
Af UseWithCaution

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"Why do you feel the need to disobey me?" His voice made the entire room freeze over. There was a fire burnin... Mere

[Nadia] Chapter 1
[Nadia] Chapter 2
[Tobias] Chapter 3
[Nadia] Chapter 4
[Tobias] Chapter 5
[Nadia] Chapter 7
[Nadia] Chapter 8
[Tobias] Chapter 9
[Tobias] Chapter 10
[Nadia] Chapter 11

[Nadia] Chapter 6

7.4K 401 58
Af UseWithCaution

His face was stoic, his jaw had been locked for what seemed like hours. His eyes had returned to their normal colorless shade, but that didn't make him any less scary. He drove at a high speed, but didn't seem to flinch as he zoomed around cars and curves. I simply held on for dear life, looking out at the trees that seemed to transform as the sun began to drop.

Tobias swerved, landing perfectly in-between two cars at a motel.

"Would you like something to eat before bed?"

I forced myself to swallow and take a deep breath, "yeah, food would be nice."

He smiled, that smile I was so use to seeing, a smile that made me feel oddly comfortable even though the world seemed to be crumbling around me. We walked through the front doors side-by-side, he pushed me in front of him as we made our way to the front desk.

"Two rooms please, next to each other preferably."

"How many nights?" The woman, who appeared to be either in her late forties or early fifties, asked as she chewed on one of her extremely long nails.

"Just one."

She clicked a few buttons on a computer before giving him a severely over-priced number. I stared up at Tobias, wanting him to argue about the price, but he simply paid it and took the keys.

We walked back outside, the sun had disappeared and the moon was shining down.

"You know you paid way to much right?"

"Of course, but why would I argue about it? She would simply brush it off and tell us that there's no where else to stay."

We walked up the stairs, stopping on the second floor. He pushed the key into the first room and opened the door into pitch blackness. He flipped on the light switch and as expected, the room was trash. A small television on a dirty dresser and one small bed rested in the center of the room. The bathroom walls were cracking and the tub was in desperate need of a good cleaning.

"Maybe I should go back down there and argue."

"Too late for that now," I whispered with a smile. "What am I suppose to wear?"

"I know it's not ideal, but I have a pair of boxers and an extra shirt you can wear tonight, perhaps we can go shopping in the morning."

I let out a large yawn and stretched my arms, "whatever works. When are we getting that food as promised."

"Yeah, you stay here and I'll go get the food. Don't open that door for anyone and if anyone tries to get in, hide in the bathroom and count to ten."


"Just because, okay?"

"You know I'm still not entirely sure about you. Up until a few hours ago you didn't even have a name, and now I'm just suppose to follow you to hell? What even is that? Is it code name for sometime of gang organization? What is going Tobias?"

"Listen, I know this is all a lot to take in, if I was in your position I would have questions too, but for now I need you to trust me. I know that's an extremely hard thing to do, but honestly, it's your only option. Just know I will never hurt you and I will never give someone else the chance too. Can you accept that for the time being?"

I signed, "I guess."

Tobias nodded, opening the door and taking the stairs two at a time. He returned quickly with a bag in his hand that he tossed at my feet.

"I'll be back soon, try to stay awake.".

I yawned again, "not making any promises."

Tobias left and the room felt strange. I didn't like the idea of being alone, especially after all that had happened this morning. Even though I wasn't completely convinced, I wanted Tobias close.

I opened the bag, fishing out the clothes I had been promised and tugged my own layers of clothing off. His shirt smelled faintly of detergent and apples, I found myself breathing in the intoxicating scent as I laid across the bed, waiting patiently for Tobias to come back.

Several more yawns escape my mouth, I placed my nails against my skin to keep me from drifting to sleep, but nothing seemed to be working. Sleep was beginning to set on me and Tobias was nowhere close. As my eyelids got heavy, the door opened to reveal Tobias's incredibly figure.

"Falling asleep on me?"

"Took you long enough," I grumbled, rising to my feet as he sat a box of pizza and some kind of cheap soda on the table.

"Thank you for not letting me go to bed hungry Tobias." He mocked sarcastically, walking towards the door, "I'll be next door, just yell out if you need anything."

"You're not eating?"

"I'm not hungry. Buona notte il mio angelo."

"Is that Italian?"

"Maybe," he smirked as he walked out of the room. After eating as much pizza as my stomach could handle, I climbed into the bed and began to drift into a coma like sleep.

Author's Note

That ending sucks, you would think by now I would be better at ending chapters. Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates and the length of this chapter I have a bunch of test and work to do and I'm just ready to be out of school. When summer comes, I can start updating like crazy, but for now updates will be a little slow. This is a little filler chapter, but I swear something interesting will happen next chapter. Oh, and Tobias says "good night my angel." In Italian, if you were wondering. Comment your opinion on the chapter, thanks!

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