32. Ash's Reborn Story (Bonus...

By HungjuiChiu

849 26 29

After Lin's defeat and Arceus' Capture, this is the story of the other characters in Pokemon Reborn More

Bonus Chapter Part 1
Bonus Chapter Part 2
Bonus Chapter Part 3
Bonus Chapter Part 4
Bonus Chapter Part 6
Bonus Chapter Part 7
Bonus Chapter Part 8
Bonus Chapter Part 9
Bonus Chapter: 10 Years After

Bonus Chapter Part 5

42 2 0
By HungjuiChiu


Florinia: So, I am... Confused.

Ash, Florinia, Sandy, and Julia are now at Peridot Ward, as they are helping Florinia with her feelings. Ash is also wearing his Grass-Type outfit since it is about Florinia, both of them eventually confess their love to each other after Julia's persuasion, and not that Florinia minded because she knows what kind of person is Ash.

Ash: What are you confused about?

Florinia: ...So I asked if you might have any ideas to help me get out, meet people, and stay in touch with my feelings.

Julia: Mhm!

Florinia: And so, you said you were going to find an environmental activism group...

Julia: Because it seems like the type of thing you'd be into!

Florinia: ...Because I train Grass Types...?

Julia: And also you're smart! Environmental science is a thing!

Florinia: ...But this is an activism group; not a science group.

Julia: Close enough!

Florinia: ...So you got us in contact with Sandy, who had us meet here.

Sandy: Oh, that's me! Yes, I did do that!

Florinia: Where is the rest of the group?

Julia: You know, I hadn't thought about that! Let's ask the expert- Sandy, what do you think?

Sandy: Well, Julia, I'm glad you asked! See, the thing is, I think I got the meeting time wrong? I think it was actually an hour ago. But that's okay! Because it's ALWAYS time to save the environment.

Ash and Florinia are speechless about what they just said.

Julia: And there you have it!

Sandy: No use sweating the details! I mean, psh, even the environment gets things wrong sometimes- It's no big deal.

Florinia: On the contrary, when the environment gets things wrong it tends to have severe implications for global economic and agricultural conditions...

Sandy: Ooh, that's good! I'll write that down for our next rally!

Julia: See, you're environmentally science-ing already!

Florinia: I think that's just common sense?

Julia: But you know what's not common sense? Feeeeeeeeeeeeelings! This was supposed to be an expedition of your emotions, right?! So maybe the real climate we should be concerned about, is your emotional climate!

Sandy: No, we should definitely be deeply concerned about the actual climate.

Julia: That too!

Florinia: ...I'm grateful, I think. Even if it was a pointless outing with a missed group, chosen for arbitrary reasons, I'm glad that I could be here with all of you. (Notices the tears) ...Oh, I- I'm... crying? Ah...

Ash smiles as Florinia is getting better with her feelings, and he hugs Florinia as he asks her to let all the tears out.


Hardy: So like I said, we've been coming here from time to time. Just the two of us, it's been nice. Took a bit of coaxing to get her to try goin' into the pools, but it turns out they're totally safe. And then last time she was like, "I wonder what it would be like to dive down one of these waterfalls?"

Ash and Hardy are now in Claudron of the Future, as they watch some Type: Nulls roaming around.

Hardy: And I've been thinkin' about that ever since. At first, I was thinkin', I got a couple of Flying Types, nothin' a little swoop an' catch can't do for us. But I dunno if I wanna take that risk. Not with her. And you can't even see the bottom of these. If somethin' happened, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, yanno? So I've been tryna puzzle through a better case. And I think I might be onto something. Hear me out- Hoopa, right?

Ash shrugs, and at the same time, Titania also enters the New World Portal.

Hardy: Over here, Sis!

Titania: What the hell are you two doing?

Hardy: We're workin' out how to jump offa this thing!

Titania is surprised to hear what Hardy was talking and with her new boyfriend? Not in a chance.

Titania: Get the hell over here.

Hardy: Aite, that sounded bad, I know- But I'm talkin' safety here. I was just saying, if we can find a Hoopa, maybe he can make us some kinda portal through it so that we just go back into a pool!

Titania: I suppose that doesn't sound like your worst idea.

Hardy: Coming from you, that's a huge compliment!

Titania: Don't let it go to your head. Why did you call me here in the first place?

Hardy: Oh, right! Let's battle! You good to play ref', mate?

Ash: Sure, I can help you.

Titania: You already scored a higher League rank than me. How long is this little vendetta of yours going to last?

Hardy: Nah, no vendetta- I'm over all that. This is just for the sake of hanging out! 'Less there's somethin' else you'd rather do, but I figured that'd be the best call.

Titania: (Sighs) Fine. But seriously, get over here- both of you.

Ash and Hardy nod as they all climb back to the spot where they are.


Ash and Heather are now at Corey's old gym, as Heather is looking through her old stuff.

Heather: ...Well, it looks exactly the same as when I left. (Touches the bed) Dustier, though. How long has it been since I stopped sleeping here? (Looks through the bookshelves) Man, I haven't read these in forever. Oh! "The Adventures of Gligirl!" Have you ever read these? I bet there's a bunch of new issues by now!

Ash: That sounds like an interesting story.

Heather: (Opens the drawer) Most of this stuff wasn't even really mine. (Turns to the bed) And this was my bed. It's nice and soft, but I was always more comfortable on Salamence's back. Why do adults always have more things than friends? What's the point of any of this?

Ash: Maybe because they are both important?

Heather: (Shrugs while going to the kitchen and the dining table) This is where I ate meals. He'd get mad if I ate in my room, but he'd eat in his room all the time. But, I usually hoped he would. I preferred to be alone too. (Turns to Corey's room) I didn't go in here much. (Walks in with Ash) It feels wrong now too. (Noticed the opened door) And this was Dad's office. (Enters the room) He spent most of his time here. (Looks at the diary) "For Heather, by the time you read this, you will be strong..." As if. "Being strong" was just the excuse he used to keep himself locked up. Rather than being strong, isn't it better to learn to care for others? He was as weak and scared as any other kid. If only he knew how to show it.

Ash: Maybe?

Heather: So it's settled! That's the kind of heroine I'm going to be! Any old clown in a suit can punch a villain and call it a day, but who are the ones practicing true compassion?! That's a job only a magical wind maiden can do!

Ash: I'm sure that my Mom doesn't mind about it, let's go.

Then they decide to help Heather pack some things before finally leaving the place.


Ash: I can see you over there, Janine. (Points at the train)

Ash and Janine are now at Byxbysion Wasteland, as they are training their ninja skills there. Ash is also wearing a Poison-Type outfit, as he also confessed his feelings to Janine.

Janine: I thought I might be able to deceive you by hiding under the train...but I guess I'm wrong.

Ash: Come on, Janine. I'm also a Pokemon, ever since I become Arceus, I have some new skills to do.

Janine: I know, like the Double Team you and my Dad are good at. I was wondering how I can do that...

Ash: Do you believe me if I'm using Double Team right now?

Just then, another Ash appears behind the tree, and Janine just chuckles.

Janine: I actually noticed it beforehand. I was just wondering when you're going to expose yourself.

Ash: (Sighs) But you know, this place is going to be renovated. After all, there are too much trash and things that needed to be taken care of. Not only that, I might have destroyed the PULSE Garbodor, but it just made the trash scattered everywhere.

Janine: I think I've heard of it, that's why we are here to train our skills before we won't be able to? I have to admit that this place is also good for Poison Type Pokemon.

Ash: Indeed, there are a lot of Poison-Type fields to use, like Corrosive Mist Field, Corrosion Field, Wasteland Field, and Murkwater Field. Maybe we can also train our skills at the Water Treatment Center?

Janine: That sounds interesting. I mean, since the water is clean, maybe we can try to learn how to run through water?

Ash: That sounds like a perfect challenge. You're on.


Julia: Okay- okay, keep your eyes closed, a little further, and... Open!

Julia brings Ash and Florinia to her gym, the interior has changed into bowling fields. Ash is now wearing the Electric-Type outfit, as it is for Julia.

Julia: We finally got the go-ahead from the Grand Hall, and BOOM! All the machinery's been moved safely downstairs, and they allowed us to rebuild the main area into- You guessed it- a bowling alley!

Florinia: I was quite surprised when she told me. I would not have taken her for a bowler.

Julia: That's the thing- I'm not! I've never bowled once in my entire life! But now! I can! Ooh, and- and!

Julia rushes to the bowling spot, and they realize that the bowling balls are Voltorb.

Julia: The bowling balls- If you get a strike, they explode in the end zone! If you get a GUTTER BALL, they explode when they come back!

Ash: (Sweatdrops) Is that really okay?

Julia: Who knows! Besides, it was your idea, in a way! You're the one who said I should try to get more enjoyment out of the gym!

Ash: Well, if nothing else, it'll be one hell of a spectacle.

Florinia: If I may belay your concerns, during construction, I took the liberty of arranging a few accommodations for safety. The Voltorb have been trained to perform a small Aftermath on gutter balls only. A token explosion: exciting, but not harmful. As for the end-zone, 5.4 inch thick reinforced blast-proof titanium for the walls... Similar durability on the machine casing... Uniquely-furnished resistant polish on the wood lanes... Even the paint is specially-ordered to not so much as chip or brown in the face of combustive force. It may require a cleaning here or there, but we are built to last.

Julia: Just like us!

Florinia: Us?

Julia: Our friendship!

Florinia: Our friendship is reinforced with 5.4 inch thick titanium?

Julia: YES! We've gotta have at least that much to keep on lettin' the good times bowl!

Ash sighs, Julia eventually confessed her feelings for him, at first he thought it would be just like the boys that she slept with, but he's surprised that their relationship is still lasting, and she even has Florinia join in as well.

Julia: Now who's up for a game?!

Ash: (Grins) You're on.

And this is another new chapter, as you can see, this chapter might have a lot related to Julia and Florinia, since they are in Ash's Harem. And I hope you like this chapter.

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