My Everything

By shy_ghost_21

630 13 0

She thought it was a one-night stand, but that night meant everything to him. More



39 1 0
By shy_ghost_21

I came back home after getting something to eat with Nai and dropped her off at her apartment, sitting on the couch sighing as I put my face into the palms agaisnt my hands. "What's wrong with you?" I heard someone ask, I lifted my head up to see who it was, and Key was standing infront of me with a questioning look on his face. "I went to surprise Nai by picking her up at the university, I might have overreacted, but there was this guy talking to her, and he asked too her be with friends with him, then he said something funny to make her laugh and smile, and I got jealous.." I paused, "What did you do?" Key asked, sighing again I continued to speak, "I put my hand on her shoulder and shook hands with the guy introducing myself to him and I'm sure that she could tell that I was glaring at him, then said that Nai and I had too go and held onto her wrist as I walked to my car." I finished, "How did Nai handle it?" He asked, "She was upset.. She told me I had no right to be jealous because I'm not her boyfriend, which I know I'm not.. but I want to be. Anyway she got out of the car when I stopped at a red traffic light and began to walk, so I pulled over and ran after her, telling her that I was sorry for overreacting.. I want her to have friends, I do, it'd be great for her to make friends of her own, but I just didn't like seeing her around another guy.." I said and Key nodded his head listening to everything I said and let it sink in for a bit as he thought.

"I can tell that you like her.." He said and I looked at him, "You can?" I asked and Key chuckled nodding his head, "She was all you ever thought of and talked about since you came back to Korea from your US tour.. and plus she's the only girl that you've willingly brought here to introduce her too us." He answered and I made an "o" shape with my mouth, "She is right though, you guys are together as a couple, but in a way it is also okay for you to feel jealous if you were both seeing each other and a couple, so.. why not tell her how you feel about her and ask her to be your girlfriend?" He suggested, "And I don't mean sitting with her in class as she's trying to study." He added and I understood what he meant, "I feel like I fucked up her liking me back though.." I said, "Just give her some time to cool off and start fresh then maybe you'll be able to tell her how you feel." He said and I nodded, "Thanks Hyung.. I appreciate it." I said and he smiled patting my shoulder as he stood up then walked to a different direction in the house.

Nai's POV

I laid on my bed face down hugging my pillow as I groaned, 'Was my words too harsh?' I thought to myself, 'Maybe I should text him and apologize..' I thought again and groaned in frustration then pulled my phone out from my back pocket and pulled up Taemin's contact on my text messages and texted him.

Me: I'm sorry.. My words were probably very harsh and out of line.

I sent the message and put my phone down then turned to lay on my back, staring at my ceiling I heard my phone buzz so I grabbed it and saw Taemin's name listed as a new message

Taemin: It's okay, I was also out of line...

Taemin: Can we meet tomorrow? I have something I want to tell you.

Me: Of course. I have class tomorrow, so we can meet afterwards.

Taemin: Okay :).

Taemin: I'll pick you up at the university tomorrow after you're finished with class if that's okay..?

I smiled to myself then typed a reply back
Me: That's okay.

I grabbed some pajamas and my towel then went to shower too was the day off and decided to order pizza afterwards, because I didn't want too cook or walk to the convenience store too grab something. I watched some shows then decided to go too sleep.


Class was pretty interesting today, we watched some videos of some groups and producers working together then took some notes from a presentation that the professor had projected up on the board. After class ended, I put my notes away after the professor announced that we were going to have a test next week, tomorrow is the weekend thankfully, so that means I can sleep more which was fine by me. Standing up from my seat, I began to walk down the steps and walked out of the room heading for the front of the building when I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket, I pulled it out and saw that it was Taemin.

Taemin: I'm here.

Me: I'm coming.

I put my phone back into my pocket before he could make a joke and smiled to myself as I walked to the front of the building to see Taemin standing at the entrance, gossip filled the halls and the main enterance of the building as I walked up to Taemin who gave me a hug and I happily hugged back and he grabbed my hand leading me to his car, "Where are we going?" I asked as I was sitting in the passanger seat as he drove, "To one of my favorite spots that I like too walk around at." He answered, "How was class?" He asked, "It was fun, I have a test next week." I pouted because I feel like I won't do good on the test. "Put that lip away, I'm sure you'll do fine on the test." He said, "I suck at tests though.. What if I fail?" I said and he chuckled shaking his head as he focused on the road and the cars around us. "Just believe in yourself, and do your best." He said, "You can accomplish anything you set your mind on.. you just gotta believe in yourself." He added and I smiled, "Okay." I said and we pulled into a parking lot.

We were walking side by side of each other and I looked around admiring the beautiful scenery, watching as the flowers danced in the wind as some of the pedals glided down, spinning like a ballerina as they touched the ground on their way down. "So pretty.." I said and saw water in front of us, it was really beautiful here, I can see why Taemin likes coming here and calls it his 'favorite spot'. "I knew you would like it here." He said as he looked at me and smiled, I looked up at him and smiled gently. "Nai.." He spoke and bit his lip as he rubbed the back of his hair, is he nervous? Why? "Yes?" I responded and looked at him, "I like you, a lot." He said and I looked at him, "Is that why you reacted that way yesterday?" I asked and he nodded answering my question. "I've felt something shift from the moment I made eye contact with you that night at the concert, and I want you to know that I just don't like you for what we did that night, I like you as a person, as a woman, as-" and before I could realize what I was about to do, I kissed him, but pulled away covering my mouth and looked at him, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to suddenly.. You know what nevermind." I said with a nervous laugh and Taemin looked at me with wide eyes which made me feel embarrassed so I stepped back and tried to turn but before I was fully able too turn around, Taemin grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him and placed a gentle yet passionate kiss.

we both pulled away a bit after to catch our breaths and Taemin rested his forehead agaisnt, "I hope you know that this means that I'm never letting you go now." He said as he held me close, "You better not." I said and he chuckled as he moved one of his hands to mine and held onto, moving his head motioning for us to continue walking around.

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