Finally Home

By Stay_Gold_723

1.8K 48 11

Camden Cade has been missing for 9 years. Taken when she was only 5, Johnny and Ponyboy have been broken ev... More

Am I in Trouble?
They what?!?

A Brother?

431 14 2
By Stay_Gold_723

Camden's POV

I have been in this dang cop car for an hour now, and the cop hasn't told me anything. He hasn't answered any of my questions, heck he ain't even said a word this whole time. "Why am I here, and where are you taking me," I asked for the thousandth time in the past 20 minutes. I am a very stubborn person, so of course I wouldn't stop bugging him. I was going to get him to tell me what was going on. Because I was in the back seat, I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved to the seat right behind him. I started kicking the back of his chair repeatedly. he stopped the car at some car place called the DX and came and opened my door. I stepped out right away and looked around. 2 guys that looked about 16 maybe 17, walked out of the shop, and damn was one of them hot. They walked over and asked, "So officer how's it been, and what did a girl this young and innocent looking do to get in trouble?" "Not bad and she ain't in trouble. We've been looking for her for bout 9 years now," he answered. At that my eyes widened. Why were they looking for me? Why am I so special? "Well nice to meet you. I'm Soda and this is my bud Steve," the hot one answered, interrupting my thoughts. "Hi, I'm Camden Ross. Nice to meet you too." With that the boys walked away and we got back in the car. "Why have you been looking for me for so long. I don't think I did anything wrong," I asked. He answered this time, but not the one I was looking for. "I will tell you everything when we get to the police station." "And how long is that gonna be," I asked annoyed. "You just can't be quiet can you," he questioned. I just slumped back in my seat as a reply. About 10 minutes later we made it to the station. We headed in and into a separate room. "Ready for your answers?" "I have been since I stepped into the car," I replied. "Alright well this is going to sound a little crazy but don't say anything until I'm done talking please," I got a little scared but let him continue. "Ok so when you were 5 years old, you were at the park with your family and your friend when you went to get a drink. You never came back so they went looking for you, but they had no luck. They called the cops and we couldn't find you either. We then declared that you had been kidnapped. Wee looked for you for years but couldn't find you anywhere. Just a couple months ago, we heard that in Oklahoma City around the time you were kidnapped, there had been a couple that moved in with a 5 year old daughter that looked just liked you. When she went to us though, she said that the girl was knocked out and her head was bleeding. They suspected child abuse and reported her. The next time we went to get more information from the lady, she was found dead with a bad wound in her head. She never had a husband so we had no idea who it may be, and we focused on that crime scene instead of the other lady. Just a month ago we went back to that case after hearing a few more reports of child abuse around that area. We went to the house, and no one was home so we went in and searched the house. We looked in the basement and found a huge machine labeled memory erase. We got very suspicious and started focusing on that. Everything we found, somehow led back to you. Your real name is Camden Lara Cade, and you were kidnapped at the age of 5, and you also have an older brother Johnny and a mother and father." I stared at him in shock. This can't be happening. I didn't say anything for a couple minutes until I finally decided to speak. "So my parents aren't my real parents. But they have been so kind, and gave me food, and a home, and said they loved me. It was all a lie? My whole life is just one big lie? This can't be," "I am truly sorry but it is, and I am taking you to your real home in 5 minutes so get ready," he said. I had nothing to get ready since all my stuff was back in Oklahoma City so I just sat there. 5 minutes passed and we went back out to the car. We were on our way and we started slowing down. All of a sudden, I started getting this nervous feeling in my gut. What if my brother doesn't like me? We pulled into a house and I took a deep breath. This is it. This is the family I never knew I had, my real family. I got out of the car and we walked up to the front door. As I was walking, I got a good look at the house. It was an old looking two story house. It looks like it has been through quite a lot, and you could tell theses people were not the richest in the world. When I looked around the neighborhood, I realized almost all the houses were like that. We made it to the front door and the cop knocked and asked me, "are you ready?" I couldn't speak so I just nodded. A few seconds later the door started to open.

Johnny's POV

I heard a knock on the door and went to go answer it. Nobody ever comes to my house so I have no idea who it may be. I open the door and see a cop standing there with a girl about 14 or 15 years old. I have a major fear of cops so I backed away a little bit. I guess he noticed because he said "don't worry kid, I'm not gonna hurt you." I looked away from the cop and to the girl. She had black hair with brown highlights at the bottom and dark dark blue eyes. I looked back at the cop with a 'who the heck is she' kind of look. He realized what I was doing and spoke. "Are you Johnny Cade," he asked and I nodded. "Great, well I think you are going to be very happy with this news," he said. "Johnny, we have found your sister," he said motioning to the girl standing beside him. I didn't even think, I just smiled and pulled her into a hug. I started crying and said, "I missed you so much." She hugged back and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes before the cop interrupted us. "Um, I'm sorry to interrupt, but are your parents home Johnny. I need to speak with them." "Yes, I will go get them," I said. I walked up to my parents room and walked in. They were both sleeping, it was late after all. I was scared of what was gonna happen to me if I woke them up, but I don't care, its for my sister. I went in and forcefully shook them. they both say up quickly and looked at me with fire in their eyes. My dad looked at me and said, "What on earth do you want, is there a fire." "No," I said. "Then why did you feel that you could wake us," he asked. "Um there's a cop downstairs and he said he found Camden. She's down there too, and he wanted to talk to u guys," I said softly. They both sat up and looked at each other. They then jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs not caring how bad they looked. They ran over to Camden saying how much they missed her and that they love her. I remember when they used to love me like that. Man that was a long time ago. They went to another room to talk to the cop and left me here with Camden. "So Cam, I've really missed you," I said getting teary eyed again.

Camden's POV

"So Cam, I've really missed you," Johnny, my brother, said getting teary eyed. I looked at him closely. At first I really didn't recognize him but then, something clicked in my brain, and everything back from that day in the park 9 years ago came back to me. I hugged him and said, "Johnny, I don't want to loose you ever again. Wait what about Ponyboy? How's he doin?" "Not good. I haven't really said a word since you were kidnapped, and he only speaks when he absolutely has to," he replied back. "Can we go see him. I need to talk to him and let him know that I am ok." He replied back saying "Of course, if you want to."

Johnny wrote a note and stuck it where mom and dad would find it. We headed out the door and started walking down the street to Pony's. We got their and saw through the window that Pony was their along with a bunch of Johnny's other friends. Johnny walked in first without knocking and everybody looked at him. "Hey Johnny, were your parents beatin you up again," one of the boys asked. When he asked that I got really confused. What does he mean by that. I decided that I would ask him about it later and walked in. Just like Johnny, everyone looked at me, and I spotted Ponyboy. He looked at me very closely and then his eyes widened and he screamed my name and pulled me into a hug. Everyone looked at us funny, then they all started bombarding us with questions. I was hearing things like "Who is she," or "Why did you come here with Johnny?" I didn't know what to do so I just hid behind Johnny. He stopped all the questions and looked at everyone and started to speak. "Everyone, this is Camden. She is my sister." They were all quiet when a guy with Mickey Mouse shirt spoke up, "Why are we only just meeting her now." "Well the reason your meeting her now and the reason me and Pony pretty much stopped talking is because of the same reason. When she was only 5, she was kidnapped and she was only just found and brought back home tonight," Johnny explained. They all just kinda stood there until a very scary and intimidating guy introduced himself to me. "Well then, hello. I'm Dally, and if your related to little Johnny here, then I like you already." After that everyone else introduced themselves. Now I know Dally, Darry, Two-bit, and Pony. Then the 2 guys I saw at the DX earlier came in. "Camden, this is Soda and Steve," Darry said. "Hey weren't you at the DX with that cop earlier today," they asked. "Ya, its me Camden," I said. I guess I know the whole gang now, but the first thing they said about our parents, keeps coming back to my head.

Hey everyone thanks for reading the story. I really appreciate you all taking your time to read my story. also I'm still working on updating, so it might take awhile before update again. Another thing, if you could, please can you also read my first book. It's called Johnny's kid sister. Another thing, I am thinking about making another one about the karate kid and Daniel, so what do you guys think. Should I make one and when. also, I am really really really trying my best to update as much as I can, so I would Ali like it if you commented and voted for my story. Thank you so much


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