Haunted Shadows: The Devil's...

By StarlingSterling

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Living in a cruel world is one thing for the young Nicolas Arthur Sharp, after being beaten up in White Oak H... More

Inaugurate Chapter 1
Clouded Fate Chapter 7
Despondency Chapter 2
Vitiate Chapter 3
Consternated Chapter 4
Contingency Chapter 5
Blood Message Chapter 6
Crestfallen Chapter 8
You Bring Me A Bloody Heart Chapter 9
Break Me Apart, Death Chapter 10
Caitlin Chapter 12
Jonathon Chapter 13

His Darkest Dreams Chapter 11

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By StarlingSterling

Hoping to make things better, I couldn't tell what to do other than lie in bed and just rest already. After what happened last night, I don't know what to think, I can only think about that entity that has been trying to haunt me and why I heard his voice saying a number in my head. "Six" what kind of number would make this thing say that? Is it a locker number? A room number? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and doesn't really matter at this point.

Lying in bed and just staring at my plain white ceiling again, I start to wonder what exactly is happening for the past couple of weeks.

Now that it is February second, the only thought that I can think of is how I missed a chance with Jasmine Stark's request to meet her behind the football bleachers. I feel ashamed that I couldn't make that happen after what really transpired yesterday. I sighed in disbelief since a lot of things have been happening to me, to my friends and family. It doesn't make it a simple excuse to miss one important thing. To be with the love of my life.

I turned to my left side, giving my right arm time to rest and heal. Luther provided an alternate plan to shape up my cast, he found some unused white clear tape to fix it back together and I'm happy that he is this caring. No matter what, the Misfit Family will keep on thriving.

Since I'm feeling like I am not able to sleep, I couldn't think of everything that has been happening, too many things have been going by so fast, only to realize it is a bit stressful that tolls on me and despite the cruelty that has been affecting me. I am starting to think that I shouldn't go to school on Wednesday, not being I don't want to go to school because of seeing Jasmine, I'm more worried about her, same thing that goes with Cameron and even my friends. At this point...I feel like I should just keep my thoughts as my thoughts, not as a well thought plan throughout the day but just to stay away from everyone. I can't let my friends and my sister know that I might hurt them or worse...killing them.

Not sure what is going on through my head, there is just no way for me to get near anyone, at least not for now or for a while since I am not exactly feeling safe around my friends. Although being a prisoner in my head, it was like I was fighting not just the world but myself. I never felt safe around anyone but now, I don't feel safe with my Misfit Family and my family.

Feeling cold in my room again, I just embraced the feeling of a cold isolation since it is a strange comforting feeling, I sighed and closed my eyes to at least find more warmth in my bed sheets. Tucking myself in may still be a challenge for sure, pulling up my bed sheets and trying to fall asleep.

Out of nowhere I felt my left foot getting tugged at the end of my bed, it felt like teeth, whatever it was, it definitely jerked me up from my bed to see what was at the end of the bed, because it was dark in my room, I didn't want to think it was that same entity that has been trying to plague me wherever I go. So I saw nothing, absolutely nothing as I just flopped back down on my back and just lied down with my eyes closed.

Even if it felt like teeth... we don't own any pets even if Caitlin and I wanted a dog when we were young, but if we did, it would be our responsibility to care for him and might make dad angry at us and possibly abuse the dog. There was no way it was going to happen, so Caitlin and I agreed that getting a dog at a young age to teenage time wouldn't be a good idea. It might be possible in our adult life at least.

I felt the teeth again and it pulled me out of bed this time, it grabbed my left leg, I felt my upper spine and the back of my skull hitting the wooden floor.

"Ow!" I shouted.

Whatever it was, it wanted me out of the bed and to wake me up, unsure why, I didn't want to think about it at this time in the morning. I groaned as I rolled on my stomach and pushed myself away from the ground with my left hand. I may not be strong enough to do push ups but at least I gave it my best. Now that I was on my feet I was just about to get back on my bed, suddenly I landed on my stomach this time and once again I felt something grab my leg, this time my right leg, the teeth felt like it was either a canine or a feline which confused me. Then, the teeth weren't trying to hurt me but possibly trying to take me to somewhere important. I heard some sort of growling as the teeth were carefully dragging me out of my room, I can hear some claws clicking against the floor and I am literally being dragged by something invisible. I'm not sure what but it does feel like it is very dog-like.

"Caitlin!" I whispered loudly, trying not to get Reuben and Susan's attention. I tried to resist whatever this canine is doing to me, I grabbed the carpet on the ground, even digging my nails against it to get a grip on it. Damn, by the looks of it, it was like my nails were leaving behind clawed nails.

"Caitlin!!" I whispered loudly again but I wasn't sure if she might've heard me. Before I was about to get dragged down the stairs, I had to think of something to distract this canine and get Caitlin's attention. Not sure how but I was thinking of only one thing. It may have to get Reuben and Susan's attention but I seem to have no other choice right now.

I sighed as I knew it wouldn't go so well...

I'm sorry.

"HELP!!!" I shouted loudly and hoped that Reuben and Susan wouldn't wake up since it is only for Caitlin. Whatever this canine is trying to do, it was either trying to drag me somewhere in the house or out of the house, who knows? I was still digging my nails in the carpet as the canine finally got me to the stairs, I can feel it trying to lift up my right leg and attempting to get me somewhere.

"Nick?" I heard Caitlin's voice as she was likely half awake and half asleep, unsure what she was looking at. She didn't know where I was so I shouted her name again.

"Caitlin! Down here!" I whispered quietly so that I could aid her to where my voice was. She came towards the stairs and looked down as I could hear her gasp. Caitlin then walked fast down a few steps and grabbed my left hand.

"Nick! What's going on?" Caitlin asked carefully quietly and tried to pull me away from the canine.

"I'm not sure...some kind of dog is trying to drag me, help me out, please!" I whispered back at her, out of nowhere I can hear the canine bark once then growled as if it knows what it is doing, or to let Caitlin know that it doesn't have any time to play around.

I heard Caitlin scuff, "whoa...what did you have for dinner tonight?" Caitlin asked.

"Not. Funny!" I shouted quietly to Caitlin.

"Sorry, but you just...ugh... feel like two hundred ninety pounds" Caitlin mentioned as if she can feel the weight or how strong this canine is.

"Sure, make fun of me all you want, not helping!" I shouted quietly at Caitlin again, even when I was holding onto Caitlin's hand I suddenly felt her hand slip, I was also let go from my right leg but a second later I felt four paws pounce onto my back and jump off me.

Somewhere upstairs from six steps away I couldn't hear anything for a solid five minutes. Those five minutes felt like it was too long, I was gasping for air, I stood up on both of my feet despite how dark the house is right now. Unsure what went wrong...I couldn't hear anything. It was too quiet...way too quiet. All I could hear was just my breathing and heartbeat racing.

"..." I didn't know what to think about what just happened, but it did leave me in confusion if Caitlin is okay. Although not just a gut feeling, something is entirely wrong.

"...Caitlin...?" I whispered trying to hear a response back from her.


I breathed, hoping that this was just another hallucination or a dream.

I felt hands pushing me and I flew towards the opposing wall with a very powerful yet strong force. I landed on my back against the wall as it was enough force that I ended up being slammed and breaking the wood behind me. I grunted and groaned. I didn't see what pushed me that hard but it felt like a bull trying to impale me with its horns, I grunted again, my eyes were shut tight and I felt a lot of pain in my chest.

"Ugh" I tried to stand back up as I got my left arm back to move around along with my right arm, surprisingly I didn't feel the cast anymore as if it just got shattered by that amount of force. The cast just broke just like how bad I was pushed into the skeletons of the wall. That crash felt and looked painful enough to break my back, maybe almost kill me like I flew off a building and onto a car that my body would go into a painful force by gravity.

"Jesus Christ..." I whispered softly.

I heard a hissing sound coming from behind me that sounded very loud next to my left ear. I took a few steps into the hallway and made it to the living room for more space for me to breathe.

For me to breathe in a bigger space isn't exactly a good idea, it just gives this entity more darkness to be in, to be shrouded in a place to trap someone... like me. I was breathing heavily and kept on darting my eyes everywhere in hopes to find Caitlin.

"Over here" I heard a woman whisper behind me, I spun around and tried to grab her arm, trying to get Caitlin back to me but all I felt was just thin air, like there was no one behind me and not a good sign.

"Caitlin?" I whispered in the dark.

I can feel something brushing against my legs like a thick bushy animal tail was circling me, not only that but I can hear it growl around me, it was trying to not make me walk and likely telling me to stay still.

"Nick!" I heard Caitlin's voice shouting at me but soon faded away like being lost in a cave that can echo voices everywhere. I was about to panic at this point, more or less I just wanted to keep my sister safe because that is what I want right now.

I tried to reach almost everywhere in hopes to get Caitlin close to me, so that I can shield and protect her. Without Caitlin, I would definitely be lost and alone since she is my only family in this house.

"Caitlin!" I whispered again so I could hear her but whatever this dog is doing around my legs, was growling even louder and has been stomping on my feet intentionally to keep me quiet.

"He's lost..." a female voice whispered.

"I won't let you get him..." another female voice whispered back to the other woman.

"Break his bones..." I started to hear a male voice whispering back to the other female voices.

"Destroy him..." being left confused I didn't know what this other male voice was talking about, all I know is that my sister is in danger! I have to...I need to...I must protect Caitlin! That's all I want! Whatever these voices were talking about just need to get out of my head! I keep on spinning around, the feet of this dog won't stop circling me either, it was getting out of sync and not in the right pattern as if this dog and I were playing Twister.

These four voices were chiming in like bells slowly being soft and as it went faster, the voices were likely aggressively loud in my ears as if they were right next to me.

This was making me even panic even worse, the many times I tried to reach out in the dark, I was trying to be the light for my sister to come back to me, if she can't see me and I can't see her then this is something far more worse. I wasn't even liking what this is all about, nothing was making sense to me because the only thing that keeps me going is Caitlin.

Caitlin...Caitlin....Caitlin!!! My mind is just focused on her and I couldn't be held back by some small dog, I accidentally kicked it out of my way and ran straight forward towards the darkness. I didn't give in to the feelings of being a protective brother, I was just running into the dark as if I had no plan but instead, I did.

"Caitlin!" I screamed out her name as I kept on pushing myself into the heaviness of the darkness around me, unaware that I was running to a moment that I felt something strong, like a strong brick being set on my chest, it knocked the window out of my lungs until I realized I ran into a stone wall that knocked me back into my senses.

"Wait...what?" I sounded skeptical as if I just got transported to a castle or something but I soon recognized the the color of the stones, I placed my hands in front of me and lay them on the roughness of the stones, some of it is chalked in black, indicating that it was burned and I felt a strange sense that I knew where I was.

There was no way, I took a few steps back as I looked up to see the same building that me and my friends go to, the place where we all get our emotions out and where we have had unexplained phenomena. The Safe Haven.

I looked around as I tried to rationalize what this all meant, but I quickly shoved that away since Caitlin is in trouble and the only thing that keeps me going and fighting for. I didn't want to stop now and question everything. I knew that somehow or someway that I made it to the Safe Haven on foot. With no questionable thoughts in the way, Caitlin was the primary target to save from being taken, which somehow makes sense because the last thing I saw of her was on the upstairs staircase, I did feel that her hand let loose from mine and that was it. Even though I heard her voice momentarily ago, it only makes me feel more reckless to rescue my sister with only a small plan that has its own twists and turns.

Now that I made my way from the right side of the Black Wings Church or Safe Haven, I just ran through the doors without hesitation, the doors burst open as if it was too easy for me, I was so lost in the recklessness that I didn't stop running. I looked to my right and to my left only to see a small dim light appear in the heavy darkness in front of me, I couldn't tell if this was a trap but at the same time I didn't care, I only care about the safety of Caitlin, that's it. End of story. I ran to the left as the darkness was giving off an indigo blue hue within the darkness that brought out the same details of the chairs, the broken debris on the floor and more to it. I had no choice but to keep running and when I went down the left hall, I felt a sudden familiarity as if I had already done this, even though I already had. It was when Cameron and I...

Never mind that, I'm too busy running through a building that I already know and looking forward to save my sister from whatever has taken her, when I reached at the end of the corridor, I stopped myself from making the same stupidest mistake of running myself into the wall, I thankfully stopped myself with my left foot and ran through the next corridor filled with locked doors.

With nothing in sight but another hall of darkness I dared myself to keep going through and so I did. I pushed myself forward with as much force as I could to keep running.

The more I ran was when I felt a wave of cold air, washing through me like I just went through a secret cave behind a waterfall, only to realize that I was in the same place of where I was, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath but only felt freezing air filling my lungs, a strong sense of cold air prickling my skin and my hairs to stand up, my heart rate was beating so fast that I was already starting to lose a little bit of balance.

Because I didn't care about bothering to go into the rooms, I didn't want to keep on running forward and being in the same situation, like it was telling me to choose a door and if I did. I'm pretty sure it is already game over for me, I lost and Caitlin is gone forever without a second life to try again, so I had to think hard on this and to choose carefully.

Come on, think...I walked past all of the doors and noticed that there were no numbers on the etched burned brown doors, even though I am thinking and trying to be smart I had to choose wisely and fast. What kind of door would I choose? What number would...

Of course! The voice that said a number for my ears to hear! So right now the plan is to go back to where I was standing and count to the number that entity said to me. It was no eenie meenie miney mo game, thank god for that, but I already figured out which door is correct, although most of the doors do look similar and a few had been burnt with black sizzles. I knew. I just knew. Although what I didn't know is what will be behind the correct door. Right now I can't mess up. Trying or not, Caitlin needs me right now and I'm doing my best! I'm here to take you home, sis.

One, two, three, four, five...

I pointed my right index finger to point out the amount of doors, the one that is possible number six is just a normal, non burnt door and now I have to be careful enough to know what might await me on the other side. I may not like it but I have no other choice. I was already itching to just run in and grab Caitlin, but in this case? It's risky. I have to be careful and try to be the best I can. I'm not leaving here until I know that Caitlin is safe.

I couldn't speak all of a sudden, the thoughts about Caitlin are overwhelming me, so many questionable thoughts are rushing in and out as I looked down at the black wooden door handle, the handle has some old Victorian style that curves around, forming a shape of a spider and the last thing I didn't want to see.

The heartbeats are pounding against my chest as if I just ran for miles upon end, only to get to a simple door to another world and for what exactly? God or Jesus welcoming me to heaven or Satan trapping me in hell? Who gives a fuck about it anyways? The intensity of my heart is still racing, I began to sweat, my hands were shaking, my teeth were gritting and my eyes were wide open as if I was somehow afraid of what I might find.



I opened the door.

I didn't want to see what might horrify me, I didn't want to see anything cruel or messed up. The room started out dark, just pitch black...

Nervously, I didn't want to see what was really inside but I did feel something very negative, something that felt heavy enough to place a mountain on my shoulders, I kept my breathing under control and with a gulp I knew something was about to go horribly wrong. I wasn't just getting bad vibes from being in this room but I was trying to stay calm.

I took a step inside as I felt my feet being pooled into some liquid, even though I was nervous, I pushed myself forward to walk inside and awaited whatever fate might end my miserable life. I gulped again, I closed and opened my eyes as I then slowly looked up, darted my eyes around the room and finally felt something completely off.

No matter the cost, I'll sacrifice my life for the safety of my sister.

The door behind me shut, I looked at the door and ran towards it to keep it open, it was too late, the door was shut, leaving me in complete darkness and I knew that something wrong was happening.

Once again I couldn't speak since I wasn't afraid to say anything but worried about what might be in here with me. I somehow realized that this seems familiar to one of my previous nightmares, being locked in a room that may have some odd puzzles and the total darkness that shrouds around me.

Deciding not to let go of the door handle, I looked beside me and tried to feel anything useful that is next to the door I am at.

Starting to panic even worse, my breathing escaped as I was then breathing heavily to a sudden panic attack, now I know that something is waiting for me to make a simple sound and finally make its move to end me.

Something huffed a breath of visible air that sounded angry, it blew off my hat to the ground in front of me, my eyes widened as I tried to keep my cool under control, that air was no breeze, it was a huff that made it sound large and that is when I knew. I was being followed by something right behind me.

Without thinking I took very slow movements to turn myself around, my heartbeat was literally racing, not a single ounce of fear made me move, instead I was slowly facing a monster who conceals itself in the dark and soon heard a very low guttering growl, it started up as a whispering sound and it became closer to me as if it was coming to me from a distance.

I wasn't prepared to face the same entity that has been trying to haunt me, even though I wasn't prepared to witness something that might make me end up dead, no matter the consequences I didn't want any of this to happen, even if this is a cruel act of Mother Nature.

The growling became louder and echoed within its walls, bouncing off the ceiling and vibrating the room.

So as I looked around for some sort of self defense weapon, even upon a beast that was creeping close towards me, slowly intensifying the negative energy and the room vibrating from the floor, walls and ceiling. I still couldn't move, I was frozen in place, there was no doubt that this was some small animal morphing into some angry or aggressive beast. I couldn't seem to do anything but just stare at whatever is in the darkness in front of me.

A sudden glimpse or spark of light had gleamed through the dark, hinting that there was something shining through that thick fog of darkness, unsure what it might be...I didn't want to get near it because I did end up feeling uneasy.

There was another moment of silence, this time the silence was so quiet, the only sound I made was just my heart and my short breaths of air. I placed my left hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet so I won't draw the beast's attention to where I am. I couldn't move my legs as if I was too shocked to move. I tried to budge myself to move even though nothing could make me move. I was just implanted.

Out of nowhere I felt some human teeth crunching a bite on my left shoulder right behind me, I screamed out in pain but muffled behind my hand, right at the next moment I was done screaming, I felt my arms and legs being wrapped in some thin strong vines. Whatever grabbed me I knew it wasn't just plant vines, only because something is trying to take a bite out of my flesh and rip it apart.

I felt my body being pulled in and I tried to pull away from whatever has a grip on me, whatever it is, it feels strong and willingly wanting to keep me pinned down. I grunted as I pulled myself away from these thin vines, as I was soon unaware to realize what it really is and it was nothing good.

These were spider legs.

It's the entity that has been trying to haunt me.

The spider legs started to pull me back into the hold that had my left arm, my right leg and one creeping along the side of my hair, on my skin, over my cheek and over my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I groaned loudly as I was still trying to fight off this entity.

"Don't fight it, Nicolas..." I heard the familiar deep voice but that didn't make me stop fighting. I am fighting for a reason, I am fighting for Caitlin, I will fight for her and to keep her protected.

I growled as I tried to bite the spider leg but two other legs wrapped around my neck and pulled me in even closer, almost enough to actually feel the negativity leaning or hovering over me and knowing that I am in potential danger.

"I know your weaknesses now" I heard the entity speak which almost caught my attention, but I was still struggling to break away from the creepy spider legs trying to engulf me in or around me.

I managed to break out my left hand and grabbed one of the legs around my neck, I pulled on it and felt how strong this entity is, it was nothing compared to my weak muscles, nothing was budging and just kept on feeling a blockage of no air, I felt the pressure closing in on me and so I wasn't wanting to give in to something as a sock puppet.

"It is too bad..." it spoke in a growl then a weird purring tone, as if it was enjoyable to make me squirm and suffer in its hold on me. I growled back at the entity and kept on trying to fight off this strong pressure.

"Your sister is very beautiful" I heard the entity say the one thing that I came here for, it wanted my sister and soon I realized that this thing took Caitlin away from me. Would make sense but how did Caitlin let go of me at the stairs?

Whatever this thing wants, I won't let it take Caitlin away from me and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. My sister, not this bastard's victim.

"Sad...she let go of you because you are not even worth it anymore" it said and this time it was speaking to me by my right ear quietly, almost close to being a whisper and felt somewhat soothing.

I don't believe what the entity says, I know it's not true, even though when it came to the many times that she helped me, Caitlin and I had been through a lot.

I wasn't expecting the entity to have Caitlin in it's grasp by her neck with it's shadowy human hands, it just seems like it was trying worse than choking her, instead trying to suffocate her with both of the hands and let go of its right hand and lowered Caitlin down to where I am. Compared to my size of still being five foot seven, it seems like the entity's body is larger than what I thought it was. It was likely around twenty feet tall or more, I looked up and noticed some of the shadowy or inky human arms and torso, the white skull sparkles bright in the comparison of having a shadowy human fusing with a black spider's body. The spider legs kept on trying to hold onto me while I was fighting with all of my might to reach towards Caitlin.

"What's even worse..." it said as it tightened its grip around Caitlin's neck, which then caused her to gasp for air as if she was alive and slowly being tortured by this monster.

"She's already dead...guess who's at fault is that?" The entity said as it enclosed its legs around me even tighter, it even placed more pressure on Caitlin's neck, her face was slowly turning blue and slightly a hint of purple, she couldn't breath as she was fighting for her life as she was unsure of what to do.

"Your fault! Not mine!" I spat back at the entity, unaware that I saw its right hand reaching towards me and pulled me out of its spider legs very slowly. The hand size that this monster has makes me feel like a toy car in a child's hand, like I am only some miniature size toy. It took about ten seconds to be held in front of a human black shadowy torso, up to a single row of a skeletal spine being attached, the large moving shadows moving around the neck like an octopus or a squid's legs flowing slowly down from the lower base of the skull. Despite the size of this entity, there was no time to laugh at a joke or by dark humor. Another ten seconds past as I was already being faced to face with a gigantic monster, the pulsating sharp red eyes glowed pure bright red, staring at me, it licked it's fangs with a black inky fleshy tongue, the splashes drips down the jawline and disappears back into the entity's form.

"I think you might think again..." the entity spoke as the mouth and teeth moved like it was actually animated alive.

"What do you mean? Just leave Caitlin out of this and let her go!" I shouted and squirmed to get my arms out of the entity's massive hand, I kept on squirming and moved around as much to annoy this bastard.

All it did was just laugh in front of me, the way it was laughing looked horrifying, the human skull was just leaning down then leaned up, it opened its mouth and showed the freakishly sharp teeth that it looks like curved sharp daggers and it laughs with no internal fleshes but a void of black.

"SHE'S NOT IMPORTANT, YOU ARE!!!" it screamed at me so loud it was loud enough to be near a rocket launching into the sky and space. A scream that I could even hear ringing in my ears and it continued to laugh and chuckles menacingly.

The size of this creature is insane to look at, it leaned forward, it exhaled and brought its left hand close to the side of the face and for me to look at Caitlin. I was slowly panicking since I wasn't too sure what this monster was planning, I glanced between both the entity and Caitlin since I was already breathing heavily. Although when I looked at this monster's pulsating red eyes and the hateful dragon-like pupils, I could tell it was about to do something more than cruel even I could also tell it was trying to smile at me.

"Nick!" Caitlin shouted at me, she was definitely afraid, she was panicking like I would but more expressively, her arms were loose and trying to pull herself out of the entity's giant grip on her.

"Caitlin! It's okay! I'll get us out of here!" I shouted back at Caitlin but I wasn't ready for the entity to tighten its grip on me, it's like trying to squeeze me like a grape to crush but not too tight or it was like I am a dress up doll to squeeze and waiting for the head to pop off. I groaned loudly as I was trying to control my composure but unable to move but to remain still.

"Unfortunately..." the entity whispered at me, brought me closer to its face and to stare me down, it breathed with black fog as if it was about to engulf me.

Quickly the entity opened its mouth and placed its left hand along with Caitlin to drop her in, I can even hear Caitlin scream at the top of her lungs without a moment of hesitation.

I quickly realized what this monster can do with its capabilities, my eyes widened with horror as I felt my jaw drop and realized now that my heart just dropped instantly.

"Wha...what...what did...did you just do!?" I couldn't talk but everything that came out was just some troubled breathing, a heaviness that kept on trying to pin me down and to make me stay there.

"I just did you a favor, Nicolas... to get rid of what is holding you back, that is what is unfortunate, but do know that your family and friends have been doing the same, they should be afraid and I want to help you" the entity said but only leaves me in absolute confusion, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever and what does this fucker mean anyways?

"Au Contraire, my little friend, I will show you what it means to be so...doubtful about those who care about you..." the entity said as if it was trying to make me understand that my friends never really did care, yeah right, like I would definitely believe in something that would only make me frown as if this bastard is trying to play a boring game of make believe.

"I don't care about your boring games, not going to work on me you dumb fuck" I spat at this stupid idiot and I just rolled my eyes that I didn't care about what it wants from me. I just want my sister back and it just ate her.


That is the only person that matters to me, my sister.

Without an explanation I was being tossed in the air so fast I didn't get the chance to breathe in any air, it just knocked it out of my lungs just like that.

From that void of darkness I was slammed against four wooden walls but broke through each of the rooms and landed on my back against another wooden floor. That toss felt very strong, the wood on the floor became one with the debris on the ground, I coughed a few times from the dust and gasped for a moment that seethed through my mouth and nostrils along with the immense pain burning from my back, to my legs, to my arms and my entire body. What felt worse was the pain in my head that was likely almost about to burst but I soon calmed myself down. I then let my body slump onto the floor in exhaustion, I literally felt like I couldn't take another toss around the rooms and I just couldn't even move an inch.

"It's worse when you feel all of this pain, all of the misery, those bloody fights and the pleasurable...tasty... fear... you may never know that you are better off alone than with them" the entity said across the four rooms apart from him and I, it quickly darted through the rooms as it flew in seconds and landed on it's spidery feet, the sharpness on it pierced through the ground floor as if it was trying to pierce through skin and bones. This weird entity was trying hard to place in a lot of fear and strength of its might, well, he's not doing a good job at it.

I tried to push myself up but with the increased pain all over me just paralyzed me, all I could do was land on my left side and momentarily I coughed a few more times to clear my lungs from the dust.

"You're wrong" I coughed.

"Am I?" the entity asked.

The entity grabbed my neck with its right hand, held me up at eye level as we once again came face to face.

"You are strong, but within yourself, you are weak... you are cared for, but selfish...you think I'm in the wrong, when you are the one who doesn't really care about what goes on around you. Sad...isn't it?" the entity did bring out a few valid points but what does he know? He doesn't even know what I have gone through. Whatever this monster thinks, it is nothing about being so parsimonious nor about being so fucking boring of what this monster's motives are.

"So Caitlin isn't important but I am? I have nothing of whatever you want from me! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!" I tempted him, even though I said that...there was a strange or a weird silence from both of us, since it grabbed my neck I was unable to get my hands over its giant hand that was over me. I mustered enough strength to force myself to move my hands over the monster's inky strong hand. This was becoming ridiculous since it had been around ten minutes until the monster made up its mind.

"I really would... but I think and believe... that would just ruin the most fun part..." it said as it drew me in closer to its face, it was making a sinister grin, the white teeth slightly opened and with its oozing and inky tongue it was likely drooling to eat something else and found me as food. Unfortunately it doesn't want to kill it but might find another satisfying solution. Its eyes once again glowed red but brighter than before, it seems like the monster might end up eating me just like what it did to Caitlin.

"...It's too bad that no one will ever think that you are meant to exist, well I can make things worse..." I didn't understand what the entity meant, all I can seem to do at this point is to be confused on what it is talking about.

The entity tightened its grip around my neck as it placed both hands over me, adding a shearing pressure to make me lose my breath. I tried to breathe again but the pressure became so overwhelming I thought I was about to pass out or be already dead. I looked up at the ceiling only to realize that it was becoming a smoke of black mist, but soon retreated in seconds from oozing through the ceiling.

"You know what? I will keep on making you suffer and nothing you can do to stop me. No matter what...I will BREAK you!" The entity threatened, it shook me a few times by the neck and made my body wobble like a worm. It released its right hand, its left hand made me tilt to my right side, moved a part of my shirt's collar and exposed the left side of my neck. Maybe trying to pull a vampire move by sucking out my blood but god damn...I was wrong.

The moment the entity lunged forward to my neck, it opened its mouth as all of it's teeth sharpened vampire style before a bite, it quickly latched onto my neck and pierced through my skin as I screamed in pain or likely bloody murder, it dug its fangs into my neck to leave behind more than trails of blood, but looks like a huge splash of red paint over my clothes and trickling down my back, the teeth and the blood felt cold against my skin even when my body is quivering in all directions, I was unable to move but only able to scream. I groaned loudly as I shut my eyes tightly. The entity didn't seem to let go, it just kept on sinking its teeth into my flesh, muscles and maybe trying to bite off a piece of bone to cut through me entirely.

"Let. Me. Go..." I groaned in pain but nothing was budging. My body kept on jumping around everywhere. I can feel the pain increasing at the moment I felt cold air circling me to the point that I am freezing, it was like I was being locked in a freezer room that would turn me into ice.

I can feel the entity's arms and hands wrapping over my arms and my back. Its spider half looked like solid ink but most of it was dripping down like ink or melting lava, everything around me felt more than just a huge negative feel but completely icy winds being trapped around me. I realized that the entity would never let me go, I started to panic and tried to fight off the entity's hold on me but it was way too strong.

"No...please..." I groaned and my voice shook with cold breath.

The spider legs were enclosing around me and if my thoughts are right, it would mean that this entity is making a commitment to make my life worse than a living hell.

"Stop..." My voice and my body was shaking again, one from trying to pull myself away from the entity, two from the freezing air but now it only made the entity keep on digging into my neck, increasing a horrible amount of pain that makes me scream out louder than before. Finally the entity's spider legs wrapped around my body and started to make me quiver from the amount of freezing temperatures.

I kept on groaning, my eyes became tighter when I was being held down by the bite on my neck, my body tensed up from the freezing air, my voice was slightly shaking from the cold and I knew that I wouldn't make it out alive. It was like I was already done for.

Finally the monster let go of its bite on my neck but only to lick the blood on my skin, it literally feels like sticky tape, because it let that part of me go, I couldn't punch this monster but I can think of something.

I leaned my neck back and with my remaining strength I bashed my forehead against the entity's skull right at its forehead, only to not leave a mark or a dent on it at all, but I did end up almost passing out when I bashed my head against the entity's head.

"I think this is just starting..." the entity said but once again left me in confusion.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...little Nicolas Arthur Sharp... you may carry something important but you are SO naive! It's no wonder why you have no friends or family! I can make you see why!" The monster screamed at me and slammed me against the floor, almost feeling like it was breaking my left cheekbone along with the side of my skull and neck.

"All because you enjoy seeing everyone having fun! With you just standing there doing nothing! You care...only because you really don't!" the entity lashed out at me, slamming me against the floor again and I was groaning in pain.

"You really think that they want you around? Just look at them...pesky..." the entity made me learn by, making me watch through darkness to see some kind of faded visions of the past, it was like watching those old silent movies in the nineteen thirties or forties, my friends were being shown in black and white and I was watching them by force.

"Heartbroken..." Seeing Caitlin looking happy without me and being with her girl friends from school, she was with my friends and heading towards the mall to have some fun. The way that Caitlin looks happy with a smile yet not being dragged by my husky and gloomy life.

"Anxious..." Cody is laughing without a need of sweating bullets, he was being shown to me as he won a basketball tournament game and getting a college scholarship for his science projects. Cody is smiling as I can see that he can achieve greater things along with Luther and Tristan by his side, they were at the school basketball court and it looks like they are celebrating at a basketball championship. I saw no signs of myself being there.

"Distressed..." Luther is next as he is able to win at something else than basketball, it looks like he would become more than a mayor, he wasn't just giving speeches but being a motivational speaker for the people with disabilities that have different looks. Luther looks happy to live a life of happiness and being cheerful for not just being a future icon but he has a life where I didn't exist.

"Psychopathic..." Out of everyone in the Misfit Family, Jon finally gets what he truly wanted, he found a home where he can be himself, to also be accepted with people that does show Jon that there are still people out there who are being loved. Jon finally found a man to be a partner with and won't show any regrets of the past. Even though I wasn't even a part of Jon's life, I wouldn't forget how much he is loved.

"Lethargic..." Wesley is living his dream of being a musician, showing how much he loves to sing, to tell a story through his traditional realistic drawings, he is able to showcase how much he always wanted to be more of an actor, only to reveal that there is one person he always wanted to leave behind, someone he may have always hated and soon realizing that I might've been that person.

"...And Hollowness" Tristan succeeds in his love of sports, to have more than a heart but something that keeps him more active, he still has that soft spot of being an inspiration for others to find that, even they can find their way of being somewhat more than strong, but never to forget themselves or others. While I just linger in the shadows without a voice or a name of my own only to be forgotten.

Can it be that I am better off without my friends and Caitlin? They get to live their lives for the best, while I am stuck in a place that I've been desperately needing to change. I looked down to think about the entity's words, it seems like this entity knows my friends weaknesses and yet where do I come into play? Never? Possibly...

"But I can't forget about you, Nicolas...you are just so delinquent to realize that you are worse off without them! So what makes you tick?" The entity asked me as it tossed me on my back, it dug it's fingers into the floor and left behind scratch marks, it leaned in front of me and close to the ground like an animal about to pounce, even that wasn't trying to make me lose my sanity, it's pulsating and nauseating pupils were staring right at me almost close to being eye to eye. I tried to keep my breathing under control but somehow I was getting a realization that this entity knows my weaknesses already. It wasn't kidding at all. The entity's eyes showed no remorse, no guilt and no signs of dark humor to laugh.

"Are you synthetic? Unaccepted? Erroneous? Or a slipshod of failures to be alive and begging for death? After all you are just waiting until something happens whether it is good or bad... isn't that what you really are? Negligent?" The entity pointed out a few things that I am already thinking about, some of it is true from how he explained that to me and what this entity is trying to expect of me to do.

The only thing that I got on my mind is to know... who is this guy? The other thing is what is he really after? More questions and less answers.

"Then who are you?" I asked the entity in return only to glare back at this thing, but all it did was giggle slowly and howled into maniacal laughter. The entity grabbed my chest with its hands with the sound of a clasp, it stung me momentarily and I was already expecting it to toss me around the room again. Instead, the entity returned the black misty shadows from the ceiling and started to fade in heavily, I looked around to realize that it was once again trying to show fear in front of me, all I know right now is that this is getting kinda lame already and soon maybe trying to terrify me again. How fucking funny is this guy? I'm not impressed...

"You should ask yourself the same question...because who are you really?" The entity snarled at me and somehow with that returned payback question, it really started to make me think deeply and soon I wasn't liking it.

I didn't respond but left wondering with that echoing question in the entity's deep voice meant to me, would I really care about who I am? Do I want to care? Why would I? Asking me who I am just means nothing at all, no one cares about the name of who you are, no one cares about what you are and no one cares if you live or die. Maybe...just maybe or somehow the question is never meant to be a good answer. Without answers the whole existence is meaningless without the mystery of life and death, it just keeps on going with time and that person or thing would just disappear like sand, or rotting and withered flower petals flying into the wind of nothingness. Nothing matters. That's it.

I closed my eyes tiredly and thought to myself how to answer, but there was just nothing meaningful to say...just nothing matters when meeting death itself. Maybe it's just time that I just accept the fate of death already. I'm tired of being a fucking idiot and punching bag for everyone to shove aside...or to be stepped on like an onslaught of a stampede. A fly swatter or being given a boot to the face to crush the skull and being instantly killed.

"I thought so...Nicolas..." The entity pressed its hands around me, as I just kept my eyes closed and facing towards the floor to keep on thinking how much I am nothing worth saving for.

"This isn't just facing wrath...you are facing the shadow of yourself...in which I can do...so keep on living the nightmare...you...my little puppet... you and I...will become one..." The entity rambled on until it was starting to squeeze me, I had no strength to fight back, I'm tired, I can't move, and I can't do anything...

"We...will become...Nivon" The entity laughed wickedly and howled with pure aggression and intensity.

...Maybe this monster is right...

...Maybe I am meant to be alone...

...Maybe...just maybe...



I am better off without anyone even if it means that no one gets hurt but me.

Just me.

Only me.

I'm not lost, I'm just...

Somewhere else.

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