Head Over Heels:Book 4:Hidden...

By LostxInxStereo

387K 4.5K 643


H.O.H: Book 4:00:
H.O.H: Book 4:01:
H.O.H: Book 4:02:
H.O.H: Book 4:03:
H.O.H: Book 4:04:
H.O.H: Book 4:06:
H.O.H: Book 4:06:
H.O.H: Book 4:07:
H.O.H: Book 4:08:
H.O.H: Book 4:09:
H.O.H: Book 4:10:
H.O.H: Book4:11:
H.O.H: Book 4:12:
H.O.H: Book 4:13:
H.O.H: Hidden Secrets:14:
H.O.H: Hidden Secrets:15:
H.O.H: Hidden Secrets:16:
H.O.H: Hidden Secrets:17:
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H.O.H: Hidden Secres:36:

H.O.H: Hidden Secrets:23:

11.8K 133 17
By LostxInxStereo

You guys better comment so much on this chapter, or I'm going to make a seat for you at the irrelevant table. LOL



November 30th

9:37 AM

"Mommy?" Hailee said to me, walking in from downstairs.


"Do I have to go to ballet tonight?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good."

"Come here," I patted the seat next to me with my free arm, adjusting Aria as Hailee did as I said, then felt the top of her head with my hand. "No, you don't have to go tonight. I'll call Ms. Heather later. Let's go get some medicine."

Standing up, I walked over to Aria's playpin, setting her gently in it as I took Hailee's hand, walking with her into the kitchen where I went in the cabinet, pulling down her Motrin and put it in one of the little measuring cups, handing it to her and watched her swallow it down.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I squatted down, kissing the top of her head before I stood back up and took her hand. "Want to watch a movie together?"

"Yeah." She nodded, walking back into the living room with me where my phone was ringing on the table.

I let go of her hand, walking over to it quickly where Justin's name lit up my screen, a smiling curling it's way quickly onto my face.

"Hey Justin." Nodding my chin I looked at Hailee, motioning over to the movies on the shelf.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Right now I'm ok. You?"

"I miss you guys. I'm just ready to be home again.

"I know, me too, but just a few more days. How is everything going?"

"Great. Everybody has something here though, and I think I'm catching it."

"Hailee's sick too. I'm not taking her to ballet. She's running a fever."

"Aw, really?"

"Yeah, and Aria is in her playpin. She was up a lot last night too, which means I was up a lot." I mumbled, watching Ari roll over in the playpin, somewhat of a babble escaping her lips.

"I'm sorry. I'll take over for a little while when I get home. Has Hailee been good?"

"For the most part, yeah. I mean she's kind of adjusting too...she's not an only child anymore. She's not used to that."

"That's true too."

"So...what about you? Any new music?"

"Yeah actually, I've written a few new songs on the road. Grammy nominations come out at the end of the month you know."

"I know," I nodded, Hailee patting my leg with a movie in her hand. "Ok, just sit it on the table."

"Huh?" Justin asked.

"Sorry, was talking to Hail. She picked out a movie. Anyway, my album from last year...I mean like it went platinum, and I've never won a Grammy, you have, so I'm pretty nervous."

"I understand that, but you're album was amazing. If you're not nominated then they're just stupid."

"I'm a mom though...I haven't really been doing anything."

"Then do something. You don't deserve to be staying at home."

"But...after the accident..." I whispered, walking close to the window. "I don't know."

"What? You're afraid if you leave something'll happen?"

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, walking over to the DVD player and laughed as I saw it was Tormented- for some reason Hailee made it a point to watch our movies.

"You know we'll be fine." He murmured, a gentler tone as I pressed play.

"You said that last time...and look what happened." I pointed out, feeling guilty for a moment, but it was honest.

"I know...but that wasn't your fault, and we've come a long way since then."

"Yeah." Was all I could say. I mean, what else was I supposed to say?

"So...When I get home on Monday, do you want to do something?"

"Like go out?" I questioned, fiddling with my finger nails again.

"Yeah, out to dinner. You and me."

"Sure. I'd like that. Where?"

"We could go down town for a while. I can see what Mom and Greg are doing. I just really want some alone time with you."

"Me too," I bit down on my lip, a small smirk. "But what if they spent the night here instead?"

"What do you mean? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of-"

"Justin," I laughed, peeking my head around the corner to where Hailee sat curled up on the couch. "There is a hotel downtown."

"Ohhhh," He chuckled, the image of his eyebrows raising in my head. "Yeah, that sounds great. I don't know why I didn't think of that."

"Me neither actually, with the way you are."

"Hey! I'm not anyway."

"Justin, just a month ago you came home drunk and told me I should undress you more often."

"Yeah, I don't remember that, but it's quite true."

"You're such a dork."

"I know, but it's been almost a year." He groaned.

"It was different when we didn't have children. Trust me, I like our alone time just as much as you do."

"Is that what we're calling it now? Alone time?"

"Sure, if you want."

"Why not play time?"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes, walking back into the living room where Hailee was sitting.

"Hey, you and I both know that when I came home that night slightly tipsy- well let's just say you wanted me. Come on."

"You were not slightly tipsy. I don't even know how you made it in the house, and you passed out within minutes. If anything, you wanted me."

I was whispering now, Hailee's eyes locked on the screen- she wasn't paying attention to me anyway.

"Um, in case you haven't caught on for the past ten or so years, I always do."

"I can tell."

"Reow to you too."

"Stop," I laughed, shaking my head and looked back at Hail. "Want to talk to Hailee?"

"Yeah, while I can. I'll call you again tonight after the show too, ok? Before of course for Hailee."

"Ok, I love you."

"Love you too babe, bye."

I handed the phone to Hailee, walking into the kitchen to pour myself a mug of coffee before I went back and sat with her.

My mood was completely flipped.



10:14 AM

"This is so nice," I smiled at Erikka who walked beside me, taking a sip of my iced coffee as we walked down the side walk. "We haven't done this in forever."

"I know right, no work, no children."

"Thanks to your husband," Letting out a laugh I hooked my arm through hers, my eyes scanning over the stores. "Where to next?"

"I don't know, you pick."

"I don't really know...I really want something nice for Monday."

"What's Monday?"

"Justin and I are going out to dinner."

"Really? Who's watching the girls?"

"His parents are spending the night." I blushed, my eyes searching for the closet store.


"Because we're staying at a hotel."

"Ohh," She grinned, nodding her head in approval. "Ow ow. So we need to find you something new, hmm?"

"We don't really need to." I shrugged.

"We are, and I know exactly where to go."

"Oh no," I groaned, her speed quickening to pull me along faster. "Please tell me you're not taking me to a lingerie store."

"God Lauren, sometimes I really wonder what happened to you. You act like you don't like it."

"I have daughters- what if they found that?"

"That's why some things need to be kept under lock and key. Come on, you look great, like thanks to you introducing me to that diet I lost the weight really fast, but you deserve some new things, and if a few new things make Justin drool, go for it."

"Do you remember when he had you pack my bags for our honeymoon? Oh my god."

"Yes I do, and half the things wouldn't have been in there if it weren't for me."

"Ok, but damn. Just fill it with silk why dontcha."

"I did, and I know for a fact he loved it. So you're welcome."

"I was kind of thinking along the terms of a new dress, you know, not-"

"You can wear it underneath. Like I've told you so many times, if you've got it, flaunt it."

"Well you're more daring than I am."

"Is this because of the whole baby thing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as her pace slowed again.

"Well yeah, baby fat is not attractive."

"Oh my god, Lauren." She stopped walking, unhooking her arm from mine and patted my stomach. "There is nothing there! I felt abs, so you should not be embarrassed."

"I mean...he hasn't really seen that yet...soo...I don't know."

"That's why we're going shopping. Have fun, and don't be insecure. You look fantastic...if you weren't my sister..."

"Erikka!" I gaped, playfully smacking her arm and slipped my arm back through hers. "God and I thought Justin was bad."

"Let's go." She laughed, opening the door to the store.



4:38 PM

"Be good." I said to Hailee, bending down to her level and kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." She grinned before Justin scooped her up in his arms, planting kisses along her cheek to make her laugh.

"Alright princess, we'll see you in the morning."

"Bye Daddy.


And with that I followed Justin down the hall out the door.

"You," He said against the side of my head, pecking my temple with a grin. "Look absolutely gorgeous."

"You look very handsome too." Smiling I leaned against the car, letting go of his hand to play with the collar of his shirt.

"Thank you."

His hands rested on the base of my neck, pulling me forward to his lips, slowly moving them in a kiss that completely made me melt, my hands placed on his abs.

"So, want to go now?" He asked as we pulled away.

"Yeah." I bit down on the corner of my lip, smiling again as he let go of me and went to the passenger side, holding the door open for me. "Thanks."

"You're very welcome."


9:08 PM

"Wait," Justin said as we got to the door, unlocking it then took my bag from my hand.

Next thing I knew he scooped me up in his arms, mine flinging around his neck with a laugh.

"Well look at you." I said into his cheek, laughing again as he smirked at me.

"What? You don't think I can carry you anymore?"

"No," I shook my head quickly. "I do. I just wasn't expecting it."

Then he pressed his lips to mine, my arms encircling his neck farther as our lips moved.

"Weren't expect that either, right?"

"Right," Giggling he sat me down, my feet gently hitting the floor. "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Alright." He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead, taking off his jacket as I walked away.

I shut myself in there, finding the zipper to my dress and leaned against the counter, shaking my head with a slow laugh at myself.

Then I looked down at my stomach, seeing what my sister had said, but I was still tempted to cover it up.

And I folded up my dress, sitting it off to the side, taking another deep breath before I turned the knob.

"Lauren, what are-" Justin started to ask towards the bathroom, plopped back on the cream sheets with his feet spread out, but cut himself off as his eyes started at my feet. "Whoa. Is it my birthday?"

"No." I smiled, taking a few steps closer to him with a faint blush.

"It may as well should be."

"Well it's not." I giggled, letting out a slow breath as he grinned at me.

"So, are you going to come here...or?"

I laughed again, crawling up and over him, smiling into his cheek.

"When did you get this?" He asked, his hands sliding down my sides to my hips.

"Over the weekend." I bit my lip, a light laugh escaping my lips from the touch.

"Ah, your sister."

"Actually, she was just with me, but I picked it out."

"Hmm," His smile grew wider, his fingers tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I love it."

"Good." Was all I could think to say as I held my hair behind my ear, tilting my head down to press my lips against his.

He broke it for a split second, pushing me over playfully where I erupted in giggles, catching the base of his neck in my hands as he latched his lips back on mine, his fingers tracing patterns along my skin until he found my waist again.

"Mine." He chirped in my ear, pecking my cheek several times, but slowly.

"Mhm." I nodded, raking my fingers through his hair, reaching for the end of his shirt with the other.


9:48 AM

"Mommy!" Hailee said as we walked through the door, running through the hall over to us. "Daddy!"

"Hey," Smiling at her he picked her up, kissing the side of her head. "How's my girly?"

"Good. Guess where went last night?"

"Where did you go?"

"Tim Horton's. It was really yummy."

"Oh, that does sound really good."

"And Grandma and Grandpa said that-"

"Justin," Mrs. Pattie walked in, wide eyes and a smile plastered on her face. "Morning."

"Morning Mom." He smiled back, leaning over enough to kiss her cheek.

"Did you have a nice time?"

"Yeah, we did." He nodded, grinning again as he looked at Hailee.

"What'd you do?" Hail asked him, her head placed on his shoulder.

"I took Mommy out to dinner."

"Oh." Was all she said as Greg walked in with Aria in his arms.

"Look who's home." He said to her, her hand curled around his finger.

"Ari." Smiling at her, I sat my bag down, letting Greg transfer her into my arms. "Hey sweetie. Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa?"

"Of course she did," Pattie laughed. "I guess we should get going."

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you have to go somewhere..." Justin said.

"Yeah, I have some stuff to do, but we'll do something together soon, I promise." She kissed his cheek, giving him a side hug since he had Hail, was with Justin, then me and Aria. "Oh, and Aria had a bottle this morning, Hailee had Captain Crunch. Everyone ate."


"Drive safe." Justin said, putting Hailee down and got the door for them.

"Take care." Greg said, hugging Justin and I before the left and shut the door behind them.

Hailee ran out from the hallway, running down the stairs to her play room and left Justin and I with Aria, both of our eyebrows raised as we looked at each other.

"Was your mom acting weird to you?" I asked him, motioning back to the door.

"Yeah, she might just not want us to know something she did with the girls. She is a grandma now." He grinned, putting his hand on my back as we walked into the house.

"That's true."

We went into the living room where I sat Aria in her playpin, turning to Justin who had already caught my hips.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, laughing as I leaned back into his chest.

"What do you mean? I'm loving on you."

"So you had fun?" I asked, slipping my fingers through his.

"Mhm." He nodded, smiling into my cheek. "I'm glad we got some alone time."

"Me too."

"So tomorrow, I really want us to do something with Hailee, or even tonight. Just with Ari, I don't think she's gotten all the attention she's deserved, and I've been gone again."

"I say, we play a game or two and just watch some movies. You're right, that would be nice."

"That sounds like a plan, where is she now?"

"She went downstairs."

"Alright, I'm going to go check on her."

"Ok." I said softly, turning my head and reached up for his cheek, molding my lips against his - in a kiss that really mad my stomach twist with excitement- like it should.

I went back into the hall as he went down the stairs, grabbing our bags and sat them in our room before I went back to Aria.

"Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa?" I asked her, leaning down and laughed as she looked up at me. "I bet you did, and Daddy's home now too."

I picked her up again, holding her tightly to my chest as I kissed the top of her head, laughing as she kicked her legs happily.

"You're in a good mood." I whispered in her ear, sitting down with her on the couch and ran my hand on her back.

"She's playing with her tea stuff." Justin told me as he came back up the stairs.

"Oh, alright. Did you say anything about tonight?"

"Yeah, she wants to do it. I figured we could order some pizza too. I could go for some pizza."

"We can do that."

"How's my baby?" He asked, sitting down next to me and kissed Aria's cheek.

"I'm good Daddy," I answered for her, smiling into her cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He chuckled, kissing the top of her nose, her blinking a couple of times in response. "You're so pretty."

"Yes I am." I said in a littler voice, Justin and I both laughing afterward.

"I'll go make us something to eat."



11:48 AM

"Hey," I said out loud, walking to the living room where Justin sat. "Look what I found."

I sat beside him, showing him the picture of the ultrasound.

"I think it's Hailee."

He smiled, taking the picture as I held it out to him.

"She was so little."

"That's like when I was a few weeks pregnant..."

Then he turned the picture over, something I hadn't done, a date reveal with the caption '11 weeks,' then Nicole...

We were both quiet, and I looked pd qr forward, guilty fiddling with my hands.

"I didn't know-" I started, but he shook his head, sitting the picture down on the table.


"Don't. It's alright. Not your fault."

"I was just looking through an old box of stuff...I didn't know I kept it."

"Hey," I felt his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side with his lips against my temple. "It's fine. I'm glad we still have it."

"Really?" I squeaked, my eyes flickering back to the picture.

"Of course. We know where she is, and it's a time where you and I got a whole lot closer to each other. A reminder that nobody what's thrown at us, we can get through it together."

I leaned over, resting my head on his shoulder and buried my face in his neck, taking in the scent of his cologne, his arm tightening around me.

"We have two very beautiful girls."

"Yes, we do." I nodded, wiping a stray tear that I hadn't felt and kissed his cheek.

"You missed." He whined, pulling me back gently by the base of his neck and I laughed, happily accepting the kiss as his lips moved gracefully along mine.

"There you go." Smiling into his cheek, I put my arms around his neck, closing my eyes for a moment to enjoy it.

"Mommy?" Hailee said, walking down the stairs from our room, causing Justin and I to pull back slightly.

"What's up Hail?"

"Ari's awake."

"Ok." I nodded, letting go of Justin completely and smiled at him again. "I'll get her."



6:39 PM

"Pizza, pizza, pizza." Hailee said, trying to use her hands to pull herself up so she could see over the counter.

"I'm pretty excited too." Justin chuckled, laughing at her as he reached for a few plates.

I waited a few seconds until the plates were down on the counter so he wouldn't drop them, playfully grabbing his butt before I looked away and went over to the fridge.

He jumped, turning back to look at me and grinned, winking before he turned back.

"I know you like it." He said loud enough for me to hear, making Hailee giggle beside him.

"Mommy touched your butt."

"I did no such thing." I laughed, biting down on my bottom lip and went over to the fridge.

"Liar." Justin said, shaking his head with a chuckled, handing me a plate with a slice of pizza on it.

"Shut up." I said in his ear, pecking his cheek before I went and sat down in the living room.

"What movie are we gonna watch?" Hailee asked, following in after me and kneeled at the table in front of me.

"Don't know. We'll figure out something."

Justin smiled at us walking into the living room, sitting down next to me with a new chuckle escaping his lips.

"What?" I asked with a laugh, watching as Hailee bit into her pizza.

"You grabbed my butt."

"I did not grab, I-"

"You what, fondled?"

"Shut up." I said with a blush, taking a bite of my own pizza so I had an excuse not to talk.

"That's what I thought." With that he kissed my temple, leaning back in my ear. "I'm just messing with you."

"I know." I smiled back, covering my mouth with my hand and sat my pizza on the table, grabbing the remote a few feet away. "Let's find a movie."


9:22 PM

Hailee sat curled into Justin on his lap, his arm around my shoulders with the padding of his thumb moving along my arm.

Aria was still asleep, and Hail had seemed to be enjoying herself, I was.

Even though we were just sitting in a room watching a movie, we were still together.

Hailee and Justin laughed beside us, but I had been too busy thinking and looking at them to notice what was happening.

I mean, it wasn't exactly an adult movie, it had to appeal to Hailee, but I found that I still enjoyed the animated movies...at least with them.

Then it was over, Hailee was half asleep against Justin's chest- and let's not forget about Justin.

"Hail, bed time." I whispered, kissing her cheek as I ran the back of my hand on her other.

"I don't wanna go to bed yet."

"You know the rules." Justin mumbled.

"Come on, I'm sure Daddy will sing to you if you ask."

"You can sing to me too." She smiled, putting her arms around Justin's neck. "You and Daddy's song."


I walked up the stairs, following beside Justin and pulled back the covers for her, laughing a little as she sunk down and hugged her monkey to her chest.

It all seemed to slow down then, watching as he sat down beside her, taking my hand from his side, his eyes locked on hers- full of pure love, hers full of admiration.

This was my family, the family I had always wanted.

Sure Justin and I had disagreements, sure Hailee had some trouble, but yet at this moment it felt so perfect.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked her, tickling Hailee's sides.

"Stop it!" She giggled as he kissed her cheek a few times, her face buried into her pillow.

"No!" He laughed back, but he did stop, kissing her head again as I felt the grip he had on me tighten. "I love you."

"I love you." She giggled as she caught her breath, playfully poking her finger to his chest as he spoke.

"Will you sing with me?" He said in my ear, his smile so wide his cheeks had to be hurting.

"Of course I will." I nodded, reaching for his hand on my leg and laced them together.

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