The Ones Closest To You (MHA...

By hiccuptoothless4ever

2.9K 86 59

Deku has formed many relationships throughout his years. But the ones that mean the most to him are with Urar... More

Not A Stupid Dream
Waking Next To You
Always My Baby
Sick Day
Somebody To Talk To
Learning About Nana
A Gift To Remember
Taking The Next Step

A Shared Fear and Love

127 6 12
By hiccuptoothless4ever

Hey guys, I'm back! It's been just over a year since the last chapter and as I mentioned there, even though the story is marked as complete, I would post another one-shot if a new idea comes to mind. This was that time😁. This doesn't mean a upload schedule will return and be consistent, but this is what will happen from time to time.

Also, as I mentioned before as well, if you have any ideas of one-shots based around Deku, Uraraka, All Might and/or Inko, you can comment them here. Alright, enough chat, hope you enjoy! :)

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It wasn't a new sight for Ochako, seeing Izuku lying in the hospital bed unconscious with bandages wrapped around his arms, chest, and head. Hearing the beeps of the heart monitor give a steady beat. She just wished it wasn't a regular occurrence, finding herself sitting next to him, and patiently waiting for him to wake up. This was always the risk when it came to being a pro hero, but that didn't make it any less worrying.

She could remember the call she got from Todoroki after her afternoon shift. There was a hostage situation that involved many heroes and sidekicks including Izuku. At first, it was going well, with them being able to secure the area and remove the henchmen littered around and within the building. But then, it was discovered that the floor with the hostages was rigged with explosives and with them still inside, they were set off. Izuku didn't hesitate to hold up the floor for an extensive period of time to allow the heroes to get them out as quickly as possible. The operation was ultimately successful, but Izuku was severely injured in the process.

That was three days ago, and he still hadn't woken up.

The doctors assured Ochako that he would, and she wasn't entirely worried about that. This wasn't even his worst trip to the hospital after all. That, however, didn't change the initial fear she felt hearing the info and later, seeing it on TV. The panic that resided in her as she jumped on the first train she could, taking almost an hour to reach the hospital. The devastation upon being told she couldn't see him right away.

Even with the subsequent relief of seeing him injured but alive, all she could think about was the potential of losing him. Izuku wasn't even an official pro hero, only being a sidekick for almost two years. Furthermore, she had only been dating him for 4 months now, so even the thought of losing her boyfriend, let alone a future hero was becoming too much for her.

Ochako tightened her hold on his limp, scarred hand and stared at his heavily bandaged arms. She sighed deeply. "Come on, Deku. Please wake up..." She whispered, reaching her other hand to thread through his matted hair, pulling apart some of the knots within and being carefully not to activate her Quirk on his head.

She was so focused on that simple task, that the sudden sound of the door opening spooked her, causing her to yelp lightly. She turned her head around, thinking she would see the regular doctor for Izuku's check-up. Instead, her eyes grew at the sight of familiar, scared green eyes and just as similar green hair.

"Ms Midoriya?" Inko didn't reply to Ochako when she spoke. She didn't even seem to acknowledge her as she strode towards the bed, dropping her handbag as she cupped the face of her son, her eyes already watering up.

"Oh, Izuku! You told me you would be careful next time." She whimpered, brushing some rouge strands of his hair.

Suddenly, Ochako was feeling self-conscious about being here, removing her hand off Izuku's and closing in on herself. Feeling as though she was intruding on a private moment, she was about to leave, when Inko turned her attention to her.

"How are you recovering, Uraraka?"

"Huh?" Ochako raised her eyebrow, the feeling of ashamed whiplashing to confusion.

"Were you hurt as well?" She emphasised. It took Ochako a bit to figure out what Inko was applying, but when she realised, her eyes grew and she quickly waved her hands in front, dismissively.

"N-No, no! I wasn't at the operation." She corrected. "I-I just got a call from a friend. That's why I'm here."

Inko gasped, covering her mouth in slight embarrassment for her assumption. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I thought..." She chuckled lightly, to which Ochako, who couldn't help but smile, assured her it wasn't a problem. Unfortunately, the lighter tone didn't last as Inko's expression turned sombre again, looking towards Izuku, who remained unconscious. "Will he be OK?"

"He will. I know it looks bad, but the doctors said his injuries were not life-threatening." Ochako assured her. "Deku always bounces back at the end of the day."

"I guess..." Inko sighed, caressing his hand. "I just... wish he didn't have to throw himself in danger all the time."

"I know..." Even as only a sidekick, Izuku would still do anything he could to perform acts a pro hero would. She remembered all the times she would visit his apartment and how he would somewhat complain about feeling limited in the ability to help others. She was sure he didn't regret his actions during the operation, if it meant the hostages were safe. She just wished it wasn't at the expense of worrying his mother and herself.

"I shouldn't be surprised." Inko's voice brought Ochako out of her thoughts, who was now spotting a light smile. "He's always talked about doing good for the people. He was his dream right from the start and he's not going to waste it." She then chuckled unexpectedly and her smile. "In a way, he talks about being a hero just as much as he talks about you."

"W-What?" Ochako's cheeks immediately turned redder than usual, and her eyes widened so much, they could cover her whole face.

Inko looked at her confusingly. "He's never told you that?" All she could do was shake her head in response, having lost any signs of speaking. "Oh, really? I'm surprised. Every time Izuku would call, he'd always find a way to bring you in the conversation. How amazing your takedown was on a villain when he saw it on the news. The gift you gave him on his last birthday. Oh, the other day, he suggested taking a day off, so he could celebrate 6 months with you."

With every word spoken, Ochako's cheeks went darker and darker, to the point where her entire face was a deep red. She couldn't even look Inko in the face when she finally spoke quietly. "T-That's nice..." She was still getting used to Izuku freely talking about her whenever he could since they started dating. He was always someone who wore his emotions on his sleeves, and that only amplified in recent months.

Inko laughed at her embarrassment. As much as that wasn't helping with her increasing shyness, Ochako was glad the lighter tone had returned. "I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have said those things. I just... it always makes me so happy every time he talks passionately about you. You mean a lot to him, you know that?"

"He... tells me that..." Ochako spoke shyly, though still not looking at Inko and brushing a strand of hair over her ear. Her eyes did land on Izuku, watching his breathing become slow but steady. The shyness within her slowly evaporated, replaced with the feeling of guilt from before.

She sighed, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'm sorry, Ms Midoriya."

"Sorry for what?" Inko asked confusingly.

"I feel like I'm doing a bad job in protecting Deku. He keeps going to the hospital, which makes you scared beyond your wits. No matter what I do, I can't stop him."

"Because you can't, Uraraka. And neither can I."

Ochako gasped lightly and finally looked to face Inko. "What do you mean?"

"Like I said before, being a hero was his dream. Helping others was always a desire to him. Of course, I'll get scared when he gets hurt, but that's because he's my son. It's a mother's instinct to be worried for him, no matter what. So, don't think you're failing him and especially me. Trust me, you've helped him more in many other ways."

"I have?" Inko smiled and nodded confidently in response before looking off in the distance like she was reminiscing.

"I'll never forget the first time Izuku brought you over to our house. It may have only been for school revision, but that small action made my heart sore. It meant he was making friends and was opening up to others. And that never stopped. You were always there for him, assuring him he was never alone. You still do today. So, yes, you can't stop him from putting his life on the line for others. Personally, I don't think it's even possible."

Ochako couldn't help but chuckle at the statement, with how true it was. "But I know you'll be here when he wakes up. And believe me, that's more than enough for him. As well as me." She didn't think she would get emotional, suddenly feeling her eyes water up, which she quickly wiped away. Even though she would visit the Midoriya's as often as she could during her UA days, once she became Izuku's girlfriend, the visits became few far in between. Mainly because of their hero jobs. As such, there were times she wondered what Inko thought of their relationship and of her. It wasn't something she needed to know instantly, but just hearing her thoughts now removed the small weight within her, one she never realised she had.

"Thank you, Ms Midoriya." She smiled widely. Before Inko could reply, a quiet groan caused both of them to turn their attention to Izuku, watching his eyes scrunch up before eventually opening them halfway.

"Wh... What happened?" He slurred, still regaining some consciousness. That didn't stop Inko from hugging her son as tightly as she could, being wary from his injured chest.

"Oh, Izuku! I'm so glad you're OK!" She exclaimed, her tears immediately falling. Ochako watched happily at the exchanged hug, which last not too long. As Inko stepped up, collecting herself from her emotional high, she reached out her hand and gently cupped his face. Though still groggy, Izuku immediately reacted to it and his half-lidded eyes grew at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Ochako...?" He spoke like he was dreaming.

Ochako chuckled as she leaned forward and gave a quick kiss on his forehead. "Good to have you back with us, Deku." And with the lopsided smile he gave in return, she knew they would be OK. She was sure this won't be the last trip to the hospital, but that won't stop her from standing by his side.

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