Unknown Darkness (Dominions B...

By SongOfTheNightengale

585 62 142

After the devastating battle at the end of Dominions, the Plague of Dread has completely overtaken the realm... More

Prologue: Selena
Chapter 1: Elle
Chapter 2: Jayden
Chapter 3: Judah
Chapter 4: Selena
Chapter 5: Asher
Chapter 6: Elle
Chapter 7: Selena
Chapter 8: Asher
Chapter 9: Asher
Chapter 10: Judah
Chapter 11: Jayden
Chapter 13: Elle
Chapter 14: Selena
Chapter 15: Selena
Chapter 16: Jayden
Chapter 17: Judah
Chapter 18: Judah
Chapter 19: Asher
Chapter 20: Selena
Chapter 21: Elle
Chapter 22: Jayden
Chapter 23: Jayden
Chapter 24: Judah
Chapter 25: Asher
Chapter 26: Selena
Chapter 27: Elle
Chapter 28: Jayden
Chapter 29: Selena
Chapter 30: Judah
Chapter 31: Elle
Chapter 32: Selena
Chapter 33: Asher
Epilogue: Deidre

Chapter 12: Elle

11 1 0
By SongOfTheNightengale

Elle had spent all night trying to learn the game Skydance. She and Jayden had transported themselves to the dead world where she could build some small three feet stone pillars to practice the moves. Elora had taught her the basics, but Elle felt she had no shot against players who played this their whole lives.

"Jayden this is useless," Elle said.

She plopped down on a pillar and crossed her legs. She placed her head in her hands and resisted the urge to cry. How had this become the situation she was in? It wasn't even just the Skydance trial. She hooked up with Judah.

She betrayed her best friend.

Her best friend that was kidnapped.

And the one thing she could do to help her was the one thing that seemed impossible. Elle considered herself a strategist, but the moves were complicated, and Jayden seemed to have a better grasp of it than her.

"You're not useless," Jayden said hopping on a pillar next to her. "You're kind of stupid with your personal choices, but not useless."

"Not the time, Jayden."

Elle felt bad enough. It wasn't enough that she and Judah hooked up, but did she have to like it that much? She could still feel the touch of his hands on her skin. The way that his lips moved as they crashed against hers.

What was worse? She wanted it to happen again.

"You're right," said Jayden holding up his hands in surrender. "You're right. I made my opinions clear already."

They sat quietly for a minute. Jayden's long legs dangled from the pillar. Elle looked at his face and saw the way he bit his lip. She knew he had more to say. "What is it, Jayden?" she sighed.

"Our powers weren't linked until we trusted each other. We had to learn to let ourselves open up, and only then were we able to overcome Deidre and help Elora get out of the castle. You're jeopardizing that trust with what you're doing with Judah. You have to ask yourself is it worth it?"

Elle wanted to say yes. She wanted to tell him that her feelings are growing by the day for Judah. That even though she knew it was wrong she wanted to keep the group strong and their powers protected, but her heart fought against her every step of the way. She didn't know how to tell Jayden she thought she was falling in love with Judah.

She didn't know if she wanted to admit those feelings to herself yet either.

"You knew about them, Jayden," Elle said. "I told you about them in the meadow-"

"And you promised me that nothing would come of it."

Elle knew she was losing this conversation. Jayden was full of anxiety, but he was also the most rational of all of them. He had a good head on his shoulders, and that's one of the reasons Elle enjoyed talking with him so much. It's rare to find people who are just genuinely good.

That's also why she became annoyed as this conversation progressed.

"I can't help my feelings Jayden. I've tried. You don't think that I feel awful about this?! I love Selena. She's my best friend," Tears stung her eyes. She tried to make them go away, but soon streams were falling down her cheeks. "In our past lives, where I was just Rosemary, apparently this was happening then too. I never even thought about Judah in that way before I found my old memories."

It was the classic question they had all asked themselves since getting their memories back. Where do their past life end and their new life begin? Or were they just blended into one cluster of a person now?

"That's...more complicated," Jayden admitted.

"You're telling me."

Elle knew this problem wouldn't be solved by crying about it. She would have to focus on one problem at a time. The one that could actually help Selena.

"Alright," Elle said. "Stand up, I'm going to go again." 

Elle and Jayden practiced well into the night, but even with the additional practice, Elle still seemed to be hopeless at Skydance. When she arrived at their normal spot on the beach clearing that morning she did her best to not look defeated.

"You okay?" Judah whispered to her.

"Yeah," said Elle trying to reassure herself more than him. "I'll be fine."

"Good, we gotta win these things. You'll do great!"

An ocean of jealousy appeared over her. Why was he so worried about the trial? Other than stopping the black plague did he want Selena back? Did she make a mistake giving her heart to him? When Selena got back was she going to get it stomped on and trampled?

Get it together, Mayweather. She thought to herself. Stop acting like such a girl.

"Ready?" Asher asked the group.

"Aperta," they said in unison.

Like always a large blue portal appeared in front of them. Elle used to be amazed by the structure, but given how often they've traveled by portal lately, she grew desensitized to the travel. Almost as if the magic had become second nature.

The smell of sweat and cheap cologne filled Elle's nose the second she stepped through the portal. The Minotaur's realm was exactly as she had imagined it to be. Torture.

Popup shops and gyms lined the streets in every direction that the eye could see. Minotaurs of all genders raced around the busy cobblestone streets. Each seemed to be in a contest with the other. Magical protein shops with drinks that Elle had never heard of had scattered signs outside of the gyms. The houses, which looked to be more of an apartment complex set up, had loud music playing from the windows that Elle could see.

All assortments of clothes were scattered on the front lawn. There was a giant barrel of ale popped up on a stool-like structure in the one closest to Elle and the others. Small wooden cups were scattered around it on the floor.

Well, this is a scene from a horror movie. Elle thought to herself. She tried to hide her face of disgust but judging by the warning look Elora gave, she wasn't successful.

"Welcome to Bregslin," said a hairy minotaur with a cheesy smile. He had dark brown hair and a pointy beard that was angled to perfection. "My name is Hagar, I'm going to be showing you to the trial today."

Hagar had a smile of a cheesy used car salesman. His torso was relatively built, and Elle could tell that he was a man (a horse?) who usually gets what he wants. She'd been around these types of people enough to know how to read them.

"Well, I guess show me the way," Elle said less than enthusiastically.

Elora nudged her in the side and Elle nodded apologetically. "Sorry," she flipped her long blonde hair behind her head. "I'm just nervous."

Hagar smiled a devious grin. "You should be. Viktor is by far the best Skydance player ever."

Elle felt a twinge of nerves build up in her stomach. They began to walk and Elle caught herself weaving between the gigantic beast that trampled alongside her. They passed several more gyms along the way until they came to a stop at what looked like a giant stadium.

The stadium reminded Elle of the J.P. Adams High School football arena, but much more upscale. Strong titanium beams held up a large platform that seemed to go on for so long that it touched the sky. Elle's stomach caught in her throat when she saw the enormity of the structure, and Judah placed a reassuring hand on her back.

"You got this," he whispered to her. "Don't be scared."

Elle tried to put on a brave face, but the truth was she wasn't okay. She didn't have this. This was the first time in a long time that Elle Mayweather was truly scared of failure. This wasn't a feeling she was used to. Though her parents never said anything, she knew that being a Mayweather came with a slew of expectations.

Of those expectations? Win.

No matter the cost.

Elle followed Hagar into the stadium and stopped as the giant horse turned toward the group. "This is where you part ways," he told everyone. "She's going to come with me and we are going to get her suited up," A large female minotaur with cascading red hair that traveled down her back showed up next to Hagar. She gave him a passionate kiss before Elora cleared her throat and the two separated.

"My bad," he said with a sly grin. "This is Elissa. She'll show you to your seats."

Everyone nodded politely to Elle and followed Elissa down the hallway. Judah looked at her worried one final time before giving her a reassuring smile. He disappeared through a door and Elle was left alone with Hagar.

"You ready?" he asked her.

"As I'll ever be," said Elle.

He walked her down a hallway and entered a large locker room. "This is where you'll get ready for the event. I'll come to get you when it's time to play the game. Your gear is on the bench in the center. I'll be back shortly." He nodded to Elle and disappeared behind the locker room door and Elle stood by herself for the first time since she woke up that morning. She took a deep breath and followed the path of lockers to the center.

On the bench there was a pair of navy shorts, obviously altered to fit her, and rudely at that, sitting on the bench. A white tank top sat folded beside it. The shoes that they had picked for Elle were massive. "In what world would these fit me?!" she asked herself holding the large shoe in the air.

Glad I wore tennis shoes.

She got dressed and folded her jeans and dark t-shirt. She placed her clothes on the bench and waited silently for Hagar to come to get her. What felt like an eternity drug on before Elle heard a knock at the door. She got up and opened it to see Hagar standing with a large helmet and staff.

"You ready?" he said handing her the equipment. "It's a big crowd tonight."

Elle nodded and took the gear and followed him down the hall. Hagar went to the opposite way of the entrance and walked to a door with a large set of stairs. Elle groaned in her head.

"Fifty feet in the air isn't a trek for us. You're going to ride on my back to get to the top," he knelt and allowed Elle to scurry on top of his horse's body. He read the expression on her face. "Try not to grope me. Elissa is a jealous one," he said with a smirk. "Unless you just can't control yourself."

"Oh please-" Elle began before the horse took off with an extreme speed. She gripped onto his shoulders tightly and nearly dropped the gear as they sped to the top. When they got to the top of the platform Elle jumped off in a hurry. "You asshole!" she hissed. "A little bit of a warning would have been nice!"

"Then I wouldn't have gotten to see you all flustered," said Hagar with a laugh. "You're cute when you get angry, human."

Elle held up her staff at him angrily. It was then the sound of the audience's laughter caught her attention. She turned to see a massive amount of minotaurs scattered across the arena. All hollered for the match to begin. Elle turned to Hagar, she felt the color drain from her face. "You didn't tell me this would be public."

"You didn't ask," he shrugged and turned to walk back down the stairs. "Good luck, human. If any of that fight I just saw is left in you, you might have a chance against Viktor."

Hagar disappeared down the stairs. The doors leading up to the arena closed behind him. Elle turned to face the field and saw all of the platforms standing at the same height. Twelve on her side, twelve on her opponent's side.

You got this Mayweather.

She heard stomping, and from the other side of the arena, the biggest minotaur she had ever seen appeared on her platform. He revved up the crowd and held his staff in the air triumphantly before looking at Elle and waving.

"Good luck, human!" he shouted.


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