July 9th ~ Wade Wilson x Read...

By TonyandNat

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Y/N Stark-Rogers is dating Wade Wilson but what happens when Y/N breaks a rule and is forced to break up with... More



197 4 0
By TonyandNat

5 Years Later

23-year-old Y/N and her 10-week-old golden retriever puppy 'Daisy' walked towards the coffee shop that was across the street from her New York apartment.

After graduating from University Y/N moved back to New York and started working at Stark Industries.

Daisy had been a new addition to Y/Ns life. Y/N had adopted the little golden retriever puppy 2 weeks ago and had fallen in love with her immediately.

As they arrived to the Cafe Y/N picked Daisy up, opened the door, and got into line.

"Hi, can I get a medium Black Coffee?" Y/N asked telling the worker her order. "Is that all?" The worker asked. "Yes, that's all," Y/N replied and paid for the drink as her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" Y/N asked answering the phone switching Daisy to her other arm, petting the puppy's face as she quietly whined.

"Y/N how long are you coming in?" Harley asked. "Did Dad and Pops leave?" Y/N asked grabbing her cup of coffee as she tried not to drop everything.

"Yeah, they did. Hurry up we're all waiting for you. Peter and Sarah just came back from getting the decorations." Harley told her.

Today was Tony's 49th birthday. Instead of throwing him a surprise party for his 50th party, they threw it today to celebrate before he became an 'Old man'.

"Yeah okay I just got coffee I'm com- Shit!" Y/N yelled as she tripped over a chair leg and spilled her hot black coffee on someone in front of her.

"Oh, fucking hell that's a good way to wake up." The guy said in a familiar voice. Y/N looked up to see Wade Wilson her Ex-Boyfriend.

"Wade what the fuck." Y/N said as her jaw dropped. She put Daisy down beside herself and away from any spilled coffee.

"Y/N what happened?" Harley asked still on the phone. "Uh yeah, I think I'll be a little late. You guys can start without me. I gotta go." Y/N said hanging up and putting the phone inside of her back pocket.

"Oh my god Wade are you okay?" Y/N asked. "Yeah of course I'm fine, it's not like you just spilled burning coffee on me," Wade said groaning.

"We should get outside we're blocking people," Y/N mumbled guiding Wade outside.

"Oh fuck." Wade muttered over and over.

"Let me help Wade," Y/N said trying to move his hand so she could look at the burn. "No, no Y/N I'm fine," Wade said but Y/N knew better.

"You're not fine. You're coming to my apartment so I can look and make sure that the burn isn't too bad. That coffee was hot as hell." Y/N said grabbing his arm and dragging him either her left arm since her other hand was holding Daisy's leash.

"What's your dog's name?" Wade asked starting a conversation. "Daisy she's 10 weeks old," Y/N replied crossing the street.

"When did you get back Wade?" Y/N asked as they reached her apartment building. "A couple of days ago," Wade replied wincing a little bit.

Y/N, Wade and Daisy all got into the elevator and rode in silence except for Wade groaning or wincing once in a while and Y/N was googling how to treat a coffee burn.

"Can you hold her leash for a second?" Y/N asked. "Yeah sure," Wade said and Y/N handed him the leash and then reached in her pocket to get her keys out to open her door.

"Go sit in the kitchen and take your shirt off," Y/N instructed. "Oh, my shirt. I see." Wade said sarcastically making Y/N snort. "Just go," Y/N said closing her door and placing Daisy inside of her playpen.

Y/N went to her laundry closet, got a couple of clean towels out, then walked into the kitchen to see Wade shirtless sitting on her counter.

Y/N couldn't help but stare at his muscles. She quickly snapped herself out of the trance and walked to her cabinets to get a bowl and filled it with cold water.

"I don't know if this will hurt but don't scream," Y/N said warning him before she put one cloth inside the bowl and then placed it on top of the burn that was on Wade's abs making him groan.

"Tell me when it stops hurting," Y/N said doing the same thing again. Y/N continued putting the cold towel on top of Wade's abs until he said it stopped hurting.

"Let me check if I have bandages because if that doesn't get covered it could get infected," Y/N told Wade who just nodded and continued sitting on the counter. Y/N went to her bathroom quickly and looked inside her first aid kit to find that all of her bandages had finished. 


Y/N quickly called her brother to ask if they had bandages at Dad and Pop's house. 

"Y/N why do you need bandages? What happened?" Harley asked. "I'll explain when I get there. I'll be there in about 30 minutes Harls." Y/N said then hung up. 

Y/N then went to her closet and found a zip-up hoodie that belonged to Steve so she could give it to Wade.

"Wade I don't have any bandages. We're going to my parent's house they have some." Y/N told him as she handed him the hoodie.

"Y/N your fathers hate me. If they see me they're probably going to shoot me." Wade said dramatically. "First of all they aren't even home and second of all, they don't hate you. Why would you ever think that?" Y/N asked curiously.

"Did you forget about the fact that they made us break up?" Wade asked as his jaw dropped dramatically.

"No, I still remember how they made us break up. I would never forget that but they don't hate you. They actually respect you." Y/N said reassuring him. "Plus they aren't even home so the only thing you have to worry about is my siblings but I doubt they'll do anything," Y/N added with a smile. 

"Alright fine. But if I die it's your fault." Wade said putting the zip-up hoodie on. "Your still so dramatic," Y/N said putting Daisy's leash on her and giving her some food. "That's one of the key parts of my personality Y/N/N," Wade said jumping off the counter

"Yeah whatever can you watch Daisy for a minute I gotta get something from my room?" Y/N asked. "Yeah sure just hurry I'm not the most responsible as you know," Wade told her making Y/N smile. 

Y/N missed having Wade around he always made everything better. She still loved him. Y/N never once forgot about Wade in the past 5 years. She still had the hoodies that he snuck into her stuff after they broke up and she still had all of the other presents he gave. There was a box in her closet with all of the pictures, letters, and notes that Wade had given her. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Wade asked snapping her out of her thoughts. "Yeah yeah just got lost in my thoughts," Y/N replied as she felt her cheeks heat up. "I'll be right back." She said then walked into her room and contemplated what just happened. 

"What the fuck is my life," Y/N said as she fixed her hair and redid her makeup.

Walking out of her room Y/N was met with the sight of Daisy licking Wade's face as Wade himself just sat there accepting his fate. Looking at her Puppy and the person she still loved sitting on the floor doing the most random shit made her heart melt in a puddle of love. She quickly took a picture before fully walking into the room. 

"Alright, let's go. I see she likes you." Y/N said looking at the two on the floor. "That might be an understatement," Wade said standing up. "Mmm yeah," Y/N said grabbing Daisy's leash and opening the front door so they could go to her car and drive to Y/Ns parent's house. 

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" Y/N asked as she started driving. "Nope, I was planning on getting coffee spilt on me by my ex," Wade said sarcastically but it didn't have the same effect since Daisy was laying on his lap. "Since you clearly don't have plans and would most likely be spending the rest of the day moping around like a sad puppy you're helping decorate for the party today," Wade said with a big smile. 

"That's great. Thank you for asking first." Wade said. "Yeah, no problem you ass," Y/N said in the same tone. The two quickly fell back into their old antics and it was like nothing had changed in the past 5 plus years.

As they pulled up to Steve and Tony's house Y/N turned to Wade and saw that he was taking deep breaths to most likely calm himself. 

Y/N waited until Wade got out of the car before walking to the front door and unlocking it with her key. 

"You'll be fine I promise," Y/N whispered to Wade as she intertwined their fingers and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, Daisy started barking announcing their presence to Dodger (Steve's dog) who then alerted Peter.  Y/N lead Wade and Daisy to the living where her siblings were and ass soon as they entered the room went quiet. 

"Is that Wade Wilson?" Peter asked breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Yes. Now I have to go to my room. I'll be right back. Watch Daisy." Y/N said then dragged Wade up the stairs and to her childhood bedroom.

"Holy shit they got so big. Morgan was just a baby last time I saw her." Wade said as they entered her room. "Yeah and now she's 10. Sarah is 13 and Harley and Peter are both in university. Crazy how time flies." Y/N mumbled sitting down on her bed. 

"I like what you've done to the place," Wade commented looking at the mostly bare walls. The last time he saw them they were full of pictures. "Stay here I'm getting the bandages," Y/N said instead of answering. 

As Y/N walked back to her room after getting the bandages she was hit with a memory. 

"What are you standing there looking at?" 17-year-old Wade said laying down on her bed. "I'm looking at you," Y/N said leaning in the doorway. "Oh take it all in Babe. I know I'm gorgeous." Wade said posing making Y/N laugh. "You're a goofball," Y/N said sitting down on her bed and laying down next to Wade. "Yeah but I'm your goofball," Wade said cuddling into her. "Yes you are," Y/N responded sighing happily. 

Y/N snapped out of that memory and walked towards Wade and made him unzip the hoodie he was wearing. She then placed the bandage on the burn and made sure she didn't irritate anything around it. "Does that feel okay?" Y/N asked after she put it on. "Yeah... it's perfectly fine." Wade said and Y/N realized how close they were sitting. 

"Do you wanna stay upstairs and rest or go downstairs," Y/N asked her voice suddenly raspier. "Downstairs," Wade responded licking his lips. 

As Y/N stood up, she extended her arm in front of her without thinking about it, so Wade could grab it.

As they got downstairs it seemed as if Y/Ns siblings were all taking a break. 

"Can you explain what happened now?" Harley asked sitting beside his girlfriend Cassie Lang. "Wait. Cassie, Michelle this is Wade Wilson. Wade these are Peter and Harley's girlfriends Cassie and Michelle or Mj." Y/N said introducing them to each other. 

"Nice to meet you ladies. Glad I'm not the only one that got stuck with the craziness of the Stark-Rogers." Wade said making them laugh and taking away some of the tension that was in the air. "Now in case you're wondering why I'm here Y/N spilled her burning hot coffee on me and decided to play doctor," Wade explained. "It was an accident I tripped," Y/N said defending herself.

"Blame Harley for calling me. If I wasn't on the phone I would've been paying attention." Y/N said with a sly smile. "There's no way you're blaming me?" Harley asked in shock. "Guys enough of this we still gotta decorate," Peter said before Y/N could say anything.

"Alright fine. What have you guys done so far?" Y/N asked going to planning mode.

"Well, we did everything except the balloons because we need the pump for that. The cake people called me and said that the cake is ready. All of the other extra cookies and stuff are also ready at the other store and the pack of helium balloons we wanted Sarah found them at a store." Harley said listing everything they had done.

"Okay I can go get the food and one of you guys can get the balloons. We still gotta clean the house." Y/N told them in her Captain's voice that she mostly used at her old soccer games.

"I can stay and clean the house," Harley said. Harley was a clean freak. After moving away on his own he had become cleaner.

"Peter and MJ you guys can go get the rest of the decorations and take Morgan and Sarah with you since they probably don't want to clean. Wade and I can go get the food." Y/N told them all.

Everybody then split up and went to do what they were assigned.

"I can't believe you're dragging me to do errands with you," Wade said as they entered Y/Ns car. "At least we aren't on cleaning duty," Y/N said as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Wade just groaned in response. Then it got quiet. 

"Has it really been 5 years?" Wade asked after a bit. "Yeah...it really has been 5 years. Crazy how fast time flies." Y/N said taking a deep breath. "M'yeah," Wade said humming. 

Suddenly Y/N felt a hand entangle with her own and looked up to see Wade smiling at her softly. She smiled back at him ignoring the butterflies in her stomach and squeezed his hand gently. 

The two quickly got all of the desserts and loaded them in the car. Y/N quickly drove back so they could help clean and then get ready for the party that was happening later in the afternoon. 

"Wade I'm gonna go take a shower. You can just chill out if you want." Y/N told him after they finished setting everything up. "I'm gonna sleep," Wade said laying down on her bed. "Okay well, goodnight," Y/N said chuckling. 


As Y/N finished showering and putting on some sweats she opened the bathroom door to find Wade and Daisy sleeping on her bed. She quickly took a picture and then continued getting ready.

Once she started the blow dryer Wade woke up and so did Daisy. 

"How did you enjoy your nap?" Y/N yelled over the loud noise of the blow dryer. "It was very refreshing!" Wade yelled back at the same level. Y/N turned off her hair dryer and brushed through it quickly to make sure her hair wasn't tangled. 

"Follow me, Wade," Y/N said and Wade followed her through the house as they arrived at Harley's room. "Can I come in?" Y/N asked knocking on her brother's door. "Come in!" Harley yelled from the other side. 

"Harley, can Wade borrow a button-up shirt from you?" Y/N asked. "Yeah sure. Just take a look through my closet dude." Harley said pointing towards his closet. "Thanks, Harls," Wade said and Harley smiled faintly at the old nickname. "I'll be in my room take as much time as you need," Y/N said going back to her room with a smile to continue getting ready. 

"It's good to see you back with Y/N dude," Harley said once Y/N left the room. "Hold your horses. We aren't back together yet." Wade said. 

"Well, I know for a fact you still love her. So you better do it soon before you lose your chance. One of my friends is coming over for the party. The guy has a massive crush on Y/N she doesn't know. I overheard him talking to another one of my friends about how he wants to ask her out. She'll reject him but you never know. Don't waste your time. You guys have already wasted enough." Harley told Wade warningly. 

"You worry too much Harley. Thanks for the shirt." Wade said then left the room to go and get ready. 


All of Tony's friends and families arrived at their house at 6:00 pm.

The ones that knew of her and Wade's relationship were confused but they didn't say anything. Y/N could tell that Wade was feeling a little uncomfortable and she stayed close to him and talked. 

30 minutes after everyone arrived Y/N got a text from Steve that said they were 2 minutes away. 

"Everyone! Pops just texted me and said they're on their way home. Hide! Harley turn the lights off." Y/N instructed and all of the lights were turned off. Y/N hid behind the couch with Wade by her side. 

"Are you sure your parents won't mind that I'm here?" Wade whispered into her ear. Y/N felt her body go hot as she felt his breath on her ear. "No no they'll be fine with it," Y/N whispered back glad that it was dark so Wade couldn't see the blush that was dusting her cheeks or the effect he had on her. 

Soon enough she could quietly hear her fathers voices from outside the door and the door opened. She got the confetti cannon that was in her hands ready to blast. 

Y/N, Harley, Peter, Sarah, Morgan, Wade, Mj, and Cassie all had them.

"Thank you for the wonderful night, Steve." Y/N heard Dad say unaware of the fact that there were people hiding in the living room. "You don't have to thank me for this sweetheart. You deserve it. It's your birthday." Pops said and Y/N could hear them kiss. 

Harley thankfully turned the light on and everybody yelled "Surprise!" which clearly shocked Tony. 

"Happy birthday!" Y/N, Harley, Peter, Sarah, Morgan, Wade, Mj, and Cassie yelled blasting the confetti, covering the two men that stood in front of them.

"What the actual fuck." Tony said in shock. "Watch your language sweetheart." Steve reprimanded. 

"Happy birthday Dad," Peter said hugging Tony who was still in shock. Tony's eyes met Wades and he grew more in shock. Wade just waved back in response. "Steve please tell me I'm not seeing things and that Wade Wilson is actually standing in our living room," Tony said dramatically while still hugging Peter. "No your not seeing things. He actually is here." Steve said as his eyes slightly widened. 

"It's Y/Ns fault she spilled coffee on me and made me stay here."Wade quickly said pointing his finger at Y/N. "I tripped. It wasn't on purpose." Y/N defended. 

They quickly moved on to a different topic and the party only grew louder and more fun as the time went on. 

As Y/N talked to one of Harley's friends that definitely had a crush on her, Y/N pretended to pay attention to what he was saying but instead, she looked around the room and tried to find Wade but couldn't see him anywhere. 

"Excuse me for a second. I need to ask my dad something." Y/N said politely and walked towards her fathers. "Do you guys know where Wade went?" Y/N asked them. "He went outside Y/N. He seemed upset." Natasha said from behind her. "Shit. I'll be right back." Y/N said then ran to the door and opened it. 

Y/N could faintly see Wade walking further away from the house. 

"Wade!" Y/N yelled running towards Wade who stopped in his tracks. "Are you okay?" Y/N asked as she reached him. 

"Why am I still here? Why did you invite me to a party for your dad? Why did you take care of me? I don't understand Y/N. You're giving that guy 'lovey-dovey' eyes while I'm standing on the side after you invited me here. I still love you Y/N but seeing you with that guy was too much for me to handle." Wade ranted. 

"I invited you because I wanted to spend time with you. I took care of you because it's my fault that we ended that way. I wasn't giving that guy 'lovey-dovey' eyes, I was thinking of you. Wade seeing you again after 5 years is like a dream. I never expected that I would see you again. I still love you too Wade. I never stopped loving you." Y/N told him as tears filled her eyes. 

Before Y/N could say anything else Wade's lips were attached to hers. Instead of pulling away, she pulled him closer as Wade had his hand on the small of her back. The kiss was rough but soft at the same time. It was passionate as both parties tried to pour their feelings into the kiss. Y/Ns hands cupped the back of Wade's head and tangled her fingers through it. Neither wanted to pull away.

"I love you so much Y/N. I'm not letting you go again." Wade mumbled into the kiss. "You're stuck with me, Wade," Y/N said breathlessly after she pulled away. 

Y/N smiled up at Wade and kissed the tip of his nose making Wade scrunch his nose which Y/N had always found adorable. Wade just hugged her tightly in response

'I wanna marry you'


"They're so cute," Steve said looking out the window and seeing Wade and Y/N hugging. "They're like you and Tony. Disgustingly cute all the time." Bucky said. "Nah they're better than us," Tony said looking up at his husband. "I love you, Steve," Tony added looking at the man that he's loved since they were teenagers. "I love you too Tones," Steve replied kissing his forehead. 

"See this is what I mean," Bucky grumbled walking away. The happy couple continued looking at each other oblivious to the fact that their friend and kids were grumbling about how disgustingly sweet they were.

Life was good. 

Votes and Comments are appreciated <3

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