Light In the Universe DX

By EmeraldPlushMan

549 19 0

A rebel faction bent on destroying Earth, a prophecy of humans with strange powers, and the Crystal Gems fall... More

Prolouge: The Children of Light
Prologue Cont. : Eternal Night
Chapter 1: How did we get here?
Chapter 2: An ever-looming threat
Chapter 3: Emerald
Chapter 4: The Shadow Lining
Chapter 5: Percival
Chapter 6: Fun-Land
Chapter 7: Mirror Gem
Chapter 8: A Thousand Leagues Below
Chapter 9: L6Y-Facet 74
Chapter 10: Percival the Human
Chapter 12: Arya Fielding
Chapter 13: Ambush!
Chapter 14: Jailbreak
Chapter 15: The Demi-god
Chapter 16: Next mission.
Chapter 17: Audrey
Chapter 18: The Pod
Chapter 19: Spinel
Chapter 20: Aloysius Harrington I
Chapter 21: The Search for Peridot
Chapter 22: Limestone and Battery Acid

Chapter 11: Call for Help

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By EmeraldPlushMan

Kalinka groaned and sobbed, the dark goddess toying with her in her fingers.

"Come on Kalinki-pie, you know you want to fall to me." Her voice was wickedly sweet, The dark one pinching Kalinka's waist as dark magic flowed through her body. "It will only be a matter of time."

"I will never follow you!" She cried

The dark goddess dropped her once she grew bored of her cries, smiling sickly as Kalinka recovered, the dark veins staying on her body. The dark goddess only smiled more with the knowledge her little "treatment" was working.

Little did she know, someone had been spying on her the whole time.

She knew she had to do something. As much as she was fond of her own realm, the balance of Light and Dark was at stake if she didn't. On her small wings, she flew away from her tower, hoping to find a way to transcend the Dark Realm and warn someone, anyone, who was capable of taking down Ond Mork Dame.

She struggled to find anyone in the Dark Realm who would be capable, much less willing to take down the Dark Mistress.

"Aperta." She mumbled under her breath, opening a pulsating blue portal to a beachside settlement. She held her breath as she jumped through, fearing the Dame's wrath if she were to be caught.

As she stepped on the beach, she thanked the gods it was night, or else her small form would simply be its gem. She also hoped the settlement was where she would find someone who could help.

In her tired state she flew to the door, crumpling at the door.

"Hello?" She knocked on the screen door, it falling open without much force. The lights came on, as she felt an immense pain emanating from the light in the house. In her blindness, she heard footsteps approaching the door. Three human boys stood over her, dwarfing the small gem twice over.

"Who are you?" one asked.

"What are you doing here?" another added. The third stayed silent.

"Y-you the warriors of light!" The little gem exclaimed

"The what?" Mike asked, laughing nervously.

"Warriors of Light!" She said. "Forgot to introduce myself, I'm Dark Aqua, it's such a honor to meet you."

"I don't see how." Michael replied. "I mean, we can't even beat a water witch without someone getting a broken leg."

"And I can't even do anything other than look at people I don't know," Robert added. "That came out wrong, I apologize"

"But I can sense your energies! You have a greater concentration of star magic than anything else on earth!" Her wings flapped ecstatically "You're the ones to free the goddess from the Ond Mork Dame!"

"The...goddess?" Robert asked.

"Ond Mork Dame?" Michael added.

"Look, He lives here with the Crystal Gems, and we're two teenagers whose parents just up and left one day." Michael said. "I really don't get where you get the idea we're some fabled heroes. If you wanna come in and explain, then be our guest"

Dark Aqua was confused. For thousands of years, she was told about the Heroes of Light, how they would free the darkness and save the Goddess of Darkness from the clutches of Ond Mork Dame, and once she finally found them, they seem to think they are just some ordinary teenage humans.

Somewhat deflated, she walked inside and sat at the table and explained the legend.

"Long ago, the dark realm was a place of peace. A dimension where the dead could rest and new bodies could be crafted from the ash by Lardna before being passed to Lux who would give them a soul before letting them enter the living realm. Of course every so often there would be a creature to break this rule, but they usually stayed loyal to their creators.

Then one day, Lardna crafted it from rotten clay and crushed shards, it rose above her creator, taking control of her body for what it swore to be all of eternity. It made the lands below inhospitable to any being, it probably being the origins of your concept of "hell.""

"Well hasn't anyone tried to stop it before?" Steven asked

"Everyone who has stood against it's reign has died a painful death." Dark aqua said "I will spare you the details."

"And you think we stand a chance?" Robert replied.

"Well, you two are the children of a Demigod and a Star Witch!" said Dark Aqua, pointing at Robert and Michael. "And you're the son of Rose Quartz, light realm gem Warrior!" She pointed at Steven.

"Sure, Dad's strong, but he ain't beating Hercules anytime soon" Michael replied. "Plus, he's halfway across the world right now, and God knows when he's coming back"

"And I never met my Mom," Steven added.

"How do you know all this, exactly?" Michael asked.

"Better question: Why did you seem hurt before?" Steven asked.

"Well, Gems here are made of light, like a hologram that can interact with people and things. I am similar, but reflected from the dark. If a gem from here were to enter the Dark Realm as of now, they wouldn't be able to form...unless they fused with a Dark Gem." Dark Aqua replied. "Just being here is draining my energy, I don't even want to know what happens if I don't escape by daybreak."

" should get home. We gotta get to bed. I don't think the Gems are gonna like this one." Mike replied, picking up the gem as if it were a small child. "I don't wanna have to explain a random black gem in the living room that won't form"

"W-Wait! There's just a bit more I need to tell you!" Dark Aqua replied. Michael stopped and put her down.

"What is it?" Steven replied.

"It's the Prophecy itself!" Dark Aqua replied. "H-Here it goes, ahem"

"When the balance of Light and Dark goes arie, heroes of light shall rise to the cries. When the gods are hidden and locked away, the heroes of light shall save the day. Only when the shadows have lost and the light has faded shall the heroes know their end is fated."

"That- sounds insane." Mike rolled his eyes "Don't you have a parent to get back too?"

"Trust me, Lardna will not rest until the entire pantheon is under her control!" Dark Aqua warned. "If you valued your lives you would heed my words!"

She flew out of the room, her wings leaving glitter behind her.

"I don't think she was making this up." Robert said

Mike didn't want to say it, but he was starting to lose doubt as well.

"So what do we do?" Steven asked.

"Sleep!" Mike replied, faceplanting into the couch.

Considering where their mother was, Robert was certain Dark Aqua was telling the truth.



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