A Reason to Fight (Levi x Rea...

By Ginjaninja1213

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*Mature Content Warning* A very talented new female soldier has joined the Survey Corps, but she still remain... More

Chapter 1: The Recommendation
Chapter 2: The Sparring Match
Chapter 3: Mistakes Were Made
Chapter 4: Busted
Chapter 5: The Breakup
Chapter 6: A Late Night Stroll
Chapter 7: Closure
Chapter 8: Rivalry
Chapter 9: The Deal
Chapter 10: Family
Chapter 11: The Lies and The Truth
Chapter 12: The Visitor
Chapter 13: Exposed
Chapter 14: A Day Off
Chapter 15: Memories
Chapter 16: Guilt
Chapter 17: Jealousy
Chapter 18: The Night Out
Chapter 19: The Morning After
Chapter 20: The Expedition
Chapter 21: Alone
Chapter 22: The Rescue
Chapter 23: Ambivalent
Chapter 24: Guilt
Chapter 25: Plots and Plans
Chapter 26: Discord
Chapter 27: Stohess
Chapter 28: The Perfect Dress
Chapter 29: Worth the Wait
Chapter 30: First Time (Lemon)
Chapter 31: Repudiation
Chapter 32: Point of No Return
Chapter 33: (Lemon)
Chapter 34: Aloof (Lime)
Chapter 35: Return to the Underground
Chapter 36: Questions (Lemon)
Chapter 37: (Lemon)
Chapter 38: Morality
Chapter 39: Cognitive Dissonance
Chapter 40: Torn
Chapter 41: Recovering
Chapter 42: Revelations (Lemon)
Chapter 43: Frustration (Lemon)
Chapter 44: Confession (Lemon)
Chapter 45: Truth Will Out
Chapter 46: Incommode
Chapter 47: Gone
Chapter 48: Deteriorating
Chapter 49: A Blind Eye
Chapter 50: Retribution
Chapter 51: Prisoner
Chapter 52: Disadvantageous
Chapter 53: Suspicion (Lemon)
Chapter 54: A bitter Pill
Chapter 55: Tension
Chapter 56: On Thin Ice (Lemon)
Chapter 57: Distress
Chapter 58: Into the Dark
Chapter 59: Stay
Chapter 60: Gamble
Chapter 61: That's Love (Lemon)
Chapter 62: Duress
Chapter 63: Grief
Chapter 64: Walls
Chapter 65: Vulnerable (Lemon)
Chapter 66: Uncertainty (Lime)
Chapter 67: Special
Chapter 68: Fear
Chapter 69: Shiganshina
Chapter 70: Annilation
Chapter 71: Bravery
Chapter 72: Devils and Monsters
Chapter 73: Nothing to be Done
Chapter 74: Ignorance
Chapter 75: She's Mine
Chapter 76: Clarity
Chapter 77: Letters (Lemon)
Chapter 78: Meeting in Marley
Chapter 79: Radicals (Lemon)
Chapter 80: Out of Time
Chapter 82: Burden
Chapter 83: Scream
Chapter 84: War
Chapter 85: Chaos
Chapter 86: Promise

Chapter 81: On the Run (Lemon)

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By Ginjaninja1213

Author's POV

Conrad and Celeste have been trying to avoid this, they knows there is no way they can avoid a fight. They were able to find out where you lived, but there is no way they'll be able to get on the property with the security ramped up to the max. Plus, at this point, they doubted they would be able to convince anyone to let them see you.

Honestly, even if they did manage to sneak in and track you down, they found it hard to believe you would just believe them anyway. So, this is their only option, they need to speak to someone close to you fast. They are running out of time, Lawrence is getting too close.

They can't go to the scouts, from what they gathered not everyone in the scouts can be trusted. There have been a couple members of the scouts delivering letters to Lawrence under Yelena's instruction. They also knew the Marleyan woman was working for the scouts too. They didn't know who they could trust, they know what it's like to manipulate people and lie behind a false identity, so they didn't want to take any chances.

They don't know where Peter is, it's not common knowledge that he works at the orphanage with you. After everything came out, he stayed under the radar, so they didn't know where to even begin looking for him. This is their only option left.

"I believe in you." Celese tries to encourage Conrad by offering him a pat on the back, figuring it would be more difficult to talk to Celeste than Conrad. Even though Conrad fucked over their marriage, Celeste was involved in the plot to kill your brother.

"Thanks." He mutters as he walks up to the door.

He takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh. He knocks on the door and steps back slightly, as if he were expecting to be struck by the door by whomever answered.

They hear the clicking of footsteps on the hard floor as someone approaches the door. Conrad didn't know what he was going to do if Katrina were to answer the door instead of an employee. He believes he can sweet talk his way past them, but probably not Katrina or Elizabeth. He wants to try and get in there before they could slam a door in their face.

Both Conrad and Celeste hold their breath as they see the knobs on the double doors rotate and slowly open. Conrad's breath catches in his throat and his heart drops as the person opens the door.

Katrina readjusted Seth on her hip as she opened the door. When she looked up to see who it was, her features darken right away, "Why the hell are you 2 here?" She glares at him and Celeste as she tightens her hold on Seth.

"Please, Kat-"

"Don't say my name!" She hisses.

"I know, I know what it must feel like to see us-"

"No, I really don't think you do. Do you know how I know that? If you did, you would turn around right now and get out of my site before I get on one of my carts and run you down before you reach the street."

"I understand, but please, you have to listen to me."

"I'm pretty sure when you divorce someone, you don't have to listen to a word they say anymore. I didn't divorce you to spend more time chatting with you and listening to the bullshit that comes out of your mouth. And you," she faces Celeste, "pretty sure when you killed my brother, you lost any right you thought you had to talk to me. Get out of here."

She steps back into the house so she could close the door on them, "Asher Neumann!" Conrad yelled desperately, hoping to capture her attention. Truth be told, he didn't know for sure if she would even know of that name. He doesn't know how involved you are in each other's lives.

But he had to try something to capture her interest, and lucky for him, she did, "H-how... Why are you-"

"Celeste and I have been monitoring Antheia for awhile now, remember her? Worked for Laurie," Conrad tries to hastily explain before she decides to shut the door on him, "anyway, the 3 of us have been living together for a while now. More recently we started noticing she was starting to act strange and evasive, so we started following her. Turns out she has found Laurie."

Katrina's eyes widen from her suspiscious glare the moment he mentioned Lawrence. Her mouth hung open, trying to decide if she should even trust what Conrad is saying. But if it is true, it confirms what you have been suspecting since the break in. Despite what her personal feelings are toward him, looking at him, she didn't get the vibe that he was trying to be deceptive. She knows all too well what that looks like on him.

Katrina's mind is racing, trying to figure out why they would lie to her. What would be the benefit? Why now? What's the point? What could they possibly hope to achieve by lying to her?

"What's going on, Auntie Kat?" Seth suddenly pulls on her shirt to get her attention, sensing how uncomfortable and tense she was getting.

Conrad and Celeste didn't even register Seth was there until he spoke. They were so focused on trying to get Katrina to listen, but now that they acknowledge his presence and get a look at him, both of their jaws drop.

"... Katrina..." Celeste was the first to recover her voice, "... Is that..."

"None of your concern." Katrina replies shortly.

There was no mistaking it. Seth has Levi's looks, yes, but there is no denying his resemblance to you in those (e/c) of his, since they are undoubtedly your's, your very distinct shade of (e/c).

You get those eyes from your father's side, not your mother's. So there is no way Katrina or Elizabeth would have that characteristic to pass on with their genes. They highly doubted Katrina or Elizabeth hooked up with your father, so only one inference can be made. It was shocking to them though, since they were under the impression that you were unable to have kids. The birth control method you endured was supposed to be more effective, yet there he is.

If anything this made them even more determined to convince Katrina they are speaking the truth. Knowing you have a child you have to protect as well.

"I think you 2 should leave." Katrina mumbles to them and attempts to shut the door.

"Please!" Conrad steps forward and puts his hand on the door, trying to stop it from closing, "You know I wouldn't be here unless it were absolutely necessary. We know who Ash is because Antheia has been the one seeing him."

Katrina doesn't remember much about Antheia, only that she was another beautiful woman that worked for Lawrence. She also recalls she was one of the ones that hated you because of the attention you received from Lawrence and richer patrons. Not unlike how she was jealous of you in the past.

"What are you talking about? How do you know Ash?" Katrina glares at both of them.

"We've been following her for awhile now," Conrad explains, "she was starting to act strange, and since we live with her, we've been able to follow her. She's been going to the underground where Laurie has been hiding. We know that Antheia has been with this Asher kid. I don't know if you know him, but this man named Uwe, who helped her while she was in the underground, helped us out as well."

Katrina did recognize that name, she remembered you talking about him on occasion. It was usually insults and things he had said to you in the past, it may have been conversations about how you insulted eachother from the moment you 2 met when you were little. She could tell by the way you talked about him that you did like him.

"If you know where Lawrence is, you should be telling the MPs, not me." Katrina snaps at him, as if the information they gave her was physically harming her.

"They're planning something," Celeste cuts in, being sure to remain out of striking range, "it's something big. They don't care about us, they know who we are, they'll never believe us. They don't want to hear from ex-pets of Laurie. But even if they would trust our word, I don't trust them, some of them are up to some sketchy shit again. Not many of them, I don't think, only a few. Enough that we can't just go up to anyone in the MPs and expect help."

"Auntie Kat," Seth pulls on Katrina's hair this time, getting her attention, "what's going on? Is mama in trouble?"

Katrina was a little taken aback by his question. He really is a perceptive kid, no one even mentioned your name and yet he knows they are talking about you.

"Please, Katrina," Conrad continues as Katrina winces at him saying her name again, "you know we wouldn't be here if it weren't absolutely necessary. She's in trouble, and so is the little one, I know you don't trust me, but if you can put that aside just for now. If you ignore the fact that I'm a piece of shit and that I ruined our relationship and lied to you from the beginning... If you can just ignore that for now, so I can help her, I think it can make a difference. For her and the little one."

Katrina didn't know what to do, of course she felt torn. It's difficult for her to even look at Conrad without kicking him square in the balls. But she knows what it's like to be on Conrad's side, especially when it comes to your trust. You didn't want to trust her at all after the horrible things she did to you and allowed happen to you. But you chose to trust her again against your better judgement and let her help you. Perhaps she should do the same. She recognizes the look of desperation in his eyes to be believed.

As for Celeste, deep down she knows Celeste was being manipulated by Lawrence too. That he was using her own child against her. Katrina wonders what you would do in that sort of situation too, now that you have Seth. Hell, even Katrina can admit to herself she would do anything to protect Seth as well, maybe even kill for him if her hands were tied.

Regardless of their past, Katrina knows she has to set that all aside for now. If Lawrence truly is back, she fears for you and Seth even more now that it is confirmed. And if there is something she can do to get ahead of it, even speaking with Conrad and Celeste, she'll do it.

Katrina still struggled with herself internally, having trouble looking at either of them in the eyes again, "Fine, come in and tell me what you know."

With that, she stepped aside and held the door open for the 2 shocked individuals standing on her doorstep. Conrad and Celeste were honestly getting ready for her to slam the door in their faces.

But when it comes to you, Katrina didn't want to take any chances. In the past she wasn't there to protect you from Lawrence when you needed her so desperately to be there for her. She's not taking any chances this time.

Conrad and Celeste walk inside and follow Katrina into the house so they can tell her what has been going on and what they know so far.


Ash has been feeling a little uncomfortable since he brought Antheia over. He didn't quite know why he felt uneasy, only that something didn't feel right.

He notes that she seems to be clinging to him more now, which has also started making him suspicious. His underground senses are tingling. Listening to stories in Uwe's bar about men who got seduced by woman because their bosses needed them for something. Whether it be money, drugs, trafficking, the list went on and on.

How hadn't he questioned it before? Such an attractive woman choosing him of all people...

In the past it would be days before he saw her again, but her visits are more frequent now with no explanation as to why. Like yesterday, for example, after he brought her back into town, after they hung out at the house, she made plans with him again right away. It may not mean much to a normal person, but for someone as careful as Ash, it is starting to set off alarm bells. The little things he notices from being in the underground make him more nervous and observant.

Ash wishes he could talk to you about it. He's kicking himself for not telling you more about her, he would like to have his feelings justified or nullified. He has told you about Antheia, or rather, Susanne, but not in great detail because he wanted to keep things private. He needs you to either ease his fears or amplify them depending on how you interpret what he tells you.

But you're busy and Ash doesn't want to bother you. He will have to handle this alone. He knows a lot is going on for you right now, and he doesn't want to burden you with his confusing love life, especially if it is nothing.

"Is everything okay, Ash?" Antheia tilts her head at him as he stares into the cup of tea she placed in front of him. Picking up a little bit on his hesitation and distant attitude.

Antheia had requested Ash come to her place since Conrad and Celeste are out. She wants to maintain a hold over him, rather 'needs' to maintain a hold over him, unaware that he is actually starting to have some reservations about her. But she is starting to pick up on the signs.

She can tell that Ash is putting up a wall now, which is a concern because he didn't have one before. She wasn't too worried though, she figures she has him in the palm of her hand still. Little does she know, at the moment, he isn't anymore. Her confidence in the hold she has over him is coming back to bite her for not being more careful.

Ash didn't want to bring up the things he's observed, he feels like they are too minor of events that probably wouldn't mean much to anyone who wasn't like him. So he felt uncomfortable talking about it with her because doesn't know if he should even be worried. He thinks he knows what the best thing to do is, and maybe to a third party it wouldn't make much sense to do what he is about to. Maybe he is blowing things way out of proportion, but his perceived safety and your's are more important to him than a pretty face.

He feels danger and he doesn't like it. He's been doing some soul searching, wondering why he has been avoiding you to Antheia. At first, he thought it was just the fact he thought you would embarrass him. But it feels like more than that, like deep down, he's always felt a little unsure and uncomfortable, though he feels like he hasn't been able to explain it in the past, but he thinks he can now.

"Ash," Antheia snaps him out of his thoughts by placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ash shakes his head and looks into Antheia's eyes as if he were actually seeing her for the first time. Her blue eyes that once seemed so bright to him, looked rather dull and lifeless, maybe a little worried, but that's it. Her gentle smile looked less warm and more sinister, almost threatening. He could hear the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears as he swallows nervously to clear his throat.

"Sorry, Susanne, I zoned out a bit there."

"No worries," Antheia smiles, "I was a little startled there for a moment, what were you thinking about?"

Ash didn't know what to say, or how to say it. He's never been this uncomfortable and unsure before. Especially not even fully understanding why he is feeling like this. Either way, he feels like he has to get out. Every part of his person is screaming for him to get out. He's never gone against his instincts before, they've kept him alive all these years, he wasn't about to go against it now.

"Susanne," Ash says quietly, without looking up at her, "I... I'm really sorry..." He's trying to figure out how he can get out of here without raising her suspicion.

"What are you talking about?" Antheia giggles nervously. She senses something has definitely changed in Ash's demeanour, and she doesn't know what she should do.

She feels rejected, which is not something she as really ever experienced from a man before who she has tried to seduce. She doesn't like it. Not only does it make her feel unwanted, but it also makes her feel scared for what Lawrence might do if she loses her grip on Ash.... And also a little vindictive, at the thought of another man preferring you over her again.

"I feel a little worn out today, I guess."

"You can lay down in my bed, I don't mind." She suggests.

"I'm sorry, I just..." Ash rubs the back of his head nervously, "I... I don't think this is going to work out..."

He could lie, he should lie to get out of there fast. But he still feels a tiny bit of affection toward her and doesn't want to lie. He doesn't want to keep her hopes up, he just wants to be done with the whole thing. He feels like it would be cowardly to lie, and he doesn't want to be that man or kid he was in the underground. Whether he should be suspicious of her or not, he wants out of the relationship.

Ash figures if his fears are valid, she will just move on to the next man after him. He'll express his fears the MPs so they can keep an eye on her just in case.

"Do you not like the flavour of tea?" Antheia asks, even though she knew what he was really saying. But she just couldn't bring herself to accept it, trying to push the conversation in any other directions.

"No, I don't think things between us are going to work out." Ash finally meets Antheia's eyes, instead of seeing sadness or hurt, he sees anger, outrage and panic, seemingly justifying his decision.

"Is that the kind of man you are?" She growls at him, "I give myself to you and you just decide to drop me?"

Ash just shrugged, done with the conversation, "Think whatever you like."

"I see, I thought you were different, Asher, I really did. But you're just like everyone else who takes advantage of me."

"I'm sorry you feel that way," Ash pushes himself to a standing position, "you're free to believe what you need to, I have to go."

"Fine! Just get out!" She screams at him.

Ash turns and makes his way towards the door, but as his hand reaches for the door knob he hears a deafening crack and feels almost like he has been shocked by lightning. With a grunt he crumples to the ground and lays in an awkward position, knocked out cold.

Antheia stands behind him, breaking heavily, adrenaline coursing through her body as she brings the rolling pin she hastily grabbed off the counter down. She looks at it and notices there were streaks of blood from the impact of connecting with the back of Ash's head.

She checks to make sure Ash is still breathing, she had never struck someone like that before. But she was out of options, she couldn't let Ash leave. She has to get him to Lawrence, she can't drag him down to the underground that would raise too much attention, she needs more people.

She'll have to run down to the underground get more of Lawrence's followers and just pray that Conrad and Celeste aren't back before she returns. She will have to hide him in her room, and if they are there when she comes back... She will cross that bridge when she comes to it.

She places the bloody rolling pin in the sink and drags Ash's unconscious body toward her bedroom. With a lot of effort she drags him all the way down the hall and into her room. She rolls up a pair of socks and shoves them into his mouth and ties a cloth around his mouth so he couldn't spit it out or make a sound when he wakes up.

Sweating from her efforts she grabs the blanket from her bed and rolls it tightly around him. She then grabs some belts and tightens them around his legs, tightening his arms to his body and a few more or good measure.

Satisfied that he could not go anywhere or make any sounds when he wakes up, she gets to work cleaning up the blood she left behind and heads out to get Krause.

Your POV

I wanted to go home, but I just can't bring myself to leave. I've basically been pacing or standing in the spot where I stood when I waved them off for their mission. I wont be able to think straight until they come back or send word, no matter how long it takes.

I know Seth is in good hands, I'm sure Kat or Beth will have heard about the Survey Corps being forced to take action. The scouts have tried to make good on their promise by keeping the public well informed of their movements. I'm sure they will figure I want to stay here until I get news. But I can't stay for too long, if they are not back in the next few hours and we don't hear anything, I will need to head back.

At least I was able to check and make sure the tents in the area have medical supplies on standby for when they get back. I don't know how brutal this fight is going to be, but there are going to be plenty of injuries we have to be ready for.

I sent off a few other scouts and Marleyan volunteers to gather any other first aid supplies, make sure the medical tents are stocked, so at least we are prepared for what is to come... Hopefully.

Thinking about it makes me sweat, thinking about the potential problems we will be faced with...

Seth and Levi are the only 2 individuals in this world who can calm me down. At least I know Seth is safe, so my mind can be occupied with thinking the worst about Levi. Ugh, I could strangle Eren when he comes back, what the fuck was he thinking?! Damn, how many times have we asked ourselves that recently?

In the distance I can see the sun starting to rise, bathing the flat field and a few scattered tents with soft morning light. Knowing that it's morning now makes me even more nervous. Things probably didn't go to plan... How could it possibly go to plan? There are so many variables to consider it hardly seemed worth it to bother with a plan.

I didn't realize I was balling my hands into fists until my fingernails started digging into my palms. I flex and extend my fingers to work some of the stiffness out. As I stare down at my hands, I notice them start to tremble and jerk slightly.

My nerves are really getting to me, probably doesn't help that I've been too riled up to bother to sleep or eat something. I do my best to ignore them by looking back up at the horizon, and I can see it. A tiny dot in the distance floating slowly across the land. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Or could it really be them?

I feel my eyes start to sting from me doing my best not to blink, like I'm afraid it will disappear if I do. But it doesn't, it continues closer and closer and I can start to make out the shape of the airship. I can feel a wave of brief relief wash over me, but I quickly scold myself for jumping to conclusions.

It doesn't mean they are all okay. I can't let myself get excited and let my hopes rise. This was an especially dangerous mission they were on, thinking they all made it in one piece is unrealistic. But it doesn't stop my mind from going there...

My pace quickens and I start biting my lip as I observe the airship's painfully slow approach. As it gets closer, I decide I should probably get out of the way, since I'm still standing in the middle of the field where they took off from yesterday.

My eyes strain to look up to see if anyone is poking their heads out of the cabin, but I don't see anyone looking like they are in a hurry to get out.

A bunch of volunteers in the area come out and help to pull the airship down as people on board throw down the ropes for them to grab. I shift my weight from foot to foot impatiently, anticipating who will walk off the ship.

Well I can't just stand here and watch, might as well help them get down here faster. Although, at the same time, I feel like I don't want to know.... Like I just want to stay in this state of limbo and ignorance for a little while longer where anything could be true. I want to continue thinking that everyone survived, before they land and I finally see the full picture... I finally realize I'm not ready for it.

But it doesn't matter, whether they get own faster or not, it's all the same. Whoever is dead will still be dead whether I know about it right now or a few minutes from now.

I grab hold of one of the ropes and help pull the airship down to the ground. I strain my neck to try and look in, but I don't see any faces I recognize hanging out of the side.

We finally get the airship down to the ground and people start jumping out. I study their faces; they all look pretty sullen and defeated. They grab ramps from the inside of the cabin and lay them out so people can walk down more easily... Easier to remove the dead.

I watch as the soldiers file out, some of them are injured, some appear to be okay and others are carrying the dead. I bow my head as they walk by with another lifeless person on a stretcher. Another casualty in a senseless war.

"Keep him away from me!" I hear a male voice say suddenly as they leap out of the airship in a hurry, "I swear to god if I hear him laugh one more time I'm going to fucking lose it!"

I jerk my head up and see Connie stomping away from the airship. Immediately I follow him, relieved to see a familiar face still alive, "Connie, what's wrong? What happened?" I ask him as I catch up to him.

"It's Eren," he whips around to look at me, "he's lost his fucking shit! He doesn't give a fuck about any of us!"

"... You're under the impression he's always had his shit together..?"

As I finally take a moment to study him, I see tears flowing down his cheeks. His breathing is shallow and uneven, to the point where I'm worried he might pass out.

I reach my hands up to wipe the tears from his face. I've never seen Connie so upset before... What is going on? What happened?

Connie pushes my hands away and let's himself collapse on the ground, pounding his fists into the ground, "Why? Fucking why?! What's the point?!"

I hear more shouting come from the exit of the airship, so I curiously turn back around to see what the commotion was about this time.

"Get her out of here!" Jean practically screams as he exits the airship.

"Jean-" I squint at him, but my words are cut off when I see Floch walk down the ramp, pushing 2 kids in front of him.

One was bound and had a terrified look on his face, the other was a brunette with hatred and disgust in her eyes, like she wanted nothing more than to cut everyone's throat and spit on our corpses. They can't be any older than 12... What are they doing here?

"What the hell?" I turn my attention to Floch, "Who are they?"

But my breath catches in my throat when I see Armin and Mikasa step out of the airship, carrying a stretcher with a familiar person laying on it.

... No... No... There has to be some kind of mistake...

I stop them, "Wait, please, let me get a look at her, I-I can help."

Mikasa and Armin stare at me sadly, "(Y/n)-"

"No, you need to move! Run and get me gauze, antibotics, anything you can get your hands on, okay?"

Mikasa and Armin pause before they gently lower her to the ground, "(Y/n), stop-"

I examine her body for injuries. The stretcher she is on is stained with her blood. Dried blood cakes her nose and mouth, my eyes travel down to the big bandage around her stomach. Completely soaked through with blood.

"Hurry!" I snap at Mikasa and Armin as they continue to stand there, "She needs new bandages! Get them, okay? Why aren't you doing anything? Why aren't you moving?! Go!"

She can't be dead, no way, she's Sasha, my ex-roommate, a little sister, my friend. I don't accept it, no, there must be something I can do. She's going to wake up at any moment and laugh at me for worrying so much about her. Then I'll take her to Niccolo so she can eat to her hearts content for a battle well fought, and continue to ignore how much he adores her.

Why am I acting like this? I've seen it all before... But this is hitting differently for me. Maybe it's because I didn't see what happened to her myself... Who knows?

"(y/n), stop." Mikasa bends down next to me, "she's been gone since we left Marley."

"Shut up." I snap as I pump her chest, trying to circulate the blood that has already been stagnate for too long. Deep down I know there is nothing I can do....I was trying to prepare myself for this very scenario.... But I still wasn't prepared.

"(Y/n), enough." I pause when I hear that firm voice, it snaps me out of my delusional trance bringing me back to reality.

"Levi..." I whisper in relief to see him standing there.

"Do you know what her last words were, (y/n)?"

As Levi pulls me to my feet, I look in the direction of the voice that asked me the question. It was Eren....

His hands are tied behind his back and he is being held onto tightly by Hange. Next to him is a tall blonde bearded man with glasses who also has his hands tied behind his back... That must be Zeke.

Eren looks so different... His hair is even longer, wild strands of hair hanging over the front of his face. There is a darkness in his emerald eyes I've never seen before, a cold indifference that almost renders his features unrecognizable.

"Eren, what-" I'm at a loss for the right words. He's changed so much while he was in Marley.

"'Meat.'" He answers his own question as his face twists and he lets out a sound that I think is supposed to be a laugh... Well, I guess that is on brand for her, to be fair.

I mean, I know I've been known to laugh and have weird reactions at inappropriate times. But that's my thing, my lawyers will be in touch later for stealing my personality. It just doesn't seem right coming from Eren. He's not one to joke about something like this... Or about anything for that matter.

"Get him out of here, Floch," Jean glares at Eren, "lock him up in one of the cells."

"Take the kids as well," Hange sighs, "we'll have to lock them up too before we know what to do with them."

"Who are they?" I ask her, obviously they are from Marley, but why the hell are they here?

"Don't touch us, you disgusting devil!" The girl screeched and hissed, "I'd be happy to kill the rest of you too!"

"Gabi, stop it." The boy nudges her.

"It was her," Mikasa said to me quietly, "she shot Sasha."

... Oh... Still doesn't explain why she is here...

"She managed to get into the ship by using another soldier's gear," Hange explained to me, "she caught the soldiers by surprise and took Sasha out."

"We should just kill them," Floch commented, glaring down at them, "they are going to take up space, our food and air, they aren't worth it. They would do the same to us."

I stare blankly up at Floch, "You can't be serious. From their perspective you attacked them when they were vulnerable, right? Why is it okay for us to attack them, but it's not okay for them to attack us in retaliation? What the fuck did you think was going to happen?"

It's incredibly sad what happened to Sasha and the others. But that's the way it is... That's what happens when you surprise attack the enemy. It's regrettable that Sasha and other soldiers died, but at the same time... Understandable. As angry as I am, it's unreasonable to put that all on these kids, there is a much bigger issue that is to blame for all of this.

"Why are you defending them?!" Floch rounds on me, "They attacked us first!"

"If history is to be believed, and if we're arguing who started all of this, technically, it all started with us." I point out.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, (y/n)?! Now you're on their side?!"

I wonder how many calories he burns jumping to conclusions like that, "Looks like you've finally grown a pair of balls, huh? Interesting, it's odd to be scolded by a person who's name is the sound people make when they're gaging or clearing their throat of phlegm."

"Not your best." He comments.

"I'm upset, fuck off." What's gotten into him these past few years?

"I'm not 'on their side,'" I correct him, "but I do understand the realities of war. All victories ultimately come at a cost; no one gets out unscathed. You really think the world is that black and white? Only a truly ignorant person refuses to see the nuances of human behaviour, and how the things we do can't be classified as simply right or wrong in this situation, because it all depends on what side you are on. Do you still need mommy to tuck you in a night, give you warm milk in a sippy cut, read you a bedtime story that has only heros and villians, and hum you to sleep? You want to understand why this happened? Maybe you should have a talk with Eren over there. The one who forced the scouts to get involved in the first place."

I'm not necessarily trying to defend the kids, but they came from Marley. Obviously they have had 'Eldians bad, Marleyans good' regurgitated down their throats since the day they were born, 'happy birthday and welcome to the world, little one! Also, don't forget, death to all Eldians, they're trash! Alright, let me cut that umbilical cord.'

"Enough," Hange groaned, "Floch, just take them away, we'll deal with all parties later. For now, let's get the rest of the dead out and prepare to notify the families."

My heart sank again as my eyes travel back down to Sasha, "Let's get her cleaned up in case her family wants to see her before she's buried."

Mikasa and Armin nod as they lift Sasha's stretcher up again, Jean and Connie follow closely behind them.

"What happened?" I ask Levi quietly.

"Things went as they we're supposed to at first, until it didn't. This one," Levi grunted and pointed with his thumb at Yelena who is trying to stick close to Zeke, "let the Jaw and Cart Titan escape so they could come to the Marleyans rescue."

"It was an oversite," Yelena shrugged like it was no big deal, "I figure putting them way below ground in a small space where they couldn't transform would be the ideal place to hold them. Evidently, I was wrong."

"Clearly, someone helped them escape," Levi snaps, "meaning one or both of them were suspicious of you from the start and managed to get the attention of someone else to express their concerns. So, tell me, Yelena, are you against us now, or are you an idiot?"

"Levi, come on," I pull on his sleeve, "it doesn't really matter anymore at this point. What's done is done, we have other things to attend to."

I feel some of the tension leave his body as he feels my hand on him, "Tsk, fine, let's go."

He kicks Zeke to get him to continue walking with us as we follow the other soldiers further into the Marleyan camp. Everyone is pretty much silent accept for the muttering of the young Marleyan girl as she continues to glare at the Eldian soldiers around her, vowing to extract get revenge on all of us... She kind of sounds like... I daresay, a little Eren.

"Hey hey hey, Eren," I call out to him, "how did you manage to give birth to a tiny female Eren while you were in Marley?" Her hatred toward Eldians is very reminiscent of Eren's attitude toward titans.... A lil' Eren, if you will.

"She's actually related to Reiner," Zeke suddenly cuts in, "she's always been very 'vocal' about her dislike of Eldians. She's been training to become a warrior and inherit the Armoured Titan."

"Who the fuck asked you, four-eyes?" Levi kicks him hard in the lower back to get him to move faster. Hopefully Hange doesn't get jealous with Levi calling someone else 'four-eyes' or 'shitty glasses.'

So, the girl is actually Eldian, huh? I guess it makes some sort of sense, no one seems to hate us more than the Eldians in Marley. Probably because they believe it is our fault that they are treated the way they are. Which is true, I suppose.

And then Sasha paid the price... I feel awful for Jean and Connie, they were the closest with her. Yes, she was my friend and roomie, but they have always been as close as siblings that don't hate eachother, like my relationship with Beth and Ben and less like the one between Kat and I. There are little friend groups in the scouts, like Eren, Mikasa and Armin, then there was Reiner and Bertolt, also Ymir and Historia, and of course Sasha, Jean and Connie. But we all came together at the end of the day... 'It's the price of war,' I keep telling myself... But it doesn't make the pill any easier to swallow.

"So, did Eren achieve what he wanted?" I ask Levi, trying to get my mind off of Sasha.

"Yep, a declaration of war from other countries and an inevitable counter attack from the Marleyans in the very near future," he growled bitterly, "he forced us into this, so now he's going to get exactly what he wants."

"He did get the War Hammer Titan, though," Zeke comments over his shoulder, "that ought to count for something, no?"

"Nope," Levi glares at him, "now shut your mouth before I decide to gag you."

"Is that how he speaks to you in the bedroom, Ms. (l/n)?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

I make sure I grab onto Levi's jacket as he gets ready to lunge at Zeke, "Don't, he wants to get to you, you know that."

"The War Hammer Titan..." I mumble to myself as we continue walking, the name is familiar from those books I've read in the capital.

"Yeah," Levi sighs, "gave us quite a bit of trouble before Eren was finally able to find a way to consume her."

I mean, I don't know enough about this to say whether it is a good thing or not. Is it really okay to be the vessel of 3 different titans? It can't be good for his mental health, he already seemed to be having a lot of problems with his father's memories and that Kruger guy. But sure, let's move another personality in there with all their memories as well, I'm sure it's great for Eren. Though, we should stick a no vacancy sign on his back now.

Better him than the Marleyans having it... Maybe...? No, this can't be a good thing. He has a lot of conflicting personalities kicking around in his noggin now. Eren was already teetering on the edge before we went to Marley. This attack he planned, the moves he's made... The Marleyans are coming for our asses hard, they aren't going to prep us first, they are going in dry, and the only thing we can do is find something hard to bite on.

Then my mind trails back to Wilhelm who is still around. When they all settle in I should talk to Hange and Levi about it. This planned attack by Eren has truly fucked us. We don't currently have the resources or man power to fight off such an army, especially with other countries in the mix... We may need to make a deal... We may have to make a deal.

That whole '50 year plan' Kiyomi has proposed in the past, I doubt it will be enough at this point. What if threatening to 'shake the earth' doesn't deter them? What then? What if they are so angry they don't care and attack anyway? Then we just have to kill everybody? Even those countries who didn't want to be in this war in the first place? Flattening the earth with the power of the titans can't be the only option, it just can't be...

We reach a cluster of tents where some of the scouts are branching off. Some are going to medical tents, some seem to be going to rest, others to provision tents, some, including Hange and Eren are going into a larger tent on the right, others are dropping off the bodies of the dead in a tent across from the one on the right. The ones they could recover from Marley, that is. They couldn't get everyone's bodies, they had to get in and out as quickly as possible.

Levi starts pushing Zeke in the direction of the tent Hange and Eren disappeared into. I'm about to follow when I see Armin hanging out by himself in front of the tent acting as a temporary morgue, "I'll be right back." I murmur to Levi as I head over to Armin.

"Hey," I place a hand gently on his shoulder, "what do you need?"

Food? Rest? Therapist? Alcohol? Kick the shit out of Eren? Got to be one of those... Why not all?

Armin's sad blue eyes look at me before lowering to the ground again as he bowed his head. I've never seen him look so deflated before.

"I just... I wonder... If maybe there was a different path we could have taken... I just, I keep coming back to that. I thought I understood Eren better than anyone else, even Mikasa. But I don't understand him anymore. He was ready to do it by himself, whether we helped him or abandoned him, the outcome would have been horrible either way. He backed us into a corner."

"Maybe, but you can't hope to know, Grisha Yeager, Eren Kruger and whoever the fuck the War Hammer Titan was, and how they are influencing him now." I comment.

He takes his hands out of his pockets and fiddles with something in his hand. It looks like the sea shell he insists upon taking with him everywhere. Oh well, I guess, whatever brings him even a little bit of comfort. Armin was there, afterall, he saw for himself what Eren did.

"And now, we've killed a huge number of people," Amin continues as if I never said anything, "we didn't leave anything untouched, not battleships, not soldiers, not civilians... Not children. We showed up out of nowhere and took everything from them. Just like what happened to us that day. Just like they said we have done in the past... Where does it end..? Who will finally be the one to say 'enough?' When does the cycle end?"

"Although, I suppose if the Marleyans port had been left intact. Marley would have been able to launch an immediate counter attack on us. We've abandoned any hope of peace now... But we had to do it... Just like those 3 did that day... The day that changed all our lives forever."

He must be talking about Reiner, Bertolt and Annie. I really don't think there is anything I can say to him that will make anything better. There's too much at stake here, we all know that. The only thing we can do is push forward.

In the absence of comforting words, I opt for just standing next to him in silence instead. I let him go through what he has to, I'll be here if he needs me to talk. We need Armin we need everyone's minds working together to come up with a way to fight this.

It may not be the path we wanted to go down, but our asses were drop kicked here regardless. A few more moments of silence, and then it's back to work.

Author's POV

Ash slowly opens his eyes, groaning from the pounding pain in his head where a blunt instrument connected with it hard not too long ago. Not just the initial one, there were more blows as he was brought down to the underground. Every time he stirred back into semi-consciousness, he was hit over the head again to keep him quiet and cooperative.

Ash tries to grit his teeth from the pain as his blurry vision becomes clearer. He is tied tightly to a chair, hands tied together behind his back, and feet bound to the chair legs for good measure.

He didn't even register he had a gag in his mouth until he tried to call out. He grunts as he takes in his surroundings, what he can anyway. His pupils dilate, trying to take in as much of the dark environment as he can.

He has no solid proof yet, but he has a feeling he is back in the underground. The familiar musty damp smell of the underground wafts into his nostrils, an all too familiar scent and the fact that it is unusually dark.

Suddenly he can hear footsteps and muffled voices walking into the room, "Ah, you're awake. Good."

Ash whips his head to his right where he heard the suound coming from. He sees a badly burned and scarred man with only one arm, and another man next to him with a hood, obscuring his features. And there is also a woman, the woman he has known to be 'Susanne.'

His heart sinks when he sees Antheia there, standing to the side, staring at him indifferently. Nothing like the woman she portrayed herself to be when they were together above ground. Exactly like he had suspected. Ash starts to sweat as his mind races with what might be going on, and he thinks he may have figured it out.

He has never seen this man before in the underground, which is telling to him since he's met pretty much everyone while working at Uwe's bar and some of the underground gangs. He believes he would remember meeting such a person. His extensive injuries line up with what may have happened to a certain man you spoke about when you last had encountered him. The one she suspected as being the one who broke into your house.

Lawrence walks closer to Ash and removes the gag from his mouth, "I should probably start by re-introducing you to the pretty blonde woman here," Lawrence chuckles at the pained and betrayed look in Ash's face as his fears were at last confirmed, "her real name is Antheia, she works for me. Do you know who I am?"

"Lawrence Pearson." Ash croaks from his dry throat.

"Very good," Lawrence pulls up another chair to sit in front of Ash, "do you know why you're here?"

"Doesn't take a genius to figure that out," Ash scoffs, "obviously you know I'm close with (y/n), you want her dead, doesn't get any simpler than that."

Ash refuses to let himself look in Antheia's direction now. His anger for her is absolute, however he is even angrier at himself. He feels he should have seen the signs sooner. But what signs could he have seen? She played her part well, never really asking or bringing attention to you. Even still, Ash would be glad to have the ground swallow him whole, so he never has to face you again.

"You're a clever kid," Lawrence tries to work his charms on Ash, hoping he can manipulate him to his side, it's easier that way, "we had to tie you up so you wouldn't try and-"

"Really? I thought you tied me up because it's always been the latest fashion trend in the under-"

"Understand that if you cooperate, I'd be happy to untie you."

"Jokes on you, Pearson. I happen to love being tied up, when are you going to bend me over and spank me, daddy?"

Ash may have been living with you for too long...

"I understand that you feel like you're important to (y/n), she does a great job in making people feel like that. She's a smooth talking manipulator, she's learned from the best. But, don't you think it's time for you to finally get back at her?"

"Don't you think this manipulation tactic by you is pointless and a waste of time?" Ash rebuts, "Get back at her for what? Helping me when no one else would? Make it possible for myself and my family to have a better life? Saved me even when I tried to condemn and kill her? You're right, she's the worst."

"She's the reason I've been reduced to this," Lawrence growls, anger always rising when people speak highly of you. Patience non existent anymore when it comes to trying to sweet talk people.

"Still projecting, huh? Can't take responsibility for the things you and you alone have done. Sounds like a Pearson problem."

"She ruined many lives in the capital. Lives down here too, if you recall. If I should be punished and condemned to this existence, then she, at the very least, deserves the same punishment."

"Awwww! Awww! Poooor me! I put all my money and faith into the system I helped to corrupt and it back fired on me! Someone was brave enough to expose my sick life style, now no one likes me! Awww! Now I have to live in the place where I sent many innocent people and babies! And instead of taking the opportunity to take accountability, grow and learn as a human being. I need to be petty! Even if it gets me killed, because I can't take people I tried to destroy doing better than me! Boo wooo! I could just break down and cry for you! Grow the fuck up, Pearson." Ash finishes by spitting in his direction.

It's all true though, Lawrence knows it. He's physically incapable of letting you go. He's come very close to losing his life on his way to get to you, but that's not enough to make him stop. He believes he has nothing left to live for. He doesn't seem to realize that without his money and his position in power, he doesn't have a lot to bargain with.

Lawrence is unable to take any sort of blame for the way his life turned out, so he had to blame everything on you. Simply because you get to live, live a life peacefully and without many consequences. He'll never be over or done with you, not until one of you is dead.

"Well, unfortunately for you," Lawrence regains his composure and smirks as he rocks back in his chair, "there is a pressing problem you have that only I can help you with."

"I have both my arms, thanks," Ash grunts, "I don't need tips on how to wipe my ass with my left hand."

Lawrence snaps his fingers and Ash can hear the sound of a door opening from the left this time. 2 more men walk in, each dragging something with them. As they get closer, Ash can make out the forms of 2 bodies. They seem to be squirming slightly as they are plopped down between Ash and Lawrence.

The 2 men remove the bags over their heads and Ash's heart sinks, "Mom? Clara?" He gasps, unable to hide the horror in his voice at seeing his mother and sister stare up at me, mouth gagged, fear reflected in their eyes.

"Well, now that you've met our other special guests, what do you say? Would you like to play with me now?"

Ash was stunned. He had no idea what he should do. Ash knew he would protect you with his life, but would he protect you when it costs the lives his mother and sister?

There were tears running down their cheeks as they struggled to speak to Ash. Lawrence gestures for the men to remove their gags, he figured hearing their desperate pleas for life would help to further convince Ash.

Once the gags were removed, they both try to plead with Ash, only not in the way Lawrence was expecting, "Asher, please! Don't do it! (Y/n) has done so much for us! We wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for her, she-"

His mother's sentence is cut off as she enters into a coughing fit. She had been getting better from the medicine Ash had been able to buy above ground, perhaps it's the stress that's making it worse.

"They'll torture you," Ash responds to his mother, barely above a whisper, "they'll kill you..."

"I'd give my life if it means she can live," his sister, Clara, continues for her mother, "she can make a difference. She already has! Don't throw her life away for us, Ash. Don't worry about us, we-"

"It's not your decision," Lawrence interrupts her by kicking the side of her face, "this choice rests only on little Asher here. So close to getting out of here for good, Ash. How depressing."

Lawrence was getting annoyed, he doesn't get it. He doesn't understand how people are willing to sacrifice themselves to save others. But it makes sense, how can a selfish man hope to understand the selfless acts of another.

As much as they would prefer to live out their lives happily above ground with Ash, to them, it's not worth your life. They consider the price to be too high. Though they have never officially met you, they still consider you family, and are grateful for the things you have done for them.

But Ash can't make a decision. His mind is racing with what it is at stake for all parties. To choose between his family and his family. To choose one is to condemn the other. He was so close, he almost had them out of here, they had their stuff packed, what little they did have, and were moving up in the world. A healthy world where his mother could continue to get better, and his sister can walk around freely without fear of being kidnapped, raped and forced to work in the Layflower or worse.

The reason he has been able to help his family in a way that actually made a difference is because of you. You have both been there for each other when the other needed someone the most.

"I... I-I can't...." Ash shakes his head at his mother and sister. He can't do it.

"No matter, we still have some time," Lawrence smirks darkly at Ash, "take your time, Asher, it's a big decision, yeah?"

Lawrence turns to the men that brought Ash's mother and Clara in, "Men, you know what to do, help 'convince' him."

"No!" Ash struggled desperately against his restraints to no avail.

He tries to look away as he hears his mother and sister scream in protest as the 2 men drag them a little farther away from Lawrence and Ash. Making sure to still keep them within his eye site.

"Krause," Lawrence snaps his finger at the hooded man standing silently by Antheia, "Make sure he watches. Make sure he understands the cost of protecting (y/n)."

Lawrence whistles a cheerful tune, satisfied with how things are playing out, and walks out of the room. Krause grabs onto Ash's head and forces him to watch his mother and sister receive the beating of their lives.


Back above ground, Katrina was pacing nervously, waiting for you to come and pick Seth up. She didn't know what she was going to say to you, or how she was going to bring up what Celeste and Conrad spoke about. Especially with all the things going on in your life right now.

She thought it was best for them to not be around when she talks to you about it. It'll probably be a little too much for you to see the 2 of them out of the blue, and you may not want to hear anything they have to say.

"Relax, Kat," Beth laughed, "why are you so nervous? The 2 of you are on good terms now, right? She'll hear you out."

"Maybe it will sound better coming from you..." Katrina pauses to look at her as she gently rocks with Seth as he sleeps soundly in her lap.

"You spoke with them the longest, besides, I'll be right here," Beth assures her, "she's stubborn, but she is not unreasonable. She knows weird shit has been going on, she'll listen to you. Stop worrying, you're making me nervous."

They both jump a little when they hear the sound of the front doors opening, "Hey! You know the door is unlocked, right?! I could be looking for vulnerable single vaginas! Might be a robber!  Or maybe a toddler napper trying to steal the cutest little kiddies named Seth!"

"Cute!" Elizabeth called out, "we're in here!"

They hear your footsteps get closer, "I'm sorry for being late."

"No problem," Katrina smiles at you nervously, "we figured after we heard the news. Is everything okay?"

You sigh as you walk into the room. You looked exhausted, dark circles under your eyes, an unreadable expression on your face. You stumbled a bit as you walked across the room, "you look like hell," Elizabeth notes, "what happened?"

"They were able to get Eren back, but not without losing some lives in the process, naturally. I guess everyone figured that would happen, people were going to die, we knew. However, that doesn't make it any easier..."

You slump down in the closest chair and hold your arms out to Elizabeth, indicating you wanting her to bring Seth to you. He was still sound asleep in her arms.

She smiles as she gets up and carries him over to you. As soon as she places him in your arms, he slowly opens his eyes, "Mama?" He groans sleepily and rubs his eyes, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," you smile and kiss his forehead, rocking him gently as he hugs you tightly, "go back to sleep."

"Is Levi or Ash going to be at the house tonight?" Katrina asks you.

"Ash should be there, Levi has to babysit a monkey."

"Is that euphemism?" Katrina squints at you.

"... What would that even mean?"

"Hence my confusion."

"You're too tired to head back to the house anyway," Elizabeth insists, "you're about to fall asleep in that chair, just stay here tonight."

"Okay." You agree automatically, feeling slightly better with Seth in your arms again.

"There's something we need to talk to you about though." Katrina says in a rushed manner. She knows you're tired, but she feels like she cannot put this off any longer, this is serious information in need of your attention.

"Can't it wait, Kat? I'm so tired, and I don't know how much more bad news I can take."

"I'm sorry, but no."

Your body seems to become more awake and alert from the tone of Katrina's voice. You could tell she was very serious about something.

Luckily, Seth was falling right back to sleep, comforted and soothed by your presence and voice. You shift his weight slightly as you look up at the serious expression on Katrina's face, "Okay, what's going on?"

"We can confirm it was indeed Pearson who was in your house. Apparently, the person who has been seeing Ash, Susanne, is actually Antheia."

Your mouth hangs open slightly, hardly able to comprehend the last part. You already figured it was Lawrence who broke into your house. But you had no idea he was getting so close to you. You were kicking yourself because you should have figured something like this would happen, you should have insisted on meeting with Ash's new girlfriend... But you didn't, you let him do his own thing. It's not Ash's fault, you feel like you alone are to blame.

Immediately worry builds up inside of you as you fear for Ash's safety. This changes everything for you, because you know it's not just your life they are after, it's Ash's and his family as well.

"How do you know this?" You ask her in disbelief.

You watched as she shuffled her weight around nervously, unable to stand still, you knew that meant you wouldn't like who the source was, "Conrad and Celeste."

Your eyes narrow at her, "I don't want to yell, as I'm holding my sleeping child. But I want you to know, if he were not here I would be yelling very loudly at you right now. Conrad and Celeste? 2 manipulators from Laurie's past who have tried to help get me in trouble or killed a family member of mine in the past for that man? The one who fucked you over and the one who helped kill our brother? Really?"

You had an emotional reaction at first to hearing their names. You haven't really though about them in a long time. Because you're over tired, confused and frustrated with yourself, you're pretty reactive at first.

"Believe me, I know how you feel about them. But, (y/n), they were here and explained to us what they have been experiencing. They have been suspicious of Antheia and have been following her. She's found Pearson and has been helping him get to you. They found out who Ash is, (y/n). They mentioned him by name. Ash is in danger now too. I understand and sympathize with your dislike for them, Conrad helped make your life hell, and Celeste is the one who ultimately manipulated and shot our brother. But I really believe they are trying to do better."

Your lips form into a straight line as you absorb Katrina's words. It's all a lot to take in for the day. But to Katrina's surprise, you weren't as shocked and aghast as she thought you would be. Not just that, but the more time she gave you to think about it, you seemed to be more receptive to the idea of Conrad and Celeste trying to help than you were initially, now that you're giving yourself time to think and process.

"Very well," you sigh, "I'll have to let Levi know as soon as possible. Ash didn't express any concerns or reservations about the girl he has been seeing, so perhaps he doesn't suspect anything yet, which is probably a good thing. You'd figure if he knew, Antheia will probably be able to sense it. He should stay at his own house now, I don't think it's wise for any of us to stay at my house."

The more you thought about it, the more worried you got for Seth especially. It's dangerous for anyone to be around you now, especially your son. You know Lawrence will use that against you in the blink of an eye when he finds you. You know you have to hide him, he can't stay here or with Ellen, Lawrence will know to check there.

Katrina was a little taken aback, she was used to you being headstrong and suspicious, "You're much more trusting of them than I thought you would be." She laughed a little.

"Told you." Elizabeth scolded her.

"I mean, it's not really about trust. Laurie is not a fan of them since they stood up with me and condemned him when I went public and they corroborated my story. They are in just as much trouble as I am if Laurie finds out they are trying to help me. You don't have to put your anger for Conrad onto me. If they were working with Laurie, they wouldn't say shit since clearly he is getting close and is being surprisingly discreet about it."

It's not to say that you all don't have your issues with each other. Conrad is still the man who fucked you and your sister over, and Celeste is still, and will always be, the person who had a hand in your brother's death. Those wounds don't just heal, but you can all see the truth when it's in front of you. They could have just done nothing, kept their heads down and out of trouble. Giving you a heads up about what has been going on puts them in danger as well. You don't have to be best friends, but you can heed their warnings and try to get ahead of this problem.

Elizabeth giggles softly as she sees you gently nodding off despite the stress and the worry that lays on your shoulders, "Go upstairs and sleep. The world will still be a mess when you wake up, I'm sure everything will be okay tonight. We'll look out for you, you know that."

You smile up at her as you lift Seth up with you and head for the stairs, "Thank you, goodnight you 2, see you tomorrow."

They wish you good night as you head up the stairs, holding Seth tightly to you, listening to the gentle sounds of his breathing as he sleeps soundly in your arms.

You reach the guest room you typically sleep in when you come here, and shift Seth's weight into your right arm so you can pull the covers back with your left hand. You gently place him down and crawl in next to him.

Despite your mind racing with the events leading up to right now, everything from Wilhelm up to what you just learned a few moments ago, you find yourself slowly drift off to sleep. You pull Seth towards you and kiss the top of his head, listening to the gently beats of his heart that helps lull you to sleep.

Levi's POV

The last several days have been long and taxing to say the least. Not being able to see (y/n) has been driving me crazy. I'm sure she was at the funerals the other day, but I haven't been able to go out and find her. I've been having to look after Zeke's bearded bitch ass.

It's been decided, we have to keep him separated from both Eren and Yelena. So I've been having to keep a close eye on him. We've decided on taking him out to the giant tree forest, just in case we have to use our gear if he decides to transform.

I sigh as I glare out the window at the people outside. Everyone seems to be celebrating... It's annoying. It doesn't really feel like a victory.

"Am I keeping you from someone, Levi?" The bearded bitch broke the silence, "I couldn't help but notice the way you acted around a certain (h/c) haired woman.... I think I remember seeing her in the battlefield."

"Don't you dare bring her up," I shoot him a warning glare, "she's none of your concern."

"Hmmm, how interesting... Hahaha! Just kidding!" He raises his hands defensively as I pull a knife out of my pocket.

He goes back to looking out the window too, "So, your reports say you were victorious, huh? Ignorance is a frightening thing."

"I'm going to fucking kill you and send your corpse to Marley and reveal everything about your little plot. It will probably spell the end for your grandparents."

I smirk as I finally see him grimace. The only time you can get that kind of uncomfortable reaction from him is if you bring up his grandparents. Good, may have to use that to our advantage later.

"But, if this 'secret plan' of yours is real," I continue, "I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer before slicing you to pieces. It doesn't matter to me either way."

"I'm very grateful for your generous words," Zeke replies dully, "but I think you need to let me meet with Eren first. Think you can stop glaring at me in the meantime? You wouldn't want me to wet myself, now would you?"

Ugh, Hange owes me a lot for looking after him. I hope I can at least hear from (y/n) soon. I have no idea what is going on with her and Seth... It's driving me insane. Not that I don't trust she can handle herself; I just don't trust that Ash kid will be enough to keep Pearson or anyone else away.

I need to be there, I feel like I haven't spent any time along with her for a while. We've just been so paranoid we haven't had much of a chance to really 'unwind.' Fuck, now my sexual frustration is getting worse. Zeke better hope he doesn't annoy me, it will not end well for him, I will tear him apart and send him back to Marley piece by disgusting piece, being sure he stays conscious for as long as possible.

"I would be careful when thinking about ripping me apart, Levi," Zeke warns me, already aware of what I was thinking from the look on my face, "remember, I can turn into a titan."

"If I remember correctly, I was able to get you out of there without much trouble. You screamed like a little bitch when you saw me. Or maybe you didn't see me at first, I move too quickly, all you could so was scream."

"Yeah, all it took was for the brave commander to sacrifice all of those lives including his own to get you close to me."

I go back to staring out the window, trying to ignore him. I'm sure he's getting off in some way, poking at me, trying to annoy me. But I can't let him get to me, I have to learn how to coexist with him for now. But my patience is running on empty already.

Your POV

Going to the funerals was depressing enough, but now Hange is asking me if I can drop off the rest of Sasha's things to her parents. Like I don't have enough shit to do right now. However, maybe it's because they are more familiar with me than others in the scouts.

I still have no idea what I'm going to do with Seth. I've been keeping him close for now, but that's not a good solution.

They are after me, and they are getting closer. Having Seth with me right now is more dangerous than him being with someone else. I've only been back to the house to leave a note for Ash, hopefully he's been okay at the house. I'll try and stop by the restaurant and check on him when I have some time.

He's been more independent recently anyway, I just hope he takes my note seriously. He should know I wouldn't warn him about his little girlfriend unless I had a solid reason to do so.

I let Hange know what has been going on, but maybe I shouldn't have. She has enough on her plate dealing with Eren, let alone the shit I have going on. She assured me she would figure something out... I tried to reassure her I would be okay, but she has a saviour complex, I should have known it would distract her.

I feel awful for not being able to see Levi as well. He doesn't really know about any of the new developments, he's going to freak the fuck out when he finds out. Although, I'm sure he has his hands full right now with Zeke, no sense putting more on his already overloaded plate... No, I have to tell him.

"Mama, is this the place?" Seth asks me as he points to the small farm we are approaching.

"Yes," I pat him on the head, "can you help me carry a few things?"


I laugh, he's such a good kid, so eager to help and so friendly... I have no idea where the hell he gets it from.... Definitely not from my father's side... My mother, maybe.... Somehow? He sure as hell didn't get it from his mommy and daddy.

I've been here a few times before and met with the Blouse's on other occasions, they've taken in a few orphans from us before. They have really opened their arms to these kids, it's very admirable. They really are a sweet family, a good family that didn't deserve the news they received.... Funerals fucking suck.... A parent should never have to bury their child.

As we pull up by the barn I see a man waving at us from the side. I recognize him pretty quickly as Sasha's father. Dark brown hair with a middle part, a thin beard and tired eyes. I guess that last part is to be expected, considering the circumstances.

"Ms. (l/n)," he nods at me, "thank you for dropping off the rest of her stuff."

His accent reminds me so much of Sasha when her emotions got out of control, or she started speaking too fast, and she couldn't control the way she spoke. It was adorable.

"It's no problem," I reassure him as Seth and I crawl into the back of the wagon to start grabbing her things, "I have to be out and about anyway. How are the kids?"

"Oh, they're doing just fine, thank you. They're just finishing their chores."

"How's Mrs. Blouse?" I ask him as he grabs one of the boxes out of the back of the wagon.

He tenses up a little bit, "She's doing alright, trying to keep herself busy, you know. How's the little guy?" Mr. Blouse inquires as he ruffles Seth's hair as he tries to lift a box bigger than himself.

"He's well," I chuckle and hand him an item much easier for him to carry, "hyper as hell though."

Seth has been growing restless sticking closely to my side. He hasn't been able to go out and play with any of the kids from the orphanage or Jack and Ellie, so he's been getting pretty bored with just me around.

"Have you found a place for him to stay?" Mr. Blouse asks me suddenly.

I dropped the box I was carrying by the barn and turned around to frown at him. Huh? How does he... What?

"Sorry," Mr. Blouse grunts when he sees my face, "Ms. Hange told us about the tough situation you are in with your son and how your lives are in danger."

... Is that supposed to be her way of making them feel better? A weird tangent to take...

I don't really know how to respond to that, why would Hange be talking about my personal problems with the Blouses? Seems a little insensitive to bring up my problems considering they just lost their only daughter. What is she thinking?

"I haven't figured it out yet," I reply honestly, "after weighing the pros and cons of leaving him with the people closest to me, I still haven't been able to make a proper decision."

"Pardon me for speaking when I'm rather ignorant to your situation," Mr. Blouse rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "but it seems to me, that him staying with people you are close with is the thing you're trying to avoid, right?"

... Yeah, he had a point.

"Listen, I know you don't know us very well. We only really have my daughter and the orphans in common. But Ms. Hange suggested to us that we look after Seth until things die down."

"What?" I squint at him.

Seriously, this is private, what is Hange saying? I don't really know them well enough to leave my son with them... But if not them, who? I've been through every other option in my head, I even thought of Nile... Although, sending him to live with someone in the MPs or scouts probably isn't a good idea.

"Your hesitancy makes sense, I get it," Mr. Blouse continues, "Sasha spoke very highly of you when she visited us and we asked about her life. Sasha was the one who opened our eyes to helping others, ever since she saved Kaya and brought her to us. We just want to do what we can to make her proud, you know?"

He averts his eyes uncomfortably, "Plus, the orphans we foster are very fond of you too, we would like to help you if you will allow us."

But how would Seth feel about this? He's never met them before, I have to think about him too. Although, at the same time I can't have him with people in our immediate lives, because that itself puts him in danger.

"Mama," Seth tugs on my pant leg, "can I go play?"

I look over to where he is pointing at a couple kids chasing each other around at the front of the barn.

I turn back to Mr. Blouse for his permission, "That's fine, they are taking a break."

I nod at Seth, "Don't run around any of the animals though, okay?"

"Okay!" He beams as he runs off toward the other kids. He really is not shy when it comes to meeting new kids.

Mr. Blouse and I continue dropping off stuff from the cart to the side of the barn, "Do you want me to help you bring them to the house?" I ask him, looking at all the things he'll have to take on his own.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Now, Ms. Hange requested that I help. Sasha was always happy in the scouts, you guys took care of her."

... Until we couldn't...

"Let us help, you're in trouble and it may do us some good to see another kid smiling and running around."

He does seem to be sincere, and I don't really have any other options. If Hange trusts them I feel like I can too. They raised Sasha afterall, of course they are good people... But if I pick my son up and he is obsessed with meat and fights me to get it, I'll come after them.

"Leave him here until tomorrow," Mr. Blouse suggests, "see how he does tonight. Come back tomorrow and make a decision then."

I bite at my lip nervously as I watch Seth play around with the kids, he does look like he is having fun. He hasn't had a lot of time to play, I've been making sure he sticks to me like glue since Kat and Beth told me about Conrad and Celeste's visit.

"Okay." I finally agree, I have to get going to see Hange anyway, I still have to tell her about Wilhelm who is still here, and I'll talk to her about this too. She should be at HQ in the dungeons.

I make sure the rest of Sasha's things are out of the cart and walk over to Seth, "Hey sweetie, mama has to go, okay? Are you okay staying here with Mr. and Mrs. Blouse and the kids?"

It doesn't really feel right, but I can't have him around me all the time, it's dangerous. I have to keep him safe, and he is safer here than he is with me right now... It's a hard thing to think about, but that's the way it is right now.

"Yep! Bye, mama!" He waves at me with a big smile, seemingly happy to be rid of me.

My eyes narrow at him, "... Can you at least pretend you're sad to see me go?!"

"Nope! Love you!" He laughs as he gives me a kiss and runs back over to the other kids.

"Rude!" I call out after him. I know he's been restless being on the run with me. But I thought he would resist at least a little bit... Just a liiiiittle bit of sadness? But, In the words of my loving son, 'nope!'

Maybe this is a good thing, he won't miss me tonight then, at least I hope he won't. Mr. Blouse waves me off as I get back in my cart and drive off the property.

I really hope this is okay, but what other choice do I have? I can't go to the orphanage, I can't go home, can't go to the underground, can't hide at my sister's place or Ellen's. I have to keep moving, it's too dangerous to stay in one place for too long. I can't go and face Laurie directly, I don't know how many people he has on his side, and I need to be here to protect Seth.

I just hope Ash will be okay with living on his own for awhile. Maybe he was able to move his family up by now though. Hopefully he isn't too upset about the true identity of 'Susanne.' I know he trusts me though, he knows I wouldn't have left him that letter if I weren't serious. He's not the rebellious type, give him a good reason to stop a behaviour and he will, he's not unreasonable. He's overly cautious if anything, like me.

Eventually I reach the Survey Corps headquarters and make my way inside. I get nods in my direction from soldiers who recognize me from when I was a scout, or just hearing about me from others. I nod politely back as I get closer to the dungeons.

It feels like a life time ago when I was in the dungeons myself... Erwin... What would you do? WWED? Would you have agreed to the deal Kiyomi laid out? Would you have figured out something different?

There are times when I still wish I could talk to him, I miss his friendship and his advice. I know Levi feels that way too, and Hange especially. He left a hole behind in all out lives, and it's still hard to accept sometimes, even to this day.

But we have to be big boys and girls now and figure out our own paths. Erwin would be disappointed if we didn't take every opportunity we could. And in all fairness, I think Hange is doing the best she can, as Erwin would be doing as well.

I start hearing voices as I travel deeper and deeper into the dungeons. Damn, they must be trying to prevent Eren from transforming. I can identify the first voice as Hange's. I round a corner and see her talking to Eren, neither of them seem to notice my presence.

"Fight what? If you said to 'fight' twice, does that mean you're prepared for a 2 round fight?"

Hange is standing just outside of his cell, Eren seems to be leaning against the sink, looking into his mirror at his pretty pretty new man-bun. He doesn't seem to be engaged with the conversation Hange is trying to have with him.

I'll never understand if you don't speak up," Hange sighs, "I don't think it's normal for people to talk with no one else there... At least I've never struck up a conversation with my own reflection."

Maybe it has something to do with all the shifters he's consumed... What a weird thing to think about...

"On a positive note," Hange continues, "that hair style looks good on you. It's messed up like you're trying to say you're working too hard to bother fussing over it."

It's being loquacious in the hopes you'll say something, anything, the other person you are talking at will latch onto.

"What are you doing here?!" Eren finally snaps, a little too aggressively.

"What do you mean? I'm here to talk. We spent all night taking about titans when we first met, didn't we? You listened to me talk on and on the whole night. I always knew that you wouldn't sacrifice Historia, but we hadn't found another way yet. Yes, Zeke's time is running out, and Marley is moving forward with their attack on Paradis faster than expected. I thought you and I felt equally rushed."

Eren goes back to being silent, staring at his reflection intently in the mirror. He's gripping the edges of the sink tightly, knuckles turning pale, as if he is trying to restrain himself.

"But still, I can't understand why you acted on your own and now the island is in even more danger. Do you not care about what happens to Historia now?"

"... I... Ate the War Hammer Titan."

"Yes, so I've heard."

"It controls titan hardening to create weapons or anything it needs from underground. It was an annoying enemy." Eren grumbles as he finally turns from the mirror and focuses on Hange.

"In other words," he steps away from the sink and walks closer to the bars, where Hange is standing, "you can't imprison me, and no matter how deep underground this cell is, I can leave here whenever I want."

He takes another step closer, "And of course you can't kill me, I have the founder. What's more, threats aside, you can't kill Zeke either. In other words, Hange, I want to know what can you do?"

Suddenly he reaches out a hand through the barns and grabs onto Hange's jacket and pulls her against the bars, "Tell me, Hange! If there's another way, TELL ME WHAT IT IS!"

"Eren, stop!" I finally intervene and pry his hand off of Hange. Well that outburst seemed to come out of fucking nowhere.

Eren starts mumbling to himself as he glares at Hange and I. Hange looks shaken up by Eren's random outburst. She straightens up her jacket and turns on her heels to leave, "You pervert! Ever the rebellious teen, huh? Grow up, Eren!"

My eyes analyze Eren for a moment before I follow Hange out of the area. What's the point in me saying anything? He seems beyond words, he's in his own little world. That face he made.... I could barely recognize him, the way his features changed in a blink of an eye was concerning, even a little scary.

If I speak to him I wouldn't be speaking to Eren, I'd be talking to this new person I don't recognize. I just don't want to do that, I'm afraid to talk to him... Afraid I'll never be able to talk to the Eren I once knew ever again...

"Are you okay?" I ask Hange as we pass through the door leading out of the area.

"Erwin..." She mutters, "This was your one mistake. Why did you ever make me commander?"

I sigh as I walk in front of her, forcing her to stop, "Hange, you don't give yourself enough credit. I truly believe Erwin wouldn't know what to do either. In this situation, all you can do is trial and error, there's no book of strategies that can get you through this situation, we are deep in uncharted territory. Sometimes you have to rely on intuition. Just like Erwin did when he first met Eren, there was no right or wrong way to handle a titan shifter, because they didn't exist to us before Eren showed up. Be easy on yourself, please?"

"Feel free to try and chat with him," she laughs nervously, "he may listen to you."

"Nah, I'm going to let him and his multiple personalities go schizo in the corner by themselves," I shake my head, "plus, I wanted to come here to tell you before you left for Marley, I met with Wilhelm."

"Wilhelm? The man you went to the party with?"

"The very same, he came here because he wants in on our resources in exchange for his help to defend Paradis."

"Huh? But Kiyomi-"

"I know, I already went through all of that with him. You may as well hear him out when you have a chance, you don't have to accept his offer, but I still feel like you should give him a chance to make his offer to you. Can't hurt to hear him out, right? We're going to have a lot more enemies than Marleyans coming after us since that stunt Eren pulled."

"There's so much going on right now, (y/n)..."

"I understand, just a conversation, that's all I ask."

"Alright," she relents, "in exchange, can you do me a favour?"


"I need you to get some samples from Zeke. Blood, spinal fluid, if you can get it with a syringe, I want it."

"Will he even allow me to? He can turn into a titan when he feels pain, doesn't that include a needle poke?"

"He has to comply or we won't let him meet with Eren. Remind him of that. We're keeping them all separated, including Yelena. Eren is locked up in a cell, Levi has Zeke in the giant tree forest, and Pixis has Yelena in his custody."

Well, at least there is that. I still don't fancy the idea of going anywhere near Zeke, especially with sharp objects. I guess one could say I'm still... 'Bitter' about him killing Erwin, like the rest of us, I suppose.

"It's also a good excuse to go and see Levi," she overs me a small smile, "I'll see Wilhelm, you see Zeke, are we square?"

I pause as I look at her. The smile doesn't reach her eyes and that's not like her. She's really feeling a lot of weight and responsibility on her shoulders now. I almost want to stay with her to make sure she is okay, but I know she won't allow me to do that. We both have jobs to do afterall.

"Fine, fine," I raise my hands and shake my head, "giant tree forest, right? I'm on it. Get Onyankopon to show you where Wilhelm is."

Before I leave Hange calls out to me, "You dropped Sasha's things off, yes?"

Oh yeah, I completely forgot to mention that, I got so distracted by Eren, "Yes, they told me what you requested of them. I left Seth there for tonight, I'll make my decision tomorrow."

"Good, I believe it's a good place for him. They're good people and I'm sure Pearson will have no idea who they are, which is the main perk."

"Alright, take care, Hange, we'll talk soon." I wave at her as I make my way out of HQ and back to my horse and cart.

I feel a bounce in my step as I think about going to see Levi. It may not be under ideal circumstances with him having to watch over Zeke, but I'm dying to spend some alone time with him. It feels like forever since we've been able to do that.

As I drive through the streets towards the outskirts of town, I pass by a shop that I haven't seen before... That place must be new, it looks like a sweet shop... Interesting. I think I have an idea as to what will make my night with Levi even more special.

Levi's POV

After we finally got everything set up there wasn't much else to do. Dinner had already been prepared and the rest of the scouts under my command out here seemed restless.

How the hell am I going to stay out here with Zeke fucking Yeager and not chop his body into tiny pieces? How long will we be here? Just imagine the longest length of time I have ever felt, like being away from (y/n) for years, and condense it to 5 minutes here, that's how it feels. I've only been here for an hour and it already feels like I'm 10 years older somehow, it's an anomaly.

"Captain Levi, look!" One of the soldiers beckons me over to one of the carts.

"What?" I groan as I walk over to the cart they were gathered around, annoyed because I just want to go to my tent and sleep at this point.

"Look what they sent with us!"

They look eagerly into the cart at a large box of what appears to be wine, "Why do you need wine while you're on duty?" I ask them as I reach in and examine one of the bottles.

"Don't look at it like that!" One of them gasped as if I offended him, "Captain, this is rare Marleyan wine that only the MPs have gotten to drink!"

"Survey Corp newbies worked hard to bring us this wine! Are you going to let it sit there?! Come on, we deserve a bit of fun!" Another soldier chimed in.

"We have tea." I reply dismissively.

"But Captain!" A bunch of them were whining and circling around me now.

"Tsk, what a pain, fine. Take it." I finally relent, not having the energy to argue anymore.

"Thank you!"

I ignore them as I walk towards the place where I asked my tent to be set up. At least I'm not on Zeke watch for tonight, I asked some other officers to keep an eye on him so I can get some sleep.

"Not joining in on the wine, Captain Levi?"

Speaking of the four-eyed prick. I glare at him in response to which he chuckles and goes back to reading one of the books we let him have to occupy his time, so he'll shut the fuck up.

As I walk toward my tent, I notice something strange about it. There seems to be dull candlelight emanating from it. Since it's dark out now it is very noticeable, it's not from one of the fires the soldiers set for the night, my tent is too far away for that light to trickle over here. Plus, there are trees in the way, and the light is clearly coming from inside the tent.

I pick up my pace to see what it is, when I get to my tent and pull the flap open, a most arousing site reveals itself to me.

The candlelight bathes the tent in a soft sensual glow, casting dancing shadows inside the walls of the tent as it hit various objects. At the back of the tent in the middle lays my bed. There was no way I was going to sleep on the ground while being out here, so I put an extra mattress from HQ in a cart, along with something to set it on; I'm too old to be sleeping on the ground.

The scene that demanded my immediate attention was in the middle of my bed. It was (y/n), her beautiful form sitting on my bed. She was leaning on her left hip, upper body being held up by her elbow. She's wearing... One of my white button up shirts. It covers her to her upper thigh, leaving most of her beautiful legs exposed.

"There you are," she beckons me towards her with a smile, "I've been waiting for you."

I felt like I couldn't speak, I was speechless. I'm just so happy to see her there, to finally have some alone time with her. As I get closer I notice there is a trey sitting in front of her with a bunch of strawberries laying on it.

(y/n)'s smile widens when she sees me look at the strawberries, "I thought I would bring a little treat too." She gets up from the bed to a table at the side where I have some maps spread out.

She grabs a small pot and brings it back with her to bed to place it on the trey as well, "What is that?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She sticks her index finger in the pot and brings it up to my lips, "See for yourself."

I grab her hand and push her finger into my mouth, swirling my tongue around her finger, playing along with whatever she has planned... For now.

The temperature of it is warm and the taste is sweet, with a subtle bitter taste as well, "Chocolate." I reply after I lick it all off her finger.

"Dark chocolate," she giggles, "I know you're not a big fan of sweets, I figured it would be more to your liking."

"True," I smirk at her as I start removing my harness.

"Let me." She interrupts my movements by grabbing onto my hands.

I catch a glimpse of her hair elastic wrapped around her wrist and pull it off. As much as I love her (h/c) hair, I want it out of the way, I don't want anything obscuring her face.

She lets out a quiet moan as I brush my fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp as I gather her hair up into a ponytail. Now I have something to grab onto for later.

(Y/n) continues to unbuckle my harness, and then she removes my shirt. Sometimes it frustrates me when she moves so slowly as she unbuttons my shirt. But I'm starting to enjoy it, the way she savours every bit of my body as I do with hers.

Her fingernails gently brush my skin, giving me shivers that travel up my spine and make my head twitch on its axis. She hums approvingly as she pushes the shirt from my shoulders and pushes me gently onto the bed as to not disturb her little set up.

I want to kiss her so badly, I crave the taste of her sweet lips, dominating over her tongue and leaving her breathless is one of my favourite things to do. But I'll let her take the lead.... For now.

She climbs on top of me and spreads her legs to sit on my thighs. I look down to see her (f/c) panties peeking out now. Fuck, it's a sexy site. I am a little frustrated she decided to straddle my thighs rather than my pelvis, the growing bulge in my pants begs for her attention, but she knows that. She is doing it on purpose.

She reaches down to the trey, grabs a strawberry and dips it into the chocolate. She swirls it around and brings it up to my lips when the chocolate stopped dripping off of it.

I open my lips and allow her to push the strawberry in. It is sweet, but not too sweet, I appreciate the slight bitterness the dark chocolate provides me with.

"Is it good?" She asks me as she places one of her hands on my thigh as she drops the stem on the trey.

"Hmm," I hum as I grab a strawberry and dunk it into the chocolate, "you tell me."

Instead of opening her mouth right away to receive the strawberry, she places both hands on my upper thighs now, squeezing and rubbing them gently. She opens her mouth a little as she makes eye contact with me, her tongue sticks out and she swirls it around the strawberry very... Suggestively.

She lets out a moan as her lips tighten around the chocolate covered fruit and she finally takes a bite out of it, rolling her eyes back slightly, "So good..."

... Now she's done it. She lets out a surprised squeak when I lift her off of me and slam her down on the bed.

"Levi!" She gasped and looked over to make sure nothing was spilt on the bed.

Miraculously, it doesn't appear like anything fell over, but, if I'm honest, even if it did, I wouldn't care right now. I have my beautiful woman beneath me and I plan to take what's mine.

I wrap her legs around my waist as I finally crash my lips into hers. She tastes like the chocolate and strawberries, making her sweet taste that much sweeter. Her kind of sweetness though is one I will never get enough of. My tongue explores her mouth, not giving her the opportunity to do the same to mine as I take hers between my lips and suck on it. It's her fault, things were going her way until she decided to do what she did... Yeah, maybe I'm reaching, but I don't give a fuck. I would rather taste her than anything else.

She gasps into my mouth as I grab each sides of the shirt and rip it off of her. She probably wasn't expecting me to be so rough with the shirt because it belongs to me, but I don't give a fuck at this point. I'm sexually frustrated from being deprived of her touch, and I need her body now. It's been too long.

I pause and raise myself up so I can stare down at her. The naughty girl isn't even wearing a bra. I growl in approval as she blushes watching me stare at her. I get an idea and look next to me to see the undisturbed pot of chocolate.

She raises her eyebrows at me as I dip my fingers into the warm chocolate. (Y/n) lies still like a good girl as I let chocolate drip off my fingers and land on her soft skin. I leave a trail starting from her neck, letting it pool just above her sternum.

(Y/n) seems to enjoy the warmth of the chocolate as I trace a trail down between her breasts, letting it drip over her perky nipples too. She squirms under me as I lick my lips staring down at her, frustrated that I wasn't touching her, merely letting the chocolate drip from my hands, it is an amazing site. I always enjoy seeing her hot and bothered. The site is going straight to my groin too, the way it's throbbing and twitching painfully.

I continue dropping a chocolate trail down her abdomen, her belly button, finishing off where her panties cling to her hips.

"Levi," she groans and tries to grab my pants, "please, stop playing, you want me as much as I want you." She brushes her leg against my clothed cock.

I slap her hand away and stick my chocolate covered finger close to her mouth, "Lick it clean."

She obliges by opening her mouth a bit to let me stick my finger in. She makes eye contact with me as she lets out a moan, swirling her tongue around my finger, making me bite my lip as I watch her in anticipation.

When she's done, I get to work on cleaning up the chocolate I left on her skin. My pants are getting painfully tight, so I unbutton them to help relieve some of the discomfort.

(Y/n) notices and brings her feet to the top of my pants and pushes them down my thighs, "Impatient, are we?" I chuckle at her.

"Shut up and fuck me." She demands, running her fingers through my hair as I continue to lick and such along the trail of chocolate. I can feel the goosebumps on her skin as I continue my movements.

"All good things." I tut her, even though I'm just as impatient. But like all of my moments with (y/n), I want to savor it.

Every flick of my tongue and nip from my teeth causes her body to jolt and shiver, making it harder and harder for me to keep up the slow torturous pace. I swirl my tongue around one of her nipples as one of my hands reaches down and glides teasingly over her panties.

I groan against her skin as I feel how wet she is already. I rub her through the thin material, her hips move against my fingers, begging for more friction. I decide to oblige and shove my hand into her panties, playing with the folds of her tight little pussy.

"Ahh- yes, captain," she gasped, "please don't stop."

My cock twitches at her using my title, damn her. My tongue starts to move faster, eager to get the rest of the chocolate off of her so I can let my tongue go to where it really wants to be.

My thumb puts some pressure on her clit as my fingers curl inside of her, making her squirming more intense, "Does it feel good, babe?" I ask her as my tongue trails down toward her belly button.

"Yes, it feels so fucking good."

"Fuck." I growl as I remove my hand from inside her panties and rub her sweet juices over my cock, unable to take it anymore.

She groans in frustration at the loss of my fingers, but I feel her pause as I sense her eyes on me. It must be a turn on for her to watch me lose control because of her.

I can't help it, my cock and balls are throbbing painfully and I need a little bit of relief as I finish licking the chocolate off her abdomen.

I grunt against her skin as I start to stroke myself, poking my tongue into her belly button, making her squirm again at the slight ticklish feeling. I fight to not pump myself faster, but fuck I need to be inside of her.

"Tongue or cock, baby?" I ask her, "How do you want me to make you cum first?"

She stares shyly down at me, she still feels bashful when it comes to talking about this. It will never not be adorable.

"Tongue." She finally replied.

That was the exact answer I was hoping for. Of course I want to ram my throbbing cock into her over and over, but there's no better taste than her cumming in my mouth. The perfect way to finish off the sweet trail of chocolate I licked all the way down.

I rip her panties from her body and finish the chocolate I placed down by her hips. I stare up at her as I do, her head is tilted back and her back is arched as she anticipated my tongue in her hot pussy.

I use one hand to play with her tits while the other spreads her lips so I can shove my tongue in as far as it will go.

"Oh fuck!" (Y/n) groans, "feels so fucking good."

I stare up at her again as she clutches at the sheets underneath her hips as my tongue flicks around inside of her. Seeing her reactions makes me moan too, vibrating her walls as she grinds against my face.

I use the fingers of my one hand now to rub at her clit as my tongue moves faster in and around her pussy, eager for her to reach her climax so I can feel those soft tight walls around my eager cock.

"Captain," She breathes heavily as she tugs on my hair, "I'm going to..."

I don't know why she insists on trying to warn me as if I'm going to get out of the way. Doesn't she know this is the best part? When her plump lips wrap around my cock, I demand she swallow. I don't understand why she gets embarrassed by it. It's one of the sexiest things I've ever seen.

She gives up trying to move my head away and let's herself go as I swirl my tongue and fingers inside her, sending her senses into overdrive. I eagerly lap up all she releases as she twitches under me. She involuntarily tries to press her thighs together from overstimulation, it's so hot.

I can't give her time to recover, I need to fuck her. Now.

I kick off the rest of my pants, move the platter of strawberries and chocolate and spread her legs apart more when she springs into action and pounces on me.

"You recovered fast this time." I chuckle.

"How do you want me to make you cum, captain?" She echoes my question, smirking down at me as she hovers teasingly over my still cock, rubbing her nipples between the tips of her fingers.

"By watching your body bounce on my cock, obviously." I growl impatiently as I grab onto her hips and try to force her down on my cock.

But she grinds up and down my shaft instead, letting out a loud moan as she wets my cock with her dripping pussy. Then she sits herself down and sucks me in completely.

"Yes, fuuuuck-" I pant as her velvety walls pull me in and massage my cock perfectly, as if she was made just for me.

(Y/n) winces above me, still sensitive from cumming only moments before. She grinds her hips slowly at first, reaching behind herself to cup my balls, adding even more pleasure as she plays with them gently. Her movements make me groan in desire as my fingers dig into her body, begging for her to ravish my cock.

I buck my hips up to meet hers as she stares down at me, watching me get hypnotized by the bouncing of her breasts, lust and pleasure mirrored in her eyes as they are in mine. She has to lean over and steady herself as she rests her hands on my chest as she increases her pace.

She moans and whimpers as my cock slides in and out of her, in rhythm with my own moans of ecstasy. As amazing as this feels, I want more.

I grab her arm and pull her off my cock. She yelps in surprise as I push her onto her knees, leaning her down on her elbows, presenting that perfect ass to me.

I growl in approval as I give it a hard slap, watching the rippling of her skin as I do it again, "Hmmm, captain~" she hums as she arches her back and sticks her ass out more, "it feels so good when you spank me."

"Yeah?" I grunt, giving her another firm slap, "you like when I slap your sweet ass?"

She nods as she looks at me over her shoulder. I bite down hard on my lip as I grab both her wrists and hold them together in my one hand, and I push myself into her again. I can say I'm trying not to be too loud, but at the same time, I'm beyond giving a fuck. I don't care if the whole camp hears us at this point. She makes me feel so fucking good, I can't control how I react.

My fingers trace a line from the back of her neck down the length of her spine. I feel her shiver and clench around me, and with another low growl, my hand grasps onto her ponytail, pulling her head back. Other hand still binds her wrists as my thrusting becomes more violent. I grunt and groan as I stare down at her ass, watching my huge cock stretch her, seeing her ass ripple and bounce with each thrust of my hips.

(Y/n) pants and mewls in pleasure as she looks over her shoulder at me again. The hand still pull roughly on her hair loosenes slightly and my thrusts slow down as that alluring face of hers makes me pause. She manages to release a hand and grabs onto my arm, "Levi, I want to see you..."

Who am I to deny my queen what she wants. I slip out of her again and flip her again so she is on her back. She holds her arms out to me, wanting to make love instead of primal fucking. Fine by me, I want that too, I crave to be close to her, not just physically.

She pulls me into a passionate kiss as I push myself into her again, this time us moaning into the other's mouth as our tongues twirl around each others. I take her hands in mine and pin them to either side of her head.

Her legs wrap around my waist so I can pound myself deeper inside her, feeling the familiar sensation of her walls contracting and squeezing around me and my sack tingling as we both near our ends.

I feel one of her hands suddenly tremble and shake against mine. She pauses her movements and her heart practically stops. I break away from the kiss and look down at her wide (e/c) eyes, "(Y/n)-"

She won't let me continue, she pulls me into another kiss and thrusts her hips up, begging for me to continue. She encircles her arms around my back and claws her fingernails into me as I grunt with pleasure as she tightens around me and lets out a long breathy moan as she cums on my cock.

A few more sloppy thrusts and I release into her with a loud grunt as her pussy continues to squeeze and contract around me. There is no more satisfying feeling than to cum inside of her. I continue to thrust until both of us have ridden out our highs. I pull myself out and collapse on top of her, extremely satisfied, pleasure still warming my body.

I keep my arms wrapped tightly around her, not wanting the moment to end. I just want to stay like this forever... Fuck everything else going on right now, all I want is to stay in this moment with her.

She scratches lightly at the back of my neck and shoulders, allowing ourselves to just be present... Before I have to ask the question... That tremble I felt in her hand... I know what that may mean, but I'm afraid to ask... I'm afraid to say anything, because it feels like that will just make it real, and I think she feels the same.

"(Y/n), when-"

"Please, Levi. Not now, let's just savour this moment, okay? Please."

I roll off of her and pull her tightly to me. She buries her face into the crook of my neck and I can feel her whole body tremble slightly, as if she is fighting back tears. Oh no... She never acts like this, I can feel my heart sink, I can't handle this right now....

"I love you." I whisper to her and kiss the top of her head, tracing lines along her back with my fingertips, trying to comfort her as I pull her closer.

"I love you." Her voice cracks slightly as we hold each other, slowly drifting off to sleep. Trying not to think about it, the only thing that matters is I have her right here, right now, she's safe here with me and that's what I want to think about right now.

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