and it was sort of off putting. Somethings apparently never changed thought because near to the end of the day someone came up to Milo and asked him for some tutoring. At first Milo was going to refuse for obvious reasons but then he had the sudden urge to do it.

I won't explain everything in too much detail because you already know everything that goes down in one of these situations. Milo goes over to the rich person's house, tutors them, keeps an eye out for any loose change, waits to be alone if possible, takes the money, and then gets paid before leaving and heading home. Cassie, Ani and Danny weren't involved in this little heist. Milo didn't know why he didn't tell them at first but he soon realised it was because he needed a little break from everything that was going on. He felt wild and free when he was stealing and currently he'd felt as though he was being trapped in a cage. Everyone constantly reminding him about what he had done. He remembered, he knew. Milo would remember what he did for the rest of his life and he'd probably never make up for it. However, like he had established in Ryan's bedroom after his death, he wasn't going to let it control the rest of his existence.

The next day at college, Milo met up with Cassie and Ani so he could give them the shares of the money he took. He didn't expect Danny to be there as well. One because he hadn't told him in the hopes he wouldn't get guilt tripped again, and two, he didn't expect Cassie of all people to message and tell him. Either way, they were all waiting behind the college building for Milo when he arrived with his bag already partly open. As you may have guessed they were all shocked and a little taken aback by how Milo was deciding to spend his time during these unprecedented times.

"Milo... what the fuck?" Questioned Cassie. "How you lost your mind?"

"Obviously not" responded Milo, rolling his eyes. "If I had lost my mind I would have taken a lot more."

"You piece of shit" said Danny bluntly, crossing his arms. "First you kill my best friend and then you pretty much forget you've done it. Moving on as if nothing has happened."

"Okay, seriously. I'm sick of the fucking guilt trips" replied Milo, sighing and putting the money back in his bag.

"Good... you should feel fucking guilty" said Danny viciously. "You should hate yourself for what happened."

"You don't think I do? Do you think I've been perfectly fine ever since I literally shot someone in the head? Because I fucking haven't" replied Milo, speaking just as harshly. "I can't sleep. I've tried but I fucking can't. The only time I actually get any rest is when I'm literally too tired to do anything else and I just pass the fuck out. I obviously regret what happened. I'd change it if I could but I fucking can't. And you know what, if it makes you feel any better, I do hate myself. I hate myself so much it's unbearable. So I don't need you to constantly remind me how much I should despise myself because I already fucking know."

"So if you care so much about what's going on why did you go tutor someone and then steal from them?" Asked Ani, raising an eyebrow.

"At first it was a distraction from my very quickly deteriorating mental state but then I realised something" answered Milo. "If we don't behave the exact same way we've been behaving this entire school year, what do you think is going to happen?... People are going to start thinking we're involved."

"We are involved" said Cassie.

"Obviously I knew that but we can't have people thinking that" replied Milo. "Everyone already knows Ryan didn't like us."

"He hated you actually" clarified Danny, thinking about it. "Straight up wanted you dead."

"Right... anyway" said Milo, glancing at Danny. "Some people are probably already keeping an eye on us and some were even getting slightly suspicious of Danny because he's been seen talking to us so much."

"I suppose he's right" replied Ani, biting her lip. "If we act like nothing has changed whilst but also pretend we're heart broken about Ryan, maybe everything will slowly go back to normal."

"Some of us are heartbroken about Ryan" said Danny, scowling.

"Right... sorry" replied Ani, instantly feeling bad. "You all know what I mean though."

"Yep" said everyone at the same time.

"This isn't going to go away though, not as simply as you're all assuming" said Danny, picking up his bag from where it had been sitting on the ground. "Ryan's parents aren't going to stop until they find out who did this and they have the resources to keep going forever. I don't doubt all the shit we've been doing will slowly start to catch up with us."

"I miss when Danny was a little depressed but also slightly optimistic" sighed Cassie after Danny had walked away.

"Yeah... me to" said Milo, deep down knowing what Danny had said was correct.

The following day, everyone was at college again. Milo, Cassie and Ani were all sat around the same table they keep sitting at outside the front of the college whilst Danny was sat with all his remaining friends on an exact same type of table not to far away. Slowly but surely everyone was starting to settle down after the assemblies and people getting questioned by police if they were at Ryan's halloween party. Obviously some people were still going a little crazy like Ryan's friends, the police, some parents, and obviously Ryan's parents. However most things had gone back to normal. Well, as normal as things were going to be from now on. Danny was minding his own business when one of his friends nudged him in the side.

"What do you think is up with them?" Asked the guy, gesturing over to Milo and the others. Instantly all of Danny's other friends started listening in.

"What do you mean?" Countered Danny, genuinely not seeming too interested.

"Like, why haven't they said anything about Ryan?" Clarified the guy.

"Why would they? They didn't really get along with one another" answered Danny. "But I suppose you're right, they could be more sympathetic."

"They're fucking weird man, Ryan always knew that" said the guy. "I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with his death."

"I hate to say it but they are smart enough to do something this fucked up" replied a girl who looked more terrible than most. Danny assumed it was because she was extra distraught since she regularly hooked up with Ryan.

Danny didn't say anything in response, just continueing to look over at Milo and the others whilst they minded their own business. However, Danny was pulled from his thoughts and everyone else from their conversations when two police cars sped down the road and pulled up in front of the college. Everyone instantly stood to attention, not really knowing how to react because they didn't know what was happening. Danny stayed seated, Milo and the others doing the same. Well, they had been doing the same until it was clear the police were heading in their direction. Cassie and Ani looked Milo who thought he knew what was coming. So trying to avoid any sort of struggle, Milo started to stand up and took a couple steps towards the officers. However, they walked straight past him. Milo turned and watched as the officers walked up to Cassie.

"Are you Cassandra White?" Asked an officer.

"Yes" answered Cassie, starting to sweat.

"Cassandra White you're under arrest for the murder of Ryan Clement" said the second officer as the first one started handcuffing Cassie. " Anything you say or do we'll and can be used against you in the court of law. Do you understand?"

"Yes" replied Cassie, breathing heavier and almost crying as she was led towards the police cars.

"Hey what are you doing?" Shouted Milo, walking after them with Ani not too far behind. "Why is she a suspect?"

"Milo stop or they'll arrest you as well for obstructing the law" said Ani, blocking Milo from walking any closer to the police car Cassie was put into.

"Cassie, don't say anything. We'll figure something out" shouted Milo as they watched a tear roll down Cassie's cheek and then as the two police cars sped off down the road until they were gone from view.

Milo and Ani just stood there, not entirely sure what to do. Danny still with his friends, definitely not looking as pleased as them. Soon enough everyone that had been watching outside the college carried with whatever they had been doing whether that be heading inside or hanging with friends, completely moving passed the fact that one of their fellow classmates had just been arrested for possibly killing another classmate. As Ani started grabbing their things in a slight panic, Milo spotted a black car out the corner of his eye. It had been there the entire time they had been outside but he hadn't payed too much attention to it till now. Noticing that the unidentifiable figures inside were looking straight at him and Ani. Then just as quickly as Milo had spotted the car, it was driving away in the same direction as the police cars and Cassie.


Credit song for this chapter: 99 Problems - Hugo -

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