Modern Day Warships to Anothe...

By Horten141A

37.1K 390 557

(Rewrited Description!) As the war has ended 31 year ago, the world now peace... US began to make a good rela... More

Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Chap 1 - Wait! I'm in Another World!?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 2 (Rewrite I)
Chap 2 - Need to be Saved?... (Rewrite)
Chap 3 - So. There's a flashback, must meet the Queen, then a Tour?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 3 (Rewrite I)
Chap 4 - We got Free Time, But There's a Goddamn Storm! And a Distress Signal!
Chap 5 - Sakura Empire? New Guest? And Spies?...
Bio's 4 (Rewrite I)
Chap 6 - Time to Save Our Spies...
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 1 - We Just Arrive, and We got a New Problem
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 2 - Short Word: Just a Tour...
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 4 - Test? Not a Problem....... Schwester?!!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 5 - Maybe we From Different World, But not By the Blood
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Russian/Northerners Arc 1 - Hello New Worlds...
Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!
Russia/Northerners Arc 3 - Just a Morning Tour
Rusky Arc. Char. Bio 5
Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!
New Cover???
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 1
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 2
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 3
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 4
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 5
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 6
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!
Battle of Midway Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 2 - Welcome to Our Base!...
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!
D-Day/Normandy Landing Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - The Base is Under Attack!!!...
Dragonians New Upgrade and Refit
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 1
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 2
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 3
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 4
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 5
French/Orthodoxies Arc 1 - Bonjour, New World!...
Anniversary of United State of America Vlog!!!...
Battle of Britain Anniversary!!!...
New Book???? Already??????

Chap 7 - What a Day...

682 10 18
By Horten141A

With the 3 Girls

The three girls is still standing in their place, with Laffey stick out her right hand to Ayanami, and Ayanami having a big doubt to do it, since they're enemy. But Ayanami quickly slap Laffey hands and run away

Javelin: "Wait!! Ayanami!!"

Laffey and Javelin went silent when Ayanami leave them, as Javelin sees Laffey, she having many doubts.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Andrei take nearly 100 Vodka...)

In Enterprise Room

It's morning and Enterprise is still sleep, until Belfast coming in the room and open the curtain, makes Enterprise awake.

Belfast: "Good morning, Enterprise."

-Little Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Karl and Hans is 'playing' their flamethrower...)

After wake up, Enterprise wear her usual cloth and Belfast holding her Admiral Cap, then Enterprise take the cap and wear it. Enterprise look at her MRE foods and ration bars, she shook her head to reject the moder—I mean, to eat the foods.

Enterprise: "Let's eat at the mess hall."

-Time Skip-

(Brought to you by: Amelia cats is making trouble... Again...)

At the Mess Hall

The mess hall is full with many shipgirls, eating their food. Meanwhile, our bois is sitting in one desk. While that, Enterprise now is taking her breakfast.

Enterprise: "Isn't that too much?..."

Nevada: "Don't be modest... I owe you one for helping Oklahoma."

Then Pennsylvania and Arizona approach them.

Arizona: "Oh... Hello, Enterprise."

Enterprise: "Yes, Hello."

Nevada: "Morning, what'll it be?"

After getting her food, Enterprise go to her seat as she were getting greets by several peoples. Meanwhile our boys is eating and joking with each other.

Assassin: "Hahahahaha!... Yeah.. I literary nearly getting hit.."

Doolittle: "So tell me Arthur!"

Arthur: "Tell what?"

Doolittle: "What your relationships with Wales??"

Montana: "Gluck!.. Ahh!.. Yeah, after we get transported in this world and become a humans and staying at this base.. You and Wales looks closer, is there anything happened between you?"

Arthur: "Me and Wales? We only a work partner. I only helping her job in this base as an commanding officers..."

Medan: "Really.... I see you and Wales sleep in one bed."

The Boys: "PFFTT!!!....."

Arthur: "Ho-How did you know!!"

Arthur slightly have a blush in his face.

Medan: "Well.. When I was explore the base, I get lost and apparently I was in Royal Navy dorm. And when I was searching the exit, I see a door opened and see you and Wales sleep in one bed!"

Now Arthur face is really red now.

Zumwalt: "Whoo-hoo! Who know the Knight of Atlantic and Baltic now having a girlfriend!"

Montana: "Congratulation Arthur, now you have a girlfriend."

Arthur: "Ughh!.. I hate you guys!"

The Boys: "Hahahahahahah!!...."

As they laughing, Enterprise passing them.

Montana: "Morning Enterprise! Kinda rare you in here?"

Enterprise: "Ah.. A-About that.."

Enterprise keep walking to her seat. As Montana is confused seeing her behavior, he decide to forget that and think that as personal thing.

After Enterprise get her seat, Belfast approach her with a tea pot and several glass.

Enterprise: "Belfast, why don't you take a sea, too?"

Belfast: "I have my duties as a maid."

Enterprise: "I don't think I can finish this by myself."

Seeing Enterprise foods, Belfast as no choice than join her on the breakfast.

Belfast: "In that case, I will join you."

Meanwhile, Vestal and Hornet take their food, as they taking their foods, they search a seat. But Vestal eyes caught Enterprise and Belfast siting together at one table.

Hornet: "Hoam!.. Hmm..? What's up??"

Vestal: "It's nothing."

Hornet: "Hmm..?"

Hornet was confused, but as she looked to where Vestal look, she now understand.

Vestal: "I was just thinking.. Enterprise might have changed a bit."

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Amelia giving ten Marjans to Author...)

Academy Hallway

The academy were full of girls, as the girls doing their own jobs. Meanwhile, Enterprise and Belfast were walking on the hallway, as they were getting greets by several girls. In the same time, Montana were walking with Arthur.

Arthur: "I need to go now, Montana..."

Montana: "Alright.."

Arthur leave Montana alone, as he sees Enterprise and Belfast.

Montana: "Hello ladies!.."

Belfast: "Oh.. Hello to you too Montana."

Enterprise: "What are you doing here?"

Montana: "Just walking around.."

As they walking, Cleveland yells at them.

Cleveland: "Hey, Enterprise!!"

As Cleveland waving at them, there's three girls were on her back, as they approach them.

Cleveland: "I never interduce my sister, right?.. Come on, say hi."

Columbia: "I'm Columbia, 2nd ship in the Cleveland class. Nice to meet you!"

Montpelier: "I am Montpelier, the 3rd ship. Thank you for assisting my sister."

Denver: "I'm Denver, number four! Honored to meet a hero!"

Enterprise: "Thanks, nice to meet you all."

Cleveland: "I'm proud of my little sister!"

Montpelier: "No, I'm nothing compared to you..."

Denver: "You're number one, Cleveland!"

Cleveland: "C-Come on, I told you, stop saying stuff like that!"

Montana: '....They make me want to meet my sisters... I wonder if they can transported here?'

(Soon Montana, soon)

Enterprise: "You sisters seem to get along well

Cleveland who heard that only chuckle.

Montana: "Is this your only sister, Cleveland?"

Cleveland: "Yes! Why?"

Montana: "Huh... If I remember correctly, Cleveland class supposedly consisting 29 ships..."

Cleve/Colu/Mont/Den: "29?!"

Montana: "Yeah, some of them were converted into Light Carriers.."

Columbia: "Wow?! I never know we will have many sisters..."

Denver: "What happened to all of them?

Montana: "All of them were scrapped or destroyed and sunk as targets practice."

Enterprise: "All of 29?!"

Montana: "Leaving USS Little Rock as the last and the only Cleveland class that still exist. She were become Museum.."

Cleveland: "All of 29 ships..."

Montpelier: "Only lefted one..."

Denver: "They just..."

Columbia: "Get Scrap and sunk as practice targets..."

Cleve/Colu/Mont/Den: "World is cruel.."

Montana: "Yes.. World is cruel... Even for us, ships..."

Belfast: "Just lefting one ship of 29 ships from one class... That's just cruel..."

Montana: "To considering that the whole Ticonderoga class destroyers consist nearly 27 and Nimitz class Super-Carrier consist 11 ships were scrapped instantly.."

(Is the Ticonderoga class consist 27 ship? If I were wrong number, tell it...)

They went silent. But quickly, Cleveland change the topics.

Cleveland: "Hey.. What happen to that thing we recovered from Sakura Empire?"

Belfast: "Yes, about that..."

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Montana is crying because he was the only ship from his class get transported to Azur Lane World...)

In a Meeting room

A box contained the Black Cube were opened. The box itself were built from special carbon and metal, by Montana and Arthur, with help of Doolittle and some others. After the box opened, the girls surprised.

Enterprise: A Black Mental Cube..."

Wales: "Sakura Empire's secret weapon, based on Siren technology..."

Cleveland: "Can't we use this to nullify their mass-produced Siren ships?"

Akashi: "It's the Orochi that controls the ships, Nya.. This one is just for support, Nya.."

Enterprise: "A massive warship named Orochi... So that's what Sakura Empire is building?"

Vestal: "I wonder what the relationship is between the Orochi and this cube?

But Akashi just shook.

Wales: "What we do know is that a Siren gave them this cube, and Akagi works with that Siren."

Montana: "If the Sakura Empire build these Orochi.. That can be trouble..."

Arthur: "As we don't what armaments and how big Orochi is.. We will go to the dead end..."

As they were thinking about the Orochi, suddenly someone hit the door.


Zumwalt: "Guys!"

Montana: "Zumwalt?!"

They were surprise with Zumwalt suddenly crash the door

Wales: "What is it, Mr. Zumwalt?"

Zumwalt: "Sorry to not gives this to you yesterday..."

Then, Zumwalt hand it a several photo that. Arthur took the photo and surprised.

Arthur: "..?!...This..."

Montana: "What is it?"

Montana approach Arthur, as he see the photo.

Montana: "Zumwalt.. Are you taken this photos yesterday?"

Zumwalt: "One hundred percent, yes.."

Hornet: "What is it?"

Montana: "Here, take a look."

Montana take the photos and put it at the desk. The girls who seeing the picture, they were shocked with the resolution of the photo, even its colorized.

Cleveland: "No way! A high-resolution photo and its colored!"

Vestal: "How did you get photo with high resolution and colored?"

Montana: "We called it: 'The Future Technologies'... By the way, why you not tell us yesterday if you sneak to Sakura Empire Base?"

Zumwalt: "I'm too tired you know; I need a rest. Sorry to not telling you early..."

Arthur: "Its fine..."

Wales: "With this photo, we can know what and how big the Orochi is."

As they see the photos, they went to the photo when Observer and Akagi meet.

Hornet: "It's High-Class Siren?!"

Enterprise: "So, that's true that Akagi is work with Siren..."

Belfast: "If that's the case, it mean that the whole of Sakura Empire is being deceived."

Akashi: "Akagi... What are you thinking?"

They went silent. As the Black Cube is shining, Enterprise noticed, and slowly Enterprise touch the cube.

-Insert Alterprise-

Belfast: "Enterprise? Enterprise!"

Montana: "Enterprise..!"

Montana grab Enterprise and she woke up from the illusion.

Montana: "Is there something wrong?"

Belfast: "You seemed be distracted."

Enterprise: "No.. I'm fine. It's nothing."

Montana were suspicious with Enterprise recent behavior, as Montana were suspecting Enterprise. They were interrupted by Macau and Doolittle.

Macau: "Hey guys! I'm literary sorry for interrupt your meeting, but you need to see this!.."

Zumwalt: "What is it?"

Doolittle: "Some short of a green haired cat were spreading this thing!"

And Doolittle and Macau take a poster of sleeping Montana on below of a tree.

Zumwalt: "What the—?!"

Montana: "Hey! is that me, when I was sleeping in the Academy garden?!"

Enterprise who seeing the posters were slightly have a blush on her face, as she looked at the posters of sleeping Montana.

Macau: "Not only that!"

Doolittle take another poster, and it's a poster of naked Arthur.

Arthur: "What the?!!"

While Arthur asking himself, where in the fucking world someone taking his picture when he were changing clothes on his room. Wales now on extra blush.

Wales: 'I need that poster now!'

Meanwhile, Akashi were the person who spread the posters were sweeting colds.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Montana and Arthur having a something that need to done with Akashi...)

Sakura Empire Base

The base were really busy, with several girls were shopping in street shops. Meanwhile, the Mustuki class sisters were running on the street.

Uzuki: "Wait for me!.. Wait!!.... Don't leave me behind!!!"

Suddenly Uzuki fall into Kaga legs.

Kaga: "Hey, careful. Running is dangerous."

Uzuki: "Oh, no... What should I do?..."

Then, the Mutsuki class sisters approach them

Mikazuki: "Um... We're sorry."

Minazuki: "We didn't do it on purpose."

Fumizuki: "Hmm? What happened?"

Kisaragi: "P-Please don't eat us..."

Kaga: "Wait, I'm not angry..."

Then Nagatsuki walk forward.

Nagatsuki: "Don't make e use P-Kun!!"

Then Nagatsuki pull out the P-Kun, and Kaga went silent with Uzuki that still scare.

Akagi: "Oh Akagi, what have you done, Kaga? You can't make these little girls cry."

Kaga: "Nee-Sama..."

As Akagi approach them and pat Uzuki, Mutsuki approach them with few candy in her hand.

Mutsuki: "Ano! Ano... Gomen'nasai! You can have all of my candy. Please don't be angry!"

Kaga: "Like I said, I..."

Then Akagi chuckle and take the candy's, as Akagi pat Mutsuki and hand it one candy to Kaga.

Akagi: "I see. We'll take you up on that."

Akagi: "Kaga, You can forgive them now, right?"

Kaga: "Y-Yes..."

Then Kaga take the candy.

Akagi: "Here's a reward for good little girls who know how to apologize properly."

Akagi take a bag of candy and give to Mutsuki, and Mutsuki take it and see what inside.

Mutsuki: "Arigatou, Nee-Chan!!!"

And they running away in the street, again.

Kaga: "I just told them not to run..."

Akagi: "Kaga. Don't you wish they could stay together, forever?"

Kaga: "Nee-Sama..."

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Montana and Arthur burn down Akashi store...)

Azur Lane Base

Enterprise and Belfast were now walking towards the beach, as they see many girls were buying from some shops. Meanwhile for Montana and Arthur, they have some problems with the posters, but at least the posters were not officially spread across the base. Except that Enterprise and Wales already take the whole posters.

Enterprise: "There are more shops now..."

Belfast: "It's very lively here."

As Enterprise look around, she feeling like this like a human town.

Enterprise: "It's like a human town."

Belfast: "We are human."

Enterprise: "This conversation again... I don't understand."

Montana: "Hello there again!"

Belfast: "Oh.. Hello to you again, Montana.."

Montana: "So.. What you ladies talking about?"

Enterprise: "It's nothing..."

Montana: "Talking about humanity again?"

Belfast: "Enterprise, what you need is an elegance in your heart."

Enterprise: "What is that? I don't get it at all. Do you want to be a maid, too?"

Montana: "Seriously?"


Me "Oh yeah! How about this"

Montana: "Oh no.. She's too cute on maid clothes..."
*Nosebleed and fall*

Me: "Oh not again.. I supposedly no show this image again..."

Belfast: "Oh, would you join us? I can certainly discipline you to become a maid suited for any household."

Montana: "Excuse me... What?..."

Enterprise: "No, that's a..."

A wild imagination about she become a house wife for Montana now appear on her head, as she have a slightly blush on her face.

Montana: "Are you okay Enterprise?"

She quickly shook her head and realized what is she thinking.

Enterprise: "Ahh.. I'm okay..."

Then Belfast just chuckle.

Belfast: "Maid or not...... Starting something new is most likely beneficial. A hobby, some kind of job, anything other than fighting."

Montana: "I will say the short word. Do anything than fighting."

Enterprise: "That won't be easy for me."

Belfast: "it would be a worthy challenge. Human life is all about adventure."

Montana: "Just tried it Enterprise, Just tried."

Enterprise: "I suppose that might be true."

Belfast: "Please ponder it as much as you need.. That is precisely the reason why we earned these human forms."

Montana: 'Even humans I know what will happened to the war like this, I rather keep it than to said what will happened to the end of a wars...'

-Big Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Montana keep the image that I give it earlier...)

In Javelin Room

(I know what you thinking...)

In the room, there's Javelin, Laffey, and Unicorn sitting in Seiza pose.

Unicorn: "Ayanami? That girls we met?"

Javelin: "Hmm... We're supposed to be enemies, so this could be very wrong, but...... I don't want to give up on her. I want to be friends with Ayanami."

Unicorn: "I don't know anything about her. I don't want to fight her like this."

Laffey: "We haven't started anything yet."

Javelin really happy, and Laffey and Unicorn nodded with smile.


Me: "We all agree to not show you about the Hot Spring scene..."

The Boys: "That's right!"

Me: "So... Rather that wrote the scene that make me suffered, let's just skipped.."

The Boys: "That's right!"

Me: "Plus.. When I want to wrote down about the scene, my brain went blank. So, this is two reason why I don't wanna wrote the Hot spring scene... Back to the story!"

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Karl singing SABATO – Ghost Division...)

With Enterprise

Enterprise can't sleep, as she always remember what is her sister said on her last dream. So, she decide to wake up and standing on the beach, as she looking at the beautiful night on the beach. Until Belfast arrive.

Belfast: "Enterprise, having trouble sleeping?...

Enterprise: "I felt that the ocean called out to me."

Belfast were quite surprise with Enterprise statement.

Enterprise: "I'm joking.."

Belfast: "That is quite unusual."

Enterprise: "Yes. Perhaps I'm getting a little emotional."

Belfast: "You should keep warm."

Enterprise take the mug, and Belfast pouring the coffee to Enterprise mug.

Enterprise: "Coffee, at this hour?"

Then Belfast show a bottle of sleeping pills.

Enterprise: "You're a naughty grown-up."

Enterprise drink the coffee and see the view of beautiful night in the beach.

Belfast: "It's very quiet."

Enterprise: "Yes... I don't mind a quite ocean."

As they see the beautiful night, unknown for them that they has been watching by someone.

Montana: "Heh... What a good maid and a fighter.."

The world never stop to gives surprises

As we keep continue our life

Maybe we know what we will faced up in the future

But, our expectation is not like the reality

The world never stop to giving surprises

And we don't know what will we faced up on the future

With Kaga

On a Yagura, Kaga were sitting and drinking sake, seeing the beautiful night and see the thing that Akagi buy earlier. But its interrupted by Eugen that approach Kaga.

Eugen: "Oh, how pretty. Must be Akagi taste."

Kaga: "You're not welcoming in here."

Eugen: "Come on, let me join you for a drink."

Kaga: "No. You'll ruin the taste."

Eugen: "Always so hard to get, aren't you? They took the Black Mental Cube. Aren't you at all worried?.. What are you scheming?"

Kaga: "Not your concern."

Then Eugen closer to Kaga

Eugen: "Are you sure and Akagi are after the same thing?"

With Eugen statement, that's make Kaga mad.

Kaga: "ENOUGH!!"

Kaga push out Eugen, and Eugen see the thing that Akagi buy for Kaga.

(I still don't know what the thing name?)

Eugen: "One-sided love can be painful, don't you think?"

Then Eugen leaving the angry-faced Kaga alone.

Eugen: "Guten nacht. Have a pleasant night."

With Akagi

In other side, Akagi is standing in top of a Yagura.

Akagi: "Soon... We'll meet again soon.."

With silent, everything will be change.

Akagi: "Amagi-Nee-Sama..."

With Ayanami

Now Ayanami looked too the moon, sticking out her hand to the moon. Looked to her hand, waiting what will be happened next...

As the world keep moving

As we still alive

As the nature keep change

As the animals still on the wilderness

As times keep passed

We will never know what happened next

We will never what happened in the future

We will never know it...

Only God know what happened next


Me: "That's the final one..."

Amelia: "So you done?"

Me: "Yes..."

Amelia: "..."

Me: "..."

Amelia/Me: "YEEEETTTTTT!!!!!!!!"

The Others: "What the hell?!"




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