Wrong number + Field trip Sto...

By justan1diot

78.9K 1.8K 414

The title already tells everything. Reading it now.. i think i should delete it but idk More

2 - Sleep
3 - Test
4 - What's Your Name?
5 - Aunt May
6 - Tony Stark
7 - The 'Intern'
8 - Old Men
9 - Spider-Man?!
10 - Angst
11 - Field trip
12 - To fucking WHERE!
13 - Field trip, Yay!
14 - Phobia of SPIDERS!?!?
15 - Training

1 - Wrong Number

10.8K 190 76
By justan1diot

Peter POV.
Saturday. I was sitting on a roof as Spider-Man, looking at my phone and waiting for something to happen. But nothing happened until...


Where the fuck are you, Steve?


You're not Steve.

No shit Sherlock

If Steve is right next to me... Then who are you?

The friendly Spider-Man from the Neighborhood is at your service

Haha. Now who are you actually.

The friendly Spider-Man from the Neighborhood

And I'm the queen of America.
Now tell me who you are and how you got Steve's phone.

I don't tell my name to a pedophile

I'm not a pedophile.

That's what a pedophile would say
Which means you're a pedophile

I'm not.
And you didn't steal his phone...

I know

Sorry. He gave me a wrong number.



Don't tell me you don't know what that means?!!!

I don't. What's so bad about that?


I'm not old.

Yes you are

How can you be so sure about that?

1. You write every sentence with a period at the end
2. You don't know the easiest abbreviation
3. You're a pedophile

I'm not a god damn pedophile!

You sure are

I suddenly heard a scream and jumped on my feet. I put my phone in my bag and jump down from the roof, leaving my bag where it was. Then I swung to where the scream sounded.

Two men were trying to touch a little girl. Disgusting.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

The two stopped in tracks and looked at me. One of them looked frightened while the other grinned.

"Why should we listen to a wannabe hero in pj?".

The one who was scared let the girl run behind me and tried to stop the other one.

"First off. Not nice man! Second. This is not a pj. Third. I would listen to what you're little friend wants to tell you."

He rolled his eyes and looked to his right.

"Pfft... Scared?"

"Of course, Dude! That's Spider-Man. The guy from YouTube that I've been talking about."

Now the other one was also looking slightly scared. I had enough and got bored. I webbed them, called the police and turned around, crouching down to the girl.

"Are you okay?"

She nod.

"Where are your parents?"

She looked down and I realized fast that she didn't have parents. The next thing came so fast that I didn't have any control over it and pretty much shouldn't have said.

"Why don't you come with me?"

She perked up and nod eagerly as I smiled at her.

"Stay here. I'll be bag in a second."

With that I swung to my bag and back to her. I took out a block and ripped out a piece of paper. Writing down 'Two pedophiles. The girl is save.', I put it on the webbing and look to the girl.

She looked really tired and when I looked closely at her I realized that her clothes were dirty and slightly ripped. Looks like there will be a shopping trip soon. I walked over to her and took her, holding her like a parent would hold their child.

"Are you scared of heights?"

She shook her head.


I swung with her on my arm and the bag on my back back home. Soon realizing what big mistake I just did.

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