Cop loving me? Code 10-0 (BWW...

By sosodef1991

344K 14.2K 2.8K

Alicia Miller is as bad as you can get them. Having develop an aversion to cops. in the past Alicia has alwa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 16

10.5K 401 77
By sosodef1991

Chapter 16

It was Monday morning and I was at the mine in the waiting room/container. I was waiting for my supervisor to come see me. I was in casual clothes as I hadn't received my uniform yet. I had given my sizes, but whatever.

After a while a big bellied guy in full uniform came in and greeted me.

"Alicia Miller?" he asked and I nodded. He put his hand out and gave mine to we could shake hands. I looked at him closely and saw he was already sweating.  It's only seven in the morning and this guy is sweating already.

He spoke again, "please to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. The name's Isaac." I'm sure you have.

"So let's get started.  Firstly you're gonna have to come with me before you put on your uniform but could you please put on the helmet and safety vest."

He pointed at the items they were lying on the table and I put them on. He started giving the low down on safety at the mine first. He said because I'm still training I'll be on a 5/2 shift this week. 5 days working 2 days off. I was working morning shift this week and from next week. I'd be working the difficult shifts.

The day really was about training. I met two guys that I would be working with. I didn't recognise them so they weren't from town. Austin was the brown haired and Deacon was blonde. Both of them were well built but were suspiciously too pale for my liking. This is the south people aint that pale. I could see on their faces they didn't want me here. Well you're gonna have to get use to me. 

I got my protective gear and went to change. I didn't like where I had to change. It was dirty. Dust was everywhere. I changed into a jumpsuit and it felt a bit too tight around my chest and ass, wonderful. I hope I'm given a pants and jacket. Jumpsuits restricted me. I put on my safety boots and was satisfied. I had to wear a size smaller as it manufactured to men's size. 

The first training course I had was a video I had to watch about Mine safety. Again? I paid attention and made notes as I realised it was based on this mine specifically. 

It was lunch and I was shown to the lunch room and went to get myself some lunch. I had my tray in my hands and saw people were purposely ignoring me. I saw an empty table oh well what the heck. I sat down and started eating. I can cook better than this but it was free. 

From the corner of my eye I saw two guys sneer at me but ignored them. I subtly looked around I didn't see any familiar faces or a woman yet. These guys aint from town so they don't me. I smirked to myself let the games begin. 

After lunch I was asked to observed Austin and Deacon. I kept a safe distance and kept my mouth tightly shut when I saw they were repairing a hydraulic system incorrectly. After a while it was getting frustrating and I was itching to say something and get involved. Before I could, I was called over and saw an engine that needed cleaning. I just knew it. The grease build up was bad so I guess it needs to be greased again as well.

I sighed and put on my gloves and looked for the toolbox and started dissembling the engine. I had just finished cleaning the parts and was busy assembling the engine back together again when I noticed Austin and Deacon were standing and watching me. 

They had impressed looks on their faces. Austin was nodding his head and winked at me.

"I have to say you're good that really takes some technique to clean that engine." He said.

"Thanks I had a lot practice." I said and he nodded. 

"Well we'll leave you to it and welcome." He said and both of them went back to working.

I was on my way home and was I real tired. I was hot, sticky and covered in dust and grease. To make matters worth I was on my period. There's a lot of dust on that mine damn. I entered the front door and was greeted with an excited Aunt Diane. She wanted to know how my day was blah, blah. I told her and then said I needed to shower. I was really tired a 12 hour shift aint games. 

I ate dinner and talked to Aunt Diane. I was really tired and after I washed the dishes I went to bed. My head just touched my pillow and my eyes closed automatically. 

It was Wednesday and the foreman just told me that my shift this week is gonna change to a 4/3 shift. Four days' work, three days off. I was suspicious and went to make sure. The supervisor said it's true as this week was all about training. I apparently grasped the work quicker than usual and they scheduled for me to train for full five days. 

Its policy of the mine that if training is completed before scheduled time. That person is given off. So if you finish on a Thursday. You will only come back to work on the next Monday. I was on probation and for three months so I would be getting a wage every week. This week I was going to get a trainee wage so it wasn't a lot.

It was Thursday and the end of my shift when I saw the supervisor approaching me. He handed to me and told me it was wage. I thank him and put in my bra. When I got home I took it out and looked at it and was shocked.

I was sitting in the kitchen when Aunt Diane spoke, "oh dear did you see a ghost or something?" she came to stand next to me and looked at the cheque. "Is that what you get for training? That's triple what you got at Timmy's" 

"I think here's a mistake. I'ma call the supervisor as he only started his shift at two so he's still in."

"Yeah you do that dear." Aunt Diane said.

I called the supervisor and after some awkwardness he told no it was the right amount. I'll be getting double that next week. 

I looked at Aunt Diane and gave her the cheque. She frowned, "honey why you giving me this?"

"I'm giving you my first my cheque." I explained.

She shook her head, "no I can't. What about you?"

"I'm sorted Aunt Diane. Please take it. Go spoil yourself."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. 

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and put it her bra. 

I showered and went to bed I was too tired. I was actually ignoring Wayne after Sunday. I can't believe he said he'll do that to me. I know other people do it and if it works for them. Bless them. But me? No! That aint gonna work me. No! I switched off my light and went to bed.

My phone then rang loudly it was the devil calling for my soul. I answered it. He asked me to sleepover Friday and Saturday and I hesitated answering him.

"I don't know. I still..."

"You'll be done by tomorrow."

"You don't know what I have to do."

I heard him sigh, "you'll be done with whatever you need to do and you're visitor will be gone too."

"My visitor? Who's visiting me?" I asked confused.

"Your period Licia your period."

"How the hell did that come into the conversation?"

"Cos I know why that's the reason you hesitated. Anyway a while ago I heard you telling Chantel once that you get your period for four days only. You started Sunday. Anyway you need to get use to the fact. That you're gonna have me around when you're on your period. You aint gonna disappear for those four days."

What the hell? No! This guy is too much. "Chantel and I were whispering. Why were you listening in on us? Anyway who says you won't disappear?"

"I won't. Licia like I've told you before. I aint those boys you got involved with. I'm a man and I'm mature enough when it comes to a woman PMSing. It's more of a nuisance but it don't bother me. Remember what I told you Sunday."

Even though he couldn't see me. I rolled my eyes, "don't remind me that's just disgusting. I really hope that aint something you're into. Cos there's no way in hell I'm gonna do that." 

He sighed, "You say that now. So about you sleeping over..."

"Yes I'll sleepover."

"Good. So what time you coming?"

"I have to do some stuff so probably about six o' clock."

"What stuff do you need to do?"

"Laundry, cleaning the house, stuff like that."

"Okay pack in clothes till Sunday morning.  Oh and pack in some clothes for fishing. We're going fishing Saturday."

"Hasn't the water been polluted recently or something?"

"Nah, it was lies. I was with the scientist who tested the water, its fine."

I frowned, "why were you with the scientist?" I knew who he was talking about. Even though she doesn't stay in town she's got a reputation under the men. Plus she very attractive.

"It was so that she had protection and an eyewitness with her." yeah right.

"Okay then." I yawned.

"Someone's tired I hear. Let's end the call so that you get a good night's rest. Cos you won't be sleeping much this weekend. Good night bye."

Before I could speak he ended the call. Asshole. I won't be sleeping much. What's that supposed to mean? If I think he's talking having sex. He'll be disappointed. I aint ready. I put my phone away and closed my eyes.

It was Thursday midmorning and I was walking out of the clinic. I just got tested for HIV. Result Negative. Obvious! I really don't like that counselling. You could see on the counsellor's face she didn't believe me when I told her I only ever had sex twice. She kept talking about one should be honest with one's self. Blah, blah, blah. Self-righteous bitch. Now I got these pamphlets and condoms.

 I also got my birth control. Michelle told me about the implant and I asked the nurse about it and it suited me. It wasn't entirely for free like the others but it's cheaper than having a baby. I also aint got time for pills or coming to this clinic every three months for a shot. They'll see me again in three years' time.

Talking about Michelle. That cousin of mine is eighteen and she makes me look naïve. What's her alter ego's name? Miss Chalé. I have to give the girl her props. She does have it all she just hides her stuff. She's a sneaky bitch that one. Jermaine told me she and that fool of a boyfriend got into an argument about her pole dancing. He can be glad I wasn't around. What was his name again? Blake.

I called her this morning wanting to know when she gonna send that video of hers and that fool answered. While she was looking for the video I was referring to. I heard him ask where all those videos came from and why he hasn't seen them yet. She neatly put him in his place. 

I then realised something didn't Jermaine say his full name was Blake Moore. If she got married to him Michelle Moore! Ha-ha M&M. the sweets I then stopped. Alicia Anderson, AA, alcoholics anonymous. Whatever! There is some truth in it. Who says we're gonna get married anyway?

Wayne's also gonna go away for three months. Who says he aint gonna meet someone else? These things do happen. Female cops don't play when they want something. I won't call them bitches as the job needs them to be aggressive and what not. But off duty some of them are still bitchy.

Whatever! Wayne or no Wayne. I'm still gonna become that sex vixen I've always seen myself as. Like I said, I'm doing this for me. It's something I have do for myself. But now I need to get home and start cleaning and getting ready for tonight. 

I am on my way to Wayne and I'm quite tired actually. I did laundry, helped clean the house. I repacked my closet and even washed, blow dried and straightened my hair. That took two hours to do. Lucky I said I'll come at six I'm still tired I needed that nap I had this afternoon. 

I was nearing his house when I saw a car parked outside. I neared and heard laughter. I listened carefully and I heard Byron's voice. Are they drinking? It sounds like it. I then heard someone call my name and I turned to look in the direction. It was an elderly guy, Uncle Lloyd, who lived across the street from Wayne and I saw he was looking at his truck. 

"Hey, sorry Licia but could you take a look at my car. It doesn't want to start and my back and hands aint the same anymore." he asked.

I looked down at my clothes. It wasn't mechanic clothes. I had a leopard print ¾ sleeved flannel shirt and blue jeans on. Even my lingerie was leopard print. My shoes are black flats. Some would call it trashy but I think I looked good. Oh well.

I smiled, "it aint a problem. I'll help you." I opened the bonnet when I heard someone gasp. 

"Licia let me get you an old shirt of my son. You're gonna mess up you're beautiful clothes. I love that top you're wearing. Its days like these I miss the old days. Don't start before I come back." Uncle Lloyd's wife said.

I smiled, "okay mam." I then heard loud cheering across the street from Wayne's house. 

"Whenever that damn Byron comes over its always noisy. Don't take this wrong dear. You're trouble but you aint noisy. Even when you're drunk you go all quiet. I only heard you being noisy at his place was that Thursday before you left. But it was a good noisy." He then winked at me and I widened my eyes when I realised what he was talking about.

Well, what'd you expect Alicia? The two of you were laying on the floor, in front of the front door. His wife came back, she handed me the shirt, and I said thanks and put the shirt on. It was big enough to cover up my shirt. I'll have to be careful with my jeans. 

I looked around and fiddled with a few things and found the problem. I sighed heavily and started working. I was busy tightening a bolt with a wrench when I heard the front door open at Wayne's house.

"Where the hell is Alicia? It's past seven already. She said she'll come over tonight." I heard Wayne yell but his words were slurred. I looked at uncle and we both shook our heads.

"Maybe she aint coming no more. Probably drinking at Timmy's again." I heard Byron yell from inside the house. 

"Nah I already called. She aint there. Let me call her again."

At that moment my phone started ringing. I looked at uncle, "I really need to fasten this bolt please answer my phone."

He got my phone and answered it.


"Who's this? Where's Alicia?" wow that's rude.

"It's your neighbour Lloyd she's helping me with my car. Look in front of you."

I turned and saw Wayne looking at us. Uncle Lloyd and I both waved and smiled.

"Oh sorry Uncle Lloyd, I'm coming over." He ended the call and I got back to work. 

"I'm sorry I was rude Uncle Lloyd. I was just worried when I realised it wasn't Alicia on the phone." Wayne said. Damn his words were slurring. I could even smell the alcohol from here.

I turned to glare at him and saw he was wearing a foolish smile on his face. He started rubbing his face. His ears were blood red. 

He then spoke, "how long you gonna take?"

"About fifteen minutes. You can go back to Byron." I told him.

"I'll wait." He folded his arms and grinned sheepishly. 

I sighed and got back to work. He was talking to uncle. I interrupted them and asked Uncle Lloyd to start the truck. He did and the engine roared to life. I gave a thumbs up and closed the bonnet. I went go wash my hands and took off the shirt.

"Just throw it somewhere. I'll use it as a cloth." Uncle said. 

I smiled and we greeted and Wayne and I left. Wayne put his arm on my lower back but felt it going lower. I grabbed his hand and walked over to his house. 

We entered and just as he closed the door he pulled me and started kissing me. I tasted the beer on his tongue and pulled away.

"I need to use the restroom please." he nodded and I took my bag from him. I passed the living room and saw Byron sitting on the sofa watching TV. When he saw me he smiled and put his hand up. I nodded back and went to Wayne's room. I closed the door, I put my bag down and sighed.

Just great, drunk people and I'm sober. They better give me a damn beer. I went to his bathroom and relieved myself. I was busy washing my hands when I saw the door open. Wayne was looking at me with that drunk grin on his face. I just shook my head.

"What you've a problem with drunk people? That's ironic."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't have a problem with it. I'm glad you realise your drunk. Is your guestroom tidy and ready for Byron? He aint driving home drunk."

He scratched his head, "I don't know. He can also sleep on the couch."

I glared at him, "I'll have a look. I'll join you just now." I dried my hands and was about to leave but he blocked me.

He put his arms around me, "it can wait. You look good enough to eat tonight. Come give me a proper kiss."

We started kissing and he turned me around and pushed me against wall. His hand went to my ass and he started humping me. I had to pull away for some air and he started kissing my neck. His hand went to my jeans button. I stopped him and gently pushed him away.

"Wait not yet. Let me go sort the room." 

He looked at me, "just a quickie. Please."

He put his hand between my legs. Rubbed with his fingers. I shook my head, "later and anyway you have a guest. Now go." 

He glared at me but left. I went to the guestroom and saw it was neat enough. I walked out and went to the living room. Byron smiled at me and I nodded. Wayne patted the seat next to him and so I took a seat. I looked at the table and saw a closed beer bottle and an empty glass. I pointed and Wayne nodded. I took the beer bottle and tried screwing it open but frowned when I realised it wasn't a screw lid. 

I sighed and opened my mouth. I was about to open it with my tooth when Wayne stopped me. 

"Are you crazy? Here's an opener." He looked around, "where's the damn opener now?" I looked at the table. "You aint using my table either."

 I looked at his belt, "give me your belt." He took it off and gave it to me. I took the buckle positioned it and opened the lid. I poured my drink and took a much needed sip.

"Neat Licia. I can see you're an old beer drinker. You even know about the table trick. Not everyone does it cos sometimes the top breaks off." Byron said.

"Yeah I got a lot of practice. I can also open it with a spoon. So how you've been Byron?"

"I've been good, just tired. Seeing that this guy's going away it's gonna be a bit of a boring three months." He said sadly.

"Charles will be there to keep you company." I said and both of the snorted.

"What am I missing something?" I asked. I thought they liked Charles.

Wayne put his arm around me and spoke, "we aint allowed to say but you'll find out soon." that had me interested but I guess they were given orders so I aint gonna push.

I then realised, "you two are having a good luck party, where the others?"

Wayne sighed, "They surprised me last night after I called you. Byron however had to work so tonight him and me are partying."

 I nodded and took a sip of my beer, "okay that's nice. When did the two of you start?" they both took sips of their beers. They aint gonna answer me. I took another sip, "never mind then." 

The night went on and we were watching a mixed marital arts match. The red fighter I saw in the city was in tonight's match. I decided to cheer for him for this match.

"Is he your favourite fighter?" Wayne asked.

I shook my head, "no not really, but when I was in the city I watched him fight."

"You went to go watch a fight?" he asked I nodded and looked back at the screen, "with who?"

"Cindy my roommate." 

"The same roommate you went to the club with?" I noticed how emphasised the word club. Byron would think of a normal club.

"Yeah the same one." 

"I think I should meet this Cindy."

"Yeah sure." I concentrated on the match again.

Like I thought Byron was too drunk and went to go sleep in the guestroom. Wayne clearly had enough and was busy stumbling. I helped him to bed and pushed him on it. I took off his shoes. I thought about his jeans. I'll just take his belt off, unbutton and unzip it. I sat on the bed and waited for him to pass out. I needed a smoke and went to smoke a cigarette. I came back and saw he was gone. I shook my head and sighed.

I got undressed and looked down at my lingerie. It's a pity he didn't get to see this. I looked at the mirror and smiled. I looked at my bra and the thong I was wearing. Damn I should be glad he's passed out. I wonder if should tease him tomorrow morning. 

I felt a hand on my ass.  I turned around and saw Wayne was smirking. I was shocked but what really shocked me was the fact he didn't look so drunk anymore. He sat up and squeezed my ass.

"Forgive me but I had to play with you a bit." When he spoke it wasn't even slurred anymore. He pulled me to him and kissed my breasts. "I like this, this is staying."  He then kissed my navel and his grip tightened on my ass. "Dammit Licia you look so sexy. If I knew you were wearing this underneath your clothes. I would've called someone to pick Byron up." 

He started kissing and touching me everywhere. He touched near my implant and I pulled my arm away. He narrowed his eyes, "why don't you want me to touch there?" he took my arm and looked carefully. He touched it and frowned, "what's this, a needle? Why's there a needle in your arm?"

I sighed heavily, "An implant." He frowned in confusion. I thought he knew everything, "a birth control implant." I looked away. I didn't want him to know about that yet.

I felt him kiss my cheek, he touched my face and made me look at him. "Thank you." thank you? Why is he thanking me? I was about to speak when he spoke again.

"I know you aint ready yet but would you have a problem if we had mock sex?"

I frowned in confusion, "like what they do on TV?"

"Almost. Sex with our clothes on, I aint gonna penetrate you." 

"Oh like dry humping? You rub against me but I still got my clothes on." he nodded. I thought about it, "Okay we can do it but if I feel we're gonna go too far. I'm gonna stop you." 

He nodded, "no problem." I got off him and he took his shirt and jeans off. I saw he was wearing his neck chain and he looked so sexy. His body was sexy. His chest and abs were muscled. His biceps looked like they were chiselled from stone. I decided to touch him. My hands went on his chest and down to his abs. A Six Pac.

"When do you get time to work out?" I asked absent-mindedly. 

"I get time. I can see you work out too." He said with a grin on his face and he touched my ass.

"Yeah, I'm carrying heavy stuff now. Why you touching my ass?"

"It's soft but firm. I knew you were working out cos of your ass." He slapped it and squeezed it again. "When I come back we should work out together." I nodded. He then smirked, "so should we get started?"

I nodded and he turned me over on my back and started kissing me. His hands were moving up and down my body. He started kissing my breasts. He grabbed my legs and started dry humping me. 

It felt so good. I wasn't concentrating anymore...

I sighed and looked at the curtain. I was now being dry humped on the side from behind. Wayne's arm was covering my breasts and his one leg was over mine. He was kissing my shoulder.

He then whispered, "Say what you said just now again please."

I frowned, "what did I say?"

He laughed, "never mind you can say it again tomorrow."

I was confused, what did I say? 

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