Pokemon Amourshipping the Mov...

Von Fictionknight2

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Ash has won the World Coronation Series but one final challenge remains on his Journey, the true world champi... Mehr

Chapter 2: Daniel's Offer
Chapter 3: Train like never before
Chapter 4: Road to the Kaiser
Chapter 5: Serena's Goal
Chapter 6: New Viridian City
Chapter 7: Ash's Choice
Chapter 8: Father and Son
Chapter 9: The Final Battle
Chapter 10: The Future

Chapter 1: The Pokemon Kaiser

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Von Fictionknight2

Wyndon Stadium erupted into applause that reached the surrounding streets.

"The battle is over! Your winner of the World Coronation Series, Ash Ketchum, Alolan Champion!"

Leon smiled sincerely at his knocked-out Charizard, who lay beside him.

"Charizard, you've done more than I could've asked, thank you." The two embraced before their roaring fans. However, far more audience members cried out in overwhelming applause for the trainer who'd defeated him.

Across the battlefield, Ash remained still for a moment, not speaking or giving the crowd any visible reaction.

"We did it, we actually did it, Pikachu!!!" Ash cried with tears in his eyes.

"Pika!" Still bruised and burned from his battle, Pikachu raced over and leaped into Ash's arms. Around him stood a Sirfetch'd, Gengar, Dragonite, Lucario, and Dracovish, who all bore similar signs of battle as Pikachu.

Each cried out with similar enthusiasm and joined Ash in a warm embrace while their trainer's face appeared on the announcement board.

"Ash, good game." He looked up at Leon, who offered his hand while Charizard did the same for Pikachu. Ash and Pikachu immediately accepted Leon/Charizard's hands and shook them.

"One of the greatest I ever had." Ash said. Seeing this, Dragonite and the others eagerly did the same, shaking paws with Charizard. Both trainers and their Pokemon looked back up at the scoreboard, which showed a final ranking of Leon at Number 2 and Ash at Number 1.

Ash took a deep breath and took in the results. He'd done it. He and his team had won the World Coronation Series.

"Congratulations, Ash, you earned it."

"Thanks, but you and the others made us earn it. Now the real challenge begins, but we're ready for it, right guys!!!"

"Pika!!!" Pikachu cried out with the others.

Leon suppressed a feeling of disappointment, particularly when Nurse Joy approached with a familiar device in her hands.

"Congratulations, Ash, now let's heal up your pokemon." Ash nodded and returned his Pokemon before handing their pokeballs and Pikachu to Nurse Joy. However, as Nurse Joy activated the machine and administered a full-restore potion to Pikachu, she also handed three other Pokeballs over to Ash.

"The Pokemon you requested in case you won."

"Arigatōgozaimashita, Nurse Joy." Ash carefully held these Pokeballs and stared at them.

"Just give us a few minutes, and they'll be as good as new!"

Ash and the audience as a whole waited impatiently, with many crying out for Nurse Joy to hurry up. However, those who did found themselves quickly silenced by the furious voice of Brock, who virtually leaped out of his seat in Ash's cheering section to scold the impatient audience members for disturbing Nurse Joy.

"Brock, sit down." Misty sighed while dragging him back into his seat. Ash looked upon this section of the audience, flooded with familiar faces. All of his friends and traveling companions he'd made in the last six years since setting out from Pallet Town came to support him.

First and foremost were his mother and teacher, Professor Oak. But joining them sat Brock, Tracey, and Misty. In the next row sat Ash's friends from Alola, alongside Samson Oak, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, and their son Lei. Kiawe and Kukui looked particularly pleased that the first Alolan Champion had won the World Coronation Series.

The next row housed Iris, Cilian, Dawn, Trevor, Tierno, May, and Max.

"I can't believe Ash actually beat Leon!!!!" Max jumped up and down in his seat before May sternly sat him back down.

In the next row, Goh and Chloe sat with Shauna, Clemont, and Bonnie, who, like Max, virtually jumped out of her seat in glee.

"Bonnie, please, you're going to hurt yourself!"

Finally, five more spectators sat in the front row. On the right, Gary slowly applauded with a proud expression.

"Hmp, to think he ended up here instead of me. I suppose it means I still have work to do." Gary said while shrugging. On the far left, Sawyer trembled and nearly dropped his pen while holding a notebook.

"Ahhh!! I hope I got everything down!!!!"

Alain and Mairin watched eagerly and nodded to Ash while.

Lastly, in the middle sat none other than Serena, who held her heart with a touched expression. She and Ash met each other's gazes, but neither spoke. Both simply stared back at the other with enticing smiles and almost glittering eyes.

Bonnie grinned immensely when she noticed this and elbowed Shauna, who also smirked.

"Maybe Ash has finally stopped being so dense."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the World Coronation Series has now reached its climax! Ash Ketchum, the Alolan Champion, has now ranked number one and earned a chance for eternal fame! The opportunity to face off against the greatest pokemon trainer in the world! Our World Champion, the Pokemon Kaiser, Daniel Rian!!!!!"

The audience erupted into a volcanic cheer that shook the entire stadium, with even Leon joining in.

Ash steadied himself when the stadium lights all shined on a new figure approaching him. A tall man in his late twenties with an athletic build, short brown hair, and matching eyes now stood before Leon. Daniel wore a hooded black trench coat, matching pants, and an intensely competitive smile.

(What Daniel's trenchcoat would look like)

"Daniel Rian!!!!!"

"The Pokemon Kaiser!!"

"Where are his Pokemon? I want to see Torterra!!!"

"No, Feraligatr!!!" Audience members lost themselves before the world champion. Goh saw Gary, Sawyer, Kiawe, and the other trainers trembling slightly but cringed when he saw every girl and young woman around him blush intensely with hearts for eyes.

"Ahhh! Kaiser, please see my Pokemon!"

"No, let me take care of you!!!"

"No, marry me!!!"

"Can you believe them, Chloe?" Goh asked Chloe before noticing her smitten expression.

"He's here! He's really here!!!" Goh sweatdropped.


"So, it'll be you then, Ash." Daniel spoke calmly but with subtle confidence behind his expression and voice.

"Daniel Rian, this is an honor, no, a privilege." Ash almost bowed his head but noticed a small glisten in one of Daniel's eyes when the Kaiser looked at him.


Leon took his seat and wasn't the only regional champion in attendance. Lance and Cynthia sat with him in a private box alongside Diantha and Steven Stone, giving them an excellent view of the battle.

"There he is, the one who conquered all of us. Still as confident as ever." Lance scoffed, earning a smirk from Cynthia.

"You're just mad he made such a fool out of you." Lance's face turned slightly red.

"It doesn't look good for half a champion's team to get knocked out by a single pokemon!!!!"

"Correction, he knocked out half your team and then decided to substitute his Tyrantrum to let his Charizard battle." Leon chuckled, earning an enraged expression from Lance.

"I don't want to hear it from you, Leon! It took all six of your team to knock out just his Feraligatr during your battle with him after the last World Coronation Series!"

"That's one more Pokemon of his than you beat." Steven said while the others chuckled.

Cynthia ignored Lance and rested her head on her hands while staring down at Daniel with a blushing smile.

"Let's see how much stronger you've gotten."

Nurse Joy handed Ash two of his Pokeballs back while the audience began clapping their hands together in anticipation when Pikachu leaped onto Ash's shoulder.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event! Your Pokemon Kaiser, Daniel Rian, versus the winner of the World Coronation Series, Ash Ketchum!!!"

Ash took a deep breath and waited for Daniel to take out his first Pokeball.

"Ash, I'm quite pleased you won the Coronation Series."

Ash grinned.

"I'll bet you are. Technically speaking, I'm the only champion you haven't beaten!!"


"Ohh Ash." Misty sighed, sweatdropping with Brock.

Daniel chuckled.

"Yes, you are his son."

"Eh?" Ash didn't quite catch what Daniel said and looked slightly confused.

"That's true, I suppose." Daniel laughed before giving a more serious smile.

"After last year's world coronation series, Leon promised me the next time we faced off. He'd be ten times stronger than he was before. I've always known Leon to be a man of his word, so if you managed to defeat him, then this will be the real battle I've been looking for!"

Ash exhaled deeply but kept smiling.

"We won't disappoint!"


"Good. Let's get started then!!! I choose you, Torerra!!!!" The continent Pokemon shook the ground when he landed and roared. Ash had only ever seen Daniel's Pokemon on TV, and they certainly didn't disappoint. The Kaiser's Torterra looked over twice the size of even the largest Torterra Ash ever saw before.


"And the Kaiser has chosen his earth-shaking Torterra!!"

"Ahhh!! Torterra!!"

"This battle is over already!!!"

"Hey! Watch your mouth!!!" Misty shouted with a feral expression as she seized the young woman who'd claimed Daniel had already won by the collar of her shirt.

"Go, Ash!!!" Dawn had already changed into a cheerleading outfit alongside her Piplup and Bunnery.

Serena, by contrast, clasped her hands together and stared out at Ash with a determined expression of support.

"Ash, do your best, and go for broke!!"

Ash took a deep breath and reached for his first Pokeball before raising it up to his and Pikachu's heads.

"This is it, the battle of all battles. I choose you, Infernape!!!!!"

"Ape!!!!" Infernape lit up the stage with a fiery entrance and pounded his chest.

"Alolan Champion Ash has chosen his Infernape to counter!!!"

The audience continued their enthusiastic cheers while Ash's supporters did the same.

"Ahh, Infernape. Excellent choice against a grass Pokemon." Trevor sighed in relief.

"Don't forget, this isn't just any Torterra. It's Daniel Rian's." Brock reminded them.

"True, but it's also Ash's Infernape!" Dawn countered.

"Infernape, excellent choice. We'd have it no other way, eh Torterra!"

"Terra!!!" Ash, Pikachu, and Infernape looked slightly unsettled by Torterra's expression as if he were relieved to face a type who had an advantage against him.

"Alright, focus, think everything out perfectly." Ash told himself. Dig certainly wasn't an option as Torterra undoubtedly knew Earthquake, which might've knocked out Infernape in a single hit if it were simply a powerful Torterra they faced. But this was Daniel's Torterra, and such a mistake might've left Infernape permanently injured.

"Alright, we play this smart Infernape. I don't think we'll be able to overpower him."

"Pika!!" Pikachu shouted, backing Ash up.

Infernape grit his teeth and begrudgingly nodded. As much as he hated to admit it, Ash was probably right.

"Alright, Flamethrower!!!"

"Ape!!!!" Infernape moved from place to place, unleashing not one but three jets of fire towards Daniel's Torterra. In particular, he aimed for the colossal grass Pokemon's legs and underside, hoping to immobilize him.

Daniel observed this carefully and smiled.

"Earth Power."

"Terra!!!!!!!!!!!!" Torterra slammed his front feet into the ground and charged forward, smashing through each flamethrower with ground power around him.

Ash, Pikachu, and Infernape caught their breath when they saw all three Flamethrowers burst apart into nothing, doing seemingly no damage to Torterra. Even more unsettling was Torterra's speed. Ash never imagined such a Pokemon of such titanic size moving at the same speed as his Infernape, yet Daniel's Torterra did just that.

"Infernape, use Flame Wheel, keep moving!"

"Ape!" Infernape covered himself in flames, then spun himself across the battlefield, narrowly avoiding Torterra's Earth Power.

"That's it, Infernape!!!!" Dawn cried, particularly as he closed the distance with Torterra and aimed for his legs.


"Frenzy Plant!"

"Terra!!!!" Torterra shook the ground with a series of massive spiked roots that shot up in front of the circling flames. Ash and Pikachu's eyes widened when they saw the Frenzy Plant roots bat away the fire as if it were nothing.

"Headlong rush!"

"Dodge with Flame Wheel!!!" Infernape desperately tried to get away from Torterra, whose charge shook the entire stadium. Ash and Pikachu almost cried out to Infernape again when they noticed Daniel's eyes flash blue for a moment, with Torterra's doing the same.



"Wait, I thought a Pokemon had to recharge after Frenzy Plant!?" Max yelped.

"Not if they're strong enough." Kukui muttered.

Ash, Pikachu, and the audience's hearts pounded when they saw Torterra close the distance despite several bursts from Infernape's Flamethrower straight into him. Despite this, Daniel watched Ash and Infernape closely with growing interest. Particularly in the way Ash led him.

"No way!!!"


"The Kaiser's Torterra takes on a Flamethrower as if it were nothing!" The announcer cried.

"Infernape, move to the side! Flamethrower!!"

Infernape blasted out another Flamethrower and propelled himself to the side.

"Fire Blast!!!!" Ash threw his fist out, and Infernape roared, his eyes glowing red while jets of fire burst from his back.

"Ahhh! Infernape's going all out!!!" Dawn cried.

"Hah, and he's right on top of Torterra. This might just work!!" Gary laughed.

"That's it, go for broke!!" Serena cried.

"Ape!!!" Infernape unleashed the symbol-shaped blast of fire straight into Torterra, who'd pivoted perfectly to face his opponent. However, just like before, Ash saw Daniel and Torterra's eyes flash blue together.

"No way!!!" Ash almost couldn't believe it when he saw Torterra smash through Fireblast with headlong charge, then continue into Infernape, hitting him like a freight train and sending Infernape flying.



Ash's section gasped in horror when they saw his Pokemon land in front of him, unconscious.

"Infernape is unable to battle!"

The audience cried out in awe and delight while Ash caught his breath.


"Infernape!" Ash knelt down beside his Pokemon and helped him up.

"Are you ok?"

"Ape." Infernape saw Torchics running around his head. He'd taken many blows in his life, but that was something else entirely, and Infernape had to breathe slowly.

"Return. I'm very proud of you, Infernape." Ash sighed with Pikachu

"Just one hit was all it took!" Goh stuttered.

"Even if it hadn't been an effective move, my guess is a single blow from that Torterra would've done it." Brock added.

"Ash, you better not get intimidated by this!" Misty snarled.

"Why don't you put your water Pokemon against him then?" May asked with narrowed eyes. Misty yelped and cradled her Pokeballs like a newborn child.

"Damn, that Torterra's a tank." Gary muttered while Sawyer trembled, unsure what to write.

Serena took a deep breath but remained firm.

Ash stood back up and turned back to Daniel with Pikachu.

"Not bad, Ash. Lance lost two Pokemon in half that time the last time we battled."

Lance's body was set on fire, and he shook with an uncontrollable rage.

"What did you just say!!!!!!!!?"

"He spoke facts." Diantha chuckled.

"You know what-"

"Lance, shut up." Cynthia growled without taking her eyes off the match.

Ash reached onto his belt and took out the next Pokeball.

"Let's show him everything we've got! I choose you, Dragonite!"

"Ite!" Ash's Dragonite performed a barrel roll after coming out and then landed in front of his trainer with a delighted expression.

"Awww! He's using Dragonite!!!" Iris beamed while holding her face.

Serena, by contrast, remained cautious but still hopeful. Dragonite wasn't weak to Torerra's types and proved himself a capable tank throughout the World Coronation Series. Still, this was undoubtedly one of the strongest Pokemon in the world he faced.

"Do your best, Dragonite!!!" The performer cried.


"Dragonite!!!" Dragonite violently thrust his wings forward and back until finally, he conjured up a thunderous hurricane that nearly knocked hundreds of people in the stands out of their seats.

"Ahhh! I can fly!" Bonnie cried out in delight before Clemont and Shauna yelped, both pulling her back down.

"Alright! This should do some serious damage!" May cheered.

"Look again." Alain muttered.

"Dig in!!!"


Ash and Pikachu grit their teeth when they saw Torterra smash all four feet into the ground, embedding himself into the field while the harsh winds blew over him.

"And the Kaiser's Torterra endures the attack like the champion he is!!"

"We knew this would be the battle of our lives, Dragonite! Let's go Dragon Dance and Draco Meteor!"

"Dragonite!! Dragonite glowed with a violet aura and then blasted the air with a small ball of light that soon burst into a shower of dragon energy.

"Yes!!! Show him the majesty of dragons!!!"

"Leaf Storm!!!!"

"Terra!!!!!!!" Torterra's three back trees lit up, then soon overwhelmed Draonite's Hurricane and Draco Meteor with a tsunami of leaves.

"No way!!!" Kiawe muttered in disbelief when he saw the leaves slice apart Draco Meteor.

"Did you really expect anything else to happen?" Gladion retorted.

"Ash, do something!!!" Chloe wailed.

"Dragon Claw, and keep your distance!"

"Nite!" Dragonite rode the wind from his own Hurricane, and thanks to Dragon Dance, he was able to slash apart all of the incoming leaves, though with immense difficulty.

"Keep it up, Dragonite!"

Daniel and his Torterra watched their opponents carefully, noting how Ash and Dragonite worked together. Torterra turned back to Daniel for a moment and nodded with him.


"Terra!" Torterra unleashed the orange beam of explosive power toward Dragonite with such pinpoint accuracy that Ash knew instantly that dodging wasn't an option.

"Hyper Beam!!!"

"Nite!" Dragonite counterattacked with his own Hyperbeam, but Ash and Pikachu dreaded what they saw as a foregone conclusion. A fiery explosion enveloped the area directly above the battlefield, and moments later, Dragonite hit the ground with a thud. His eyes swirled.

"Dragonite is unable to battle!"

"Ohhh, Ash." Delia muttered while clasping both hands together.

"It's not over yet." Brock tried to assure her.

"Dragonite!!" Ash and Pikachu ran out to help him up, but just like Infernape, he looked dazed beyond any other knockout.

"Drag." Dragonite held his head to make sure it was still attached.

"Awwww, Dragonite!! I'm coming!!!" Iris nearly leaped out of her seat to try and help Dragonite, but Cilian, Dawn, and May restrained her.

Gary looked quite shaken at just how one-sided the battle was going and pictured his Pokemon suffering such losses.

"Impressive. I think the only stronger Dragonite I've seen belongs to Lance." Daniel said.

"What did you say!? Wait, what?" Lance looked somewhat flustered at Daniel's compliment.

"Look, he does respect you." Leon chuckled while patting Lance's shoulder.

Iris, however, looked quite disappointed and took out her own Dratonite's Pokeball.

"One day, Dragonite. One day."

"Dragonite, return, rest up Dragonite. You did your best."

"Torterra return. Sorry Ash, but I wanted to give my other Pokemon a chance too."

Ash watched the titanic Torterra return, but rather than get angry. He merely grinned back.

"Perfect, I want to see as much of your team as possible!!!"

The audience let out exuberant cheers from Ash's spirit, and Serena barely contained a blush. Misty, Iris, May, Chloe, and Dawn all noticed this and smirked before whispering to each other in giggles.

"Is it true?" Dawn asked.

"I think it is." May giggled.

"I need to know!" Misty barely contained her laughter before all three young women saw Bonnie standing in front of them with perhaps the cockiest expression they'd ever seen.

"I happen to be an eyewitness to that particular historic event, and I can tell you, it did occur." Misty, May, Iris, and Dawn all covered their mouths and started giggling together.

"It's about damn time he found someone." Misty sighed in relief as she looked down at Ash like a big sister.

Ash stood up confidently and reached for his next Pokeball.

"I won't give up now! Not ever!! I choose you, Lucario!!"

"Grouuu!!!" Lucario landed in front of Ash and took a fighting stance.

"And Champion Ash has chosen his Lucario!"

Daniel nodded approvingly both at Ash's determination and his choice of Pokemon.

"I was wondering when you'd bring him out. I must say, though, I've watched your career. What the Hell took you so long to catch a Lucario!?" Daniel laughed while Ash sweatdropped with Pikachu. In hindsight, he'd also wondered this, but upon looking at Lucario again, he smiled.

"I was waiting for the right Lucario."

Daniel slowly nodded.

"Good answer. I choose you, Lucario!!" The crowd gasped in awe when they saw the Kaiser's Lucario emerge from his Pokeball and take a fighting stance before him.

Ash, Pikachu, and Lucario blinked upon seeing him up close and in person. This Lucario had red fur where Ash's and all other Lucario's typically had blue, but this wasn't his only distinguishing characteristic.

The Kaiser's Lucario had incredibly efficient muscles across his body, more so than any Ash ever saw before. However, nothing could've prepared him for his eyes.

"Nani?" Ash, Lucario, and Pikachu looked closer and nearly lost their breath when they saw it.

"He's, he's blind." Ash muttered.


"Blind." Cynthia covered her mouth. There'd often been suspicions that Daniel's Lucario was blind, but few ever asked him about it.

Despite this, Ash remained incredibly cautious, particularly when he saw a piece of Lucarionite around the Lucario's neck. Additionally, Ash noticed a ring on each of Daniel's ring fingers with a keystone embedded into each.

"Grouu!!!" Lucario cried while pointing to Ash's keystone. His trainer nodded and held the keystone up.

"Let's go, Mega Evolution!!!!"

"Ahhh! Here it comes!!" Sawyer beamed when he saw Ash touch the keystone and Lucario transform into Mega Lucario.

"Grouu!!!" Mega Lucario roared to an approving audience.

"And there you have it, folks! Champion Ash has taken this battle to the next stage!"

"Alright, here it comes, be ready, Ash!" May cried. Ash and the others watched carefully as Daniel slowly reached for one of his keystones. However, the Kaiser stopped at the last moment and smirked.

"No, I want to see what he can do." His Lucario smirked identically to the Kaiser, and after a deep breath, their eyes glowed blue together.

"Huh? He's not Mega Evolving his Lucario!?" Diantha cried.

"No, he's not." Cynthia muttered in awe.

"Alright!! You've got him now, Ash! Don't blow it!!!" Misty shouted while Delia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, why wouldn't he Mega Evolve his Lucario too?" Mairin asked Alain, who looked slightly nervous.

"He must not consider it necessary." This same thought crossed Serena, Gary, and Sawyer.

"Be careful." Serena said.

"Lucario, Double Team, and Aura Sphere!!"

"Grouuu!!!" Mega Lucario split into five total Mega Lucario's who surrounded Daniel's Lucario and began thrusting forward with their paws in mock strikes. Each one sent out an aura sphere, which soon enveloped Daniel's Lucario, or rather appeared to do so.

Daniel and his Lucario's eyes continued to glow blue, and the Kaiser caught Ash off-guard when he began moving.

"Nani?" Pikachu looked equally baffled upon seeing the Kaiser make a series of dodging and striking motions into the air as if he were fighting Ash's Mega Lucario.

Yet it was only then that they realized that Daniel's Lucario mirrored the Kaiser's movements perfectly and at the exact same time.

"What is that!?" Gladion shouted.

"I have no idea." Kiawe muttered in equal disbelief.

"Aura bond." Ash said, more amazed than frightened. Perfectly synchronized with his trainer, the blind Lucario dodged or knocked away each incoming aura sphere.

"This is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen!!!"

Cynthia saw her own Lucario come out of his Pokeball to watch Daniel's.

"Grouu." Cynthia nodded.

"It is incredible."

"You're not the only one with an Aura Bond! Lucario, Force Palm!!!" Daniel almost beamed when he saw Ash and each Mega Lucario throw their fists up together perfectly. Then, for the briefest moment, he saw their eyes flash blue together.


"Grouu!!!" Each Mega Lucario came upon Daniel's Lucario within moments, yet the blind Lucario instantly parried the real one's blow, mirroring Daniel's masterful fighting.

"Ehhh? He knew which one was real!?" Cilian shouted.

"Of course, he's an aura Pokemon and blind. Which means he must only see via aura." Gary said.

"That's not good." Misty grunted.

"Grouuu!!!" Mega Lucario unleashed a fury of Force Palm blows, which Daniel's Lucario continuously blocked with counter-blows.

"Focus Punch."

Ash/Mega Lucario didn't even have time to react. Daniel's Lucario punched Mega Lucario's chest with a single blow that sent shockwaves across the stadium, knocking several spectators out of their chairs.

Ash cried out in pain as his aura bond with Lucario made him feel part of the blow.

"Ash!!" Serena and Delia cried while the others gasped. The Alolan Champion only experienced a fraction of what his Lucario did, yet he still staggered.

"Pika, Pikachu!!"

"I'm, I'm alright. Lucario!!!" Ash and Pikachu raced over to Lucario, whose body trembled while lying across the ground with swirled eyes.

"Grouuu." Lucario groaned, only coming too when he felt Ash's aura.

"Lucario, I'm sorry." Ash said, placing his arm around the aura Pokemon who looked beyond disappointed in himself.

"Grouuu." All three looked up at Daniel's Lucario, who offered his paw to Ash's.

"Grouu." Ash's Lucario reluctantly accepted it and got to his feet before bowing his head respectfully.

"There you have it, folks. Even Champion Ash's Mega Lucario is no match for the Kaiser's base Lucario!!!"

"Geeze, imagine if he'd mega evolved him!" Someone shouted.

"He'd have probably killed him!"

"I'd love to see that!" Another spectator laughed before seeing Misty, Bonnie, Iris, Chloe, Dawn, and Serena all surrounding him with glowing white eyes.

"What did you say?" They all said in unison as the fan went pale.

"Ahhh." He tried to back up only to bump into Delia, who loomed over him with the same expression.


Clemont, Kiawe, Alain, Goh, and Cilian all sweatdropped while Gary laughed.

"Should we help?" Clemont asked.

"Why? They've got it taken care of." Gary chuckled.

"I meant help him."

"....I'm not going in there." Goh muttered while trembling.

"Ash, you're right about Lucario. I can feel your bond with him. It's unique in many ways."

"Arigatō. Lucario return, Pikachu!!!"

"Pika!!" Pikachu sparked his cheeks, and the audience grew animated when they saw him leap down in front of Ash.

"And Champion Ash Ketchum sends out his Pikachu that defeated Leon's Charizard!!"

"Pikachu, do your best!!!!" Bonnie screamed at the top of her lungs while Serena similarly held her heart upon seeing him take the field.

"Your Pikachu, huh. Now things are really getting interesting."

"Let's go, Pikachu, Electroball!!"

"Pika chu!!!!" Pikachu sped across the field and unleashed three electro balls that Lucario dodged or smashed apart harmlessly with aura Sphere.

"Hmm, Iron Tail won't have much effect, plus we don't want to get close. Pikachu, use Discharge and Agility!!"

"Pika, Pika, Pika!!!" Pikachu sped around Lucario like a flash of light and let loose a wave of electricity that came for Lucario from every direction.

"Aura Sphere."

"Grouu!!!" Lucario punched the ground and sent a repulse of aura around him, which overtook Pikachu's discharge.

"Focus Punch!"

"Dodge and use Thunder!!"

"Pika chu!!!" Pikachu increased his speed while readying his most powerful electric move. However, his and Ash's eyes widened when they saw Lucario pivot and spring himself straight into Pikachu, fist raised.

The world seemed to slow down around Wyndon Stadium, and Ash could only watch with horror as Pikachu flew through the air like a cannonball.

"Pikachu!!!!!" Ash and Serena cried together before anyone else could.


"Grouugh!!" Daniel's Lucario leaped up high into the air and caught Pikachu in his paws before landing in front of Ash.

"Pikachu." Ash muttered, Lucario offering him back.

Ash's friends and mother all shouted out in terror while many in the audience cheered for Daniel's Lucario.

"Pika." Pikachu breathed heavily as Ash took him into his arms.

"Pikachu, are you ok!?"

"Pika." Pikachu forced himself to smile as Nurse Joy sprinted back onto the field and almost forcefully seized him from Ash's grasp.

"Ash, is Pikachu hurt?" Daniel asked with sincere concern as he walked over.

"The match will be placed on hold as Champion Ash's Pikachu is looked at!"

Many now went silent, anxiously awaiting Nurse Joy's diagnosis.

"Pikachu will be ok. He just needs some rest and treatment." Ash and Daniel both sighed in relief alongside countless others.

"Thank goodness." Serena exhaled deeply.

"Damn right! If he'd permanently hurt Pikachu I'd have-" Misty started.

"You'd what?" Iris asked. Misty looked back down at Daniel and his Lucario, then went pale and retreated back into her seat.

"Be very sad."

"Ash, are you good to keep going?" Daniel asked. Ash knew Daniel wasn't asking if he was ready to quit but rather if he was willing to continue the battle while Pikachu was looked at.

Ash hesitated for a moment.

"Pika!" Pikachu cried despite the pain.

Ash smiled back at his companion and nodded.

"I'm good to continue! I won't give up until I'm beaten!!!"

Serena held her heart again and smiled with a fiery passion.

"Go Ash!!!!!"

Thousands echoed her cheer, earning a proud smile from Daniel.

"I thought so. Lucario return." Daniel slowly reached for his next Pokeball and smiled at it tenderly for a moment.

"Alright, Ash, I've been holding back until now. Are you ready for the real battle to begin?"

"Only if you can handle it!" Ash laughed back without the slightest hesitation.

"Perfect." The audience and Ash watched in anticipation as he hurled the Pokeball forward.

"I choose you!!!!"

xxx (Yugioh Gods Anger)

"Grauuuuuuu!!!!!" Daniel's Pokemon's roar alone knocked half the audience out of their seats, but his landing sent shockwaves in every direction that literally shattered dozens of windows across the stadium.

"There he is!!!!! The most powerful Pokemon in the world!!! The King of the Pokemon World, Charizard!!!!!"


"It's him!!! It's really him!!!?"

Ash found himself at a loss for words. He'd seen over a dozen legendary Pokemon in his life, from Mew, Latias, the legendary birds, Dialga, Palkia, Xerneas and Yveltal, and more. Yet somehow, the Charizard before him seemed to surpass them all.

He was no longer an ordinary Charizard, appearing over twice the size of even the greatest Charizard Ash ever encountered, including Leon's with black skin and a green chest/wing membrane/tail flame. Additionally, his features, including the claws, muscle mass, wings, fangs, and flames, all looked enhanced, almost as if he were already mega evolved.

"I can't believe I'm seeing Daniel Rian's Charizard!!!"

"He's, he's magnificent!!!!"

The other champions similarly trembled upon seeing the ace of Daniel's team emerge. Leon's Charizard came out of his Pokeball at the same time Alain's did. Both trainers and their Charizard watched the King Charizard in awe.

"He's, he's really here." Gary stuttered, barely able to contain his excitement.

"Ash, Charizard is my partner, the very first Pokemon I started my journey with. Are you ready to face him?"

Ash knew right now that he stood before the strongest Pokemon on Earth. Mewtwo, Regigigas, Dialga, Palkia, and Zekrom all would've fallen before the Charizard in front of him without a doubt.

Even so, Serena's heart soared when she saw him merely smile back.

"Are you kidding!? I choose you, Greninja!!!!"

(xxx Pokemon unbeatable)

Greninja performed a frontflip and landed in front of Ash with his arms crossed.

"Greninja!" Clemont yelped.

"Greninja." Serena gasped.

"Greninja!" Alain shouted with interest, his Charizard doing much the same.

Daniel and his Charizard similarly looked between Ash and his Greninja with a hint of excitement.

"Ash's Greninja!"

"Is he going to Mega Evolve!?"

"Greninja can't Mega Evolve stupid!"

"Ash's can!"

Both Oaks, Kukui, and Burnet looked closer with immense interest.

"Come on! Let's see him!" Gary shouted.

"Indeed, I was hoping you'd bring out your Greninja. I've seen many things in this world, but nothing quite like his unique transformation."

"I'm happy we gave you something to look forward to. Ready Greninja!?"

Greninja turned back to Ash and nodded.

"Let's go!!!"

Ash and Greninja synchronized their aura before a colossal veil of water grew around him.

Ash threw his fist out, and the audience let out a collective cheer when they saw Ash-Greninja emerge.

"Ash-Greninja!!!!" Bonnie cheered.

"Ash-Greninja." Serena said while clasping both hands together.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!" Misty's eyes lit up, and she nearly floated out of her seat.

"I've never seen a water Pokemon do that before!!!!? Grrrrr, what the Hell Ash!!!? All this time, and you never told me!? I want to do that with Gyarados or Golduck!!!" Misty snarled.

"Ash-Greninja, an aura-induced evolution." Daniel and his Charizard smiled tenderly at each other before turning to one of the cameras.

"I hope you're watching, sensei." Daniel and Charizard looked back at Ash and Ash-Greninja.

"Don't keep us waiting."

"Let's go!!! Night Slash!!!" Ash-Greninja moved so fast that he seemingly teleported.

"Dragon Claw." Despite his legendary size, Charizard brought his glowing claws down and parried each blow.

"Give it everything you've got!!!!" Ash channeled more aura into Greninja, who unleashed his barrage of Night Slashes with unrelenting fury. Even so, Charizard and Daniel's eyes both glowed blue together, and he continued to knock away Ash-Greninja's attacks.

"Double team, Water Shuriken and Hydro Pump!!" Ash Greninja leaped backward and into the air, his eyes fixed on Charizard.

"Gre!" Ash-Greninja split into twenty copies that all unleashed a fury of Water Shurikens while running in a circle or leaping back into the air. Then, when they had Water Shuriken cleared, every Ash-Greninja blasted Charizard with Hydro Pump.

It almost looked like a small tsunami of water came for Charizard to the audience.

"No way he can escape that! No way!! Not against Ash-Greninja!!!!" Clemont pleaded.

"Please." Serena almost sweat alongside the others supporting Ash.

"Dragon Rush!!!"

"Grauuu!!!" Charizard coated himself in a dragon aura and then flew in a tight circle. Ash and the audience alike couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Charizard fly straight through the water, instantly evaporating it.

"Geez, even Ash Greninja can't seem to do anything to Daniel's Charizard!"

Ash and Ash-Greninja didn't flinch and raised their fists together.



Daniel and his Charizard looked at their opponents again as a watery aura surrounded Ash-Greninja.

"Night Slash!!!"

"Dragon Claw." Ash-Greninja virtually appeared in front of Charizard, and less than a moment later, a concussive blast nearly blinded the entire audience.

"Ahhhh!!!? What was that!?"

"My ears hurt!!!"

"Ohhh." Steven, Diantha, and Lance wobbled around while Leon and Cynthia braced themselves.

"What happened?" Leon muttered.

"I think Charizard's move hit."

When the dust cleared, Ash's supporters yelped when they saw Charizard holding Greninja in his arms.

"Gre." Greninja muttered, his eyes swirled and body limp.

"Ash!!!!" Serena shrieked when she saw him similarly seize up and collapse.

"Ahhh!!!" Delia almost jumped out of her seat with Oak and Samson Oak barely restraining her.

"Let me go!! Let me go!!!!"

"Ahhh!? What happened to Ash!!?" Misty, Dawn, Iris, Chloe, and May shrieked.

"It's his bond with Greninja. Ash feels the pain too!" Clemont yelped.

"Oh no!" Alain remembered his battle with Ash in Kalos and trembled.

"Ash!!!" Gary and Goh cried.

"Pika!!!!!!!" Pikachu leaped out of Nurse Joy's arms and raced over to his trainer's side.

"Ash!!!" Daniel cried.

"Ahhh! Is Ash ok, Serena-" Bonnie started before realizing Serena wasn't in her seat.

"Eh? Serena?"

"Look!!!" Misty pointed to the battlefield even as countless spectators gasped at Ash's sudden collapse.

"Who's that!?"

"What's she doing!?"

Misty, Delia, and all the others watched as Serena sprinted across the battlefield, passing two paramedics who raced towards Ash.

"Ash! Ash!!!" Serena knelt beside Ash even as Pikachu desperately tried to wake him up. The trainer's eyes remained open, but he shook as if having a seizure.

"Ash! Snap out of it!!! Please!!!" Serena pleaded while placing her hands over his.

"Ash! What happened!?" Daniel screamed as he and Charizard raced over.

Serena nearly teared up as she explained the situation to him. The Kaiser and his Charizard almost yelped.

"He, he felt Charizard's Dragon Claw too."

"Grauuu!!!!" Charizard hadn't held anything back when he hit Greninja and trembled at the thought of a human enduring such a blow.

"Ash, breath!" Daniel took a deep breath, and his hands seemed to glow for a moment while performing CPR on Ash.

"Someone do something!!!" Delia screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Pika! Pikachu!!!" Pikachu teared up as he tried to press against Ash's face but to no avail.

Serena opened her eyes, all of the fear vanishing, replaced by a fiery determination.

"Ash! Look at me! I know you're in there. I know you can hear me!!" Serena cried while placing both hands on his face.

"Never give up!!!!"

Ash and Greninja saw floated together, both seemingly underwater.


"Ash." They tried to reach for each other, but the distance seemed too great. Slowly but surely, they floated further and further apart.

"Greninja! Greninja!!!"

Ash almost cried when suddenly he saw himself as a little boy, tears flowing down his face while a man knelt in front of him, his eyes meeting Ash's.

"Ash, I want you to promise me something. Promise me you'll never give up, never give up until the end!"

"Never give up until the end!!" Serena finished when suddenly Ash sprung to life. His head rose with Serena's until they were less than an inch apart.

"Serena." He said slowly. The performer finally allowed herself to cry, but this time in joy, as she wrapped her arms around Ash and hugged him tightly.

"I knew you wouldn't quit on us."

"Pika!!!" Pikachu similarly teared up while jumping into Ash's arms.

The two paramedics had just gotten their defibrillator out when they saw Ash conscious.

"Wait, how did he!?" One started before his partner giggled while pointing to Serena hugging him.

Daniel similarly breathed a sigh of relief with his Charizard.

"Gre." Greninja struggled but managed to get to his feet.

"Greninja." Ash said.

Greninja nodded while Delia and the others exhaled deeply.

"Why does he torment me like this?" Delia nearly collapsed from fatigue.

"Because he's as reckless as ever." Misty growled.

"Ash, you gave us quite a scare." Daniel said.

"Yes, you did." Serena said sternly as Ash sweatdropped.

"Sorry about that. Greninja, are you ok?"

"Gre." Greninja slowly nodded.

"Like Hell he is!!!" Nurse Joy pointed her finger at Greninja before an entire squad of medical Pokemon, including two Chanseys, a Wigglytuff, and an Audino, seized Greninja and then forced him onto a gurney before carrying him off.

Nurse Joy shot Daniel and Charizard a nasty look before following.

Serena helped Ash to his feet, where he steadied himself.

"Arigatō, Serena."

She smiled back warmly and nodded.

"Daniel, I'm ready to continue!"

"Are you sure? You just lost consciousness."

Ash raised his fist and stood up tall with Pikachu on his shoulder as if nothing had happened.

"I'm not giving up now! Not until the end!"

Daniel almost laughed.

"That settles the matter then." Daniel and Charizard returned to their corner of the battlefield.

"....Umm, alright, I guess Champion Ash is ok, and the match will continue!!!" The audience as a whole cheered, while many in Ash's section looked concerned.

"At least have him looked at!" Delia roared, nearly going down there herself before both Oaks held her back again.

"I'm sure he's fine."

"Besides, he's got something to look after him down there." Shauna giggled while pointing to Serena, who remained beside Ash while he too took his spot.

Delia noticed this with interest.

"She's. She's still there with him."

"Yep." Misty said with a giant smirk on her face.

"Our little boy is growing up." She chuckled.

Ash took a deep breath and took out his final Pokeball, staring at it with Pikachu.

"This has been the battle of our lives. Best to go out with everything we've got!"


"I choose you, Charizard!!!"

"Grauuu!!!" Charizard whipped up a thick cloud of dust as he flew from his Pokeball and landed in front of Ash.

"That's it, ladies and gentlemen! Alolan Champion Ash Ketchum has brought out his final Pokemon! Charizard! A battle of Charizards!!!"

The crowd went wild, particularly Alain and Leon.

"Now we're talking!!!!"

Leon's Charizard stared at Ash's Charizard and then Daniel's.

"Ashamed we didn't get to battle him, Charizard. At least now we'll get to see what he can do."

"Grouuu." Charizard nodded.

Ash's Charizard stared down Daniel's with a fiercely competitive growl. Despite the overwhelming size and strength of the Kaiser's Charizard compared to himself, Ash's Charizard showed no fear and roared.

"Grauuu!!!" Ash's Charizard claimed that the crown would soon be his and Ash's.

"Grauuu." Daniel's Charizard growled back, saying he was welcome to try.

"Let's go, dragon claw!!" Ash knew attacking from a distance was pointless by now. He and Charizard wanted nothing more than to go for broke.

"Grauuu!!!!" Charizard eagerly charged straight for Daniel's Charizard, his claws glowing green.

"Charizard, it's about damn time!! Dragon Claw!"

Daniel's Charizard started parrying Dragon Claw just like before and smiled, irritating Ash's Charizard to no end as he put everything into his assault.

"The Kaiser's Charizard proves too fast for Champion Ash's."

"Dragon Pulse!" Charizard propelled himself backward.

"Grauuu!!!!!!" A beam of pure dragon energy hurled itself towards Daniel's Charizard, only for Dragon Claw to harmlessly smash it apart.

"Show him your flying."

"Grauuu!!" Daniel's Charizard took flight and proved no less capable in the air, flying with the speed and precision of a Staraptor despite his immense size.

Once airborne, the two Charizards resumed their Dragon Claw duel, and just like before, Daniel's fought mainly defensively. However, he did find himself exerting more effort than he had with Greninja.

"Dragon Tail!"

"Grauuu!" Charizard's Dragon Tail proved no more fruitful, with Daniel's Charizard knocking it away and Charizard with it.


"Are you ok!?" Serena cried.

Charizard caught himself with his wings and snarled in frustration.

"Grauu!!!" Charizard roared back at Ash, who slowly nodded.

"There's only one thing left to do."

Daniel and his Charizard's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yes, yes!!!" Daniel and his Charizard eagerly awaited Ash's next move when they both realized Charizard didn't have any kind of Charizardite on his body.

"Wait a minute, oh no!!!!" Ash returned Charizard briefly, and the audience caught their breath when they saw his Dynamax Band charge up. Moments later, Charizard emerged in his colossal Gigantamax'd form.

"And Champion Ash has gigantamax'd his Charizard!"

"Now we're talking!!!"

"Grauuu!!!" Leon and his Charizard cried.

"Ahhh, he's gotten bigger." Serena sweatdropped. She'd never been a huge fan of Gigantamaxing Pokemon.

Daniel clearly thought much the same, judging by the look on his face.

"Gigantamaxing him instead of Mega Evolution? You disappoint me, Ash."



Daniel and his Charizard shook their heads.

"You haven't gotten your Charizard a proper Mega Evolution stone? What's the matter with you?!!"

"Grauuu!!" Gigantamax'd Charizard shook the stadium with his roar and promised to show Daniel's Charizard just how strong Gigantamaxing was.

"Grauuu." The Kaiser's Charizard growled back, accepting the challenge.

"Let's go! Max Airstream!!!"

"Grauuuu!!!!!!!!" Ash's Charizard conjured up a typhoon from his mouth and sent it straight for Daniel's Charizard.

"Flame Charge."

"Grouuu!!!" Daniel's Charizard coated himself in emerald flames and flew through the torrent of wind, which soon erupted into a fiery tornado and then burst apart into nothing with Charizard in the center.

"Such power!!!" Alain muttered.

"Max Knuckle!!!"

"Grouuu!!!!!" Ash's Charizard thrust both oversized fists straight for Daniel's Charizard.

"Dragon Claw!!"

"Ehh? He's not going to dodge!" Misty yelped.

"He doesn't have to." Gary said nervously.

Ash, Pikachu, and Serena all watched in awe as Daniel's Charizard slashed both fists back with ease, sending gigantamax'd Charizard backward into a stumble.

"Now we end this." Daniel touched one of the keystones on his fingers and a colorful sphere enveloped Charizard.


"It's happening!!!"

Alain and his Charizard trembled, but no more than Ash, Pikachu, and Serena.

Charizard grit his fangs and anxiously awaited for Mega Charizard to emerge. However, when he did, Ash was left speechless when Charizard emerged not as a Mega Charizard X or Y but a version he'd never seen before.

This Mega Charizard looked like a dragon, even more so than Charizard X. His body sleeker and more dragon-shaped. His skin was black with an emerald green stomach and a green tail flame shaped like an arrowhead.

His feet were also green, with green spikes coming out of his knees and across his spine. Green fins addend his forearms with u-shaped green spike tips on his shoulders. Green spikes came from his wings, the membrane looking like green flames. Green spikes also adorned the sides of his mouth with a black horn on his nose, and his head horns pointed more back with spiked green tops and a black fin coming back on the center of his head.

(Mega Charizard Z , art by Phatmon on devianart)

"Behold, Ash, Mega Charizard Z!!!"

"Mega, Charizard, Z." Alain stuttered.

The audience couldn't contain themselves, with many outright fainting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've been gifted today! Daniel's Mega Charizard Z!!!"

"Charizard Z!?" Serena similarly yelped, having never heard of that form.

"G-Max Wildfire!!!"

"Blast Burn."

"Grauuuu!!!" Charizard's fiery wings glowed bright red and yellow. He then brought forth a giant bird-shaped flame from his back and at Mega Charizard Z.

However, in response, Charizard Z unleashed a concussive burst of fire that exploded in the center of G-Max Wildfire.

Ash instinctively wrapped himself protectively around Serena and Pikachu, who both nearly lost their senses when the Blast Burn erupted around them.

"Ahhhh!!!!!! The audience momentarily lost their sight and hearing, a high-pitched ringing overtaking them all.

"Ahhhh!!! It's too loud!!!" Misty groaned while covering her ears.

Charizard felt himself lifted up and onto his back by the blowback and groaned.

"Dragon Claw."

"Charizard!!!" Ash cried, his sight and hearing returning.

Charizard tried to get up, but Charizard Z came down upon him like a living Draco Meteor.

When he made contact, shockwaves knocked Ash and Serena off their feet alongside much of the audience from their seats.

Ash and Pikachu took a deep breath after the dust cleared, but Serena gave them a reassuring look. Smiling, Ash and Pikachu got up with her to see Charizard Z standing over Charizard, unconscious, and reverted to his base form.

"Charizard is unable to battle!!! The winner is Kaiser Daniel!!"

Ash's cheering section let out a collective sigh of disappointment, though, by that point, they realized he wasn't going to win.

"Well, I guess I never stood a chance." Leon chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

".......None of us did. Daniel is something else entirely." Lance admitted while the other Champions nodded.

Cynthia, however, continued to gaze at Daniel while resting her head against her hand.

Ash didn't listen much to the audience's thunderous applause. Instead, he and Pikachu approached Charizard, who sat up with a look of overwhelming defeat.

"Charizard, I'm very proud of you." Ash assured him while patting the fire-lizard's shoulder.


"Grauuu." Daniel's Charizard offered similar sentiments to Ash's Charizard, who reluctantly nodded.

"Ash, I'm very proud of you too." Serena said, placing her hand on Ash's shoulder with a warm smile. Before he could reply, Daniel had arrived and offered his hand to the Alolan Champion.

"Arigatōgozaimashita, Daniel." Ash said, smiling without a hint of disappointment while shaking the Kaiser's hand.

Daniel nodded back.

"Ash, don't leave just yet. I'd like to have a word with you in private."

"Eh?" Serena muttered.



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