A Sirius Matter...

By WeasleyGirl2000

3.1K 190 24

The Mandevilles hate Muggle Borns. Their pure blood ancestry is famous and they refuse to associate with film... More

Welcome To Hogwarts!
First Year!
Summer With Sirius
Welcome Back Drama
Aiming To Please
Going Home
Fifth Year? Nothing Changed...
New Friends!
Tia and Remus' Little Issue
Not The Only One
Emily's Tale
The Most Feared Fear
Beth Strikes Back
Update #ImSorry

Seven Minutes In Heaven

524 13 0
By WeasleyGirl2000

That evening, I watched while Tia and Lily twirled around our dormitory trying on different outfits.

"Hey, Sofia! You need to try this on" she held out a red, cotton skirt, a white t-shirt and a denim shirt. They helped me out on all the clothes and then accessorise with a thin brown belt, a pair of tights and a pair of brown boots.

Lily and Tia decided on other outfits, Lily wearing a floral skater dress and far too much makeup.

"Lily you're not even trying to impress anyone, why are you caking on so much makeup?" I asked her exasperated.

"Who says I'm not trying to impress anyone" Lily cut back.

"HughhughJAMEShughugh" Tia coughed grinning cheekily.

"Shut it Tia, you know I hate the arrogant little toe rag. Anyway it's not like you're not wanting to get in the cupboard with Remus!" Lily shouted, throwing a hairbrush at Tia.

"Whose wanting to get in the cupboard with me?" Remus took that opportunity to open the door unexpectedly and stroll in.

I started laughing so hard I fell off my bed.

Tia on the other hand, blushed brighter red than Lily's lipstick and ducked down behind the bed to hide her embarrassment.

"Did you come to get us Remus?" Lily asked, slipping her pumps onto her feet.
"Yeah, it's time to start! James and Sirius have gone down already, I think Peter followed but I said I'd wait for you lot and walk with you"

"Okay let's go!" Said Tia loudly, appearing from her bed and practically running out of the door.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

"Okay everyone. Thanks for coming, I can't wait for this game!" I laughed at James' far to obvious enthusiasm. I heard Lily giggle loudly too and I gave her an odd look.

"So we're going to put the girls names in a hat and boys, you're gonna take a name and then in another hat, we're going to have numbers one to five. These will demonstrate whether you go first, second and so on..." James finished.

"Everyone ready?" Sirius asked the circle of people.

"Yeah" we told him. Let's do this.

Sam went first and he took Millie. I smiled, I had shipped 'Sillie' forever!
Remus took Tia which caused them both to blush and me and Lily to high five.
Peter took Rachel, he seemed really keen but I laughed when she scowled and glared at James who was taking the names out of the baseball cap in his hand.

Shit. I thought to myself, this leaves me with James or Sirius. I wasn't too sure who this would be more awkward with.

"Soph, you're with Sirius so that means Evans, you're with me" he winked at Lily who gave an audible grumble.

"Alright Soph!" Sirius held up his hand for a high five. I looked blankly at him causing him to slowly lower his hand.

"Rachel and Peter are one, Sam and Millie are two, Lily and I are three, Sirius and Soph...four and Remus and Tia are last"

James rambled off the positions while everyone moved to sit near their partner.

"Hey" Sirius said, sitting down next to me.

"Hey" I replied quietly as I watched Rachel and Peter climb into a large cupboard together. I then heard Rachel shout "don't touch me!" and scuffle around - I assume to a corner of the cupboard where she would sit for the whole seven minutes.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Me? I'm always okay!" I laughed as I said this.

"It does seem so" Sirius grinned.

"Has Beth sorted herself out?" I asked him as the room sat watching the huge timer/clock on the wall that said 3.5 minutes.

"Half way there!" James shouted into the crack where the doors met.

"Good" squealed Rachel making me giggle.

"Well...she's stopped harassing me 'as' much but I wouldn't say she's completely over me. What can I say? I'm fantastic!"

I rolled my eyes. Just when he was starting to have a decent conversation.

Suddenly a loud bleeping filled the room and Rachel banged on the doors until James opened them, Rachel falling headfirst out the cupboard and then picking her bag up and walking straight out the room. A couple of minutes into Sam and Millie's go, Peter also left the room muttering about an early night.

The scary beep filled the room again and Sam and Millie emerged from their cupboard and before anyone could ask them any questions hurried from the room, although I was sure I saw Sam's hand find Millie's as they made their quick escape.

This time, Sirius and I shut the door as James and Lily were in the closet together. As we were so close to the space, we could hear a lot of their conversation.

"But I love you Evans!"

"I don't care whether you love me or not, I don't like you like that and you're always horrible to Sev and I. Also, stop calling me Evans! My name is Lily. L-I-L-Y. If you like me so much, stop using my surname"

I could tell James was lost for words and I saw Sirius press his ear closer to the wooden surface.

"Okay. But just one kiss. Please Evans-I mean Lily!"

"Sofia! You're outside aren't you?" Lily called through the wooden panel where I was stood.

"I am indeed my friend. How can I help you?"

"Open the bloody door and let me out so I don't have to spend one more minutes with this absolute idiot" she shouted the last part.

"Much as I would love to do that Lily, I am afraid you still have two minutes left on the clock" I struggled not to laugh and I saw Sirius doubled over on the other side of the cupboard.

"But he's annoying me" she whined "and he smells" she added and I heard James start to speak up.

"I don't smell, I'm very hygienic" I couldn't stop the laughter here.

"Fine you don't smell. Nice" Lily said meanly.

"If you don't like it then just go somewhere else!" James said pettily.

"Maybe I will" Lily replied crossly.

"Maybe you won't" I cut in "you've got thirty seconds left on the clock!" I heard a groan and a laugh from inside the cupboard.

Sirius was crying and I was creased up from laughing so hard. When the alarm finally went off Lily started banging on the door, just like Rachel had.

"Okay! You can let us out now!"

"Maybe we could keep them in there a little longer Sirius?" I turned to face him and saw him frantically patting his pockets and coat.

"That sounds great" he said, his voice wavering. "We don't have a choice" he mouthed at me. My eyes widened I hurried over to him and started helping him look for the key he had lost.

"This is a disaster!" I cried.

Suddenly, Tia appeared behind me and held a copper shape in front of me!

"The key! Wait did you take it?" I asked her.

"I wasn't sure if you'd remembered I was here. Or that you're a witch- what happened to alohmora?" Tia laughed.

I smacked my face with my hand. "Oh yeah! How could I forget?"

Sirius just grabbed the key and allowed the blushing Lily and James to tumble out of the cupboard. Before he hurried off into the corner however, I was almost sure I saw red lipstick on his mouth...

"Revenge is sweet!" Lily shouted as her and Tia bundled me into the cupboard and slammed the door.

"Owww" I moaned rubbing my head. It was still bad from where Beth had smashed me into the table. I hoped the long cut on the back of my head hadn't re-opened.

"Let me have a look" I shuffled forward and bent my head so Sirius could expect the damage.

"I think it's okay" he told me, putting my hair back to place. I didn't know how he knew it was fine, the cupboard was almost pitch black.

"Thank you" I smiled at him.


"Why don't you just open the door and watch!" I told her sarcastically.

"It's okay, we'll know" she told me cryptically "just hurry up and get on with it"

I laughed and looked to Sirius. He had a serious expression on his face which made my smile vanish instantly.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I like you" he blurted out.

"I like you too" I said smiling again.

"No Sofia. I don't like you, I like like you" Sirius told me

"Oh" was all I could muster.

"Do you...like me?" He asked.

Cold shivers crawled up my arms and neck. Did I like Sirius? I loved him that was sure - but was it in the way James loved Lily? Maybe yes. When I thought about it, I had always been that bit more attracted to Sirius than any of the other boys. I had once been quite scared of him but not anymore.

As if to tell me to go for it, my brain flooded me with the feelings I had experienced every time Sirius had got a new girlfriend, every time I had seen his hand find another girls and every time I had seen him kiss someone else.

"Sofia" he prompted. I suddenly realised my expression was dreamy and dazed.

"Oh yeah...sorry"

"So..." He prompted again.

"Yes" I said abruptly. As soon as the words left my lips I knew it was true. I adored Sirius and from the moment I knew I wanted to be with him.

He leant towards me and I as I leaned towards him, my silver necklace fell from under my shirt.

"The necklace!" Sirius exclaimed.

"What about it?" I asked feigning nonchalance.

"That was the one I bought you, in your first year" Sirius said quietly "you still wear it?"

"Every single day" I replied with a small smile playing on my lips.

Sirius shuffled towards me and leant in to kiss me, I closed my eyes and started to lean in to him when the door was suddenly flung open to reveal Lily and James' cheeky faces, James holding a large wizard camera.

"Click" he said laughing as he pressed the button, capturing Sirius and I leaning in to each other for a kiss.

"James!" Sirius growled, climbing out the wardrobe like he was going to throttle his best friend. Tia and Lily were both stood next to each other trying to catch my eye and get my attention, Remus was stood behind them looking slightly amused.

Knowing that I couldn't be bothered to explain everything to Tia and Lily in detail I headed for the door and opened it, heading back to the corridor on my own. However, as I made it to the staircase, Sirius appeared behind me.

"Hey! You didn't think you were getting away that easily- I didn't even get my kiss!" He winked at me and I laughed.

Taking my hand, we walked together back to the common room. As his rough skin met mine, a tingle ran up my hand and arm.

"Bibble Wibble" I said to the portrait of the Fat Lady who proceeded to swing open, nodding her head.

The common room was deserted, it was late so I assumed everyone had taken to their beds.

"See, nobody's here..." Sirius lead me deeper into the common room where we stood together, still hand in hand in front of the fire.

"Wait" I took my hand away "are you...wanting to be together?" I asked awkwardly and with poor grammar.

"Yes! I thought you'd have worked that out" Sirius grinned at me.

"Then ask me" I told him

"Ask you what?"

"Ask me to be your girlfriend. Properly" I added.

"Okay..." He thought for a moment and then dashed up the staircase. I stood awkwardly, hoping he would come back.

"I was going to give this to you for your birthday but I think you should have it now"

He handed me a box, wrapped in balloon wrapping paper. I carefully pulled away the wrap and revealed a white wooden box, it was about the size of a jewellery box, maybe a little smaller. I looked at the top and saw a picture of all of my friend and me. Sirius, James, Lily, Remus and I all stood together by the lake the previous summer. Peter had taken the pictures.

I unfastened the clip and opened the lid. Inside, were hundreds of pictures of all of us. I saw many of me and Lily, laughing (probably not knowing the photo was being shot) some of me and the boys, some of just me doing my usual crazy stuff and many of Sirius and I; some where we were posing for the camera and some where we were leant in close, studying or chatting. I even unearthed one of me looking jealously at Sirius and Beth who were snogging in one of the Hogwarts Express compartments.

"I'm not sure about this one!" I laughed showing it to him. I wasn't too sure why he'd chosen that of all pictures to give to me- especially when he was going for romantic as he asked me out.

"Shit" he swore "James was helping, I think he put it in for a laugh" he took the picture and ripped it into four pieces before throwing it into the flames where it was licked up eagerly.

"So. Sofia, I really really like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Corny. But yes I will" I grinned at him and giggled.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly. His head leant in to mine and this time I didn't stop him. His lips met mine in a long kiss. I felt his tongue move from his mouth but I kept my teeth closed firmly- I wasn't ready for that and I knew he'd get the message. We stayed like this for several minutes until the portrait burst open and we broke apart quickly.

"Sofia! You're coming with us!" Lily and Tia both grabbed one of my arms and pulled me violently up the stairs. I was honestly surprised with Lily's strength! I waved at Sirius who laughed and waved back. As I was tugged into our dormitory, I saw him and the boys following slowly up the stairs.

"Alohamora" Tia cast on the door, locking it "now there will be no interruptions". The boys didn't knock or try and get in, I suppose they wouldn't have been able to get up the stairs with all of us locked in a room together.

"What's with all the violence?" I yelled, sitting down on my bed.

"You ******* snogged Sirius that's what it's for!" Lily almost screamed at me.

"Annnnddddd..." I asked, hoping for more detail.

"You can't-you just can't-you can't go around snogging Sirius!" Lily shouted.

"Shhhhh. You'll wake the whole house up! We didn't snog by the way, just a kiss!" I grinned cheekily at her, she looked like she might explode.

"Anyway, you heard the whole thing, I know you!" She blushed a bit, they knew the whole story.

"But it was so romantic!" Tia and Lily said together, swaying and falling on their separate beds.

"It was cute" I admitted, smiling sweetly.

"But are you together? Have you had 'the conversation?" Lily asked like it was something really important.

"Yes - he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!"

"Corny" Lily snorted, propping herself up.

"Exactly what I said!" I laughed, pulling the drapes around my bed so I could get changed in peace.

"You guys are gonna be so cute!" Tia squealed, causing me to roll my eyes as I lifted my shirt off.

"You and Remus though! I heard you guys after Soph and Sirius left!"

"YOU ARE NOT WITH REMUS!" I shouted popping off my bed wearing pyjama shorts and a bra!

"Soph! At least get fully changed!" Tia burst out laughing.

"But yes we are together" Remus walked into our room like it was an everyday occurrence, which at the rate he was coming in, probably would be.

I screamed and dived behind the curtains where I could see them but they couldn't see me. Unfortunately I couldn't hear them all too well either.

After a muffled conversation Tia kissed Remus dramatically and left the room with him.

"Did she just-" I swung open the curtains.

"Oh she did" Lily nodded, looking shocked.

"But are they going to...you know?" I asked her.

"I know what?" Lily took advantage of my awkwardness.

"Ya know. Do the do..." I asked her awkwardly and then laughed along with Lily who looked as though she might not be able to breath.

"No, well I don't think so, they're going to 'sleep on the couch'"

I stood in awe. That was so unlike Tia!

"Well, how long have they been together?" I asked Lily who seemed to be well informed on their relationship.

"About two years is what they just told me"

"And we never found out all this time?" I asked in shock.

"Uh huh" Lily agreed, climbing into her pyjamas and ip under her warm duvet.

"Well...what drama" I smiled at her as I climbed into my own bed.

"Night Sofia. By the way, I'm happy for you"

"Thanks Lily. Night-night"

~~Sirius' Point of View~~

"Dude! What the hell?" I heard James talking in my ear but I couldn't take my eyes off Sofia who was being dragged up the stairs by Lily and Tia.

"Erm yeah I like Sofia you know that" I told James. It was true, I had mentioned how much I liked Sofia to James in the summer she came to stay with me and we visited James.

"Yeah but you kissed her!" James was almost pinging off the walls as we walked up the stairs towards the dormitory. As I opened the door I saw Peters bed surrounded by its drapes. Heavy breathing was coming from it so he was either asleep or pretending to be.

"Yep!" I said to him.

"Awesome" James said "damn I wish Lily would hurry up and kiss me. Was she good?"

"Well she wouldn't use tongues but her lips tasted off her blackberry lip balm" I said a little too dreamily.

James gave me an odd look and raised his eyebrows "okay..." He said, pulling off his shirt and trousers and climbing under his sheets in boxers. I did the same.

"Moony. What the heck are you doing?" Remus was grabbing his pillows and duvet and about to leave the room.

"I'm going to find Tia prongs. I'll see you tomorrow" and with that he left the room.

"Does he like her or something?" I asked James.

"They date! We literally just found out they'd been together like two years!"

"Piss off" I said turning the lights out.

"True story padfoot. Goodnight"

"Night prongs"

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~


Hope you enjoyed this, I'm really loving the plot and the characters and just everything 😁 I am actually writing a sequel to follow this book but with a character (which I'm not going to tell you) from around the time Harry, Hermione and the Weasley's are at Hogwarts. I don't want to post it yet though as it will give away what happens at the end of this and I don't want you guys to know 😉😉

I love you all 💜💜💜💜💜 thank you for sticking with me and reading 😃

Love Emiliiieeee xxxx

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