Unmasking Souls

By ladylia257

27.5K 1.5K 590

Joseon Era. A prince who pretends to hate his brother the King and has a bad reputation fell for the daughter... More

A Very Convincing Performer
The Evil Prince Asks For You
A Web of Intrigues
Through The Layers of Your Mask
Living in a Gold Cage
A Devil or An Angel?
His Sanctuary
Behind His Mask
Tear Your Own Heart
Heaven and Hell
The Wheels Are Turning
The Limits of Certain Things
Before the Storm
The Banquet
After The Banquet
Standing on the Crossroads
Nothing But The Truth
A New Chapter of Their Life
20. Loved Entirely

The Worst Kind of Torture

1K 64 25
By ladylia257

Author's Note: 

Angst. Heavy angst. 

Plus, a cliffhanger.

You've been warned. 

If you could stomach Tainted Salvation and this, I think you're mentally strong, hahah. 


Agony had never felt worse than that. Sitting together in Jin Dae Goon's bedroom, watching the small body breathed faintly, his face pale, trying desperately not to think about what would happen if he didn't survive.

The emperor had turned into a statue. He hadn't moved for hours, sitting beside his son, his eyes fixed to the little chest, watching it raising up and down, a prove that he was still alive, but barely.

Lady Jeon's face was washed with never ending tears. Her son was her universe. Jin had left her womb when he was born, but the connection had never faded. As all mothers hoped, she wished she was the one suffering instead of him. If you got closer with her, you'd hear one sentence that she kept repeating since she entered the room.

"Save him......please save him......" uttered one thousand times, even more.

Go Eun sat silently beside her husband. She couldn't say much to ease the situation, her heart went to the parents who were watching their son fighting a battle to stay or leave this earth.

Min Ho had arrived a couple of hours before midnight, bringing as many guards as he could, straight to the crown prince's chamber, his wife following close behind him.

The emperor couldn't even bring himself to say anything, too engulfed in grief.

They stood face to face, sharing no words to greet each other.

But Min Ho could see the question clearly in his brother's eyes, he heard it loud and clear as if Jung Jae was yelling the question at him.

"Min Ho-yah, what if my son died?"

Min Ho had bowed formally to him before he found the physician and attacked him with his questions.

"How is Jin?"

"What have you done to save him?"

"How long will it take until he wakes up?"

"What do you mean about "wait and see"? You have to save him! Do you wish to die?"

"I don't care what it takes. Jin has to survive, do you get it?"

The physician was an experienced, wise man. He answered all of Min Ho's emotional enquiries placidly, as clearly as he could.

The young prince was in a state of wondering between life and death.

He was in a coma. If he survived the next few days, he would survive this incident.

If he didn't, then it meant that his time on this earth had been cut short.

The physicians gave the prince everything that he could to help him, which was acupuncture therapy for the last four hours and feeding him medicine, though he was unconscious and they had to hold him in a sitting position.

For the moment, there was nothing else they could do except to wait.

And pray.


"Go rest in your palace. It's cleaned already" Jung Jae urged Min Ho before dawn.

Min Ho agreed and led the way, Go Eun and their guards following behind him.

"It's been years since I went here," he said with a nostalgic tone, "This is my palace since I was a child until five years ago."

Many lanterns and candles were lighted, accompanying them as the took a look around.

Go Eun didn't realize it, but she was reaching out her hands to touch the doors, walls, and furniture, as if trying to view his past by doing so.

Ten minutes after being inside, a smile formed on her face while she walked from room to room.

"You liked this place right, My Lord?"

"Um.......yes. I do. I still do."

"The place is welcoming you," she uttered gently. "You were happy here, I can feel that."

He felt the corners of his lips rising into a smile, walking with her to the main bedroom where she opened the windows wide and inhaled deeply.

An adult prince couldn't stay in the imperial palace for fear of conflicts. But he and his hyeong were breaking that rule that time.

"Stay for a few days here. I need you," Jung Jae had said, and he didn't want to be anywhere else anyway. He wanted to be there, close to his tortured brother and nephew.

He finally acknowledged that it was a hard day when he circled his arms around her waist, leaning his head on her shoulder.

She held his hand and they stayed like that for a while.

Maybe it's wrong to feel peace again in this difficult time, he thought, but let me be.

He held her tighter, cradling her left and right.

Let me be.


Park Hae Soo, the Councillor, the highest in the Left Ministry, and undoubtedly the most powerful in the government after the emperor and the grand prince, was a mysterious man. He trusted no one. Absolutely no one. He rarely shared his deepest thoughts to anyone. He was definitely sure he would be perfectly fine living like that until the end, Min Ho had changed his mind.

With increased bitterness, he realized he was.......disappointed.

He thought Min Ho was his.......

Dare he say it even to his own conscience?


He chuckled hollowly to himself, his mind wandered back to that moment in time which he could never forget.

He remembered he was twelve when his father first brought him to the imperial palace.

His father was a minister also, and pretended to have undying respect to the emperor, when all he wanted was to see him dead on the floor.

Hae Soo had to endure very strict education in politics and martial arts, so he naturally thought the two princes also experienced the same.

They didn't. Or at least, not all the time.

They were passing a very wide garden. It was a fine summer morning and he was dressed in his best.

What he saw surprised him and left a deep impression.

Jung Jae and Min Ho were racing each other from one end of the garden to the other. A guard yelled the start sign and off they went together, running as fast as they could, paying no heed of other things beside defeating the other. It was obvious they put all their energy into it.

Hae Soo and his father stood immobile, watching the scene in fascination.

Either it was because of luck or because he was working harder, Min Ho won. The boy was jumping and yelling in pure joy, laughing in victory. "I won! I won, I won, I won! Hyeong! Could you believe that? First time faster than you! Haha!"

"Aish! Ahrasseo! Fine. You did great this time, but I'll defeat you again in no time! You'll see!"

"Come drink some tea, you two! You did enough running for a week!"

Hae Soo couldn't believe the emperor was the one saying that, pouring tea cheerfully for his two sons.

"Father! What do you mean enough for a week? We'll do this again tomorrow and I'm going to defeat this little infant!" Jung Jae said, much taller then, and smacking Min Ho's head.

"Yah, Hyeong! I'm no infant! I'm ten!"

"I'm thirteen, infant!"

"I'm not an infant!"

"Your are, Child. Be quiet and let me drink my tea!"

"I'm not—"

"Min Ho-yah........stop being noisy. Sit down and drink your tea," the emperor said, pushing a plate of cookies to his second son.

"Eat mine too, little boy. You need to grow up like me," Min Ho teased, pushing his plate of cookies to Yong Hwa.

"Yah! Do you want me to kick you?"

And off they went joking together, as the emperor laughed watching his sons' antics.

Min Ho was a little angry that day, but the emperor and the crown prince were laughing because of him, enjoying his emotional reactions.

Hae Soo envied Min Ho that day.

He thought the imperial family lived in fear of being dethroned.

Instead, he saw a happy family spending a meaningful time together.

It was as if his vision was locked in to observe the younger prince, who definitely looked like the center of attention from the emperor and his older brother.

Hae Soo was the second child too, but his sister was busy preparing herself to pass the qualifications as the future queen. She was rarely there to play with him.

Hae Soo was the second child too, and his father was also busy, like the emperor. There was no need mentioning about drinking tea in an afternoon. He couldn't even remember when was the last time his father smiled at him.

Grand Prince Min Ho of Joseon seemed to have everything. A loving father and brother. A title and wealth. And no responsibility to burden him like the crown prince.

I wish I were you, even only just for a day.

The feeling stayed, deepened, and grew.

He often compared himself with Min Ho. How he seemed to never worry about anything yet owned everything. While he, Park Hae Soo, had to work hard to prove and steel himself for his eternal mission of destroying the imperial family.


Prince Min Ho will be the emperor and I will be able to control the decisions.

It was originally what Hae Soo had wanted.

He was so sure that would happen.

He was also sure that he and the prince understood each other. They've done worst things possible and for that they would always be friends. The prince matched his intelligence, rank, and circle.

He thought he had it all. A definite goal to reach, a mission given from his father and the fathers before him that would reach completion soon, the wealth to live leisurely, and a friend who understood him completely.

Until he found out Min Ho's true intentions.

No one was ever genuine.

Is this how it feels to be betrayed?

Min Ho had to pay.

Hae Soo had spent some time trying to think what could hurt him most.

He could plan to murder the prince.

But instant death would only be a sweet escape.


Men are only boys, honestly. Boys hate it when their possessions were stolen and ruined.

The prince had to lose everything he held dear.

And then he would learn to feel what real pain was.


Jin Dae Goon was drowned in his tub and was then fighting death in his bed.

The murder plan of the emperor would be carried out as planned on the emperor's birthday party.

His nephew and his brother........

But........recently, the prince really enjoys his new plaything, isn't he?

That young woman who he married all of a sudden. That woman who ordered to provide the weekly free food and clinic for the poor...........

People said the prince did not marry a woman. He married a Goddess.

Those poor people could be exaggerating.


The prince hadn't played with any courtesans since he married. Except that one time with Im Jin Ah. His informants told him that the prince hadn't touched her again ever since.

What kind of woman was she, to be able to hold the prince's interest only on her?

The wind wouldn't be able to answer my questions of course. I need to take a closer inspection upon that woman myself.

Let us see how you could bear having a ruined wife, my prince.

Let us see.


"Don't leave your lady, Sung Kyung. Don't let her out of your sight. Something dangerous could happen to her in a matter of seconds. Please guard her well," Min Ho had ordered the night after they arrived at the imperial palace.

Sung Kyung intended to follow that order at all cause.

She felt like living on the edge since her lady stayed at the imperial palace to wait for Jin Dae Goon's recovery. She didn't trust any guards there. Every corner seemed to hide evil. Jo Yeong had chosen six guards to help guard the princess, and together with Sung Kyung, they followed wherever the princess moved.

Go Eun said it was completely unnecessary, but after seeing Min Ho''s stern glare at her, she succumbed to the heavy security.

He woke up at dawn on the fourth day because a guard came and said the little prince had regained consciousness, but was having a very high fever.

Go Eun was deeply asleep by then, so he didn't wake her up, and ordered Sung Kyung to sit near her and accompanied her to Jin's palace later that morning.

Sung Kyung tasted Joo Hyeon's food before breakfast and helped her bathe, dressed, and arranged her hair. When her lady was ready, she said to the guards outside, "The Princess is ready. We are heading to Jin Dae Goon's palace."

Usually, the guards would immediately answer, "We are ready to guard the Princess!". However, there was no answer that morning.


Sung Kyung closed her eyes to calm herself for two seconds before reaching her sword.

She counted in her heart as she stood in front of her lady.

One, two, three........

They heard footsteps approaching, lightly, but apparently more than one person.

Four, five, six........

The doors were pushed opened.

Park Hae Soo stood there with a charming smile, stepping across the doorway.

"What have you done to my lady's guards?"

Hae Soo chuckled, sauntering in as if they were the best of acquaintances.

"My, my. Slave, haven't your lady taught you manners to people with titles?"

"Leave now, Councillor Park, before the Grand Prince finds out you're here."

"I'm shaking on my feet," Hae Soo uttered in a mocking tone.

He was walking closer and Sung Kyung made Go Eun stepped back.

"It's not you I'm looking for, Slave. I'm here for your Princess."

"Over my dead body."

He sighed exaggeratedly, "Fine, if you insist."

He waved a hand and four of his guards jumped at Sung Kyung.

"Don't hurt my Sung Kyung!!" Go Eun yelled.

Hae Soo smiled again. That time, it's for hearing her voice.

"It has to be done, Princess."

Go Eun had to see her Sung Kyung, the maid who had accompanied her for ten years, got attacked by four guards who were all holding swords. She ran to Sung Kyung in reflex, but she screamed, "Step back, Princess. If you care about me at all, stay safe!!!"

Sung Kyung fought with all her strength, but after all, she was only a woman fighting four men. In two minutes, she already fell to the floor with many bleeding wounds.

The four guards held her hands and legs and pinned her on the floor. She couldn't move as they gripped her hard.

And they stopped there, apparently not going to kill her. But she had to witness what was about to happen.

To see someone you care about got attacked savagely was like living a nightmare.

Go Eun could not believe they could be so heartless and cruel. She couldn't speak, she couldn't scream. She could only grip her dress, watching Sung Kyung got attacked until her blood dripped steadily on the floor.

"Release my Sung Kyung right now!" she asked, her voice shook but clear enough to be heard. "I have no idea what cruelty you're planning, but you can't play with a person's life like this!"

"I can't? But I already did! Six of your guards, my princess, are lying dead outside. No one can prosecute me, of course. I own the ministry of justice."

"You are an incarnation of evil, I suppose."

A part of Hae Soo wanted to slap the princess right then and there. No one had ever dared to speak like that to him before in his entire life.

And at the same time, he was fascinated.

"Many think exactly like you, Princess Kim. But you're the first who had the courage to say it directly to my face."

"What have you done to my guards?"

"Why, poisoned their breakfast, of course. Isn't it obvious?"

"How could you???"

"I definitely could, Princess."

"Leave this palace right now!"

"I don't even want to move away!" he argued, feigning surprise.

"I don't even want to breathe the same air as you!"

Hae Soo chuckled and stepped closer.

"So you are the reason the Grand Prince has no appetite for courtesans recently," he spoke to himself, admiring her from a meter away.

"But he slept with a very desirable one a few days ago, haven't you heard? He had so much fun, making the courtesan screamed and screamed endlessly in ecstasy."

Her eyes were instantly filled with angry tears.

"I have faith in my husband. And will you please leave right now?"

"Why did you marry him? Did he threaten to kill your family or do you want to be a queen?"

"I have no obligation to answer you!"

"How is he to you, Princess? Does he play gentle or rough?"

It was such an insulting, degrading question that she became burnt with fury.

"How dare you! Leave! Get out of my sight this instant!"

"I don't want to, Princess. Because you see, your Prince has betrayed me. He is pretending to be my friend while planning to tear me down."

She was shocked to hear that this man had known everything. Well, if he's speaking so blunt, then why shouldn't she?

"You killed his father. And you hope he would be your friend? How irrational!"

Something flashed in his eyes, a desire to inflict pain.

In a second, he moved swiftly to Go Eun, gripping her shoulders.

"The late emperor already lived too long. He deserved to die. The royal dynasty doesn't deserve what they have. The emperor must die soon after his precious little son leave first. And then I will show your prince what pain is."

He had said it without yelling, but every words hurt like a stab of the sharpest knife, told with hatred from a black heart, while holding Go Eun's hard and his face was inches away from her.

She tried her best to pull away, screaming at him to take his hands off of her, but he was deaf to her screams. All he saw was a white, beautiful face consumed with horror.

He managed to throw her to the bed and climbed on to her, as she kicked and shouted at him to go away.

Sung Kyung was already crying since he held Go Eun's shoulders, screaming, "DON'T TOUCH THE PRINCESS!!! ANDWAE!!! NOOOO! OH, PLEASE! KILL ME, RAPE ME, TORTURE ME, BUT LET GO OF MY PRINCESS!!!! SHIROOOOO!!!!! LET HER GO!!! LET HER GOOOOO PRINCESS NOOOOO!!!!!"

The four guards gripped Sung Kyung hard but let her see everything, as Hae Soo straddled the lady she honored more than her life and started to roam his hands to reach between her legs and tried to take off her layers of dress.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!" Go Eun screamed and screamed. The feel of being touched by another man was so disgusting and humiliating she wanted him to die that very second.

She fought for herself, she kicked and struggled and screamed her lungs out.

What a nightmare. She wished it wasn't real. But it was real. This evil man was on top of her, touching her in places only her husband should and the thought that he would go all the way as she was helpless made her wanted to vomit.

Hae Soo was aroused for real then. He had only intended to molest the princess and got it over with, but he didn't expect the princess to be this beautiful. Trust the prince to have all the best the world could offer. And the way she fought and screamed really didn't help calming his mounting desire.

He palmed Go Eun's breast and came down, biting and licking on her neck as she screamed out loud.


Jin Dae Goon had regained consciousness. After four days of lying between life and death, he finally opened his eyes.

His parents and Min Ho were overjoyed.

The physician was beside himself, not believing the miracle that just happened. As a doctor, he thought the little prince would lie in fever for a month before dying quietly.

Jin was still disoriented and didn't say much, but he was conscious.

The emperor held his little hand while Lady Jeon kissed his cheeks, and Min Ho inhaled in relief.

"Go fetch Lady Go Eun. Bring her here. We must celebrate this together," Min Ho ordered.

Jo Yeong bowed and quickly left to the prince's palace where the princess was resting.


Something was not right. There were no guards standing at the gates. There was a strange atmosphere in the air.

Jo Yeong thought mentally and remembered there were six guards for the princess, excluding the reliable Sung Kyung.

Still, he didn't see two of them guarding the gates.

He ran to the back entrance.


The imperial palace could be such a quiet place in the afternoon. Min Ho's palace as a young prince was close to the library and was surrounded with parks, no one from the other palace was around to hear what was happening inside.

Go Eun lied underneath Park Hae Soo, her hands were gripped hard and her body was imprisoned by his. The vile man was kissing and licking her face while she screamed and screamed. She could hear Sung Kyung also screamed for her on the floor, begging the man to stop molesting her.

She felt his hands let go of her wrists and crept under her layers of blouse and dress, trying to feel her skin.

With a horrifying desperation, Go Eun wondered whether this would really be her end, humiliated by a vile man, without even seeing her husband for the last time.

Yeobo, she thought.

She remembered only too vividly how he had held her the night before, whispering, "I'm glad I have you."

Hae Soo's hands reached her underdress and crept to her breast again, as his other hand pushed her dress down.

And to her amazement, she saw her way out. With sudden clarity, she remembered she brought the knife her mother gave her, it was under the pillow. The prince had told her to bring it everywhere she went in the palace. She just forgot to slip it on her blouse when she dressed that morning.

Hae Soo's head was on her collarbone. He wouldn't see. If he looked up, it would be the end, but......

She felt him holding her thighs and pushed her legs opened. She was still fully dressed, yet there would be no way out soon.

Her free hands slipped under the pillow and sheets above her head, found the knife, opened the cover, and stabbed it as hard as she could to the man above her.

It punctured his back, below his shoulder, and Hae Soo screamed in pain.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I gotta sleep now.

I know it's heavy angst. Well, if you read Tainted Salvation, you should know me by now.

Comment, please!

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