
By Avax9193

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~The story is set in 1970s~ She had one silly nightmare. But it wasn't just any type of nightmare. It was a s... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 4

179 8 13
By Avax9193

Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it

(Song recommendation for this chapter)


"Payne I need you and announcer to go to the Styles family and perform the proposal. In relationship or not, propose to her" Niall ordered.
"With honour sir" Liam bowed and left the room.
Niall looked into the mirror and smiled thinking about her.
Not long till she owns his last name. He sat behind his desk and pulled out his sketch book. He took his pencil and began sketching her in a wedding dress.

As commanded Liam and the announcer arrived at the Styles house ringing the bell.
Jeff opened the door and he instantly became shocked. Not everyday king sends his people to public's house.
"H-Hello. How can I help you?"
"Can we have a word?" Liam said.
"Y-Yes of course. Please come in" Jeff stepped aside.
They sat in the living room which was associated to the guests only. Jeff went to their own sitting area to inform his family about the unexpected guests.

"The king's right hand man is here" Jeff whispered freaking out.
"Why?" Kelly asked.
"I don't know"
"Well let's go and see what they want" Harry said.
"Let's go" Jeff said.
They all entered and sat across their guests.

"May I ask where is your daughter?" Liam asked.
"Forgive us she's currently not home. She took her younger sister to register her in school"
"Has she caused any problems?" Jeff asked concerned.
"No. It's actually the opposite" The announcer chuckled lightly.
The Styles family gave them a confused look.
"The king has sent us to propose to your daughter on his behalf" Liam said smiling.

Kelly and Jeff's eyes fell out.
"Excuse me?" Harry asked just to make sure they heard them correctly.
"You heard us son. The king likes your sister and he wants to marry her" The announcer said.
"Of course we won't expect an answer now. We will give you some time to think and respond to us. For now have a good evening" They left the house leaving the Styles family in complete shock.

"She's engaged" Kelly whispered once their guests left.
"She loves Louis" Jeff whispered back.
"But he's the king. Who says no to the king?" Kelly asked.
"Those with a death wish" Jeff replied.
"Oh my Hannah" Kelly said sadly.
"We're back!" Harriet entered happily. Jeff and Kelly looked at each other.
"I'll talk to her" Harry said and walked out.


"It's done sir. We proposed to them" Liam said.
"Perfect" he said and signaled Liam to leave which he did.
King Horan turned the page and began to sketch her for the third time.

"My son proposed to a girl. The crowd's going crazy already" Maura said entering.
"King or no king you still have heart and feelings" he said concentrating on his sketching.
"Agreed" Maura sat next to him. "But don't forget your mother, okay?" she said worryingly.
"How can I forgive you ma?" he asked looking at her with a smile. Those types smiles that only a kid would give his mother. She smiled back at her child.


"No. Absolutely no!" Hannah declined. Harry sighed.
"No. I'm engaged" she lifted her left hand showing her ring to Harry.
"I love Louis with all of my heart and soul. I'm committed to him. I don't care if he's the king my answer is no" she said sitting on her bed taking a deep breath.
"You say you love Louis with all of your heart and soul but you're being selfish with your answer"

"WHAT?!" She was furious.
"Answer logically. Not emotionally. Emotion won't help either of you in this crappy situation" Harry said.
"What are you saying? Are you suggesting me to say yes to the stupid proposal? Are you all behind the king all the sudden? Just because he's the king and he has wealth and a stupid CASTLE?!" Her tear dropped due to frustration.

"No. No one is behind the king. No one cares about his wealth and castle, but Hannah the king has power"
"I don't care!"
"Let me finish. I love Louis. He's a great kid and he's my best friend. I would love for you to marry him. But if the king finds out the reason you declined his proposal is Louis he will kill him. He will murder him Hannah, do you want that?"

Harry's words hit Hannah. She needed to be logical.
"I don't want this either. Neither does mom and dad, but Hannah think about Louis as well. Show your love to him by making the right choice"
She stayed silent.
"Think about it well" he said and exited the room.

Another drop of tear rolled down her cheek. Her eyes sat on the flower shaped clip. She became mad and picked it up and threw it at the mirror. The mirror broke. So did she. She fell on the ground crying her eyes out.

The whole night Hannah was up looking through her memories with Louis balling her eyes out. Why her? Why the king fell for her? Out of every girl in the town, he fell for her.
While she was crying her eyes out, king Horan was laying on bed looking at his sketch book happily. He had only seen her three times but he drew her perfectly. Throughout each encounter he memorized her features. As if he had took a mental picture of her.

Louis came back to town earlier than planned. He had no idea what happened when he was gone. Hannah received the news of his arrival and broke down even more.

"He wants to see you" Harry said sadly. She removed her ring and handed to Harry.
"You do it. Because I can't" she said going to her room.
Harry walked to the living room.

"Louis we uh ,, we need to talk" Harry said.
"Okay? But why isn't Hannah coming out. Is she okay?"
"We'll get to that point" Harry sat. Louis sat in front of him.
"Louis you two can't marry each other"
"What? Why?" his voice shook.
"When you were gone .. someone proposed to Hannah"
"WHO?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM SHE WAS ENGAGED?!" His asked furiously standing up.

"It was the king" Harry said avoiding eye contact.
"what?" his voice shook sitting back down.
"The king of Ireland proposed to her"
"And she said yes?"
"She said yes because of you"
"She said yes to save your life"
"Bullshit" His tear rolled down.
"No. She wouldn't do that"
"I'm sorry" Harry placed the ring on the table.

"NO!" He grabbed Harry's collar.
"Stop who? The king?"
Louis shook his head. "I DON'T CARE WHO HE IS! HANNAH IS MY FIANCE!"
"She was your fiance son. Now she's the king's fiance" Jeff entered the house.
"Bullshit. This Is FUCKING BULLSHIT!"
"Let go of Harry" Jeff said calmly.

"Harry best friends are supposed to hold each other's hands"
Harry moved his gaze down feeling guilty. They were all helpless.
"sorry" Harry whispered.
"NO" He pushed Harry into the wall harshly.
"Louis!" Jeff tried removing him from Harry which he succeeded.
"Get out of my house"
"THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!" Louis yelled again.

Jeff was pushing him out.
"Hannah! I want to see her and I want her to look me in the eyes and say it's over"
Hannah was listening the whole time. Her eyes were all red and puffy due to the constant crying.
"If she could she wouldn't send me to do it" Harry said.
"Now leave" Jeff said.
"If she looks in me eyes and says it then I will leave. For good. I just want to hear it from her"

Hannah came out of her room.
Louis looked at her with pain in his eyes.
"Leave" she said.
"no" Louis' voice shook.
"It's over" both of their hearts shattered into million pieces.
"what?" his voice cracked.
"it's over. Now leave" she said and went back to her room breaking down.
He looked at the closed doors with painful eyes and a broken heart.

Baby you were the love of my life...

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