friends (JJ and Pope)

By tayluhswifttt

5.9K 127 66

(MLM) JJ has always known he was in love with his bestfriend. But what happens when Pope starts to realize h... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven

chapter ten

312 7 2
By tayluhswifttt

{AN: well it's been a long time and ik very few if any people are gonna read this. But for some reason i opened wattpad and instead of going to read i came on here and started to write. I guess i finally got some motivation. Hope anyone reading this enjoys this short chapter that i finally added after almost 4 months. ily.
- liv}


"JJ Maybank please report to the main office, JJ Maybank please report to the main office."

Huh? I didn't even do anything this time. Whatever at least I get to get out of English.
I walk down to the office and am met with the 80 year old secretary.

"Mr. Miler would like to speak with you in his office."

"What did I do this time?" I roll my eyes and adjust my hat as I sit down.

"Nothing." Is all he says.

"What do you mean nothin? Why am I here then?"

"I mean exactly that. You've done absolutely nothing this whole year. 81 missing assignments. Over 25 absences. Failing all classes except Art. And even in art you have a C minus. You are not graduating."


"It's sad JJ. You could be doing so much better if you just put some effort in. If you just tried."

"Ok I'll try."

"I would love to believe you. But I can't. I'm afraid we will have to bring someone else in. I considered asking Pope Heyward to help with getting your grades up, but nothing would get done. I know you guys are good friends and would get distracted."

It takes everything in me not to laugh.

"I don't need a tutor. Does it look like I care if I graduate?"

"Well you might not care. But I do. I care whether or not you graduate because I know you are more than able to. The only reason I'm bringing someone else in is because you are so behind it would be impossible without some help."

A tall, brunette haired boy walks in with deep green eyes.

"JJ, this is Mr. Gray. Cameron Gray."


He comes over and shakes my hand. Literally and actually. What the...? I haven't had someone shake my hand since... I don't even fucking know. I stand up and attempt to head for the door.

"Wait, Mr. Maybank."

"You and Mr Gray are going to meet sometime before the week ends. You two can correlate that. After this week you'll meet 2-3 times a week and attempt to get those grades up. Please be kind to each other."

"Well how about tomorrow after school in the library?" He asks in a very kind and oddly soft voice.

"Fine." I walk out and start walking to class only to realize the lighter I had deep in my pockets fell out. Shit. I gotta stop bringing that to school and keeping it in my pocket. I very quickly walk back and bump right into Cameron stand a few feet away from the Main Office.

"Wouldn't want any teacher to see this." He hands it to me. I realize I am literally staring at him and look away. His eyes are literally not even real. They look so... i can't even explain it.

"Mhm. Thanks." I mutter and turn around.

The time passes pretty quickly, and suddenly it's Tuesday after school. Time to meet with Cameron. I slowly walk to the library, not wanting to get there any sooner than i have to.

"Dreading our meet, are you?" Cameron suddenly behind me asks.


"You're walking awful slow."

"Oh. Yeah."

I pick up the pace a little bit, not wanting to come off too rude.

We open the door to the library and i take a seat in the way back, where no one can see us.

My old beat down barely working phone buzzes. I pull it out and it's just a news notifications. I put my phone under my leg.

"So the class you have the lowest percentage in is Chemistry, and you also have the most missing assignments in there."

"Yeah because that idiot of a teacher doesn't teach anything. He just assigns the work."

"To be fair, if he did teach you probably wouldn't even pay any attention, right?" He says with a smile on his face. I laugh.

"No. Probably not." I say in between laughs.

After the laughter dies out, he begins talking about school work.

"So the things that are brining your grade down are these 2 missing tests and on quiz. If you take them and get C's on them, it will help your grade."

"So I'm guessing you can't take them for me?" I joke.

"Hmmm sorry no. But i can help you study for them."

He starts talking about chemical equations and all the boring shit that I'm never gonna need in my life. My phone buzzes while he is 40 minutes into teaching me about the equation shit. I pull it out and a message from Pope appears on my screen.

Sarah is annoying me with all this talk about fucking Kie. How much longer you gonna be at the school?"

20-30 minutes maybe?

I'm walking to the school. We can walk back to JB's together. I can't stand this anymore.

I smile as I read his message. Once I realize I'm smiling like a fucking idiot I stop and look back up at Cameron.

"So, you do smile?"

"I was literally just laughing like a half hour ago."

"Well laughing and smiling are two different things."

He keeps rambling on about science until Pope texts me that he's here. We walk out together and I walk away from him to walk towards Pope.

"Wanna meet again Friday after school?" Cameron yells from across the parking lot.

"Sure." I quietly yell back.

"He seems..." Pope starts, but stops.


Pope grabs my hand once we are away from the school and where no one can see us.


{I love love love Cameron even tho he was just introduced. Btw the name Cameron has no correlation to the Cameron family, just love the name.

Random question: what is your absolute favorite song? ——>

My answer: Back to December by Taylor Swift ... maybe that's basic idk but yeah

Hope you liked the chapter. Lmk ur opinions about Cameron ——> ❤️❤️}

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