The Truth Untold

Od Redtailedhero

10.8K 448 41

Ki Yuri and Lee Rang stumble upon a female in danger but she's more than she knows. Parings: Lee Rang x F. OC... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

793 38 3
Od Redtailedhero

Lee Rang woke from a peaceful night in his own bed. Over the past few weeks Eun-ji had been having nightmares on and off. He’d crawl through the mound of blankets and into her bed a few times a week, her limbs tangling with his. There was also a night of two where they slept on the couch, his head in her lap while her fingers ran through his hair. It wasn’t something that he hated, in fact he seemed to sleep even better than ever when he was closer to her. 

He could tell she was touch starved for some gentleness and affection. Often he found his fingers seeking her out; a hand on her lower back, offering his arm to her, grabbing her hand to guide her closer to him, guiding her face to look at him. He tried to keep calm around her. The few times he was annoyed with Lee Yeon he could see her flinch at the anger in his voice. At those moments she never knew what he was mad about, keeping his business hidden from her. She, unfortunately, would move slowly as if she made any noise he'd take it out on her. Which would never be the case. On those nights he'd give her extra attention when laying in bed, unspoken healing as his fingertips would dance across her skin. 

He expected he wouldn’t be comforting her at night much anymore. He recently found the Bulgasari that was living in the complex and feeding off everyone’s nightmares. Rang sent the creature to that woman’s job at the broadcasting station. He smirked at the thought as he rolled over and checked the time. 


The numbers glared an angry red color at him. He sluggishly moved his feet to the floor. Stretching, he could feel his muscles waking up, as he pushed himself off the bed. It didn't take him long to pick out clothes; black shirt and black pants. There were some things he needed to take care of today; preparation for future plans. 

Once he entered the kitchen he wasn’t surprised to see Mae Eun-ji making breakfast for the two of them. He was quite pleased by the view though. The female was wearing a pullover sweater that was overly big on her, the length falling to her upper thighs. Her sleep shorts were covered by the material, making it look as if she had nothing underneath. He wasn’t blind - Eun-ji was an attractive female. 

He chose to lean against the door frame, watching her as she grabbed ingredients on the counter next to her and adding it to her pan. A frown fell upon his face for a moment while thinking of ways to tell her that she was a wolf. It's not like he could force her form to come out or her memories to return. He tried to return them to her one night but they're either locked up too tight or someone one else is holding them.   

He chuckled into her neck before nipping it gently, causing a whine to tumble past her lips. “I wouldn’t let you hurt yourself.” He mumbled as he turned the burner off. Pulling her away from the stove, he turned her to face him. “Morning pup.”  He then spun them around and backed her up against the counter. 

She pouted at him. “One of these days you won’t be able to save me.”

He frowned at her response and grabbed her waist, lifting her up to sit on the counter. He moved closer, her thighs resting on each side of his body. He placed his hands on her thighs, pushing the sweater up higher as his thumbs rubbed small circles into her skin. The counter made her eye level with him and his face moved closer to hers. “I disagree, Wolf.”

Her cheeks reddened and she placed her hands on his shoulders, attempting to push him back but his body didn’t budge. “Lee Rang, stop.” She whined knowing that once again he was teasing her. It was something he seemed to enjoy while it drove her crazy. 

“Why, sweetheart?” He lifted one hand from her thigh and tugged a small strand of her hair before twirling it around his finger. He smirked when her eyes refused to meet his, instead he felt her one hand slide over to fiddle with his necklace. It was a habit that she did a lot when she was either nervous or overwhelmed. He allowed her to stay like that for another moment, getting lost in her own thoughts while he breathed in her scent of azaleas and orange blossoms.

“Rang…” She whispered as her voice trailed off. 

“Hmm?” He tucked the hair he was playing with behind her ear. His fingers trailed down the side of her neck as she swallowed and closed her eyes tight.

“I…The breakfast.” 

Her response was short but he acted immediately as he realized it was a little too much for her this morning. He stepped back, her hands falling from his body. “Of course, sweetheart. Should I grab drinks from the fridge?” He made light of their interaction, not wanting her to close in on herself. 

She nodded her head. “Sure.” She hopped off the counter and stepped over to the stove again, relighting the burner. She stood there, her head in the clouds, one hand pressed over her wildly beating heart while the other flipped the food in the pan. 

Breakfast was delicious as usual but more quiet than normal. He decided not to dwell on it and make things even more difficult for her. Once his plate was cleared he placed it in the sink, not even a second later her head was pressed against his back while she gripped his shirt. “Wolf?” 

“.. ‘m sorry.” She mumbled into his shirt. 

Was she trembling? Concerned, he turned around quickly, making the shirt pull out of her grip. “Wolf, what’s going on?” He slipped his fingers under her chin having her look at him, her eyes slightly watery with extra emotion. 

“No, I’m sorry. I just…” She whimpered and fisted her hands. “Nevermind.” She shook her head  and turned away from him but was stopped by his hand on her shoulder. 

“Nuh-uh. You tell me what’s going on in your head.” 

She shook her head, trying to back away. “No, it’s stupid and you’ll get mad.”

“Wolf.” There was a warning in his tone. It wasn’t one that he used often with her, not wanting her to fear him. “I won’t be mad. Tell me.” 

Her state of distress caused her whimsical ears and tail to appear again, both pressed down in submission as her hands covered face. “I can’t.” 

He pulled her toward him and wrapped her up in his arms, nose pressed to her hair. “Tell me, darling.” He felt her body shaking but heard her take a deep breath to try and calm herself. It took a few minutes but he was patient and allowed her the moments she needed to be able to speak. “Do you want me to call Yuri?” During her stay with him, there weren’t many times that Eun-ji wouldn’t tell him what was going on in her head, but once or twice she just needed another female. 

Eun-ji  shook her head violently. “No, sorry.” She made a frustrated noise into his chest. “I’m just being a baby and I’m sorry for it.” There was a moment of silence between the two of them, him waiting for her to continue while she tried to just blurt it out. “I just don’t want to get hurt again.” 

There, she said it. More silence filled the room. She pulled back from him a little, eyes glued to the front of his shirt. She felt a shiver go down her spine as his fingers brushed down her sides before his hands stopped at her hips.

“It’s stupid because I know, I KNOW you wouldn’t hurt me like Kyong did.” 

A growl rumbled in Rang’s chest at the other male’s name. His grip on her tightened for a moment, not enough to hurt but enough for her to know he was angered by the other man’s name.

“But, I’m just so comfortable with you.” The words started to fall past her lips. “Probably too comfortable. Even though we’re just friends I’m so scared about how fast I got close to you. It’s not that I need to be around someone, I can be fine on my own but I enjoy being around you. You make me feel safe, like Kyong can’t get me-”

“He never will.”

“I know, I know. I’m so thankful for you…. I love how close we are. I guess I’m just worried about just the pace this all went. I just…” She groaned because she felt like she was just repeating herself again. “I really just don’t want to get hurt and lose it all.”

Lee Rang nodded his head. “I understand what you’re saying. Just know, I won’t abandon you - I know that feeling too well to make someone like you feel it.”

If she was in a better state of mind, she probably would have asked his story, asked who abandoned him and let him know she would be there for him. “Sorry that I’m being ridiculous.” 

He shook his head and leaned down into her neck, running his nose against her skin before nipping her for the second time today. “It’s okay pup. You’ve been through a lot.” He whispered against her skin, his lips tickling her as he moved up before he nipped under her chin, her head tilting back a little. As a relaxing sigh left her lips, he suddenly had the urge to place his lips on hers but he resisted that quickly. 

She wasn’t sure why he was always nipping at her neck but it always calmed her down. It instantly released her anxiety, her whole body relaxing, feeling weightless. She wondered what he would do if she nipped him back. Perhaps one day she would - but today was definitely not that day. She was much too intimidated to do something new. 

He let go of her and stepped back with a slight smile. “Don’t you have work today?” 

“I do - but it’s not until this afternoon.” She answered as she tugged her sweater down a little in a failed attempt to cover more of her legs. 

“So, what should we do before we both head out?”

“Oh, can we watch a movie?”


Lee Rang walked with her to Coffee Bay, her arm linked with his, they looked like an odd pair. He was still wearing his black pants and top with a white dress jacket over his shirt. She on the other hand was dressed for work wearing bright, Caribbean blue scrubs and black zip up jacket. He opened the door and allowed her to step in first before following behind. 

While waiting in the line he looked around them and caught a man at a table watching her. Lee Rang knew he was a part of their world, probably hoping to get a taste of the wolf’s power.  It was part of the reason that he walked with her. Besides Kyong still being alive - he really should have killed the bastard - there were plenty of creatures from their world that followed her. Not all of those creatures were mindful of protecting the remaining wolves, some wanting to devour the magical abilities, stealing the power for themselves.

One night when coming to meet Eun-ji at the coffee shop after her shift he noticed a gwishin following behind the wolf. The creature was sure to try and steal Eun-ji’s powers, probably taking advantage that the female had not noticed the ghost behind her. Possession would be something that a wolf would easily handle - yet Eun-ji is unaware and untrained to stop such an attack. Yuri had been with him that night, the vixen distracted the wolf, pulling her into the coffee shop while Lee Rang disposed of the creature. Since then he made sure Yuri or himself met up with her for the walk home. 

“Lee Rang, they’re calling us up to order.” Eun-ji’s voice pulled him out of the memory and he stepped up to the counter. He gave his order to the woman behind the register and pulled out his card to pay. His attention returned to the man at the table, though now the man caught eyes with him and tensed up. His identity was revealed to be another fox hiding among the humans. 

Rang gave him a bored but meaningful look. One that tested the other fox to try anything and he’d pay. It was enough to make the other fox scramble out of the seat before rushing from the shop. The creature turned back for a quick moment, making sure Rang wasn’t coming after him and stumbled in the process making quite the commotion as he bashed into someone. The male didn’t stop though - trying to get out of the shop as quickly as he could. The whole scenario made Rang chuckle, knowing that he had earned a reputation in this area. 

“Hm, I wonder if that guy is okay. He seemed to be in a real rush.” Eun-ji’s sweet voice sounded a little concerned before she brought her coffee cup to her lips. She handed Lee Rang his cup as her eyes lit up from the flavorful drink. She looked at her watch and jumped slightly. “Oh, I’m going to be late if I don’t leave right now.” 

“Let’s go then.” Lee Rang replied, his free hand falling to its regular place on the small of her back. They stepped outside and looked at each other for a moment. “I’ll be back tonight to walk with you.” 

She nodded her head and stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms around him, being mindful of both of their coffees. “Have a good day Lee Rang.” She stated as he returned the hug. 

“Have a good shift, darling.”

They parted and Eun-ji headed to work, a smile graced her face and there was a little pep in her step. She knew that there would be a lot of paperwork to handle at work but she didn’t mind it. She had a rather good morning with Lee Rang, even with the small mental breakdown she almost had. They had watched a movie after breakfast, not that she paid her full attention to it. She had a lot on her mind but she was also pressed against Lee Rang, his one hand in both of hers while she played with his fingers. She would feel his nose against her head from time to time. 

She tried not to overthink their friendship but it was hard not to. How Lee Rang treats her is how she wishes Kyong had treated her but at the same time she’s glad he didn’t treat her in the same way as Rang. She wouldn’t have met her two saviors if she was already in a good relationship with her ex. She blushed at the smallest idea of being in a relationship with Lee Rang. 

While trying to sort out her emotions in her head and heart, she found herself quickly at the clinic. She took a deep breath, shook her thoughts from her head and got into work mode before opening the office door. "Hello Shin-Joo." She called out as she stepped into the building. 

"Ah, my favorite nurse. How was your morning off?" His voice called from around the corner before his figure stepped out.

"Oh, it was great. Thank you. I made breakfast for my friend and I and then we watched a movie. After that we walked to Coffee Bay together." She held her cup up, the liquid sloshing around before she put it to her lips and taking another sip. 

Shin-Joo smiled at her. "Sounds like a good morning. I'm glad I made you take that time off. An owner should be coming soon for an appointment, her dog isn't acting right."

"Great. I'll get the chart ready."


The day ended up going extremely well, Shin-Joo never ceased to amaze her. He always stated that he could understand the animals and she truly believed he had a way to talk with them. 

It was something that he proved over and over again, especially with their afternoon appointment. The small white dog had gotten into his owner's leftover tteokbokki, so some medication and a bland diet was prescribed for the tiny canine. The owner was shocked to hear the news of her precious pooch eating something so spicy. 

Eun-ji was preparing for closing when her cell phone started to ring. She pulled the device from her pocket and smiled seeing Lee Rang's name on the screen. "Hello!" She greeted him cheerfully. 

On the other end of the phone Lee Rang smirked at her happiness. "Hey Wolf, how is work going?" He was glad to hear the day had been easy for her. "I have some disappointing news. It seems I won't be meeting with you - I have someone that I have to meet with. I called Yuri already, she'll meet you at Coffee Bay." He sat in the chair by the dock, swirling his drink in his hand. "Don't even try to change my mind sweetheart. Take the time to do girly things together. I'll be home a little later tonight." He shook his head at her concerns. "I'll stay safe. Don't you worry. I'll see you later darling." 

At the clinic Eun-ji put her phone back in her pocket and continued sweeping the floor. She didn't understand why Rang didn't trust her to walk home alone. She felt bad that she was now an inconvenience for Yuri. Groaning to herself, she knew there was nothing that she could do. Instead she tried to hype herself up for girls night. 

Shin-Joo sensed the change in her mood and lifted his head up from the notes he was putting in his patient charts. "Eun-ji, is everything okay?" 

The female smiled at him. "Yeah, just a small change in plans tonight. My friend who was picking me up canceled but my other friend is coming instead. We're due for a girl's night anyway, so just trying to get excited about it. I just have no idea what we can do this late."

"Hmm. I see. Maybe you can bake something together." He suggested knowing how much Eun-ji loved to cook. “There are plenty of things you can do. I’m sure you’ll think of something - maybe she has an idea already.”

She perked up a little. "True, though most of her ideas consist of shopping for hours on end. But hey, maybe I can convince her of baking if we get a bottle of wine first.”


"Yuri!" Eun-ji yelled as she skipped over to the other female. "Sorry Lee Rang made you come out to get me. Before we go home can we stop and pick something up from the store?" 

"Please, it’s not a bother to come get you. What did you want to get from the store?" She smiled at the wolf, who was bouncing in front of her. She was glad that Eun-ji seemed excited to see her. Lately the wolf had been working more and they had not been able to see each other much. 

"I was hoping we could do ladies night and grab a bottle of wine, bake some cupcakes, paint nails and maybe watch a show or listen to a podcast."

The vixen's eyes lit up. "Oh, that sounds good. Lee Rang won't be home until late so we can definitely have enough time to do our things, and if he comes home early we'll just send him to his room." 

The two of them giggled and linked arms as they headed toward the liquor store. While Eun-ji was happy and excited for their plans, Yuri stayed on high alert. She didn't have the same reputation as Lee Rang but she could be intimidating when she needed to be. She kept her eyes watchful for any dangers that Rang had been worried about. She did spot a few human males who looked them up and down until Yuri gave them a face that had them running for the hills. 

Eun-ji walked up and down the aisles of the liquor store, not sure what she wanted to get at first. Finally she picked out a red wine and soju as well. She didn’t think they would drink both tonight - but incase they changed their mind on what they wanted to have. After the liquor store they headed home. 

Yuri leaned against the counter, wine glass in hand while she watched Eun-ji whip up a recipe for honey cakes. The wolf danced around to the music playing on her phone and mixed all her ingredients while catching up with her dear friend. The vixen was amused, she had never seen Eun-ji drink before and the wolf was definitely a lightweight. Yuri still wasn’t feeling anything by her third glass but the scent of the honey cake was making her hungry. She couldn’t wait for the dessert to finish baking. 

The fox had the wolf sit down on the couch, giggling and tumbling over her own feet. “I’m fine Yuri, I’m just happy.” The fox wasn’t buying it - instead she waited for the cake to finish and safely handled it out of the oven. After that was taken care of, she joined the wolf on the couch, who was looking for something to watch. Yuri didn’t have a preference for what she wanted to watch so the wolf chose a drama titled ‘Oh, My Ghost’. 

It was only about fifteen minutes into the first episode when the wolf looked over at her friend. “Ki Yuri?” Eun-ji spoke softly. 

Yuri turned her head as a fork rested on her lips - having just taken a bite of the delicious honey cake. “Hmm?”

“Is Lee Rang…” She paused like she decided to not ask her question. “Is Lee Rang a dangerous man?”

Yuri was surprised by the question. “What do you mean? What makes you think that?”

The wolf shrunk a little into the couch. She regretted the question immediately. How could she think such things when Lee Rang had taken such good care of her? “I don’t know.” She mumbled, hoping Yuri would drop the subject. 

The fox did the opposite, she placed her cake on the table and turned her full attention to the wolf. “No, it’s okay. I’m not mad. I just want to know what makes you think that?”

Eun-ji started to twist her shirt with her fingers. “I just wonder. He’s always so secret about what he does. I can tell he’s a powerful man, both in strength and status. He handled Kyong with no problem, threatened him with a few words and I haven’t had an inkling on Kyong since.” She curled her legs to her chest, hugging her legs and resting her chin on her knees. “Sometimes he leaves and doesn’t tell me where he is going - not that he needs to but he is mysteriously quiet about it. He can give someone a single look when we're together and they scatter. I’m not blind, I’ve seen the protection he gives me. It’s both endearing and intimidating.”

Yuri listened carefully to the wolf’s concerns. “Before I answer your question, I have one more question of my own. Do you fear Lee Rang?”

“No.” Eun-ji answered truthfully. “It's actually the farthest feeling I have. I just don’t want to be blind to something in front of me. Not like before.”

“I will tell you this. Rang does not get along with many. He is choosy about who he opens up to. But he is fiercely loyal. Ever since he saved me he has continued to make sure that I am taken care of. Believe me when I tell you he will go great lengths to make sure you’re safe. He won’t hesitate to use violence if needed but that doesn’t make him a dangerous man.” Yuri picked up her plate from the table. “You understand what I’m saying?”

Eun-ji nodded her head. “Thank you Yuri. I appreciate you telling me. I will continue to trust Lee Rang.” 


Lee Rang was furious as the words rang in his head over and over again. ‘I abandoned you.’ He had just left the docks after meeting with Lee Leon. The only thing keeping his anger at bay was the small victory of Lee Leon not knowing where that girl was - at least for now. He opened the door to his house and instantly smelt honey and felt the warm energy inside. He took off his shoes and listened to where the girls were but heard nothing. He walked into the kitchen to find a note next to a small cake. 

Welcome home Lee Rang. Please enjoy some fresh honey cake. - Mae Eun-ji

He smiled at the small heart and smiley face after her name on the note. He placed iit back on the counter. Next to the sink he found the empty wine bottle, the dirty glasses still in the sink. Moving to the living area, the television was off but he noted the blankets were in disarray, instead of being neatly folded. Following the clues, he headed down the hallway and stopped at the first bedroom. 

On the bed Yuri and Eun-ji slept on their sides, foreheads pressed together and they were holding hands between them. Yuri was more relaxed, her legs only slightly bent , while Eun-ji was almost curled into a ball, her knees almost up near her chest. While blankets were circled around the females, neither had one over them. Rang shook his head and grabbed a blanket for Yuri and threw it over her body. He brushed the fox’s hair from her face before he moved to Eun-ji’s side of the bed. For her, he found the red blanket specifically knowing it was her favorite and threw it over her body as well. He smirked as her body wiggled comfortably from the blanket’s warmth.

As he was leaving the room he heard a mumble of his name pass through the wolf’s lips. He turned back and was surprised to see her sitting up a little, her eyes squinting with sleepiness. He moved over to her quickly, taking a seat on the bed next to her. “Hey sweetheart, you okay?” His voice was a low whisper to not wake the other female.

She nodded her head. “Mmmhm.” She pressed her forehead against his shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss to his arm. “Welcome home Lee Rang.” 

He guided her chin up so he could look at her eyes. He could smell the wine still on her lips and smiled. “Thank you my dear. I’m glad you and Yuri seemed to have fun. Now go back to bed.” He lowered her chin and kissed her forehead. “Sweet dreams.”

Eun-ji nodded her head sleepily and layed back down, moving her forehead back to press against Yuri’s. Before Lee Rang even stepped out of the room she had drifted back into a deep slumber. 

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