It's Our Destiny - A Supernat...

By XtheduckwithnoluckX

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You were a normal girl... okay so maybe not so normal, but you tried your hardest. After your parents were b... More

Chapter One: Meeting The Winchesters
Chapter Two - Demons, Wicked Little Things
Chapter Three - Angels Exist?
Chapter Four - Done Hiding
Chapter Five - Sweet Nostalgia
Chapter Six - Getting Out Alive
Chapter Seven - The Guardian
Chapter Eight - The First Hunt
Chapter Nine - Hurt
Chapter Ten - The Recovery
Chapter Eleven - Your Reality
Chapter Twelve - Hide and Seek
Chapter Thirteen - The Torture Room
Chapter Fourteen - A Brother's Loyalty
Chapter Fifteen - Focus
Chapter Sixteen - Betrayal
Chapter Eighteen - Old Friends
Chapter Nineteen - A Means to an End
Chapter Twenty - Normal
Chapter Twenty-One: The Truth
Chapter Twenty-Two - You'll always have me

Chapter Seventeen - Running

1K 33 2
By XtheduckwithnoluckX

A/N: Hey guys, as you can probably tell by the image with this story, yes, this chapter, and probably a few to follow will feature a guest character. I thought about creating an OC for this section of the story but Bellamy's character seemed to fit so perfectly here (for many reasons that I can't disclose this early in the story). Of course, the cons are, unless my brain functions phenomenally over the next few days, and I find a way to tie it in, obviously the story line of The 100 will be non-existent here. For this reason I wasn't 100% sure whether tying this character into the story would be a good idea. However, I couldn't resist, so here it is. On the other hand, I'd love to hear your opinions. So please comment. Let me know whether you want to keep Bellamy Blake (of The 100) as an additional character or did you want an OC?

Quick side note, Bellamy will play an important part, but not featured as a love interest (unless a lot of you defy me, then I might just give you your way) ;)

#17 - Running

You slipped the khaki pack into your shoulders, checking behind you. Bobby was still passed out on the couch, an arm sling lazily over his eyes. Azrael had opted to take care of the ordeal that was keeping Cas and Gabriel occupied. The curly haired angel hadn't lied when he told you the sigil's on your ribs would hurt. It felt as if someone was carving their initials into your bones. You spared a single thought for the brothers. Would they look for you? Would they think that you deserted them? You brushed the ideas off as you set one boot covered foot out the door.

You adjusted your bag and let out a warm breath. You looked up at the moon that beat heavily down on your shoulders. You hadn't yet contemplated your next step, you would ponder that once you got there. You grasped tightly onto the straps of your bag, pressing one boot heavily into the ground as you began to sprint away.

The sun had begun to peak and you were already on the bus to nowhere. Of course it had a destination, though not one that you cared to note. You were heading for Ohio. Maybe you would move on from there, head further east. You sunk down into the seat, trying to blend in as Much as you could.

You rode to the end of the line. When the bus pulled up you climbed out of your seat and made your way to the exit. You stepped out of the door onto the cobbled pavement, glancing into the sun. You looked around for a moment, spotting a small cafe. You counted the change in your pocket before making your way over.

You sat at one of the small round tables, placing your bag in front of you and a blonde woman came up to you almost instantly.

"You ready to order?" you glanced up into a pair of dark green eyes, filled with boredom.

"I'm fine, thanks" you sighed. You'd needed change for the next bus, though it was two hours away.

"Look lady," the waitress sighed "If you don't order you can't sit here."

You didn't reply as you reached for your bag and began to climb to your feet.

"It's okay," an unfamiliar male voice cut in "She was waiting for me. I'll  get two mocha latte's. Extra cream."

The waitress sulked away with a roll of her eyes before you turned your attention to the man.

"Do you mind if I take a seat?" he questioned. His dark brown eyes fixed on you, waiting for an answer.

You didn't speak, instead you released your bag and sat back down.

He followed your example, "Don't talk much?"

You looked him over, "Who are you? And why did you do that?"

"You look like you've had a rough day" he shrugged.

" I didn't ask for your help" you turned away. You cringed at how cold your tone sounded to your own ears, but you couldn't help it. The pain and guilt of leaving the people who you had grown to love, to care for in such a short time. Skipping out before the Winchester's had even got back. It was all too fresh, like an open wound.

"You didn't have to," the stranger became distracted for a moment as that same moody waitress brought your drinks to the table.

"Thanks, keep the change," you watched as he handed her a bill between his fore and middle fingers.

"You didn't answer the second part of my question" you reminded him. For all you knew, he could be a demon. You tightened your hands on your bag where your angel blade sat atop the few clothes you had, along with a flask of holy water and a container, holding table salt.

"Bellamy" he answered.

You looked down at your whitening knuckles without a word.

"Now it's your turn," Bellamy snapped you back "That's how conversation works."

You looked back up at him with your simple reply, "[Name]."

A tone came from the pocket of his black leather jacket. He looked down with an expression of annoyance before fishing the phone out of his pocket and checking the caller ID.

"Mind if I take this, [Name]?" He questioned.

"Go ahead" you dismissed. You watched him climb from his seat.

"Yeah, I've got a minute," he turned his back to you as he spoke into the device pressed against his ear. Your eyes traveled down to his coffee left in front of you on the table, wasting no time as you opened your bag and reached for the flask of holy water inside. Checking your surroundings, you emptied a few drops into his coffee before replacing the lid and slipping the flask back into your bag.

"Yeah, that's fine. Just close up when you're done. Yeah, you too," your ears pricked up as Bellamy returned to the round table where you sat, hanging up the phone and replacing it in his pocket.

"Sorry about that" he offered a smirk as he sank down into his seat.

"It's fine" you accepted halfheartedly. You were more focused on his hands that were currently reaching for his coffee cup. You watched as he gripped hold of the white mug and brought it to his lips. Your eyes slipped to his throat, your hands clutching at your bag once more as he took a quick sip. He placed the cup back on the wooden table and you swallowed, licking your lips in attempt to rid yourself of the dryness in your mouth.

"So, what's your story anyway?" your [color] eyes darted back to his face.

You relaxed a little, finally reaching for your coffee, wrapping your fingers around the warm china, "I left so that the people I love wouldn't be harmed."

Bellamy's lips tugged up again as he leaned in a little closer, "So, you're dangerous?"

You looked away for a moment, "Something like that."

"You gonna hurt me?" he toyed.

You glanced back at him with a scowl, "You think I'm playing around? I have to be alone."

"Okay," he held his hands up in mock defense "Just in case you change your mind, I live across the street. Buzz into number thirty."

He drank down the rest of his coffee before climbing to his feet, "See you later [Name]."

Your eyes settled back to the coffee in your hands before falling to the fine lines of the wood on the table. Where would you go if you did leave this place? Where would you move onto? What would you do once you got there? As far as you knew, Azrael had made it so that you were undetectable by angels. Maybe you could settle for a moment. Maybe here would be the best place. Somewhere that you could just blend in.

You sighed and placed the mug of ever-chilling coffee on the table before climbing to your feet and heading for the door. You noticed that blonde waitress watching you, that same bored expression on her face. Her tedious job and normal monotonous life. How in that moment, you longed to trade places. As your boot stepped out onto the gray concrete of the pavement a light rain began to fall around you. You found yourself walking in the rain, crossing the street to a block of apartments. Your fingers searched over the intercom buttons and found themselves resting on number thirty.

"So you changed your mind then?" you paused at the sound of Ballamy's voice sounding from beside you. You glanced over at him as the rain streaked down your face. You said nothing.

"Still can't shut you up, can I?" he joked as he placed a hand on your back. You flinched slightly. "Relax," Bellamy eased "I'm only showing you inside." He placed his other hand out in front of him and pushed the main entrance door open. You glanced one last time behind your shoulder, assuring yourself that in time your regret and guilt would fade into a distant memory before you stepped into the welcoming arms of the building before you.

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