AloneTraveler x Fem! Child Re...

By SpiderDonut263

14.1K 227 218

I am aware that AloneTraveler's myth has been retired, but it was my favorite roblox myth for a very long tim... More

Before We Start
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Sixteen

431 11 11
By SpiderDonut263

A/n: Oh my goodness! I just came to check on this story and you have no idea how surprised I was to open Wattpad to 53 notifications! I even got a good suggestion or this chapter. Thank you ever so much @Sleepyhead_yuki, I made this chapter from your suggestion. Thank you all for your support! Without further ado, the next chapter.

Alone's POV

Its dark outside, snowflakes falling through the darkness and coating the window. Y/N is feeling a bit better. It's been about one day and she just has a bit of a stuffy nose and cough now. The cough worries me a bit, but I think she'll be fine. She has been quite tired compared to normal, but at least she's quiet.

I was sitting on the couch in front of the fire. I heard soft shuffling and turned my head to look at the noise's source. Y/N was walking over with a blanket wrapped around her. The blanket was big for her so it dragged along the floor. She looked so tired, her eyes half lidded. She was barely picking her feet off of the floor with each step.

"I'm so tired.." She whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes. "But I cant fall asleep.."

I frowned, then walked over to Y/N and picked her up. She weakly clutched onto my sweatshirt and laid her head down. I took her over to the couch, sitting with her on my lap and petting her hair. She let out a shaky sigh and wiped her eyes.

"Do you wanna talk about why you can't sleep?"

Y/N shook her head and started to cough, covering her mouth with her elbow. I rubbed soothing circles onto her back as the coughing fit subsided. I really wish she wasn't sick. The poor kid doesn't deserve this.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the noise of someone setting two glasses onto the counter. Glancing into the kitchen, Selozar and Uleanra were getting water. My eyes trailed to the clock above the the stove, reading 12:45.

"Why are you two still up?"

Selozar turned to me with tired eyes. He took a sip from the glass he held and leaned over, resting on the counter. Uleanra pulled a chair from the kitchen table and sat down.

"We couldn't sleep." Selozar replied. "I thought water might help."

Selozar has been a lot calmer around me lately. It's interesting to see him speaking to me as though I was his equal. Weirdly, I almost like it. There has been such an overload of formality in this house for quite a while. Even though I should be angry about the way he spoke to me, it's a bit refreshing to hear a normal answer, rid from suffering and fear.

Uleanra rubbed his eyes and stood up, immediately looking dizzy. Selozar slid off of the counter and set his water down, going to stabalize Uleanra instead. Once Uleanra could see straight, the two boys put their empty glasses into the sink to wash tomorrow. They began to walk to the stairs, leaning on each other for support.

I miss having someone like that. Somene who will care for you, even when you're at a low point. Someone who you're okay with seeing you at your worst. Someone who will help you with anything thats troubling you and will listen to your problems. And Someone who trusts you the exact same way.

The boys looked so tired as they continued to shuffle to the stairs. I sighed, doing something that I never though I would. I snapped my fingers so the two would look at me.

"Sit." I said, moving over and patting the couch next to me.

Y/N, Selozar, and Uleanra all stared at me, shock written into their faces.

"Wait, you're letting us sit down..?" Selozar questioned, checking if he heard me right.

"Did I stutter?" I replied.

Selozar and Uleanra smiled in a way that I haven't seen from them in quite a while. You could practically see the sparkles in their eyes. They quickly shuffled over and plopped down next to me. Selozar closest and Uleanra next to him. Y/N shifted so that she was laying between me and Selozar. She rested her head on me, shuffling so that my arm was over her.

Uleanra scooted close to Selozar and laid his head on the others shoulder. Selozar smiled and hugged Uleanra close to him. The two giggled softly. Selozar let himself fall to the side a bit, laying his head on my shoulder. I tensed up for a few seconds before giving in and relaxing.

I sat on the couch, hugging Y/N, letting Selozar rest on my sholder, and Uleanra snuggling in with us. This.. The best word I could use to express this is pleasant. Very pleasant.

"Hey Alone?" Uleanra mumbled. "Thank you.."

I couldn't stop the smile from slipping onto my face. I absolutely hate how much i'm enjoying this. I've never been big on physical contact, but this is just different. Not painful or scary, just comforting.

"Of course bud.."

The words just slipped out of my mouth. The others looked at me once more with surprise clouding their faces. Uleanra's expression was the first to change, a smile showing up as he let out a small laugh, eyes wet from happiness. After a few seconds, Selozar turned to almost the same expression. I reached over and pat them both on the head once or twice. The two snuggled closer into me, Y/N doing the same. She fluffed out her blanket, making sure it covered us all.

Selozar let out a sigh and closed his eyes, breath slowing. Uleanra leaned onto him and started to fall asleep just the same. I looked down to Y/N, who mouthed out the words 'thank you' before closing her eyes as well. I rested my head upon Selozar's, and slowly fell asleep with the others to the warm glow of the fire.

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