Nijigasaki School Idol Club (...

By ZenjiruTaiki

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A story where it revolves around the Solo School idols of Nijigasaki, along with a boy named Kaburagi Yuta... More

Chapter 1 "Meeting the Club"
Chapter 2 "KasuKasu"
Chapter 3 "Troubles"
Chapter 4 'Indentity"
Chapter 5 "Burn it up! Setsuna Yuki!"
Chapter 6 "New Recruits"
Chapter 7 "What the club does"
Chapter 8 "Be Happy with Ai"
Chapter 9 "Promotion videos"
Chapter 10 "Warm embrace of Emma"
Chapter 11 "Rina's Concert Plan"
Chapter 12 "Change"
Chapter 13 "Haruka"
Chapter 14 "A worried sister"
Chapter 15 "Sisterly Bond"
Chapter 16 "Ideal Idol"
Chapter 17 "Storm"
Chapter 18 "loud Wake Up Call"
Chapter 19 "A friend's feelings"
Valentine's Special
Valentine's Special Part 2
Valentine's Special Part 3
Chapter 20 "Diver Fest"
Chapter 21 "The Decision"
Chapter 22 "The Diva"
Chapter 23 "Training Camp"
Chapter 24 "Unexpected turn of Events"
Chapter 25 "A Person's Dream"
Chapter 26 "Event Proposal"
Chapter 27 "Meet Up"
Chapter 28 "Event Plan"
Chapter 29 "A sudden Confrontation"
Chapter 31 "Mending Hearts"
Chapter 32 "The School Idol Festival"

Chapter 30 "Confused Hearts"

511 13 20
By ZenjiruTaiki

"I wanted to be a school idol for you Yuu-chan.........Please, just be mine."

"Maybes there's something that's triggering her to think that you won't be by her side"

I'm so confused.........the way Ayumu acted last night, she thinks I'll leave her.....but why?
-Yuu murmured then left

-Yuta said but Yuu didn't respond


"Looks behind"
Oh......Hey Yuta-kun, Morning.
How long have you been there?

Finally, I got your attention. I just arrived, And good morning to you as well Yuu.
Well then, Let's head out
-Yuta said with a smile


Btw, where's Ayumu?

I actually don't know.
I checked her apartment but no one's there

I see, well she must've went to school already.

Yeah Probably

"It's surprising that Ayumu is not here with Yuu. But with what happened last night, I think it's understandable that she's not here. Plus Yuu is acting strange. She's spacing out this early in the morning"
-Yuta thought

"Notices a familiar person"

Wait a sec......... isn't that Ayumu right there?
-Yuta pointed to where Ayumu was standing

That is her.
Looks like she was actually waiting for us
Oh, Yuu-chan, Yuta-kun.
Good morning
-Ayumu waved

Morning Ayumu

-Yuu said nervously

You guys look great

Ehhh? These are just our normal uniforms. Why the sudden compliment?

No particular reason. I just think you guys look good in those outfits

Well, let's get goi-

W-WAIT a sec.
Listen Ayumu, about yesterday- I mean last night. I-
-Yuu said nervously

It's alright Yuu-chan, you don't need to say anything.
And I'm sorry for saying something so weird. Let's forget that and just stay like the usually

B-But I.....

"Wow........even I feel the awkwardness from here. It's like I'm watching a couple having communication issues"
-Yuta thought

And don't worry Yuta-kun, about last night

-Yuta said in Surprise

It was nothing to be worried about. We just had a little misunderstanding. Now let's go before we're late

Y-yeah, no problem....
"While walking"

I'm coming with you today with Setsuna-chan right Yuu?

Yep, we need your help with the venues we're using and to Clear up some other stuff with Touou and Shinonome

Got it.........were gonna be busy tod-
-Yuta said but then he noticed that Ayumu was inching closer to Yuu and he realized what he needed to do.

Yuu-chan......can we go to the clubroom together today?
-Ayumu said clinging to Yuu's hand

"Knew it. She wants to hold on to Yuu"
-Yuta thought

Sure, we can together. but we need to hurry then. Me and Yuta need to be there early

I see.
It's all starting to take shape from here on out. Let's do our best with the festival. Yuu-chan, Yuta-kun..... us three.....together

Y-yeah, of course we will

"Because........I don't want to leave your side....."
-Ayumu thought

You got that right! The festival will be super fun!
-Yuta slightly raising his voice from behind

What the?
Why are you all the way back there Yuta-kun?

No reason, just didn't want to intrude!

Intrude? Intrude in what!?

Just keep walking, I'll be here. Watching your backs

Don't be ridiculous. Get back to our side

I'll pass on that today

"I just want you guys to at least be able to normally talk and get everything back to how it was between you two
-Yuta thought

As part of our group and school.
Shinonome academy would like to officially participate in the school idol festival

Touou academy is going to participate as well

Wonderful! We look forward to working with all of you.

-They said

Now that's cleared up. Our next agenda is the venues you want to perform in.
What do you guys have in mind?
-Yuta said while scrolling through his tablet

I'm glad you asked Kaburagi-san. Let me just show it

I heard that there were a variety of options Yuta-san. Look!
-Haruka said showing him the list

The student council helped with the negotiations to secure more options for everyone to choose from.

Hmmm, there is quite a lot. I better inform Arisa and Kokoro to have there opinions

Are those the other groups that will participate?

You must've heard it from your Big sis right?

I did.
And I'm quite interested in seeing a Girls band perform.

Same here. Even though I haven't been to a girls band live show. I'm certainly curious on how they will showcase their performance.

Speaking of a band. You're going to be Performing as well. Am I right Kaburagi-kun?

I actually am.
And I'll be performing along side the guest band and with Setsuna-chan and the others at the club.

I see. Then it looks like we're going to see you on stage  a lot at the festival.

Yeah. It's gonna be a lot of work but it's worth it.

That's a great mindset to have Kaburagi-kun.
And goodluck with your performance

Goodluck to you as well Touou Academy and Shinonome academy

Thank you. And as we see it, everything is going really well and smooth

Oh! And we thought of a possible venue as well.
Here, let me just find it


Even though these look small. When you look at all of them, it makes them look bigger in comparison

Of course our schools Students and fans are submitting ideas to us for other entertainment as well.

You got that right. It'll even seem more like an actual festival before it even starts.

What kind of ideas did you get?

A tone actually. More like a box full of them.
And some even submitted at our website which Rina made.
For instance. AI miyashita chose to have a Monjayaki stall in response to one of her fans

A food stall!?

Yep, you heard that right, A food stall.
Which I thought was kind of silly but giving it some thought. I think it's actually a great idea

Hehe, I guess anything goes with the fans huh?
-Chuckled Misaki

Well we are talking about fans.
And speaking of fans Yuta-kun here also had a few requests.

Oh right, I heard that Yuta-san is getting a little famous at Nijigasaki and some other place's

I can't say that that's not true but yeah, to be honest. I'll be participating at another event at a live house as a guest performer

EHHHH? So you're that famous huh?

Hehe, it's kind of embarrassing when you think about
-Yuta said while blushing a little bit

No it's not. That's a good thing. You're getting recognized and taking another step at being a great musician

Well if you put it that way then all I can say is that I'm having fun with all that has happened

Sure you are. And will have more fun at the festival
-Setsuna said and pumped her fist in the air

It is a fun festival as the name suggests
And we won't get left behind at giving our best performance. Right Haruka-chan.

Most definitely! I won't let my sister have all the glory!

That's the spirit Haruka
-Yuta said bumping fist with Haruka

You two really are close. like siblings

Ehhh? Do we?

Might as well marry Haruka's sister so she'll have an onii-chan Hehe
-misaki teased

-Yuta, Setsuna and Haruka exclaimed

M-m-marriage!? At this age!?
I think it's too early to think of that kind of stuff

Y-yeah, why would you even consider that idea!?

Ehhh? But look at Haruka, she seems to be okay with it.

having Yuta-san as a brother............
-Haruka murmured


I's not a bad idea......
"And I Know my sister likes him so...."
-Haruka said shyly


W-well.......I'm not sure but....WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING!? LETS CHANGE THE TOPIC PLEASE.
-Yuta said nervously

"OMG! Why did I say that!? I'm so embarrassed"
-Haruka murmured while covering her face

Hehe, Don't worry Haruka-chan, Yuta-kun. I'm just teasing that's all.

Geez, don't do that again Christina!
-Haruka said while pouting

Y-yeah, enough with the teasing
"that was nerve-wracking"

Anyways. Now that you guys are done with whatever you where doing
What do the time tables for each venue look like?

Regarding the time tables.
We'd like to fill those up when we have a better idea for the other entertainments.

But Yuu here made a temporary one for the time being that we can use.
Can you show it to them?

"No response from Yuu"

Yuu? Can you hear me? Yuu?
-Yuta said giving her a light tap on the shoulder

"Snaps back to reality"
Huh? Oh!.....I'm sorry!
What where you saying Yuta-kun?

The time tables.......we need them
-Yuta said in worry

Oh the time time tables.
Give me just a second. You need those documents right?
-Yuu said nervously searching her bag


-Setsuna whispered

-yuta also whispered

Yuu-san looks like she's not herself. Did something happen? Not that I'm poking my nose into something private. But I'm just worried
-Setsuna whispered

Something did happen. Just a misunderstanding. but you don't need to worry. I'll handle this.
-Yuta said reassuring Setsuna

I see. Then I won't ask any further.
I have trust in you Yuta-san

Thanks Setsuna

Listen ladies.........
Our greatest desire is finally about to become a reality! 
And as your club president. I want everyone to get even more serious with our practices!


D-desire? We're really gonna call the festival that?

Why? It is our desire to make the festival a success no matter what it takes.

Yeah but maybe let's call it something else. Cause it sounds like we're villains when we say the festival is our greatest desire to have no matter what.

Hmmm, you do have a point shizuko.
What does everyone think?
How about you Ayumu senpai?


H-huh!? Did you say something Kasumi-chan?

Well someone's not paying attention


You look like you got something on your mind Ayumu.

What? This is nothing, really......

Either way, "points at Ayumu" this isn't the time to let your guard down Ayumu-senpai!
I know this is going to be a joint event effort.
But the festival won't be officially started unless everyone of us makes our concerts a success.

Your right Kasumi-chan. Sorry for spacing out.
Let's work hard Everyone

That's the spirit. Now everyone head outside and prac-

"Door opens"

"Ummmm, is Rina here by any chance?"

Looks like you have a visitor Rina-chan

What seems to be the problem?

"Do you have a moment? We have an idea for some entertainment for the event. And we wanted your help and opinion on it Rina."

I see.
Well can I go Kasumi-chan?

I don't see why not. Go ahead!
-Kasumi giving a thumbs up

Well then my answer is yes. I'll come with you.
-Rina said then left

See you guys later
-Emma and Karin said

Now then let's go back to-



Hmmmm, can we help you guys?

"We need you guys for a moment. It's about your costumes"

Oh that.

Sure, we'll come

As I was saying. The rest of us go to pr-

"Shizuku! We had a great idea!"


Oh c'mon! How many are there?


-Kasumi said in this belief

We'll See you guys later!
-they said then left

Then that just two

"Glare" Ayumu-senpai!
-Kasumi said in frustration

E-e-ehhhhhh!? W-what is it Kasumi-chan?
-ayumu said nervously

You and me.......let's go practice till we drop.
So much that we'll steal the fans from every other show that will be held.
-Kasumi said with envy

W-we can't just do that Kasumi-chan.......and I'm kinda getting scared by that face your making.
-Ayumu said in worry

Forget about my cute face!
We're friends, but rivals! You hear me!? Friends but rivals! Remember that!
We're not gonna lose to th-
-Kasumi said shaking Ayumu

"Door opens"

"Ayumu-chan, can you come with me for a sec?"

OMG, sure I'll go!
-Ayumu said in relief


S-sorry Kasumi-chan......
-Ayumu said then left
Okay......don't freak out. Think of this as a positive. You can practice and get even better than the others....and I'm sure my fans are out there finding me. I just know it. They'll come bursting through the door any second now.

"Door opens"


"Hello? Is anyone here?"

EHHHH? Tachibana-sensei?

Oh hi Kasumi-chan. Good to see you. And cute as always.

Hehe, thank you Sensei.
So your a fan of mine huh?
Well I can't complain about it though. Now let's go!

Huh? Fan?
I'm just here to pick up Yuta-kun.

E-e-ehhhhhh.....? Yuta-senpai....?

Yes, Yuta-kun.
Me and Kotetsu-sensei have important things to discuss about his Performance for the schools event.
But I see he's still not here. I'll just give him a call then.
See you Later Kasumi-chan
-tachibana said then left

-kasumi wined

"Door opens"

"Ummmm Kasumi-chan, you in here?"

YES! I'll come!
"Outside the cafe"

"Sigh"..........I was completely not paying attention earlier. I'm so sorry Setsuna-chan.

What? Don't say it like that Yuu-san. You at least had something to contribute. And besides, Yuta-kun was there to help so everything went just fine.

But still, you guys did most of the talking while I was spacing out. I was useless back there.

Hey, You're being harsh on yourself. Don't linger too much on what happened earlier. And don't forget, You helped us a lot in the club back then even when we were still on hiatus.
Besides, if you keep pushing yourself down like that, the festival won't happen. And you wouldn't like that would you?


That's what I thought.
So just focus on what you want to happen at the festival. I'm sure Yuta and everyone back at the club thinks the same as well

Yeah, I guess you're right. No time to feel sorry for what happened back there. I'll just need to focus next time.

Now that's the Yuu-san we know.

Anyways, where is Yuta-kun btw?

He went to go get some drinks, he should be back by now
-Setsuna said looking at the time on her phone
Hey guys I'm back, sorry for the wait.
And here's something to refresh you guys with
-Yuta said handing them the can's

Thanks Yuta-kun
-Setsuna said taking a sip

Here you go Yuu. This is your favorite right?

Yeah it is, but how did you know?

Ayumu told me

O-oh right, Ayumu........"It's still awkward between us"
-Yuu said with a change of expression which both Setsuna and Yuta noticed

"We need to get them back in good terms. But to do that, I need to have a talk with ayumu"

S-so going back to topic where are we supposed to head to next?

Well, were supposed to check the spots that Haruka and the others suggested
"Wow, she even forgot what to do next, I hope yuta gets her back to herself again"

Oh right how could I forget. Then let's go now so we can finish early
-Yuu said standing up

But before that, I think you guys should go on ahead without me.


Did something come up?

There is, Kotetsu-sensei and Tachibana-sensei just texted me regarding the festival. Then wanted to talk about my live show as well.

I see, very well then.
We can handle the rest on our own
You go on ahead Yuta-kun. Right Yuu-san?

Sure, no problem.
I'm also going to fix some stuff about you know what. So I'll leave Yuu in your care. Try and clear her head for now and help her relax.
-yuta whispered

Gotcha, leave it to me.
-Setsuna whispered back

Ummm, what are you guys talking about?

EAK! Uhhhhh, nothing in particular

Y-yeah, it's nothing.
And I'll be heading out now. See you guys later!
-Yuta said then left
"Ayumu's POV"

So for your stage, we have a bridge leading to dreams.
Tea party with ayumu-chan.
Or maybe a trip around odaiba with ayumu-chan.
-Student fan 1

We came with a couple few ideas but......we need your opinion on it
-Student fan 2

What do you say Ayumu-chan?
-student fan 3

-Ayumu murmured

Ayumu-chan? Are you still with us?
-Student fan 2

Hmmm!? O-oh right.......well I think those ideas sound great!
-Ayumu replied with a smile but instantly faded away

You seem to be troubled ayumu-chan.
-student fan 1

I-i can't say I'm not but.......

Hmmmm, could it be.....
-Student fan 3

That your thinking of....
-Student fan 2

Of what?

Are you perhaps d-dating!?
-Student fan 1

Yuta-kun? I-im not thinking about him at all, you got it all wrong guys. And we're not dating I swear!
-Ayumu said slightly raising her hands while she's clearly blushing

Hmmmm but you guys are always together with Yuu-senpai
-Student fan 2

It's hard to believe that non of you two have taken a liking to him
-student fan 1

And apparently I've heard many students talk about him here at school, he's apparently a nice and amazing person
-Student fan 3

Your not wrong, he is amazing........."BLUSH"

-student fan 3

What!? You guys have it all wrong. Our relationship isn't like that, were just good friends, honest!

Well if you say so ayumu-chan, we won't ask further questions
-Student fan 1

But we are rooting for you if you guys ever start going out
-Student fan 3

G-geez, enough with the dating stuff, let's go back to topic about the stage,I think they all sound great

NO! We feel like these ideas are not enough!
-Student fan 1

How is it not enough?

This is our chance to show the other idol fans just how amazing on an idol you are Ayumu-chan!
-student fan 1

Me?......."they think I'm amazing huh?"

Then let's brainstorm more ideas, let's show them the appeal of the school idol Ayumu!
-Student fan 1

Yeah, we can think of more better ideas.
-Student fan 2

For ayumu-chan!
-Student fan 3

For me......
"Smiles" thank you guys, you really look up to me that much huh?

-They all said

That makes me happy to hear that
"Time skip, at the school fountain"

"I don't my own strengths, but hearing the others say that they look up to me so much, makes me really happy.
It's been a few months since I joined the school idol club, and now we're going to hold an event for school idols and fans. It makes our world expand even more.

Everyones having so much fun, including Yuu-chan.
That thought makes it great and all but....."

What Happened last night.........I can't believe I said that. And I can't believe I did that!
-Ayumu said covering her face in embarrassment

I pushed her down and said that I want her to be only mine.......
-ayumu said while blushing like a tomato
So that's what you did huh?  That is pretty bold of you to do Ayumu

-Ayumu shouted and fell off her seat


Yo, want some?
-Yuta said showing his soda

Forget the soda and please help me up.
I think my butt is broken

Heh, broken butt

Hmmmp, Your a meanie Yuta-kun
-Ayumu said while pouting

Alright alright, Sorry for scaring you.
Here, take my hand

Thanks for helping, even though you're the one who caused it

Geez, I said I'm sorry

Anyways, are you guys done with your errands?
If you are then where is Yuu-chan?

I actually headed back first because Kotetsu-sensei and Tachibana-sensei needed me for the stage they're making.

I see......So how did it go?

Which one? My errand with Yuu or the stage?

The first one

Of course it's always your precious Yuu-chan

Just tell me, I don't need your teasing right now

O-okay miss bossy pants.
To be honest, she was not herself, she's been spacing a lot lately, and it's getting to her.
I think it's because of what happened between you two.

I knew you'd say that.........did I perhaps go too far?
-Ayumu murmured

Listen Ayumu......... whatever happened with you two, I think it's just a misunderstanding. Although im not sure since I haven't heard both sides yet. If you could explain what happened, maybe I can help.

I don't know either, I just...........feel scared.......


I'm just scared to be alone.........ever since we were little, Yuu-chan was the only person I can rely on. She's always by my side. She's my best friend.....
But I always feared that she won't be with me for long.

Why? What makes you think she won't be with you?

Don't get me wrong, I have no grudge against the other members of the club, but seeing her supporting more and more's starting to feel like we're drifting away further from each other.
I became an idol because of her, but if she's not with me, then what's the point of being an idol at all.
-Ayumu said gripping the end of her skirt and slowly tearing up

I don't want that, what I want is to be with her........

Ayumu..........."she's breaking down and losing the will to move forward. But what can I do to help her aching heart?"

"Rei"s advice"
"You need to show her that she can be comfortable around you, Emotionally and physically"

That's right, even if I'm not the person that she needs right now.
I want to show her that she's not alone. She's got us
-Yuta thought

But you're not alone Ayumu.........

-Ayumu suddenly stopped crying

You started being idol for someone you love. It's normal to give it your all . so you need to see it through the end, where's the fun if you just throw that all away.

And remember what I said back then?

Back then?

Give your best, to the person you want to Impress

The person..........I Yuu-chan

But you as I see it, Yuu isn't the only one you have

What do you mean?

You're not alone....... you've got everyone at the club.
Not just Yuu, But Kasumi, Rina, Shizuku, Ai, Setsuna, Karin, kanata, Emma. Who cares so about you as much as Yuu does. They're by our sides no matter what........ even your fans, they're looking forward to see your performance.
-Yuta fans......

They're even going out of there way to have the perfect stage for you. They look up to the school idol Ayumu........
So don't just say that you'll be alone
-Yuta said Taking Ayumu's hand

Y-yuta....... w-what are you-

Everyone loves and support you.
I'm sure thats also how Yuu feels . And that feeling of hers won't change.

How can you be a sure it won't?

I can't say for certain, but that's what my gutt feels like.

Pfft, are you really gonna trust your gutt?
-Ayumu chuckled

I am, and even if Yuu is not here.
You still have me........

"Eyes Widen" w-w-what did you say.......?

I'm here to be with you and support you one hundred percent of the time
-Yuta said with a smile

Ehhhhh.......EHHHHH!? D-d-did you just, ummmmm
"Is this some kind of c-c-confes......
-ayumu said while blushing and stuttering completely

"Because of Ayumu's sudden change of expression to turning red as a tomato, Yuta realized that what he said was completely like out of the pocket

W-WAIT, I think I that came out wrong. what I meant was if you ever feel lonely,  or you need can rely on me more.
-Yuta said blushing and nervously letting go of Ayumu's hand

"He then notices that Ayumu is turning even red that smoke is coming out of her head"

I-i- think I'm just gonna h-head to p-practice now......
-Ayumu said instantly standing up without making eye contact with Yuta

E-e-ehhhhhh? Wait a minute Ayumu!
"Did I say something to make her even upset!?"
My's beating so fast......
-ayumu murmured

"You still have me"
"I'll be with you"
"I'm here to support you one hundred percent"

-Ayumu screamed in her mind

So something really did happen huh?

Ehhhh? Happened what?
-Yuu trying to avoid the question

Please don't try to hide it Yuu-san. I can clearly see it.
You've been acting strange

Am I really showing it that much?

Yep, no doubt about it

I guess your right. Something did happen, but it's not a big of a deal

Come to think of it, Ayumu is also acting strange

W-well......."Notices Ayumu"......hold up, it's her!
Setsuna-chan, you head back to the clubroom.
-Yuu said running towards ayumu

W-WAIT a sec!  Yuu-san!?

AYUMU! Wait!!


Please......let's talk about what happened yesterday.

But we really don't need to.

Yes we do! We can't just stay like this! Leaving things this awkward between us.
And there was something I really wanted to tell you last night.


You see......there's something I want to do. Because I have a dream now!

"As soon as Ayumu heard those words from Yuu, her expression from gloomy turned into fear"

Setsuna-chan just found out about it accidentally, but I wanted you to be the first to know, apart from Yuta-kun.
And I'm sorry we kept it a secret.
But know I thought it through and made up mind.
So please hear me out.......


where did Ayumu head off too?

That voice........
-Yuta said then headed straight to it and saw Ayumu having an argument with Yuu




But that's no-

-ayumu said tearing up

-yuta said in frustration while hiding behind the building next to them

"Yuu wanted to say something more but she saw how Ayumu was on the verged of crying, she hesitated and said something different

I guess..........I'll tell you some other time
This.......this is bad.......

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