Dressed to kill

By aureliesalim

883 295 131

āš‘šžš¦šžš¦š›šžš« š°š”šžš§ š²šØš® š¬ššš¢š š²šØš® š°ššš§š­šžš š­šØ š š¢šÆšž š¦šž š­š”šž š°šØš«š„š?āž She was... More

Dressed to kill: š‘·š–—š–”š–‘š–”š–Œš–šš–Š
Dressed to kill: š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— 1
Dressed to kill: š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— 2
Dressed to kill: š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— 4
Dressed to kill: š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— 5

Dressed to kill: š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— 3

54 27 15
By aureliesalim

𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍

: 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 :

Adrien sternly walked off to his wing of the castle. He slammed the door behind him to find his butler, Barnaby, waiting there with a tray in his hand.

On the tray rested was a cold wet cloth which Adrien sat down straight away while Barnaby gently put the cloth on his forehead. He sighed. Loudly.

Adrien started venting as he often does to his only friend.

"Barnaby, what am I doing? Seriously. I've had enough of this. Mother doesn't care much for me, more for the kingdom. Does my opinion not matter? I AM GOING TO BE THE NEXT KING OF NOIROIR."

"Of course your opinion matters, Your Majesty," Barnaby said poshly to him while he took off the wet cloth from the Prince's forehead. Adrien stood up and started pacing across the crimson carpet of his study, the finest books, and wardrobe displayed across the room.

"You're right Barnaby. I'll just play my mother's game until the choice is up to me. Ha. You know what Barnaby? I need something else for my mind to focus on, not this. Not this mess."

The prince sat back down and rubbed his hand over his face, the cerulean eyes, fiery with anger. He sighed once again.

"And you know what? Poor Princess Bryony must be devastated and I am too. I'm so angry. This reminds me of the time I asked my mother what happened to father. Like haven't you been wondering what really happened to my father? He had no health conditions, just a limp from some war. No one told me how he died, no one. I asked my mum and you know what she said. SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING. She would simply walk off. I need to do this, I need to MAKE THINGS RIGHT."

The Prince got up quickly and strode towards the door of the study.

"Where are you going, Your Majesty?" Barnaby asked worriedly. He had been quite worried about him ever after his father died, he noticed that he had been a little...off. He had become cold, emotionless and heartless.

"I'm going to find out what happened to my father, I won't be long. Ta, Ta, Barnaby. " Adrien announced as he stepped outside the door and then he was gone.

Okay. Not really gone.

Peaceful, he strolled out the door into his room, the world at peace, the world opening its arms to Adrien, ready to invite him straight into...

The Devil herself.

Her blonde hair was every due of the white-spun sun to golden browns, all married into perfect locks. The lavender eyes were royal with richness and greed, the contrast between the thin dress she was wearing. Her thin frame was visible, the only thing on her was her lingerie and her thin, transparent dress. The light pink corset wrapped against her, her upper chest bulging with her 'hidden' jewels. On her neckline was a necklace of diamonds, the glistening shards of class, and a dazzling chain of pearls strapped across her thigh, a small wonder to see.

Princess Colette.

"Hello Adrikens" she flirted as she ruffled her hair. Sitting on Adrien's bed, her legs were spread out, the bed sheets ruffled. She sat in the centre of his bed, twisting her hair in her fingers.

"Who are you, why are you on my bed and how did you get into my wing?" Adrien sternly replies, his hand still resting on the door handle, his grip harder than normal. He was tired. And too anxious to realise that this was the 'winner'.

"Adrikens, don't you remember me? It's me! Colette!" she exclaimed, a wide grin on her face. She runs forward, her hands reaching out to hug him.

More footsteps echo through the hall. Colette placed her arms around his shoulders, and hugged Adrien tighter than she would've expected. There was an awkward feeling against his back, as Adrien felt Colette's nails rubbing up and down his back. Well this is awkward. Adrien repulsed but just as he was about to push her away, Adrien looked through the open glass door to see his mother walking past. The corners of her mouth flickered up to create a very evil smile in Adrien's opinion.

Adrien's mind groaned as he remembered his mother's promise.

The prince knew what his mother was thinking. He slowly put his arm on her back, his hand awkwardly resting against Colette's cold back. This could have been one of the most awkward hugs anyone could have ever seen. Not only was the situation tense, it was quiet and awkward. Colette was probably thinking differently. Adrien didn't know, as he had never really hugged anyone before.

As soon his mother had gone, he took his arms off her and stepped away, gagging inside.

"May you please leave now." Adrien replied back, his voice stern and disgusted. He moves one step back again.

"But Adrike-"

"Leave me." he uttered back, repulsed by her tone.

"But Adrikens, I don't want to. I won the challenge, fair and square. I deserve to stay." she said back, her voice pouting.

"What I said wasn't a question. It was a demand." Adrien shot back, his voice cutting like a blade.

"But I won. And now I get to stay with you." she pouted once more, her voice high and desperate.

She pulled him outside of his room into the balcony, where the outside garden stood. The normal blossoming flowers and filled shades of green weren't there but instead the white snow covered it this time in the year.

"No. You didn't win." Adrien snapped back as he untangled his hand with hers.

"Yes I did. Even your mother said so." Colette replied eagerly.

"No you didn't. You didn't win one bit, you didn't win at all. You didn't sleep on the top bed, let alone stay there." Adrien reprimanded, irritated. His hand was tightening against the door knob, his skin white with anger and vexation.

"You didn't win one bit. Don't be so irritating." he continued, his voice rising.

"What did you just call me?" Colette said, her voice shaky with rage.

"Irritating. That's what I called you, irritating." Adrien whispered back, his tone dangerously hanging.

"Do you want to say that one more time?" she said again, her right hand shaking more and more, the outline of her trembling fingers dripping in sweat.

"I already said it three times but sure. Irritating. You are irritating. Hear me now?" Adrien says mockingly, his violent eyes, like glacial pools.

There was frozen silence between them as they stared at each other, the long lasting memory of a 'good' perspective gone. All there is, is anger within each other. He looks down at her, her hatred filled eyes flaring with fiery purple.

To Adrien, she is nothing but a little bug, a detestable insect. Something that should be stomped on multiple times and kicked aside.

And just like that, Colette walks forward, her heels clicking harshly against the hard floor.




"Oh you assho- I like you. I really do. And I was being super nice. Now, I'm going to show you what happens when you don't listen."


A loud crack echoes as Adrien's neck is jerked off onto the side. A low resonating sound echoes through the room as Colette stands there, gaping at Adrien, as he turns his head around, his sterling blue eyes outraged.

"Wow," Adrien mutters.

He stands there bewildered and disgusted as he touched his red cheek. The flaming pain, and the now printed handprint is slapped across Adrien's pale face. The faint sounds of crackling from the fire behind them spikes, as it dances across the room into the balcony where the feeling of warmth now cold.

"Don't you dare say no to me again. Or else it'll be worse next time, honey." Colette whispers, her voice high and flirtatious once more. She smirked at him and laughed. Then with the tip of her finger, she stands on her tippy toes and carefully touches Adrien on the nose as he looked down at her.

"Boop," she squeaked and she tapped his cold nose. "Bye bye Adrikens. I'll see you tomorrow, good night" she whispers.

Then as she was walking away, she giggled loudly, blew a kiss and walked off. The slow sound of her heels clacking against the floor are like a threat. A silent message. To love. Or maybe kill. Nobody knew.


It's a new day. Cassia somehow actually had a good night's sleep. But, all the other princesses woke up moaning about how sore they were and how they didn't sleep a wink.

Maybe Cassia is just used to sleeping on the floor, it's not like she had to do it everyday of her entire life so far.

Everyone woke up with a startled horn to which the servants spoke saying "Good morning ladies, I hope you had a fulfilled sleep. Especially because today is the first official challenge of the competition. Please prepare yourselves in appropriate challenge attire and meet the Queen, Lord Theseus and Prince Adrien in the grasslands. The Queen expects you all to make your way by horse. Thank you princesses."

There was another silent uproar as the princesses shuffled along, a loud rattle and movement from every room. There was loud shrieking, powdering, picking of dresses and chatter as all the princesses started to change. Chatters of delight and fear echoed from each room, as the delightful ladies prepared themselves. And yes, if you didn't know by now the princesses did not 'prepare themselves'. They, of course, had the help of the maids.


At the sound of the bugle horn, there was a loud rush as the swarm of princesses rushed into the stable, their faces pampered and ready for the day. Faces covered with powder, blush, lipstick flooded in, the attire was atrocious.

"Princesses, I hope you have decided on your horses. Please line up and you may collect them one at a time." said Barnaby. The princesses scattered across the stable, the sounds of laughter and excitement.

"Princess Colette, you can have Joyful, she shall be your horse in this challenge" the Butler said to the Princess.

"Excuse me? I thought I requested to use my own horse?" Colette squeaked annoyingly. Cassia rolled her eyes behind her, shocked and repulsed by her rude behaviour.

The butler stated, not looking emotionally damaged from the brat's demand, "I'm sorry Princess but we could not fulfil your request. Against competition rules you see. The Queen has requested that you have this horse. It's either this horse, or no horse."

"Ugh, fine. But if I get injured, I will get Daddy to fire you." snapped Colette.

"Next. Ah, Princess Bryony. Now we seem to have run out of horses, as all of them have been reserved, but we do still have one more" his face looking down at his list. Cassia shivered.

"The Prince should not mind, you can have his dear horse, Arion."

"Oh my!" Cassia asks.

"Oh, he is just down at the back. You see, he's a very special horse." replies Barnaby. There is a sparkle in his eye as he walks across, smiling from ear to ear.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he is a rare breed known as the Mountbatten-Windsor, and is the prince's beloved horse."

"The most difficult horse to tame." she whispers.

"Yes, your lady. They will only-"

"Start to move, if they believe the rider is worthy and pure enough, or if they have known the rider for over ten years. Then, through that, they are one of the strongest and fastest horses to ever exist." says Cassia.

Barnaby nods, once again smiling at her optimism of Arion.

"Ah, here he comes!" Barnaby says, as he slowly leads the majestic horse out of the stable.

With the sounds of cluttered trotting, a subtle, yet dark midnight horse walked out from the stable. Eyes golden, melting like a pot of gold, he was clearly rare. Precious, reliable and resistant, he was a sight. The dripping strands of hair from the mane, a gorgeous sight to witness towards.

As Arion trotted closer, Cassia smiled with awe, as she questioned how nature could be so beautiful. He came near to her, she patted him, soothing him. It was almost calming. There was a silence, an embrace as they stood there together, the winter snow falling behind them. It was like a scene out of a book.

"Hello handsome." Cassia whispered as she stroked Arion's mane.

"Yes he is. I haven't seen anyone be able to get that close to him before. Only Prince Adrien." replied Barnaby. He smiled at the connection, proud that everything seemed to be working out so far.

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