You suck...most of the time

By Nicolas4876

1.2K 80 46

Tommy spent most of his life in the vampire hunting academy, learning how terrible vampires were. Being kidna... More

Strangers And Trains
Stranger danger? Never heard of her
Mission impossible
This can't be reality
First day gitters
Escaping is hard
Turning kinda sucks
Lunch date
Is that so?

Vampire party

106 7 7
By Nicolas4876

Tommy stood still, being as compliant as he possibly could while Dream buttoned up his shirt. For once in his life, he had to accept that actions had consequences and the consequences for misbehaving after the stunt he pulled would be...painful.

For now, he decided that simply looking in the mirror as Dream dressed him would be the safest option. His outfit was gorgeous anyways and he didn't wanna miss seeing himself in such stylish attire.

He wore white high waisted trousers, with brown knee tall boots, and a light blue tunic with a dark blue outline. To add on to this already abnormally extraordinary clothing, he was decorated in strictly gold and diamond accessories.

Tommy was at a loss for words with all of this. Sure, once he arrived at this hell hole he had been taking more showers and wearing nicer clothes but he had never had anything like this before. It was surreal to him.

"You look so nice." Dream said while patting his cheek. Tommy weakly nodded at the man, it was the only real response he could give. Tommy felt so overstimulated during such a simple moment, how in the actual hell was he supposed to survive in a room filled with vampires?

A part of him had to remind him however that the party was not even the worst event of the night. Tears pricked at his eyes at the thought; he didn't wanna be a vampire. The more he stared at his reflection, the more water came out of his tears glands.

Upon Dream noting he quickly turned his attention to comforting the boy. However, his comforting words only made Tommy cry more and more. He wanted to go home...he wanted Sam.

"Shhh baby, everything's okay...I promise you'll have so much fun at this party." Dream pulled Tommy into his arms and began to rub circles into his back. With his nose buried into Dream's neck, searching for any type of comfort he could get, Tommy shook his head vigorously at the others statement.

"Oh, you're nervous about the turning." Dream's voice sounded so nonchalant, as if he was simply comforting a child about them breaking some stupid toy. Tommy felt his cheeks heat up, a mixture of anger and embarrassment from the others reaction.

"listen Toms," The younger felt fingers grab his chin and lift his head up, "I promise that if you actually try to enjoy this place and try to enjoy being a vampire then you will love every second of it. Your mortal grossness is nothing more then a temporary disease that we will be curing."

Tommy said nothing. He could barley think, his mind going blank from...what? Shock? Fear? He'd rather not know. Tommy weakly tried to push himself off of the vampires chest. He no longer needed comfort, in fact, he wanted to be as far away from any sort of living specimen he could be.

Dream only sighed at the small act of defiance and used the last convincing argument he had, "your friends will be there."

Tommy felt the tears in his eyes slow..."really?" he asked, not daring to hope for even a second. Dream nodded in confirmation and Tommy couldn't help the small that perked at his lips. Suddenly, things felt more...okay then they had originally.

"There's my precious fledgling!" but alas, words can so easily ruin a happy moment. A small moment were Tommy had the luxury to forget about the maniacs that kept him against his will and only remember the calming nature of his friends.

For whatever reason, the vampires had a certain yearning within them to keep Tommy's mind on them at all times of the day. They never admitted to such intentions but Tommy did not think they had to. If Tommy was not with them he was sat in his room, a place invaded with a picture of the two. He had done all he could to get rid of it but, somehow, it would simply end up placed back on his desktop the next time he left his room or fell asleep.

Maybe it was reaching but Tommy was convinced. These two had an obsession.

"I think we need to head down stairs. The main guest will be here any minute now and we would like for you to meet them all." Dream walked over to the door leading outside. Tommy reluctantly followed the other out of the room and into the foyer.

Techno stood there with three other people. Tommy had remembered their faces, two of them were the people that stood next to Techno in the family portrait however the other one was a much more pleasant face. Ranboo!

The two had locked eyes almost instantly and Tommy couldn't stop himself from running over to the boy and entrapping him in a hug. "Tommy!" Ranboo yelled while they laughed in unison. For possibly the first time since his arrival, Tommy had felt genuinely happy.

A sort of calmness had washed over him, causing the teen to forget about everything else that was happening in the room. Well, that was until Techno decided to speak.

"Tommy, I know you are excited, but please get off your friend so you can meet your uncle and grandpa." Tommy grudgingly followed his "dad's" order. As he let go of his friend he got a better look at the
other two vampires.

For obvious reasons, neither of them had a big change in appearance since that portrait had been painted. Although, their current attire was much fancier for this apparently formal event.

Tommy watched as Father Crow looked him up and down with a pleased smile, "yes, he is just as perfect as you both described him to be." he mumbled lowly. If Tommy didn't know better by now, he would've thought these words were being said with just a strange type care and not the sinister intentions the older blonde's face conveyed.

But alas, Tommy knew much better and he decided to look over to Siren for a possibly less terrifying facial expression. However, he was only met with the same look, "Truly Phil, he will make an excellent vampire!"

Tommy had always felt scared of these people, he was highly aware of their unnatural strength and strange powers but this time...he felt like just meek prey. If they tried to do anything to Tommy right now, he would have no way of stopping them.

Tommy was broken from these thoughts when Techno placed his arm around the youngers shoulder, " We know, we're very excited to turn him. Dream and I have wanted a child for almost nine years now so we couldn't be more happy on the person we got."

The teen felt his stomach churn, he wanted Techno to let him go and stop talking in that proud parent tone of voice. Neither of those vampires were his parents and neither of them fit his qualification for a father role.

No one cared about tommy's opinions though, that was very clear from the big smiles the other two vampires gave them.

"Well, I know you said the others will be a bit late so we might as well head to the ballroom. Those guards you asked for are already outside and will make sure everyone who enters is on the guest list." Father Crow, or Phil as Siren called him, said in a non-relenting happy tone.


Tommy watched as a new person entered the ballroom every few seconds. This seemed outrageous, why had so many vampires been invited to this? Techno and Dream had instructed him to stay on the platform for "safety reasons" whether that was actually true or not, Tommy had doubts.

The only good part of tonight was that all of his friends were finally here. None of them really spoke, they only huddled together in a protective way. It was clear to Tommy that none of them were happy with the situations they were in. Ranboo's mouth hurt from his fangs growing in, Tubbo was terrified of Schlatt, and Purpled was barley able to sit due to all the punishments he had received lately. The only talking they did covered these simple things, things Tommy could sadly say fit his original theories.

On a different note, Tommy had met the other "main guest". Nothing was that notable about them except for Schlatt already being drunk. Other then that, Tommy only cared to notice the clinginess they displayed towards their fledglings. An actions that was only met with an awkward Tubbo and annoyed Purpled.

Tommy wished he could do something, anything, to help out his friends; this all just felt so unfair. he hated having to see their normally lively faces filled with such despair and dread for what was awaiting himself.

"If you guys keep frowning like that, You're gonna make my party depressing." Might as well attempt to lighten the mood.

Small smiles pricked at all three's lips, indicating Tommy at least somewhat helped. In all honesty, Tommy was sorta okay with how he was spending his last moments as a human. being with his friends in fancy outfits almost none of them could have ever dreamed of wearing a few months ago. It was a nice departure from his mortality.

"No offense Toms but this is already a bit depressing." Tommy nodded slightly as Purpled spoke, "Yeah, I know..."

There was no real comfort to give in this moment. Tommy could make as many joke as he wanted but nothing could distract the boys from the event that was only mere minutes away.

Plus, the sight of all their "guardians" walking up to the platform made them all straighten up ever so slightly. It seems some of the older vampires noticed the change in deminer from the kind smiles they gave to their fledglings.

Once they all got onto the platform, Tommy's friends were instructed to go stand with their sounders while he had to stand center stage with Dream and Techno. His heart beat increased looking out to the crowd that now had all their attention on him; it was terrifying.

In seemed to be an attempt to calm him, Dream squeezed tommy's hand slightly. To both their surprises, Tommy practically latched onto Dream's hand; he just wanted some form of comfort.

"Hello everyone," Techno started, "Thank you all for coming to this celebration; I know all of your schedules have been filled up from these back to turnings but we are happy to say this is the final one." As Techno spoke, Tommy couldn't help but question what the hell these vampires wanted with them. Why did Techno say they were supposed to get rid of them? Tommy was quite aware the hunter academy was a sketchy place but he couldn't help but think they his something from him and his friends.

"Despite the issues they were causing us a few months ago, I think we can all happily say they will turn out be not only great vampires but amazing leaders of their own covens one day." What did Techno mean by issues?

Techno went on a bit longer about his whole bs story on being proud of Tommy but the said teen was no longer listening to him talk. Questions ran through his brain the more Techno spoke, that was okay though, he could ask about it later.

Maybe it was an issue Tommy had accepted his fate so soon but what else could he do? He tried running earlier today and that failed. he could try running off the stage but he had a sneaking suspicion most of these vampires were loyal to his future sounders.

It only took a few more minutes before Techno was done with his speech and Dream had placed his arm around Tommy's shoulder to lead him out. He walked vacantly down a hall, trying to not think to hard of what was next, and noticed a door come into view. It was Dream and Techno's bedroom.

As Techno opened the door Tommy felt a pit in his stomach; it was dumb for him to think the fear would subside for this entire process. Now though, it came back with a vengeance. Every step that Tommy took, getting closer to the bed, he felt his head spin with terror.

"Techno, please grab a trash-bin he looks extremally pale." Tommy heard some quick movements in the room before what he presumed was a bin was placed below him. The timing was almost comical as the second the object was placed, bile began to leave his throat.

As one pair of hands drew calming circles on his back, the other scratched his hair lightly. For the brief moment that Tommy forgot how he knew these people, he found comfort in the sweet gestures those unnaturally soft hands did for him.

Once he had stopped, and had not thrown up again for a few minutes, Tommy was slowly lifted into strong arms. He opened his eyes slightly to see Techno carrying him and Dream standing by his side. They sat down on the edge of the bed with Tommy's feet being on Dream's lap and his body leaning against Techno's. Seemed like he would be doing the biting.

They sat there for five minutes while the two vampires whispered small praise to Tommy and gave comforting touches. It was only when Tommy to drift off to sleep that he felt the bite.

The pain was excruciating. Tommy tried to wiggle away but it was as if his body went limp, he tried to focus on anything other then the pain but it was impossible. As tears fell from his eyes and small whimpers from his mouth, the feeling of venom coursing through his veins became more and more evident. He just wanted this to be over...

For a moment, it was over. Tommy felt relief wash over his entire body but he was too caught up in his happiness to notice that his sitting position was being changed. The news only revealed itself when a second surge of pain hit him.

It was noticeably duller then the first but it still gave an almost unbearable feeling. Tommy hated crying in front of people, it made him feel weak, but he had no more control of the sobs that left his mouth.

He imagined that he sounded like baby on an airplane. He remembers those days...sitting on a plane and the baby behind you just was not having a good day so they decided to make it everyone else's problem. Oh what he wouldn't give to be on one of those planes right now.

his brain wondered more before he noticed an absence of fangs in his neck. The tears had now slowed and all he felt was himself be placed onto something that could only be described as a cloud. It made him happy that there were was the same soft substance next to him.

As he almost fell asleep again he was rudely interrupted by the sound of something closing and locking, a sound that would normally scare him.

"You did so good dear." Was the last he heard before whatever he was on got noticeably darker followed by the sound of another lock. Whatever, he no longer could defy sleep.

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