Unmasking Souls

By ladylia257

27.8K 1.5K 590

Joseon Era. A prince who pretends to hate his brother the King and has a bad reputation fell for the daughter... More

A Very Convincing Performer
The Evil Prince Asks For You
A Web of Intrigues
Through The Layers of Your Mask
Living in a Gold Cage
A Devil or An Angel?
Behind His Mask
Tear Your Own Heart
Heaven and Hell
The Worst Kind of Torture
The Wheels Are Turning
The Limits of Certain Things
Before the Storm
The Banquet
After The Banquet
Standing on the Crossroads
Nothing But The Truth
A New Chapter of Their Life
20. Loved Entirely

His Sanctuary

2.4K 96 49
By ladylia257

Warning: NSFW. I know you've been waiting for it, hahahah.

It's time for them.


The prince wasn't at the palace when she got back, so she just bathe and ate a light dinner, her mind full with questions. Sung Kyung informed her an hour later that the prince had arrived, changed his clothes, and seemed prepared to leave again.

Go Eun quickly left her chamber to meet him.

"P—princess! Where are you going?"

"I need to meet him, just for a short time."

"But Princess! At this hour? Can't you just wait tomorrow?"

"I need answers now, Sung Kyung-ah. Wae?"

I don't think you'll be able to leave his room if you come to him now, Princess.

However, Sung Kyung didn't say so. She just followed her lady to the Prince's chamber.

"Princess Kim is asking permission to meet the Grand Prince!"

Min Ho was reading a letter from his brother when he heard the announcement, wondering whether his hearing had deteriorated and was playing tricks on him.

There's no mistake that Jo Yeong was waiting for his answer though.

"Let her in."

Go Eun walked inside and bowed politely to him.

"Good evening, Prince."

"Good evening, Lady Go Eun. What brings you here?"

"............I sincerely thank you. For providing the clinic."

"Oh. You've seen it?"

"It's hard not to. It was on the way back from my parents' house."

I did intend for you to see it, he thought.

"Thank you too, because you still give food to the poor every seven days."

".........you like these kinds of things, right?"

"It's a generous act of benevolence, My Lord, so yes, I like it."

"I thought so too."

"Why are you doing this?"

For a while, Min Ho did nothing except taking a good look at his wife.

"You mean, you don't know why?"

"Yes. I wish you could tell me why. I've never asked you to do so. And yet you're using my name, instead of using yours. The people gave me high credit of what I didn't do. They should be thanking you, not me."

During her statement, he walked closer and closer to her, until they stood face to face.

"I am buying my way into your arms, Lady Go Eun. I think it's obvious already."

"Into my.......ne?"

"Are you here to reward me of my good deeds?"

"I.....aniyo. I was only....."

"Don't tell me you want to raise your price again."


"Food for the poor and a free clinic. Are those enough for you to let me touch you?"

".......but.....there are two days left until we marry for one month."

"I am deliberately proposing to breach that promise. Fulfill our deal tonight, what do you think?"

"A noble man should always keep his promises."

He stepped closer until their clothes brushed together.

"I've never deemed myself as a noble man. And honestly, I don't think I can stand for two more days without you."

Her mind and nerves were frantic and stormed inside her, but she still sounded clear when she asked, "Will you continue the giving of free food and keep on funding that clinic?"

"Such an expensive lady," Min Ho smiled, "If you give yourself to me tonight then yes, I will."


"Definitely. So......are you mine from tonight?"

"........yes. I guess."


"Because maybe I'm the only one between us who hasn't done her duties....." she answered with a small voice.

"Glad you finally reached this conclusion. Because I completely agree. Are you sure, though? Because once you're on my bed, I won't allow you to leave even if you beg for it."

"I'm sure, My Lord."

"Good," Min Ho reached out but she stepped back.

"Wait! I have something to tell you! I completely have no idea how to please a man! Some parents who are ambitious educate their daughters of what to do, but not mine. I truly, honestly don't know what to do for a man!"

"I've never thought you would know, too. That's alright. I'll teach you what to do."

"And—and I heard that it could be excruciatingly painful. Would you—would you please try to reduce it? Is that possible?"

"I'll do my utmost power to do that, Lady Go Eun. Now, would you please stop stepping away from me?"

She realized she was stepping back almost to the door.

Once she stood still, he reached to hold her waist.

"H—how should this begin?"

"By the meeting of lips and lips, Lady Go Eun."

"Who—who should start it?"

"Me," he answered, covering her lips with his.

She tensed but didn't move away.

He pulled back and saw that she looked entirely anxious but having no will to stop him.

So he pulled her body to him and kissed her like he always craved to do, pressing, licking, devouring, sucking her upper lips and below. His hands started to roam on her body, caressing her back over and over again as he drank her lips repeatedly. Her body yielded, shaking but welcoming him. Her mouth tasted so good, better than anyone else he ever had, making him lose himself in it, kissing her like tomorrow would never come.

It was good that she didn't need to do more than accepting his kisses, because she felt like her logic flew away from her brain, her senses clashed against each other, and her ability to stand had disappeared. Had he didn't hold her, she would have fallen on the floor already.

He knew he was kissing madly, and it's rare that he entirely lost himself to lust. Usually he only did that when he was with a highly talented courtesan. But there was something greatly appealing in a girl who said she's willing for this yet knowing nothing of what to do. It was surprising to discover that this would be his first time taking such a girl, because even a virgin courtesan knew what to do to please him.

He couldn't wait to have all of this girl he was holding, moving his lips to kiss and bite her jawbones and exploring her smooth, white neck, where a fragrance was sprayed. She was breathing hard and it sounded like a caress in his ears, her lips looked redder after his assaults.

"You need to let go of your body. Stop controlling it and give everything to me, ahrasseo?"

She nodded, looking between afraid and lost. The look made him lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

Once he sat her on the bed, he informed, "I need to take off your clothes. You're not going to fight me, right?"


He untied the sash of her embroidered blouse, unbuttoning while raining kisses on her face and neck, wanting to rip everything off but forcing himself not to scare her more.

The world spun around and she had to force herself to just breathe as her blouse slipped past her shoulders, and he roamed his hands on her covered breasts, belly, and back.

His saliva made her face and neck wet already, his hands were unbuttoning layer after layer of her dress, palming her behind and pulling her body up, pressing his hips on hers and made her squirmed in front of him.

It took some time to undress her, because as someone wealthy she wore so many layers, so he satisfied himself by kissing her lips as his hands worked as fast as he could.

He finally managed to take off her last under dress and saw her in only her underwear.

"Turn around, I want to lose your hair."

She obeyed, feeling his hands taking off hairpins and the jewels in her hair, throwing everything to the floor afterwards.

He turned her back and kissed her again, his tongue probing inside this time, making her gasped and whimpered, sinking his fingers in her fragrant, long hair.

She didn't think there was any part of her that his hands hadn't touched, as she was being kissed thoroughly.

He then found the tie of her breasts cover, and he untied it as he glued their lips.

The cloth joined the rest of the fabrics on the floor, and he moved his lips to one peak.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, as she felt his tongue wetting her breast, finding her body arching further to his lips, as if she was offering herself to him.

Min Ho closed his eyes as he ran his tongue on her small breast, his tongue circling every inch and his teeth gently grazed her nipple. She was moaning incoherently and he was in ecstasy, his head moving up and down to devour her.

He pulled back to catch his breath, looking down at her. Her long hair was everywhere and her torso was bare. She was panting and gasping, her eyes looked shocked and bewildered. The sight of her in the bathtub had burnt him, but seeing her like this on his bed was more consuming. He touched her cheek, locking eyes with her, before moving his hand down, brushing one breast on the way, and stopping on her belly.

He lifted her up to sit in front of him again and placed his palms on her breasts. For the next few minutes, he did nothing except staring into her eyes and touching her there. He ran his fingers round and round, molding her, kneading her, squeezing gently until she unconsciously gripped the sheets.

"Is it—impolite—if I hold you?"

"No. Go ahead. In fact, don't let me go."

The second he said it was allowed, her hands flew to his shoulders. She needed to hold on to something. And holding on to him seemed like the best thing to do.

He started thumbing her nipples and she felt her body reacted against her control. She found herself inching closer to him, with eyes closed, mouth opened, and head thrown back.

He licked her nipples one after the other as he took off her pants. She wore three, the one below is shorter than the above. The last one was from silk and he easily slipped it down from her hips, doing it while biting her neck gently.

He then had her naked in front of him. Finally, finally.

"I'm glad you hid all of these behind many layers until tonight. This is enough to make any men lose sanity."

He got up and undressed quickly, shedding everything as she sat nervously looking down at her fingers.

He climbed back to bed, holding her waist and kissed her, laying her down and covering her body with his.

He groaned with satisfaction within the kiss, as he felt they were skin on skin. He first held his weight with his arms above her, before gradually lying on top of her, loosening to gravity.

"Bare my weight, Lady Go Eun" he asked, his breath fanning her face.

She felt her body was being pressed down underneath him, her breasts under his chest, every inch of her covered to the tangled legs.

"Is it too much?"

She shook her head.

He slowly licked her lips and lied fully on her, kissing her deep and with so much hunger.

"Try to kiss me back" he asked, "Don't think. Just do it."

He came back to her lips and she opened her mouth.

It would be easier if I don't have to do this too, she thought, trying to categorize his moves of massaging lips, the little bites and the wet sounds of his tongue.

She hesitantly moved her lips against him, moving left when he moved right, stilling her lips when he was licking and tried to lick his when he paused.

Min Ho felt his pulse raced so fast he was afraid it would snap and stop. The second she tried to kiss back, his blood rushed faster and he kissed greedier, especially when he felt she looped her arms around his neck.

It seemed like she was doing the right thing, from the way he moaned with pleasure above her, and they lied like that for a long while, exchanging open mouthed kisses.

I could do this forever.

But her lips were not the only tempting parts of her that he must taste that night. So he kissed his way down, passing her jaw, inhaling the scent of her neck, sucking her collarbone, explored more of her breasts, and circled her belly with his tongue, and finally licked her belly button, making her writhed underneath him.

He had devoured many before her, but he had never felt this ravenous. Not even with the best looking courtesan, and definitely not even on his first time. He was completely intoxicated, unbelievably aroused, and burned beyond belief. This was not just a body to fulfill his needs. This was Lady Kim Go Eun's body. Someone who didn't even know he existed six weeks ago, someone who dared to refuse his marriage offer, and the one who tried to kill him rather than being touched on their wedding night.

All of her resistance and resentments were fully in contrast with how she lied beneath him that night.

She made him so greedy, running his hands on every inches of her, tasting her body with his mouth from her neck to her belly in a repeating pattern that seemed to never end.

If she was asked how it felt, she would describe it as "being eaten raw."

Because really, she didn't know how else to describe what he was doing to her. The feel of his hands and lips on her skin that felt strange at the beginning turned to something else. Without wanting to do so, her body leaned to his touches, her hands went up to hold his shoulders and head, and she started to voice out what her body was screaming, murmuring incoherent words that she didn't even understand.

He kissed his way back up and lied above her to stare at her face, his hand then crawled to touch her between her legs.

She gasped and immediately bucked to his hands, her torso was pressing up on him. An instinctive reaction that he observed like a hawk.


He covered her core fully with his hand and she shook because of it, her eyes lost focus before locking with his eyes again.

"What I'm about to do......is going to make you completely mine. And it will hurt."

"Can't you please—"

"The pain proves your purity, so there's nothing I can do to avoid it. I will still try. Bear with the pain, it will fade soon."

"Tell—tell me what is it......I'm scared because I don't know.............."

"I'll just show you."

She felt a part of him grazing her opening and she lied shaking and speechless.

He grazed himself on her once, twice, thrice, in awe with her expression, a perfect mix of pleasure and pain.

He was surprised that he could hold it this long. With another girl, he would just ride them senseless, seeking his own release. But with her, he wished he could prevent the pain.

He had limits too, though. He could hold on only that long outside of her.

So he finally pushed through, as slowly as his strength allowed him, inching inside second per second.

She whimpered painfully, not understanding what was happening but feeling it as an intrusion.

He went further, breaking her barrier, all the way until he couldn't go deeper, groaning in pleasure as he dived in.

It was indescribable, looking at her and claiming her like this, he felt his muscles tautened into one bundle of nerves. She felt so wet and tight and unbelievably satisfying.

But her eyes pooled with tears so he stilled there, buried deep and on top of her.

"The pain will go. I promise," he said.

"It hurts........."

"I know. Hold on."

He pulled out very slowly, before entering her again. He repeated that several times, his hips rolling as he had to fight to keep his eyes opened.

The whole world didn't exist as he penetrated into the beautiful Lady Kim Go Eun.

He must have been making some ecstatic sounds because she asked, "Does it........feel good for you?"

"Yes.......So much. So much, Go Eun-ah........"

Her heart tightened from the casual name and he began to pick up speed.

He came down to kiss her longingly, before continuing his slow, measured ride.

Her tears dropped from the pain and he wiped it away, trapping her with his arms, steadily owning her, his hands were constantly caressing her sides, lips spreading kisses on her forehead, shoulders, and breasts.

Rather than seeing, he could feel her blood dampening them both, mixing with his seeds.

It started so painfully but gradually lessened, until at one point, she closed her eyes and held him tighter.

"Has the pain gone away?"

She opened her eyes and directly looked at him, "Yes. Like sorcery."

The look made his control broke and he kissed her frantically, eating her lips and palming her breasts.

Because really, who could stand it?

You must! Go slowly!

His conscience screamed at him and it was conflict filling him inside as he grasped her hips and thrust harder.

In and out, up and down, he built a rhythm for her. Everything spiraled and he found himself calling out her name like he never did with anyone else before.

"Go Eun......Go Eun-ah......Go Eun-ah....Go Eun.........."

She couldn't stop moaning every time he hit. Her ah, ah, ah were on time counting of his ventures within her. She kept closing and opening her eyes, feeling her senses multiplied and exploded to a confusing wave of pleasure. The way he kissed her face, licked her lips, inhaled on her neck, rubbing on her breasts and thighs, made her felt like drowning.

Who exists and who doesn't? Or are we becoming one?

She felt her whole figure rising and pressing back on him. Every time he hit, her hips flew up, crashing on his, and then he'd press her back down with his weight.

The muscles on her lower stomach contracted and tensed, as he kept thrusting while licking her lips, which were opened in panting breaths and moans.

He suddenly shuddered above her, held her like a life line, and groaned while he went harder.

She should be breaking by then, but instead of pain, she felt pleasure in the center of her core that spread like wildfire.

"Go Eun-ah......."

One more thrust to the depth and he shuddered above her, gripping her chin and kissing her passionately, his tongue lapping and teeth nibbling as he buried himself within her.

And then she felt she was filled with warm wetness, as he slowed down to a stop.

He was breathing in very loud and short gasps, looking down at her in satisfaction.

They were both quiet then.

When their eyes locked, she became shy, reaching for the blanket to cover herself.

He silently got up and walked naked to the table, pouring a cup of water and stepped back to the mattress, sitting silently beside her and handing the cup to her.

She realized she was thirsty when she gulped it so quickly.


She nodded, not looking at his eyes.

He left and returned with the jade teacup. She had two more cups before she said, "Gamsahamnida."

She thought it's time for her to dress up and returned to her room, but he pulled the blanket off of her when he returned.

Is this not over yet, she wondered.

He spent the next fifteen minutes kissing her all over. His eyes were magnetic. Though she thought she'd die staring at them, as they looked hungry and searing, her eyes returned to them over and over.

He kissed and licked her from head to toe, returned to her lips, and repeated everything.

He liked her body. She's all smooth and blushing all over. Desire made her sweaty. Under the candle lights, it made her seemed to shimmer in his eyes.

Seeing him above her like that made her cheeks warmed. He's sweating too, with his broad shoulders and slightly tanned skin.

At one moment, she watched as his right hand disappeared between her legs, and his other hand reached for his own length. He massaged them both until she's wetter and he's hard once more.

Then he knelt, sat on her, and began to ride her again.

She moaned from every thrust, her head was thrown back until her jawbones could be outlined in the air.

She realized she made too much noise when she saw him smiling lopsidedly above her.

"I'm......I apologize, I'll be quiet."

"It's alright. And Go Eun-ah?"


"Call me "Yeobo" when I'm inside you," he asked, hitting her deep.



"Yeobo ......."

"Yes," he answered, lying back on top of her, moving inside without pulling out anymore. "Go on."

She called him "Yeobo," over and over again, as if begging for something, something she didn't understand but true, building up inside her.

When she started to feel it, she shook underneath him. Something burst out from her depth and the next thing she knew, she was arching her whole body into him, her breasts glued to his chest, her mouth opened in a silent scream.

A rush washed her away, lifting her up to the clouds, shredding her feelings apart until only pleasure and fascination existed. She shut her eyes tight and just felt, feeling even more wet but this time, it came from her body, not his.

When she opened her eyes, he was silently looking at her, still moving on top of her, very gently again, making her whole bones melting into liquid.


His lips found her again and he practically kissed her until she completely stopped shuddering.

And then he lied still above her, doing nothing but breathing.

"I want you on all fours, My Lady. I want to bury myself inside you, all the way."

He detached himself and guided her to the position he wanted. She's silent, but she let him do what he wanted.

"I'm scared," she confessed helplessly, realizing she was nearly crying all of a sudden.


"What are you–"

He crouched behind her, kissing her neck once.

"The same thing. Just from a different angle."

"Does it hurt more?"

"You tell me."


He turned and kissed her lips.

"I'll be gentle. But I want it from you. I want it now."

So he knelt behind her, and entered her that way.

He was true to his word. His thrusts were gentle, but deeper.

"What should you call me, Go Eun-ah?"


He went deep, pulled a little bit, then returned.

His hands snaked around her, holding her tight.

"Does it hurt more?"

"No," she whispered.

"Does it feel better?"

He thrust then, and she moaned loudly.

Her eyes shut then opened again.

"Does it feel better?" he repeated.

"Yes," she finally said.

How could she say no? The feel of his body behind her, his length deep inside her, and his hands teasing her all over was a deadly combination.

She felt drunk with the experience.

"What's my name when I'm within you?"


"Good. And My Lady, you feel better than I imagined."

His words sounded strained, so she knew that at least she wasn't the only one that was getting affected by this.

He then rode her to his heart's content. Hard and deep, claiming her. Not hurting her, though, kissing her neck and shoulders over and over again, holding on to her hips, and enjoying the bounce everytime her supple butt grazed his body.

His second release was blinding. So amazing that he stilled inside her for a while, savouring the feeling.

When he's done, he pulled out from her, and made her lied on her back again.

She counted until ten before she got up, looking for her clothes that spread near the bed.

"I wish you a good night," she said softly, bending down to take one piece of cloth.

"The rest of the night will be good, I could feel it. For you and I both."


"You're going nowhere. I forbid you to leave this bed."

"Shouldn't I leave you to my own chamber?"

"No. Stay."

"I thought—"

"You thought wrong," he said, pulling her down suddenly, making her lied above him.

She gasped in terror, feeling it was inappropriate, but he just held her head and pulled her down, kissing her once more.

"Twice will never be enough, Lady Go Eun."

"How—how many times should we do this tonight?"

"Until you fall asleep."


He made her lied on top of him, enjoying her lips while running his hands on the span of her back, the plumpness of her butt, and her smooth, firm thighs.

Being under a woman had never been that exciting, as they kissed endlessly for Gods knew how long.

Having her naked body all over him was arousing. Her hair poured all around him, and she shuddered with the lightest tease.

Above him, she felt even more shy. She tried not to crush her body on his, but he wanted the opposite.

His fingers slipped back into her, and he watched from beneath her, as she closed her eyes and opened her lips in pleasure.

When she opened her eyes, he licked her from her throat to her lips.

Feeling eager for her again, he turned her around until she's underneath once more, pushing into her steadily.

She blinked and stared up at him.

"Bend your knees, it will feel much better"

She hesitantly did as she was told, listening to him urging for more, more, more.

She ended up with her knees bent straight above her and her prince inside, unbelievably deeper than before.

"Lady Go Eun, I'm willing to feed the whole nation if you reward me like this all the time."

She blushed and bit her lip.

That reaction shot directly to his arousal and he began moving again, claiming her for the third time, losing himself in her arms, forgetting the rest of the universe.

No one else exists, nothing else matters. Except you and me and what we're having together.

She gave him what he was craving for, completion and salvation, making him murmured his satisfaction endlessly, his hands brushing her everywhere, his lips constantly on her neck and shoulders.

His heart beat faster, not only because of how delectable she was, but mostly because how her eyes seemed to be observing him. When he moved gently, she could lie down silently beneath him, hands looping on his waist, eyes running on his face, trying to understand him.

He had never thought looking straight into the woman he took in bed would be that.....soul- shattering. Her eyes were beautiful, and had their own language. He had wanted her so much the past previous weeks he kept believing he would be so content when that finally happened.

It was more than that.

The more he touched her, the more he tasted her, the more he sank himself within her, the more he felt that she was the one owning him.

At one point, he was relishing the feel of her so much he moaned deep in his throat, closing his eyes as pleasure surged through him. When he looked at her again, she reached up to touch his cheek. Her eyes seemed to say, "So, is this the real you?"

She did nothing except caressing his cheek with her thumb, but she made him want more of her soft touches.

He lifted her body, bringing her to sit on his lap without breaking their connection. She was holding on to his shoulders, but he took them, running those hands on his chest, slowly, repeatedly, until she understood what he wanted and ran her hands on his skin without being told.

They sat like that, their eyes following her hands making invisible lines on his chest.

He held her nape and approached her lips with his, breathing on her face.

Kiss me, he wanted to beg.

He was thinking of how to say it when she doubtfully put her lips on his.

Min Ho opened his mouth.

I want more.

She brushed his lips with hers, so soft his breath was stolen.

"Go Eun-ah......." he called. "Go Eun-ah......Give everything you have to me. I want all of you."

He locked his lips on hers and embraced her tight, aiming into her, making her gasped again and moaned within their kisses.

She kissed him back and he groaned in delight, pulling her hips down.

He then alternated kissing her lips with her neck and breasts, seeing her responded more naturally to his advances, leaning back to give him easier access. She closed her eyes then, surrendering to his teasing touches and seducing tongue.

At the back of his mind, he knew he's not taking a woman. He's worshipping a woman.

Somehow, in the midst of everything, he managed to lift her legs, made her hooked them around his waist, and they couldn't be more connected than that. Her body had become melted muscles by then, heaven on his earth that clung to him and envelope him to the core.

Tangled like that, he laid her on the bed again, thrusting, thrusting, and thrusting into her.

She let go of all control. It scared her how she started to think he felt so right. She couldn't lie to herself. She thought she would feel molested. But instead, she felt.........admired. She didn't do anything much except lying there for him, yet he looked so.........content.

She couldn't put it into words, but she felt he needed her. So much. She felt it in his touches, kisses, all the sounds he made, and the way he tirelessly aimed for depth within.

"Yeobo........." she called, unable to stop herself, "Yeobo...........".

She felt herself leaning up to him, her hands and legs holding tighter, her whole body pressing, pressing, pressing up on him.

The way she called him destroyed his thin self control and he moved faster and harder because of it, crashing into her as she moaned desperately, eyes shut tight, body straining to welcome him.

His third release was overwhelming and made him shook and shuddered from it. When he was falling down, she started, her walls tightened around him, and she arched into a perfect curve, her torso flew to his chest as her mouth voiced a long, breathy moan.

She found herself coming back to complete consciousness being kissed lightly on her lips. He slowly pulled out from her and then they lied side by side, looking into each other's face.

She took a few long inhales before feeling her eyes drooping and she fell asleep like that, wet with sweat and exhausted.

Min Ho pulled her by the hand, lifting one of her leg and placing it on his waist, his hand slipping to embrace her. She was already fast asleep and didn't move an inch as he held her.

He actually preferred to sleep in darkness, but he was too lazy to blew all the candles and leave her warmth. For a while, he did nothing except listening to her breathing and embracing her. She was so slim he could circle her just with one arm.

Kim Go Eun. The extreme idealist, the innocent lady, the untouchable.

My woman. My wife. My sanctuary.

If you're the reward of everything right I did in my life, maybe I am a good man after all.


She woke up seeing an unfamiliar wooden ceiling of a bedroom. She looked around and knew it's not her own room, instantly remembering where she was and what happened last night.

"Good morning, Lady Go Eun."

Her eyes rested on him, sitting in his dressing robe, in front of a table of food.

"Good morning."

"Come here, let's have breakfast together."

She slowly sat up to find she was wearing nothing except the embroidered sheet covering her.

She felt very shy. If she could, she would hide all day behind the bed covers.

But she was starving and was very thirsty, so she told herself to be brave and reached her outer robe from the floor, wearing it and tying the sash.

It's water that she drank first, pouring one cup after the other. Next, she ate the porridge and mixed it with soup, munching and swallowing fast, drinking more water again in between.

"Lady Go Eun, you bloom in the morning."

She looked at him for the first time that day, finding he had one hand under his chin, smiling mischievously.

She blushed deep, everything that happened between them flashed in her mind and she couldn't eat anymore, putting her chopsticks down.

"You have miles of smooth white skin, eyes that sparkle, lips that taste like sweets, voice that could seduce even the most righteous man, and a body so bewitching there will be no end of wanting it."

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop talking like that."

"I am praising you."

"Keep it to yourself."

"I don't want to."

She hugged herself in embarrassment.

"I apologize for falling asleep."

"...........you don't need to apologize. I did drain a lot of your energy."

"And you woke up earlier than me."

"It's alright. I feel fully rested after holding you all night."

"Y—you did?"


He chuckled seeing her expression, blushing profusely and avoiding his eyes. She looked so endearing sitting there, her dark hair falling from her shoulders, her curves and the peaks of her breasts visible under her dressing robe, tempting him so much.

"Come here, Lady Go Eun," he asked, reaching out to ask her hand, "Greet me properly."

She frowned but took his hand anyway, following when he pulled her gently around the small square table to stand before him.

"Good morning, Lady Go Eun."

She bowed formally to him. "Good morning, Prince Min Ho."

"I had a great night, Lady. What about you?"

"Uh......I......so—so do I."

With one move, he untied her white robe.

She stood paralyzed with shock.

"A—are you......are we going to......do it again?"

He held her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her fair belly in front of him.

"You don't think one night is enough to quench my desire over you, right?"

She had no answer for that.

"But first, I need you to drink this," he said, giving her a glass of brown liquid.

"What is this?"

"A potion that will prevent you from giving me a child."

"..........you don't want a child?"

"I do. But not now. I have a lot of enemies, so I don't think it's safe for us to raise a child now."

"I thought it's my duty to give you an heir."

"True. But would you want your child to live in danger?"


"I agree. So until I think it's safe, we'll postpone creating an heir. Now, drink up."

He watched her drank to the last drop, before offering her a cup of water.

"Here. So our kisses won't taste bitter."

She blushed again but obediently drank the water.

"Excellent," he said, slipping his hands under her robe and let it fell from her shoulders.

"And before I forget, prepare yourself to meet the emperor tomorrow. It's time for us to visit him."

She nodded, only half registering the whole meaning of it as her throat grew dry feeling his hands slowly playing on her skin.

The next thing he did was carrying her back to his bed and they spent the next hours in the bliss of unburdened passion.


"This is really beginning to become a habit," he grinned in front of her.

They just had lunch and he had just finished helping her dress, putting back everything he took off from her the night before.

"You were the one who offered your assistance, instead of calling my maid."

"Well, it's more appropriate if you are dressed when the doors are opened. That's why it's easier to do it in your chamber. But you just had to come here to my room."

"I was only here to say my gratitude last night."

"You know very well what I will ask from you. I will never let you leave my room after a mere "Gamsahamnida.""

She was silent, affirming what he said, in a way.

"There, you're now fit to be seen."

She only needed to walk to her own chambers but looking like she was just being ravished the whole night and day was strictly inappropriate. Therefore she must appear as dignified as always, though she would be facing only the maids and guards.

"I can dress you, but I can't arrange your hair. Your maid will help you with that."

"Ne. I wish you a good day."

"I am having a good day."

"I mean, with what you usually do."

"Meetings. Boring meetings with two kinds of people. The good and the bad."

"Ah. I hope I am not detaining you."

"My Lady, I am willing to be detained by you, anytime. I already cancelled two meetings. One last night and the other this morning."


"It's nothing. I'm having them later instead."

"Algesseumnida, I'll call my maid."

"Wait. One last time," he said, kissing and licking her lips, chin, and jaw. He gave her pecks on the lips that honestly made her felt light-headed before covering her lips properly and kissed her thoroughly.

"And let me call your maid."

Sung Kyung came in looking subdued, seeing Min Ho's clothes still thrown on the floor and her lady's hair down.

This is inevitable, she thought. I hope my lady wasn't badly hurt.

Sung Kyung arranged Go Eun's hair, putting all the hairclips, pins, and jewels on her hair, before Go Eun bowed to him.

"Good day, Prince Min Ho."

"Ne, Go Eun-ah. Have a good rest."

Sung Kyung almost frowned from the sudden endearment and tone of the prince, as Go Eun nodded before walking out.

Sung Kyung saw her lady walked slower than usual so she offered her hands.

Go Eun gratefully received it and together they left the Grand Prince's chamber.

What was the most strange for Sung Kyung was, she saw a genuine smile on her lady's lips, radiating her whole appearance as they walked back to her place.

Anything could happen, Sung Kyung thought in defeat.

Even the most impossible of things.


Author's Note :

And......he became sweet during their first time, hahah. He's madly in love. He just made love for the first time, not merely had sex with someone. And he's the most real with her.

The politics plot will continue in the next chapter. This chapter is just for this story's Mineun, people wanting to kill others will have a chance in the next chapter.

Be kind and say something this time too, because this chapter was hard to write. Yes, it was originally written a decade ago for another ship, but I adjusted it to feel more Mineun. So yup, write comments for me. 

Is he the only falling? Or they're both falling?

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