A silent world (Tokyo Revenge...

By RavenLynx07

24 2 3

Based off of the movie A Quiet Place. Spoilers for both movies ahead! Draken, Inui, Kazutora, and the Kawata... More

A visit

24 2 3
By RavenLynx07

Hello everyone! Your girl posting on Wattpad again. This is a story I've had going on ao3 for a while, if you wanna see the rest of the chapters my acc is called 'TheRatWagon' it has the same name as this story. I've had the idea of a quiet place type fan fic for a while now. I am a huge fan of Tokyo Revengers and Drakenui, they are literally my life rn lmao. To talk, they use sign language. Anything spoken in JSL is 'written like this' with the ' s.

Just be warned, a lot of characters don't get sparred in the story. You have been warned, I love to make people cry! >:)

Reminder: Angry is deaf in the story.

'We only have fish tonight, is that okay?' Angry signed to his pink haired brother. He gave him a small nod.

The twin brothers had lived in this almost apocalyptic world for about a year now. They gave up counting the days long ago, no ones coming.

That day, that day was something they could never forget for as long as they live. The terror of the people, of their friends, of the Twins. Those...


Hakkai let out a loud laugh, "Taka-Chan you can't just leave off on that! What happened? We're all so curious~" Hakkai pouted and gave him his best puppy eyes.

The memory reappeared in Angrys mind every once in a while.

He hated it.

It seemed to work as Mitsuya continued his story to their group of friends.

"And by the time that Peh and Pah-!" The story was cut short by screaming outside. Their stomachs dropped.

"W-whats happening?" Takemichi said unsettled. Angry didn't know what was happening. Smiley stopped signing to him.

Inui lifted himself and opened the front door, they watched as terror struck his face. "Oh my.." Tears began to pool in his eyes and stream down his face like a racing river.

It wasn't long after that that they witnessed the screams and deaths of their long known friends.

Mitsuya being thrown across the street, Hakkais terrible screams at his love being so brutally killed.

Peh, Pah, Mikey, Chifuyu, Takemichi, Baji, Hinata, Senju, and Emma not long after that...


It makes Angry sick to his stomach to think about it. He has nightmares almost every other night and Smiley has to help him through it. He feels like a burden on his sweet older brother.

The lights of their house flashed, someone was at the door. 'Must be the trio.' Smiley signed across the room, 'I'll answer.'

Inui, Draken, Kazutora, and the two twins were the only survivors. The guilt eating slowly away at every one of them. They were just grateful they had each other.

The three boys made their way inside with Smiley behind them.

'We brought some ???' Draken made a weird gesture that Angry didn't know, Inui gave a small smile and signed it for him, 'Potatoes.'

Draken nodded happily. He was still learning how to use sign language. Inui, Kazutora, Smiley, took lots of classes in it for Angry back in high school.

Angry is deaf, he's really grateful that people were learning to sign for him. He lost his hearing at age 12, it was scary, but he wouldn't change anything about himself.

The selfish thing Souya was glad about, though, was not hearing the screams of his friends as they were thrown and killed violently...

'Thank you.' Angry gave a small bow and took the brown fabric bag from him.

'Kazutora are you still vegan?' Angry asked, the boy shook his head. 'What's left to be vegan for? Everything's gone anyway.' The room went still at that.

Kazutoras expression saddened, 'Sorry...' he signed softly. Inui rubbed his back gently.

'Don't worry Kaz, you still have us.' Inui smiled, Kazutora nodded but they could tell he was still upset.

Kazutora lost the two people he cared for most.


"BAJI DONT!!!" Draken grabbed Kazutora and put his hand over his mouth and his other hand over his eyes. They listened as those terrible creatures ripped away at a certain black haired boy.

Chifuyu came a few days later, when they were making their way towards the hills,

Chifuyu had stepped right onto a bear trap a hunter probably placed.

The screams of pain he let out were horrible. Chifuyu screamed at them to go on without him, that he wouldn't make it as much as they tried.

Smiley had to tear away Kazutora from Chifuyu that night. Smiley wouldn't be surprised if Kazutora held resentment towards him for doing that. He wouldn't blame him either.


The group ate together quietly. The leafs acting as plates, using their hands to eat, and setting their drinks down on soft mats. The only quiet sound was that of their chewing.

Angry gestured to Inui, the blonde boy looked up. 'How are you guys in the mountains? Is it a hard trip?'

He shook his head, 'Only a day down, the sand helps, thank you Blue.' Inui gave a warm smile, Angry nodded back. The familiar nicknames for the twins were 'Blue' and 'Pink'. It was easier to sign the colors then to finger spell their names anyway.

'Witnessed any death angels?' Smiley asked. 'Only one, was killing a Raccoon not far from our house. Gave us a big scare, Draken accidentally knocked down a candle and it made a loud sound. Just glad it didn't find us instead.' Kazutora signed somberly.

'I was sure we were gonna die.' Draken signed with a white face. Inui rubbed his hand lovingly.

The pair had been a relationship long before this terrible situation happened. The twins were sure the two were glad the other was still alive and well.

'You'll be okay Draken.' Kazutora gave a rare smile, it made the rest of the group smile too.

Smiley shook his hands to get their attention, 'Last time we saw one it ran by our house. Must've heard something near. Made me freeze like nothing else could. They're so intense it made our windows shake a little.'

'Fuck, I would've cried like a baby!' Kazutora wildly expressed, they let out silent sniffs of amusement.

'Oh don't worry we cried.' Smiley signed with a smirk, Angry rolled his eyes, 'Emphasis on the 'we' pink.' The group let out another sniff.

They talked for a while longer before deciding to head out to the barn to go down to the soundproof basement to sleep.

On their way out a familiar clicking sound was heard not long away. Angry kept walking forward, unaware of the danger lying somewhere near them.

Smiley softly grabbed Angrys arm and put a finger up to his lips. Angrys stomach dropped heavily.

The worst thing was, they were by their field.

They didn't know where it was.

It didn't take long for it to show its face though. The horrid creature peered its head out ahead from the tall plants and growled softly. Clicking and moving its head side to side.

The group paused, no, they were more like frozen and nailed to the floor. No one dared to breathe.

They watched as it slowly made its way out of the tall stalks and face its head their way, they were praying it hadn't noticed them.

But that was when it suddenly began to shake violently, it stunned the group. The creature made noises of displeasure and ran of the other direction off to who knows where.

Nahoya slowly turned towards his brother and saw him clenching his hearing aid in pain.

'Blue blue what's wrong?' He signed worriedly and held Angrys face. 'The aid.' Smiley looked confused, 'I don't know pink let's just get inside please.' Smiley nodded and helped him up.

Turning around he realized the other three were silently crying, frozen in complete terror, especially Kazutora.

'Let's get inside everyone.' Smiley hurriedly signed, they slowly nodded and followed the twins to the barn.

Angry moved aside the mattress and they quietly made their way down one by one.

Smiley was the last one down and he lifted the mattress back in place gently to not make too much noise.

'How are you doing Blue? Does it still hurt?' Smiley signed to his little brother, he shook his head and laid down on the small couch they had down there.

"Are you guys okay?" Smiley spoke gently, they could talk softly down here because of the sound proof walls they made out of newspaper.

"Kazutora just needs to rest, me and Inui are okay. God those things never fail to make even the toughest people piss their pants." Draken said and it made Inui chuckle.

"Just glad you're okay my love." Inui gave him a warm smile and gave the taller boy a kiss on the cheek.

'Get a room.' Angry signed to them, Inui and Smiley chuckled but Draken stood there confused cause he didn't catch what the guy laying on the couch said.

"What did he say-?" "Don't worry about it Draken, let's just get some sleep alright hun?" Inui played with Drakens hair and it made him very sleepy. He mumbled in response.

Inui helped Smiley quietly set up the large cot for Inui and Draken to share.

'You'll take the bed with Kazutora?' Inui signed to Smiley, 'Yes.' "Get some good sleep Nupi" Smiley spoke in a hushed tone. "You too Nahoya" Inui gave his final goodnight farewells and settled next to his lover for the night.

Smiley watched them fondly and turned out the small lamp they had. The room went entirely dark. It made Nahoya unsettled, he usually had his twin sleep with him to comfort each other when they slept.

Nahoya would comfort him with his nightmares, and Souya would comfort him to let him know he wasn't alone in the pitch black.

The issue though, was that Smiley was a big cuddler. He usually woke up hugging Angry in some sort of way, not that the younger twin minded, he loves to be cuddled.

Settling into the large bed with Kazutora near him he got warm in the blankets.

After a few minutes of light snores he heard a shy soft voice in the dark.

"Nahoya?.. A-Are you still awake?" The once black and blonde boy whispered to him.

"Yes, did you need something Kaz?" He asked softly, the other boy let out a soft 'ah' out of... embarrassment?

"What is it Hanemiya?" He shifted so that he was facing him. "Can I-?... nevermind" he tried to move away but Smiley caught him. "Do you wanna cuddle?" That seemed to stop the other boy.

"It's okay if you want to Kazutora, I like to cuddle too. It helps me sleep." Smiley related with a small smile he was sure the younger boy couldn't see.

"Are you.. sure?" "Of course, Cmere.."

Kazutora moved to be closer to Smiley. He still seemed awkward though so Smiley took control.

"Dork." Smiley let out a sniff of amusement and wrapped his arms around Kazutora's waist and pulled him close. Nahoya put his face into Kazutoras collarbone. He smelled like the forest he lived in, it was nice.

He brought his legs down and tangled them with Toras. Kazutora slowly began to relax in Smileys hold. He carefully wrapped his arms around Smileys head, being sure to give him room to breath still.

He pressed his cheek against Smileys head as he once did with a familiar blonde boy.

"Thank you Nahoya, I've really missed holding someone.." he shyly whispered into his hair.

"Of course Kaz... we all need to hold someone sometimes." Smiley hummed into Kazutoras collarbone, it gave the taller boy goosebumps from feeling his voice against his skin.

They fell asleep soundly for the first time in a while. Especially Kazutora.

In the morning, Angry turned on the lamp and noticed the fond position the two boys were in on the bed. He observed the content expression on both their faces.

'Cute' he thought in his mind. He decided to let the pair sleep just a little longer.

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