Step Back: Bakugou x Reader

By RiverSong1996

701 34 0

Quirk- Reset: Reset is a mix of Eri's Rewind and Time Manipulation. Rewind can make a body go back to a previ... More

New Housing
Sports Festival pt. 2
Practice and Exam Time
Day at the Mall
Camp Time
Rescue Mission
Rescue Mission pt. 2
Letter to Kai
The Test and After
Returning Home
The Truth
The Truth pt. 2
Assault on the Shie Hassaikai
Assault on the Shie Hassaikai pt. 2
Kai's Letter
Festival and Eri
Festival Time

Sports Festival

48 3 0
By RiverSong1996

Later when school ended I was getting ready to meet Aizawa outside so we could leave, but there were people standing between me and the exit. By people, I meant the school itself. There were tons of students outside our classroom door. They were all muttering. Bakugou was unbothered by it, his pack slung over one shoulder and looking extremely unimpressed.

As he walked closer, he grabbed the top of my back and started pulling. "We can't get out! What'd you come here for, anyway?" The purple ball haired boy I now know to me Mineta called with a raised fist. He looked... frustrated."

Bakugou just kept walking, now dragging me as I fought to get out of his grip without losing my backpack in the process. I really didn't want to freeze time just to get out of his grasp. "Scouting out the enemy, small fry. As for you, (Y/n), stop squirming. You want to leave right, I'll get you out of here without any fuss." What did that mean? Was he going to throw me out a window? "We're the ones who make it out of the villains' attack.. Or were one of them. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival."

That really wasn't good. I don't want this much attention. I just want to quietly get out of here. Where is Aizawa when you need him? Where was Kai, he would know what to do to get out of here. He would probably just get out using the window and Overhaul. Even Shigaraki would just use decay on them until they scattered in fear. Me? I was helpless and didn't have a way out.

Bakugou stopped at the door, letting me stand straight before he moved his hand from my pack, to around my shoulder. "There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras!" At least he was keeping his voice down, even if it was still sturn. Ida, Uraraka, and Midoriya were shocked and wanted him to stop calling people extras.

That was when someone else came to the front of everyone. He had almost violet hair and matching eyes. "I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant. As for your Villainous associate... nothing more than a scared puppet. Are all the students in the hero course like this?" That just seemed to make Bakugou angry, everyone behind us was shaking their heads. Purple hair was now standing before us. One hand in his pocket, the other rubbing his neck. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?"

Was I supposed to know? I was forced to be here. If I'd had things my way, I would be back with Kai right now. Not being stared down by.... So many eyes. This was terrifying, and I didn't have an escape, or not an easy one at the very least. Bakugou lowered his gaze, his hand that was on my shoulder tightened slightly making me jump. I just wanted to leave, but I found my hand had moved on its own to grab hold of his uniform jacket.

I was going to need his help to get out of here. "The school left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out. Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war."

Trembling, I slunk further away from him, his eyes fixating from one person in the room to the next, before settling on me. I lowered my head and looked away, I didn't like looking people in the eye. "Hey, hey!" I jolted hearing a voice coming from my left. I'm from Class B next door! I heard you fought against Villains, so I came to hear 'bout it! Don't get so full of yourself!" This time, I just hid behind Bakugou, completely out of his grip. "If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you durin' the real fight!"

It wasn't like I was comfortable with him, he just seemed the safest person to be behind. His expression dropping to neutral before turning to leave, his hand back around my shoulder taking me down the hall. "Wait a minute, Bakugou! What're you gonna do about all this?" Kirishima asked skirting from around his desk as we were leaving. "It's your fault that everyone's hating us!"

We stopped before getting too far. Bakugou turned to answer him. "It doesn't matter." Kirishima needed clarification on what he meant. "It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top. " With those words we left. Once we were out of the crowd he took his arm off of my shoulder and stepped away. "There, free to go. I don't want to hear about this, got it!"

I nodded before quickly running away to where I knew Aizawa would be waiting for me. I didn't even give it a second thought. When we got back to the house, I started my homework while Aizawa started dinner. For the next two weeks, Aizawa let me train as well. There was just one thing, I was just training. I would not be participating. Instead, I would be in the booth with him. Partly because of my clearly unfair advantage over all the students. The other, I was still considered a Villain in the public eye.

For the time being it was going to be better that I stayed out of it. That made a lot of sense, and I really didn't mind not being part of the center of attention. In fact, I was grateful that I wasn't going to have to even be on the TV. That said, I was not exempt from training. There would still be places for me to go, things for me to do. I was happy enough with that.

On the morning of the festival I arrived at the school first, Aizawa made us leave early so as to avoid the reporters. Understandable. I didn't want to talk to them either. As we walked through the grounds, before the start of the festival I smelled something vaguely familiar. I paused in our walk, trying to figure out what it was. There were two stalls sitting side by side.

One held a fish looking pastry, the other had three heroes before it. There were fried round balls sitting inside. "One order of takoyaki, please." Takoyaki? Why was that so familiar? Did someone make it before? Had I had some before? Was that it? If I could just remem-

"(Y/n), come here and try this. The chef said kids like these." He held two things in his hands. One of these foods was shaped like a fish, the other was a bowl of round food with things on the top of them "Which do you want to try first?"

I glanced up to Kai's kind eyes. After a moment I held my hands out to the fish. I could hold it, and so wouldn't need his help to eat it. "Fishy?" I asked, Kai held it out for me to take. Once I was able to grasp it, I took it from him. Smelling it first. It smelled kind of like pancakes and red bean paste. I took a small bite from the fin.

My eyes lit up as a smile spread across my face. "So, I take it you like the... fishy?" I nodded, quickly. "It's called Taiyaki. We can get different fillings if you don't like the bean paste inside. I just shook my head to that, this was fine. It was fine, because Kai thought of me when he had them make it.

I watched as he used a toothpick to take one of the balls from the bowl next. "What's that?" Sniffing it carefully, it also smelled of pancakes, and something similar to Worcestershire sauce with seaweed.

Opening my mouth, I took a bite of it as well. "Takoyaki."

A hand was suddenly sitting on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly. "Do you want one? The Takoyaki I mean." It was just Aizawa, which was slightly relaxing.

With a passing glance to the stalls again, I shook my head. "No... it would remind me too much of him... and I'm not allowed to go back there." Looking at the ground was all I could do now, my fingers clenching the cloth around my skirt. I really wanted to go back to Kai more than anything, but I wasn't allowed to return there. Remembering him like that... was painful.

There was a sigh before, I heard a clink of metal. Lifting my head, I could see Aizawa pulling some coins from his pocket. "It may hurt to think about, but at least it's a good memory. Go get two of whatever you're thinking of. I'll meet you in the doorway." The coins were in my hand before I could protest. Looking down, I could see it summed up to about 2000 yen. Were these items expensive?

With nothing else to do I got both. Two Takoyaki, and two Taiyaki. Aizawa nodded when he caught me walking over with a small bag and two closed containers. I made sure to give him the change back. I followed him up the stairs and to the broadcast room. We stopped at the doors. "Eraser-"

He cut me off. "Aizawa on school grounds kid. Just Aizawa."

Nodding, I started over. "Aizawa... thank you." He grunted, taking one of the containers and one of the bags before holding the door open for me. Taking my seat away from Present Mic I waited. Staring at the container and the bag which held the fish shaped pastry inside. Was it really okay for me to have these? Aizawa had said for me to get two, but maybe the other-

Mic looked at me, stopping my thought process. "Oh? Did you bring those for me? Aizawa you're so-"

He didn't get much further with that sentence. "If you want some, you should have gotten it before you came here. Let her eat in peace. Also, (Y/n)." I glanced up, watching as Aizawa took his own seat beside me. "Make sure to eat before they get cold." So... they were for me.

Mic continued to pout, but didn't fight it. "So (Y/n), maybe you can tell me. Why did you decide to get these?"

I turned my gaze to the men, then quickly away. "I remember the first time I had them. Kai... he had the chef make them for me. I was... had been with them for almost a month and he was still trying to help me. I wasn't eating a lot at the time. So, he wanted to try something else. The... Taiyaki was the first sweet thing I'd ever tried in my life. My... my parents..." I tensed up just thinking about them, the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. So I stopped. "It's not important anyway."

The room had grown quiet. From the corner of my eye, I could see Aizawa eyeing his own container. Closing his eyes I watched as he finally ate one of them. "Well then, I guess you should enjoy it while you can. The festival ends today anyway." Right. I won't get the chance to eat this again, but... I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. "(Y/n), I promise, it's okay to eat that." I opened my own container, the toothpick was already sitting in one of the Takoyaki balls. I just had to pick it up.

Placing it in my mouth, the tears fell. It was almost as good as I remembered. They were amazing, but... I just wanted Kai to be the one who got them for me again. These weren't the same, but I was just going to have to start getting used to the idea that I couldn't see him again. "Well, are they good?"

Looking up to the men, I nodded. "Yeah.... They... remind me of home." With those words we got ready for the broadcast. Aizawa and I finished our food before the cameras were scheduled to televise the broadcast room itself.

Mic quickly started us off with a very extravagant opening. "Hey! Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. sports festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?! It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!" I watched the screen, waiting for my class to exit the tunnel. Of course, they were the first to leave.

The cheers from the crowd were also muffled in here, much to my own delight. This was not a bad place to be. Mic continued through his announcer duties while I looked at the students who were making their way into the stadium. Each of these students would be people I would need to know if I was going to stay here. I was ready until the call rep for us was announced to be Bakugou.

We were set up for failure. I watched as he stepped up onto the stage, and waited. He looked so relaxed, hands in his pockets and a blank expression. He said only seven words. "I pledge-- That I'll be number one." The students went crazy hearing that, when in reality, he was being very serious about it.

How was I supposed to react to that? After that was done, Midnight announced the first game. It was a relay race, or more like an obstacle course race? Each class would participate in the race, and the students would be ranked on where in the race they finish. They would be given points accordingly.

Almost right out of the gate, Todoroki, also known to me as Peppermint, froze everyone. "Okay, here's the play-by-play! Are you ready to do the commentary, Mummy Man and (Y/n)?"

Wait... I was supposed to make commentary? When did anyone mention that to me? "You're the one who forced me to come. (Y/n) is just here because I am."

My eye twitched, I was really hoping to stay out of this. "Let's get started right away, Mummy man. What should we pay attention to in the early stages?"

Aiawa already knew what was up. "This part right now." Class A was able to dodge Todoroki's attack easily enough. There were also several outside of our class that also managed to avoid it. That was when stage two started. From what I had been told, these were the entrance exam robots.

Mic was excited to say the least. "Obstacles have shown up suddenly! Starting with... the first barrier! Robo Inferno!" I couldn't help but wonder how the students were going to get past this. "Todoroki from Class 1-A! He attacked and defended in one hit! How elegant! Amazing! He's the first one through! It's, you know, practically unfair!"

Aizawa still sounded bored. "His actions are logical and strategic." I let them continue the commentary and just observed. What else was I supposed to do? Out of boredom, I ended up ignoring what was going on. I did see how Midoriya won the race though. It was pretty innovative, and he didn't use his quirk.

The end results were Midorya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shiozaki, Honenuki, Iida, Tokoyami, Sero, Kirishima, and Tetsutetsu for the top ten. All of class 1-A made it through with sparkles being the 42nd and able to go on to round 2. A Cavalry Battle, where you would need teams to move onto the next round. The teams could consist of at least two people and up to four. This was where the points from round 1 came in.

Each person had been given points based on the last challenge and therefore the teams with the most points would go through. It made me feel bad for Midoriya, he alone was worth 10 million points. "Aizawa, do you care if I just sleep through this? There's really not much for me to do here and I know I'm not allowed to wander."

He glanced at me, then nodded. "Mm, I was going to take a nap as well. There shouldn't be a problem." I gave a half smile, settling in my chair, I found the most comfortable spot to sleep. It should be safe enough here anyway. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. All for One can't get to me here, I should be safe.

His hand reached for me, just as I tried to run away. There was nowhere else to go, I was trapped. Shigaraki had been set out with Kurogiri on an erend and I was left here. Alone... What was I supposed to do? "(Y/n), I just need to test my new Quirk out on you. Then there is also forced Quirk activation that needs to be tested as well. Make this easy on the both of us."

I just cowered back, my arm lifted slightly as I pushed myself back into the corner. "No, don't... please... stop." That was the last word I managed to get out before his new quirk hit me. What hit me was a shockwave. Everything around me went flying, I would have to if he used it at full power. He was proving there was nowhere for me to go. That even if I froze time long enough to get away from here he could still reach me.

Leaning back I felt my body tremble, his fingers turned into black tendrils with red cracked lines.... He stabbed me with it. My eyes widened, as I stared down at it. "Forced Quirk activation." For just a moment, light started glowing from my arms, a warm golden glow, but it quickly went out. I was left where I lay, gasping for air as I felt my body start to panic. "Hmm, even that has no effect. You will use your quirk for me, (Y/n). No matter what."

My vision slowly started to fade as the silver light started to glow. Golden light seemed to spark from it as I tried to calm myself. I couldn't lose control. Not here. "Shall I administer the drug, and prepare her as a Nomu?"

The doctor had a syringe in his hand, holding it up towards me. "No. Just knock her out. We can try again once she is a little more assured around Shigaraki. He will make her help me, I'm sure of it." I felt the sting of the needle entering my neck, before my world faded to black.

I woke up gasping, my hand flying to my chest as I tried to calm myself down from the nightmare. "Oi, (Y/n) what's wrong with you?" I felt a hand touch my shoulder, a touch that I quickly pulled away from. My eyes widening as they settled on the looming figure. My breath caught half way in.

Was he going to try again? I can't keep doing this. "No... please... don't." I quickly raised my arms again to defend myself but again time froze. The figure was still reaching for me, so I ran. I let my feet carry me out the door and down the halls. They were almost empty, so it was easy for me to make my escape. Not that I could ever get away from him and I knew it.

Still, even if all I could do now was run, then I would. Through the halls and until I almost made it out the front. I could see the sunlight coming in from the entrance. I just needed- Something caught me by the waist before I could get out. I was pulled against something arm, hand covering my mouth. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks as I scratched at the hand. "'Your left side is so unsightly.' My mother said as she poured boiling water on me. Basically, I picked a fight with you to show him what I can do, without using my damn old man's Quirk. No... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it."

The air was silent, and the person holding me loosened their hold. My eyes turned up as the light from my scales died slowly. My chest was still heaving as I tried to calm my breathing and figure out where I was. My gaze drifted from the blonde hair to the walls and floor. My fingers that had been scratching at the person's hands slowly lowered to my sides.

All for One wasn't here... with a sigh the person took their hand away. "You calm yet, damned extra?"

I was able to hear the person's voice clearly now. Bakugou... he... he stopped me? "Yes? Kind of... umm... where are we?"

Pushing me away from him he sounded annoyed. "Eh? What do you mean? We're still in the arena. Where were you?"

I let my hand drift to my wrist, slowly tightening it. "... not... not here. Somewhere... where it hurt... and I couldn't get away from." He seemed even more confused until Aizawa came running down the hall with Mic in hot pursuit.

They were calling my name, causing my attention to turn to them. "There you are (Y/n). Why'd you run off like that?" I quickly averted my gaze, my hand moving from my wrist to my elbow. Slowly, I was starting to become more... afraid. What if he was mad I ran? Would he hurt me too? "Are you at least alright? Bakugou, you didn't try to hurt her, right?"

Mic looked... worried. Bakugou... seemed pissed. "Like I would need to even try to. She looks like she can do that on her own. She said she was somewhere where it hurt and she couldn't get away. What's with that? You two lose her to some villain?"

His arms were crossed before the two heroes turned their attention to me. Aizawa seemed to understand what happened. "Ah, I get it. Not such a pleasant nap you got." I gave a half nod, watching as his boots stopped where I stood. Then, I saw his shaggy hair as he knelt down slightly. "Sorry, I didn't notice."

My grip tightened, I wanted to make myself smaller. "Am... am I in trouble?"

Mic stepped closer, his hand landing on my shoulder. "For having a nightmare? Psh, nah. Come on, lets the three of us go get some lunch. My treat?" I gave another half nod before turning slightly to Bakugou.

At the very least I should thank him. "Um... Bakugou... thanks.. For helping me calm down... even if it was dangerous for you... or you didn't do it intentionally." He gave a grunt before walking away. I watched him leave before moving over to Aizawa. Once my fingers grasped his shirt, I followed into the crowd of people in search of our lunch.

Aizawa placed his arm around my shoulder pulling me forward slightly. "So, (Y/n), what are we getting from the festival? Yakisoba, Okonomiyaki, Yakitori, Nikumaki Onigiri there is a lot here. Just name something you want and I'll go get it." Mic had a huge smile on his face as he started walking on my other side. What did I want? Yakisoba sounded okay... but... no.

I tugged Aizawa's shirt slightly. "We had curry pouches right? Can we just eat those?" He turned his gaze down to me.

Then up to Mic. "Mic. Why don't you get some curry from the lunch room? I'll find a spot in the break room for us." For just a moment he looked disappointed, but quickly ran off to get what Aizawa asked him for. "It's fine, (Y/n). We can eat fresh curry today."

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