Into The World

By RookWri78

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February 8th, 2018 is yet another ordinary day in the isolated residence of Pearl Manor. Everything's been sa... More

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Dramatis Personae
#1 - More Than A Knock
#2 - Abominable Beasts
#3 - Timeout
#4 - EVAC
#5 - The Invisible Man
#6 - Covert Operations
#7 - Terra incognita
#9 - The Good Samaritans
#10 - Damage Control
#11 - Restoration
#12 - Reunion
#13 - Rickety Psyche
#14 - Discoveries
#15 - Elizabeth
#16 - A Trip Down Memory Lane
#17 - Loose Cannon
#18 - The Rusty Telepath
#19 - Compos Mentis
#20 - Quality Time
#21 - Hidden Connections
#22 - The Guardian and The Key
#23 - Connecting the Dots
#24 - The Final Game
# 25 - Epilogue
Brainstorming: Ch 1 Outline
Brainstorming: Ch 2 Outline

#8 - The Rogue Pilot

119 87 29
By RookWri78

Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy-Seven Hours Ago (January 1st, 2017, 7 pm)...

'We're down for another final here in the Reifont Aquatics Center.' The commentator announces as spectators find their seats in the grandstand. 'Tonight, six teams will compete in the men's synchronized 3 m springboard finals.' A young lady carrying a placard with the inscription 'BAG THE GOLD, DOLPHINS!', hunts for her seat.

'Stakes are high for these young divers as this event is the last chance to snatch the two vacant spots in the Olympic Diving Team this season.' The commentator's crisp voice broadcasts across the wide arena.

'Excuse me,' the lady says, squeezing through a swarm of perky spectators. She lets out an exhausted sigh as she settles in her seat. Why is this arena packed? She gazes her surroundings, watching avid fans wait for the finals to commence. I didn't know so much hype existed for a mere diving event. She runs her fingers through her blond hair as she scans the arena. Okay, focus. Need to find him. 

'Excuse me,' someone seated beside her calls. The lady turns to see a boy in his late teens holding a placard. This must be Peter. The lady muses as she recognizes the teenager. She pulls her sleeves down as Peter scans her. 'I think we've met before.' he says. 'I have seen you-'
'Oh yeah.' The lady realizes. 'At Professor Hopkins' seminar on Nuclear Physics.' 

'Yeah,' Peter nods. 'Well, nice to see you again. I'm Peter.'  

'I'm Amy.' She says. 'Amy Bates.' Peter offers his hand for a handshake. 'Here are the six teams that are competing  in the finals tonight.' Amy shifts her gaze to the platform below as the teams begin to arrive. Peter chuckles as he withdraws his hand.   

'From Sandbridge Sports University, we have David Fleming and Patrick Gresl.' The crowd cheers as two men wave around. Amy looks at her watch. 'Whom are you rooting for tonight?' Peter asks as the next team is announced. 'What do you mean?' Amy replies, looking at Peter. 'There are two teams representing Frigton.' Peter replies. 'You didn't know?'

'No,' Amy realizes. 'I thought there was only one team.'  

'Now, the next pair of divers, who everybody knows have-' He pauses. Apprehension encompasses the arena when this abrupt hiatus persists. Amy eyes the teams gathered on the podium. They're not here. 

'Due to medical reasons, unfortunately, one of the divers won't be able to join us tonight.' The commentator announces in a dismal tone. 'Thus in accordance with the rules, the second team representing Frigton University-' The booing of the crowd drowns out the commentator's voice.

'So they will postpone the event, right?' Amy inquires. 'No,' Peter answers. 'They will proceed with the remaining five teams.' He tosses his placard to the floor and slouches in his seat. 'They've worked to the bone for this. You know-' He lifts his head to see Amy but finds an empty seat. 'Where did she go?' Peter says, scanning his surroundings.

Why can't they postpone the event? Amy rips her placard as she stomps across the desolate hallway. She tosses the remnants of the placard in the nearby trash bin and enters the Athletes Lounge. 'Coach,' She shrouds behind a wall when she notices two people walk out of a changing room. 

'Coach, where is Jason?' Chris demands. 'He's on his way to the infirmary.' The coach answers, checking his phone. 'But there's nobody dispatched to the infirmary.' Chris says. 'What nonsense are you talking about?' The coach snaps. Amy glances at the fuming coach. Something smells fishy. She takes out her phone while scanning the lounge. No cameras. She scrolls through the images and finds a photo of Jason in a tracksuit. 'They're wearing the same tracksuit,' She whispers as she examines Chris' attire. Amy runs the photo through an app and places her phone back as Chris storms out of of the Lounge.

Amy scans the lounge again when the Coach returns to the changing room. Okay. She transmutes into her original form, her black turtleneck and blue jeans adjusting to its owner's body. 'That's better.' Tom says, rolling his sleeves up. He checks his phone when it vibrates in his pocket. Now let's see how the coach will react to this. Tom grins as he reads the notification.

He transmutes into Jason and heads to the Coach's lounge, his attire transforming into the tracksuit Jason wore in the photo. Didn't even lock the door. Tom muses as he opens the door. 'Coach?' he says in Jason's voice. The coach flinches and turns back, 'How are you here?'

The coach scurries to the young diver. 'What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in the arena right now?' Tom notices an orange blotch engraved on the man's forehead. Rune? Tom scans the murky room. 'Sir, you need to get out of this room.' He says in Jason's voice. 'Jason-' The coach gets stunned by a silhouette lurking in the corner. 'Nice one, Banks.'

The young lady's eyes gleam orange as she steps into the dim light. 'Macy Rune,' Tom chuckles as he transmutes into himself. 'You're alive.' He steps away from the coach who walks himself out of the room. 'Who sent - I mean - who saved you?'

'Doesn't matter.' Macy says, pulling out a golden locket from her pocket. 'I've already done my job.' Tom sprints to Macy but misses her as she disappears from the room. He notices the golden traces emanating from the locket earlier, on the floor. So it's true. Tom transmutes into the young tween, 'They don't even know how to get what they want.' The teleporter claps her hands once and vanishes from the room.


Jason slams the metal door open and enters the unwonted wintry rooftop. Where did she go? He scans his surroundings as he tries to recollect what happened in the last five minutes.

'Here's the final standings for the Women's Synchronized 3 m Springboard.' The commentator's voice fills the Athletes Lounge. Jason and Chris watch the television broadcasting the live event as they warm up.

A man donned in a black suit enters the lounge, 'Teams participating in the Men's Synchronized 3m Springboard final.' Jason and Chris look back to see the man. 'Please assemble in the lobby in five,' The man announces and walks out of the lounge. 

'You're ready?' Chris says. 'Yeah,' Jason replies. 'We'll win the gold.' 

'And finally get into the Olympic Team.' Chris says. Jason receives a call. I thought she would be on board by now. Jason muses as he reads the caller ID. 'I'll be back in a second.' Chris nods and closes his bag as Jason heads to a changing room. 

Jason picks up the call when he enters the empty changing room. 'Hello-' He looks up to see a silhouette in the room. Woah. He flicks the switch and sees his sister sitting on the bench. 'Good evening passengers. This is Captain Carolina Smith speaking. Welcome on-board Flight 67C.' She says, clasping her phone as if it was a transceiver. Jason notices her eyes glowing orange as he approaches her, 'Carrie?'

'Our flight time today will be eight hours and our estimated time of arrival in London is 03.00 GMT. ' She extends her hands, as if checking the controls on the cockpit. 'Carrie?' Jason touches his sister's shoulder, 'How are you here?' Carrie looks at Jason with a lit smile. 'I'll talk to you all before we reach our destination.' What is wrong with her? Jason tries to pull her phone away. Tears fall down Carrie's cheeks as her brother tries to shake her off. ' Hope you enjoy the flight.' They both disappear from the lounge.

'CARRIE?' Jason yells as he examines the wide rooftop. 'Where are you?' 


'Dad, here's the the reports you asked for.' Eliza says, placing the file on Anthony's desk. 'What's that?' Anthony points to the bandage plastered on her left palm. 'It's nothing,' Eliza answers. 'Just a small cut.' She places her hand in her hoodie pocket. 'Let me see that,' Anthony says. 'It's nothing.' Eliza says, stepping back. 'Please review the reports.' 

'If it's nothing, then show.' Anthony replies. Eliza waves her right hand, 'See, it's nothing.' 

'Bring your hand closer,' Anthony says. 'I can't see it clearly.' Eliza extends her hand slowly, 'See.' Anthony examines her right hand and removes the bandage. 'Ow, Dad!' Eliza says, yanking away her hand. 'Why did you rip it off?' 

'Sorry,' Anthony says, disposing the bandage. 'Your skin's inflamed.' He gets up from his seat. 'You need to get it cleaned before an infection arises.' Eliza examines her inflamed wound and yeeks, 'I'll clean it.' She waves her hand away from her sight.  'Sit.' Anthony says, bringing a tray to his desk.

'What did you do to get a cut like that?' Anthony asks, as he cleans the wound with a sterile gauze. 'I wanted to eat apples earlier so when I went to the kitchen-'

'Did you use the wrong side of the knife?' Anthony replies, as he applies an antibiotic ointment. 'Of course not, Dad.' Eliza rolls her eyes. 'While opening the door, I almost slipped on the water that was fallen on the floor. I held on to the door and got my hand grazed against the door latch.'
'Then you should have been careful when you were walking in.' Anthony says. I forgot to mop the floor after I spilled water. He clears his throat as he bandages Eliza's wound. 'Since you're here, I'll conduct your physical exam now.'

'I'll be here tomorrow.' Eliza says, getting up. 'Tomorrow's the routine physical right?'

'Yes, but it would be easier to do the checkup with one less.' Anthony replies, setting up his computer. 'Mine's the fastest.' Eliza counters. 'I don't have to go through the level 2 tests like others, so I'll come back tomorrow.'

'Just listen.' Anthony says. 'Anyways, you'll be busy from tomorrow.'

'Yeah,' Eliza remembers tomorrow's date. 'Acting Owner.' She smiles, tucking her hands in her hoodie pockets. 'I have the enter that right?' She asks, pointing to a black compartment in the corner of the room. 'Why are you asking me that?' Anthony takes his seat. Never mind. Eliza muses as she heads toward the compartment. 

'Did you like lunch?' Eliza says, as she enters the black compartment. 'Yeah, my favorite was the vegetable stew.' Anthony replies, monitoring the screens that scan Eliza. A thought dawns on him as the computer screen reveals Eliza inside the compartment. 'Are you still afraid?'

'Of what?' Eliza says from within the compartment. 'You know what.' Anthony replies. 'Now press the blue button for the eye test.'

'The one adjacent to the glowing orange one?' Eliza asks, looking into the camera attached above her. 'Yes, and step back after that.' Anthony replies. 'Okay.' Eliza says, as she presses the button. 'I'm not, Dad.'

'You're not what.' Anthony says, printing the results. 'You can come out now.' He takes the reports and places it in a file. Eliza steps out of the black compartment, blinking her eyes rapidly, 'I'm not afraid anymore.' Her eyes focus on her dad. 'Good.' Anthony says, placing the file inside a steel cabinet. 'Because in another six months, you'll be in charge of this place.'

'Can't we fast track this?' Eliza replies, approaching her dad. 'No,' Anthony replies. 'Each step is important.'

'That's easy for you to say. You didn't have any steps to complete to become the Owner,'  Eliza says, plopping in her seat. 'You just inherited it from Grandpa.' 

'But I had to prove my competence to achieve this property.' Anthony replies. 'But you're a single child.' Eliza counters. 'Pearl Manor would have fallen into your lap even if you didn't do anything.' Eliza rubs her forehead. 'Headache?' Anthony asks. 'Yeah,' Eliza answers. Anthony scans her, 'How long have you been sleeping?'

'Why?' Eliza asks. 'Lack of sleep causes headaches,' Anthony says, taking his seat. 'And I know you haven't slept well this week.' He hands her a copy of her results. 'Thanks Dad.' Eliza says, taking the file. 'Now go and sleep.' Anthony says, getting up. 'Do you need a sleeping pill?'
'No, I have some,' Eliza says, walking to the door. She pauses and turns back. 'For the final time,' she looks at her wristband, 'Happy New Year, Dad.'

'Happy New Year to you too.' Anthony says, casting a light smile. Eliza walks out, closing the door behind her. 

Anthony stares at the door as another set of reports get printed. 'Let's see,' He says, as he assembles the papers. 



Anthony hears a faint ring in the background as he studies Eliza's reports. Must be some device. The ring grows louder the next moment. It's coming from this room. He files the reports in another folder and places it in his cabinet. He scans the room for the source of the ring. 'What is ringing?' He asks as he walks forward. 'A telephone is ringing in the lair.' The voice in his earpiece answers.

'Which one?' Anthony says, heading to the alcove. 'It's the Alpha 1.' The voice answers. Anthony stops in his tracks when he hears that. That's impossible. Memories rush into his mind as Anthony enters the alcove. There are survivors? He slides open the door before him and switches on the lights.

Anthony walks into the lair as the door slides close behind him. He sees the alpha 1 telephone ringing in the booth on his immediate right. It's really ringing. Anthony shakes off his skepticism and enters the booth and picks up the call. 'Hello?'

'Mr. Banks?' A shaky voice speaks over the phone. 'Who's this?' Anthony asks. 'I'm Thelma Stevens from Blackstone Manor. I don't know if you remember-'

'Yes, Thelma.' Anthony replies, recalling the kid. 'Tell me what's happening.'

'Mr. Banks. We have an outbreak. Here we're-' Anthony hears a shriek over the phone. 'Thelma!' Anthony says as the call gets disconnected. He steps out of the booth but stops to catch his breath. I need to check this first. He taps his new earpiece, 'Hello, are you still there?'

'Yes, Mr. Banks.' The voice answers. 'And my name's Jessie.'

'Okay.' Anthony says, remembering the name of his daughter's creation. 'Jessie, track the call and-'

'I'll check what's currently happening in Blackstone Manor.' Jessie completes his sentence. 'Should I call the residents here?'

'First complete the tasks that I assigned to you.' Anthony says, walking toward the bare wall of the lair. 'Then, I'll answer your question.' He hears a beep. Eliza indeed did create her. He sighs as he slides open a door, and switches on the light. Anthony coughs as he sees the unused Emergency Operations room. 'I should've cleaned this.' He eyes the spider webs that adorn the corners of the room.

Anthony dusts the chair before him and sits down. He taps a red button on the stand beside him. This is the one. Anthony sits back as three screens placed at the end of the table switch on, each showing a blue screen.

'Mr. Banks,' Jessie says. The screens display fires and attacks. 'Blackstone, Cornwall, Bronze and Dunwill Manors are in jeopardy.' Anthony leans forward, stunned as he watches rogue residents destroy their homes. 

'From their databases and surveillances,' Jessie says. 'an estimated of ten people have died and thirty are stranded.' Anthony exhales sharply. 'Any civilians affected?'

'No,' Jessie answers. Anthony reels in his chair. 'Okay, first we'll treat the survivors and then catch the culprits.' He gets up. 'Call the names in the authorized list I gave earlier.' He walks out of the room. I thought this ended thirteen years ago. He clenches his fist as he storms into the lair.

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