The Faerie Knight and their A...

By TheCatofMirrors

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Ash Shadowstar has watched over Arcadia for a long time, but never had they felt the need to d Aja and Krel... More

Chapter 1: New Students
Chapter 2: Acridion-5
Chapter 3:What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 4: Lovestruck, Tavern and Inn
Chapter 5: Car Chase
Chapter 6: An Explanation
Chapter 7: The Science Fair
Chapter 8: Impatience
Chapter 9: I Won't Say I'm in Love
Chapter 10: Trinia Shadowstar
Chapter 11: A Midnight Picnic
Chapter 12: A Secret Shared
Chapter 14: Area 49-B
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16: Stereo Heart
Chapter 17: Faire Queen
Chapter 18:Nemesis
Chapter 19: The Castle Under the Hill

Chapter 13: Camp Bloodmoon

101 6 1
By TheCatofMirrors

I groaned as I stirred, I was dark out. The memories still stirred in my mind. Standing above me was Aja and Krel both looking worried. Two of Aja's hands were on my shoulder and it was clear she had been shaking me. Two familiar sent hit my nose, one me one brought my attention to my sister leaning against a tree her arms crossed over her chest. The other, considering my current company, worried me. I turned to see a wooden archway with the sign across that read "Camp BloodMoon".
Aja looked as if she wanted to ask a question. I shushed her,
"They might not know where here yet, be quiet", I said in a hushed tone, placing myself in between them and the camp entrance.
"They have most certainly noticed we are here", Trina said, motioning to the girl standing at the center of the arch. She was around eighteen and about my height. Her hair was hot pink with black roots. She had fluffy wolf ears and a matching hot pink tail. Her eyes were also hot pink and she had long pointed canines that showed brightly against her matching lipstick. She wore blue high rise jeans ,combat boots, and a hot pink crop top with a silhouette of a wolf head along with the words Beta Wolf. Princess Rehla, had it been any other situation I would have been glad to see her. Several others stood behind brandishing weapons. They looked mostly between the ages of 8 and 14. That was not a reason to underestimate them. I had trained a lot of them personally.
"Lady Ash, step away, Trinia is wanted here and you know it, and bring outsiders is strictly forbidden", she said, "Just step away and will figure this all out"
At that point I was too panicked to hear her, I had already tried to get us back to Arcadia once and failed. My wings were spread and Rehla looked very worried. I tried one more time before settling on finding the closest safe space. I just manage to and promptly pass out.
(Trinia POV)
I felt my sister pull on their magic two times without result. Something or someone was keeping them from bringing us home. I knew they were about to pass out, but they were stubborn creature and tried a final time. This time got us out of direct harm. But, I could still tell we were still within Camp Bloodmoon. Ash was out cold, I could not help but think they looked quite small laying across the bed with her large wing sprawled out.
I took in my surroundings. This must have been Ash's bedroom in this place. The bed was a queen size bed with a log frame in dark wood. The rest of the furniture, including a solid looking desk and an impressively large wardrobe, seemed to match the bed frame. Even with all the large furniture there was still plenty of floor space. Everything was covered in a layer of dust. Ash must really have not spent much time in this room.
I turned to my sister's friends, where their names again, Aja and Krel. Ash did not directly tell me their names but I had been watching her with them for a while, she seemed to be quite fond of them. I could not see why the traitor was, but there are many of Ash's actions I could not understand.
"Well, It appears for the time being we are stuck here", I said.
"Who are you and what's wrong with Ash?", Krel asked me.
"I am a cat-sith", I say, cocking my head, "and in regards to the traitor, they will be fine"
"If you want answers to your questions, you are not going to get them from her", A voice said from the doorway. I turned to see Princess Rehla behind me. My hair puffed up and I hissed. She only ignored me walking past and continued speaking to Ash's friends.
"To answer your question, Ash is just tired, they exerted a lot of energy trying to get you back to your reality",she explained and then motioned to me, "and she is Trinia, Ash's half sister.
"Half, she quite looks whole to me", Aja said confused. I let out a hiss in annoyance.
"It means we have the same father but different mothers", I say simply, "Just another thing I hate of the Queen slaying traitor"
"You truly believe she killed Rina", Rehla said and Ash stirred slightly at the name.
"All the clues point to it, they was there when Rina died, but what would you know of it, it did not happen in your world"
"That may be true, but it haunts Ash and, so I know the tale and I ask you what motivation would Ash have to do it?"Rehla proposed. I knew she was right, Ash had no reason too. It could not have been power or she would have the throne and they loved Rina and Rina loved them. The clues put the blame on her, the missing crown, the sword left behind, the ash gray fur, that she later killed her brother. But the motivation did not line up, the one glaring issue why did not Ash save their princess like a knight should have.
"Well, if you wish to hear the full story head to Lovestruck and find Cupid", Rehla said,"You two feel free to look around, but, don't leave Ash alone, they are likely to have nightmares"
I was gone before she finished speaking. My mind was rushing as I went off to find Lovestruck. The place was strange. It did not quite exist in one reality or the next. So, you could find it in almost any reality if you knew to look for it, and because of this you could enter in one reality and leave in another. Though, If who I believe was behind it was, it was not getting us out of here.
I had walked through the woods for hours and was wandering around the streets when I finally saw the sign. I must have looked like a mess or something because people were staring at me. I ignored them and walked up to the bar.
"Can I get you anything?", Cupid asked.
"I was hoping you could tell me exactly how Princess Rina died", I said.
"Of course", she replied and handed me a compact mirror. I watched the scene play out. Her coronation, her beautiful gown, her brother walking with her to her chambers, the dagger in his hands, the dagger in her heart. It was Prince Iston that killed Rina. That bastard. Ash had found the newly crowned queen as she died. Tears started to stream down Ash's face. Rina shushed her.
"No, Ash, stop", Rina said soothingly, "Promise me you will me heal me"
"Why?",Ash sobbed.
"Just promise me", Rina said.
"I-I promise I will n-not save y-you", Ash said through tears the glow faded from them losing their power to heal. Rina then moved her hand to whip the tears from Ash's face.
"It is alright, I only want what is best for you, I am sorry", Rina said.
"But, I-", Ash began.
"It had to happen", Rina said taking the bramble crown from her head,"Take this, wait for her to be fit for it, my brother can not get it"
Ash held Rina close, "But, I lo-"
"Sh, I know, my knight"
"Goodbye, my lady"
Rina was gone leaving nothing but a small sapling behind. Ash picked up the crown and pulled their sword from its belt thrusting it into the earth beside the saplings. They was determined on one goal, avenging her princess.
Krel's POV
"I am sorry, I failed you", Ash mumbled tossing in their sleep. She looked quite distressed. I let Aja look around while I stayed with Ash. It appeared to be nothing but the "outdoors", so it did not bother me. They had been tossing and turning for the past thirty microns, calling out for Rina, whoever she was.
A bright orange fluid leaked from her eyes, I believed tears. I went to wipe it off their cheek, the hand lingering for a few moments.
"Krel", my name was mummer softly and she gave a small smile. Then there was a tapping on the door and Ash shot up, ears swiveling to the sound.
I woke to a knock on the door. My face was damp. I had been crying, but someone must have wiped them away. Krel was sitting on a chair beside my bed. I hide my blush by walking to answer the door.
"Hello, Fern", I said, "What can do for you"
"Princess Rehla asked me to check on you", the small girl said.
"Well, I am fine and no longer unconscious", I said.
"Another thing, Queen Bloodmoon is returning sooner than expected"
"Where is my sister?", I asked rubbing the bridge of my nose ,"And for that matter where is Aja"
"You sister left for Lovestruck shortly after you arrived", Fern repiled, "If Aja is the strange outsider girl with Princess Rehla, then I can take you to her"
"Alright, wait for me outside", I said.
"Of course, Lady Ash", Fern said with a bow. I moved back towards Krel.
"Who was that?", Krel asked as I walked to my vanity wiping away the thin layer of dust.
"Fern", I answer shortly, while I wipe the remain tears of my face,"Now we must find your sister before she gets herself killed"
I finished tidying myself up and we step outside to where Fern waits dutifully. It is still dark so the camp is bustling, everything running smoothly as it. We follow Fern, fortunately it appears that Aja had not gone far and was at the train ground for the high ranking individuals. When we find her, she is talking with Rehla.
"Speak of the devil and she shall appear", Rehla said upon spotting me.
"Rehla was just telling me how great of a warrior you are and how you trained her",Aja said excitedly, "So, lively, Can you give me lessons?"
"I have already started", I said, "But there are more important things, like the Bloodmoon is coming"
"And who is Bloodmoon, exactly?", Krel asked.
"The vampire queen", I said.
"My mother", Rehla said.
"Thank you my dears, for the introduction", A voice said behind us, Catherine Bloodmoon with her too wide smile. Rehla and I drop into a bow, and frantical motion for Krel and Aja to do the same.
"Too little, too late", I said. Then, Circi appears. She rest her hand on Bloodmoon's shoulder
"Relax sister, this is my doing", Circi said, "Besides the rule is technaily only against humans"
"What are you hoping to accomplish?", Bloodmoon said with a sigh, turning to leave and motioning for Silvia to follow.
"Ash, why don't you and your friend meet me at the camp entrance", Circi said with a purr.
"That was not a request, was it?" I asked with a sigh.
"Nope," she said, disappearing.
"I guess it is time you two meet my parents", I say, turning to them with a strained smile. I started leading them out of camp. Krel walks close behind me as I lead them through the camp, while Aja is more excited and rushes ahead of me as I point out different train areas and buildings, explain their purposes. We do draw quite a bit of curious stares. The few who directly cross our path nod drop into a quick bow, before I help them up slightly embarrassed at formality, which reminds me too much of times I would rather forget. A few of the younger trail behind cautiously wary of the outsiders, but wishing for a glimpse of the infamous Lady of Ash.
I stopped when I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned to see a young boy with a mop of royal blue hair. His blue eyes pierced into me.
"Were you going to leave without saying hello?", he said, the way he talked was alway oddly formal for his age. I bent down to pick him up.
"Oh, I am sorry, my princeling, I was rather busy with other matters", I said looking over to Krel and Aja.
"Yes, mother told me of the outsider that came with you, quite peculiar are they not", he replied, tilting his head at my friends, "Well,It is best to get them back where they belong, I will not halt you any longer"
He moved to get out of my arms, but I held fast, "You may walk with us if you would like, James"
Eventually, we made it to the entrance and Circi was waiting. I sat James down and he nodded a quick greeting to Circi and then said fair well as he started waking to find either his mother or one of his sisters. A moment later Cupid walked through the entrance.
"Is my sister already back?"I asked Cupid who gave a nod and then turned to Circi,
"What was your goal mother?"
"You will see in time, little bird",She said, "Anyway, time to get you three back to Arcadia"

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