๐Ÿบ Goddess of Wolves ๐Ÿบ

By zangetsu13

40.8K 1.8K 397

For over 3 millennium, Callisto Arcadia has laid dormant after a dreaded war and soon finds herself awaken in... More

Background Information
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

3.5K 172 68
By zangetsu13

Author's Note: I do not own any of the Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

I have been thinking, do any of you think I should include Bonnie as a love interest for Callisto or just keep it with only between her and Katherine? Because Bonnie gets the short end of the stick and deserves better to be with someone that makes her feel happy and loved.

Mystic Falls was certainly a small and peaceful town upon arriving here. Callisto sat in shotgun as Douglas was driving. She gazes town square and other building establishments. Callisto found herself smiling on how peaceful, and yet she could not bring herself to feel joy because this peace is masking the stench of blood and death reeking the place.

She and Douglas can feel the magic emitting the area. Traditional earth magic drawn from the earth and forces of nature. The knowledge to practice magic was a gift from the gods, they showed humans how to tap into magic but some mischief or dangerous gods showed humans how to use danger practices of magic that was forbidden.

"And this town has faced several losses?" Callisto question.

"Looks can be deceiving. It's hard to believe but people except the council are oblivious to what's really going on and their safety is in the hands of a couple of teenagers and two young vampires having it out for a girl that looks like the woman they loved." Douglas snorts at the last part for what motivates the Salvatore brothers to help the town in their poorly done way.

Callisto hummed. "Young love. I have seen it and sometimes these things do not end well." She glances at him. "How much farther till we arrive at my house?"

"Not too long. You didn't ask for much though you didn't exactly have any belongings to hire professional house movers." He jokes.

"Men can move a house?" Callisto question quizzically. "Absurd."

Douglas opened his mouth to correct her but shut his mouth and mumbled. "You definitely gotta catch up and not take certain things too seriously. I notice you seem tense ever since I freed you."

"I must always watch my shoulder every second of the day."

"This ain't the Bronze Age where its DEFCON 1, though when it comes to vampires you probably should. Forget what I said."

Callisto smiles. "You certainly contradict what you say, don't you?"

Douglas smiles. "Sometimes." They arrived at the house that happen to look nice and in a peaceful neighborhood. The two headed inside the premises with Douglas carrying a box with documents and books. "Here we are," Arriving at the front door, Douglas takes out the apartment keys from his pocket and handed it over to Callisto. "Deed is under you name so only you can invite a vampire as they cannot get in."

She takes the keys and studies it out of curiosity. "You sure you know how to use it?" Douglas teased.

Callisto shot him a dry look. "I have been asleep for three thousands of years. I am not an idiot on not knowing how to use a key." She inserts it into the keyhole and turns the knob. Callisto took in the presence of her new home. It was certainly not castle or cottage, and yet she liked it.

Not too big, not too small or perfect. Just right.

"So...what do you think?" Douglas cautiously asked, wondering if she might hate it as he did not try to aim at poor or perfection, knowing he did not want Callisto to stick out under the communities' attention.

She turns to him and smiled. "I like it. Thank you for setting my new home up. I wish I could repay you though I do not believe I own my family's wealth."

Douglas chuckled. "Yeah, about that my family has ensured that the Arcadian bloodline's wealth be maintain in case any descendants were discovered and rightfully inherent those riches." Taking out from his pocket is a credit card and from a box with documentation. "Your family's wealth is stored safely at several bank accounts and converted into good ol' green currency, though some are still gold bars and jewelries if you're old fashion. In other words your highness you are rich."

Callisto was surprise by this fact that she still retained her wealth. She studies at the odd plastic card. "And this is?"

"A debit card, plus I have a credit card just in case. It's real simple to use and I will make sure you know the benefits and cons of using it. You can always withdraw your money if you need to as I got all your forged documentations ready under the name Callisto Arcadia. As for as the blind eye goes, no one will believe you are the infamous Callisto who was turned into a bear or a constellation."

Callisto rolled her eyes at the pettiness from the gods of twisting her reputation. She then gave a grateful smile at the Druid. "Thank you. I certainly must repay you as you have been too kind to me."

"There's no need as my family's ancestors had their share of money to spare."

"Hmm. So I suppose I should check around the premises and then discuss a plan to infiltrate this town and begin asserting my voice." She smirks, flashing her red eyes.

Douglas showed the True Alpha around the premises. It had three bedrooms, two to be spared and each one with their own bathrooms. Kitchen had food stockpiled but underneath the house is the basement where the real base of operation is cooking.

The basement was stored with Druid equipment like herbs, chains, mountain ash, some weapons, etc. It even included a cellar with reinforced steel and Tungsten bars.

"And that is the tour of the Arcadia residence. I believe we are all set for operation: Restore Natural Balance." Douglas announced.

Callisto looks at the laptop at the table. "I believe. Even though I am rich it would not hurt to obtain a job. Y'know inside information to obtain," She looks over her shoulder at Douglas.

Douglas rubbed his chin. "Police officer? It's practically a hotspot for murder cases, though I don't think you know how to use a gun and you require training, and we don't have that luxury to get you in law enforcement. Something easy and slighter our way." A lightbulb manifested next to his head and snapped his fingers. "How good would you say is your history?"

Callisto deadpanned. "You know I have been sleeping right?"

"Well what about Greek history on gods and what came before the Bronze age ended?" He smiles widely.

Callisto stuck her lower lips and shrugged. "I suppose though where are you going with this?"

Douglas sniggered. "Oh nothing. I just hope you have the discipline of patience to handle a bunch of teenagers."

She arched her brow, not liking where this is going.


It was nighttime in Mystic Falls. Callisto had gone out on patrol to get a good layout of the town's areas and forest. Good for running around whenever she wanted to shift. She would make sure to find perfect hiding spots to store some extra pair of clothes just in case she needed to change back.

She hopped off a hill and landed on both feet with a hard thud. Callisto walks through the woods, making sure to clear out all sounds within her vicinity and concentrates only on the sound of heartbeats or voices. Using her nose to trace chemo-signals for any distressed emotions.

Callisto keeps walking when her nose picks something that gets her attention. She keeps walking and the scent became clearer.

She smelled fear, distress, and hate in the air, a lot of it. As if it was directly aimed at a particular source that was exploiting these signals. Callisto jogs up ahead and found herself to be in the parking lot of Mystic Falls high school.

"This is where Douglas wants me working?" Raising a brow. She walks into the parking lot and follows the scent. Something terrible is happening. She finds the school entrance and scouts through the hallway. She listens closely and hears two voices.

"Do you think Matt's going to be okay?" A female voice asked in concern.

"I'm kissing you and you're wondering about your ex-boyfriend." A male voice asked in disbelief.

Something about their scents caught Callisto's interest. One she identified as a wolf from the male, but not like her. Could it be one of those Cursed werewolves Douglas told her about. The other one that was the female is something she did not recognize. Certainly was not a creature she has encountered.

An unknown variable.

Callisto kept listening, yet her instincts were telling her something ominous is about to occur.

"I just want this school year to be great, you know?" The female said happily. "I just want everyone to be happy. Even in the midst of all the crazy unhappy bits."

"I'm happy." The male said.

She can smell the intimacy and sexual attraction. Youths. Callisto shook her head with a smile. She was about to leave when she caught whiff of a new scent. One like the unknown female except Callisto's wolf was finding itself to growl viciously.

An instinct she got when she detected a danger predator within the vicinity.

She heard the voice of this predator. "You two are adorable."

Callisto moves in and looks over the corner, peaking her head as she sees two teenagers.

The first is a beautiful young with pale skin, bluish-green colored eyes, medium length blonde hair that is kept naturally waved. She has a slim, toned, and athletic figure.

Next to her is a tanned skin young man of short black hair, dark brown eyes with a muscular and toned body.

The third one that had Callisto weary is another beautiful women with natural light blonde hair, light- blue eyes, full lips, and pale light skin.

The first blonde looked confused at the other blonde woman. "Uh, do we know you?"

The other one smirked smugly. "You're Caroline, Elena's friend," She looks to the young man. "Which makes you Tyler. The werewolf."

The young couple were startled and on guard. Caroline came between her boyfriend and the woman with a brave face but snappy tone. "And who are you?"

The woman grinned. "I'm the new girl." She vamps out and vamp speeds at Caroline.

"Caroline!" Tyler cries out.

She saw all she needed to see and realize that the woman attacking the couple is a vampire.

The woman grabbed Caroline's neck with ease and ready to snap her neck when Callisto announces her presence.

"Unhand the girl this instance!"

The woman looked over her shoulder and sees the glaring Callisto's eyes boring into hers. She arched a brow. "And what pretty little thing are you luv? We were just playing." Giving an innocent smile, as if she had not attempted to break Caroline's neck a few seconds ago and is still lifting her off the ground with her hands around the blonde vampire's neck.

Callisto walks forward. "I do not understand what is happening here, though attacking two innocent youths who have not caused you harm and yet you bring ill intentions upon them does not sit well for me."

The woman narrows her eyes and dropped Caroline, who moves her hand to her throat and Tyler rushes to his girlfriend's aid. The woman fully faces Callisto while the latter stood her ground. "You should run along luv as things are about to get nasty and I can be rather mean when I don't get my way."

Callisto snorts with a bored look. "Ah. Spoiled child I see."

The woman took offense and hissed. "And who the bloody hell do you think you are?"

"Someone that does not like seeing those of great power oppress the weak. I believe you call it: the strong survive and the weak perish. Except fools tend to eradicate the weak than let the latter perish on their own terms."

Caroline stares at the woman if she has gone mad. "Don't just stand there! Run like hell out of here!"

"She's right y'know." The woman smirks. "This is no game as I will kill you so last chance."

"What is your name?" Callisto inquires.

"What?" The woman is baffled.

Callisto asked again. "What. Is. Your. Name?" She sounds out.

"Rebekah Mikaelson and it is the last name you'll ever hear!" Rebekah shows off her vampire face and vamp speed at Callisto.

A Mikaelson, which means an Original. Callisto had not anticipated on encountering an Original this soon. Rebekah moved fast as a blur, speed that Callisto had only seen from fast creatures. Luckily while she may not move fast as Rebekah, her senses and reflexes were sharp as ever, and she has had experience on facing speedsters.

Callisto awaited and then swerved her body out of the way, causing Rebekah to prematurely come to a stop and stumble.

Caroline and Tyler were shock to see what just happened.

"Did she...did she just dodge an Original?" Caroline whispered.

Tyler nodded in equal shock. "She did. Something about her kind of scares me." Tyler couldn't describe it but it felt like the wolf side of him was urging him to run far away from this woman. Something about her screamed apex predator that will tear him into pieces if he stayed. "We gotta run now!"

No need to tell her twice! Tyler and Caroline got up and make a break for it and find Elena to warn her about there being a new Mikaelson in town. Both did not know they would be running into a trap with another Mikaelson that is much worse than Rebekah.

Rebekah turns around and her brow twitched angrily. "Okay, I admit you are not human but no one makes a fool out of me! Before I kill you how about giving me the curtesy of your name."

Callisto scoffed. "Callisto Arcadia and I do not intend on dying to the likes of you." Wanting to test the waters first, Callisto lets Rebekah come at her. Rebekah throws blows at her combined with her vampire speed.

She had to admit, Rebekah was strong and quick that if she let her guard down for even a moment, mess up, she would be in deep trouble. And yet finding herself having to be on guard was making Callisto's heart race.

Oh the adrenaline pumping and wolf wanting to let out a roar. She was smiling as she was perhaps going to have a challenge. A good fight to push her.

Rebekah for one was dumbfounded that this woman was managing to react to every blow she was throwing and block her. She grunts from annoyance and swipes her arm across to decapitate the woman's body only for Callisto to duck onto fours and smirk. "This is getting old."

"Oh darling we've only just begun." Callisto taunts. She spun her legs and knocked Rebekah off her feet.

The latter yelped and fell on her back. Callisto jumped back up and huffed. "That was quite good as you kept me on my toes. But what do you say we got a little...serious. After all what do you call those hits? Sloppy." Rebekah gets up, glaring heatedly at her. Good, she was getting mad. Callisto smiles. "You're far too accustom to using speed and strength to overpower those who are inferior to your power. A bland strategy if all you've ever faced are weaklings but I assure you that I am not those who have fallen to you as what good is strength and speed if you come across someone equal or greater and utilizes both in the art of combat and experience in several battles?"

"SHUT UP!" Rebekah screamed, having enough of this woman spouting her mouth. "I'm gonna rip your tongue out!"

"Prove it." Callisto challenged.

Growling angrily, Rebekah lunges at her, a reckless mistake. Callisto moves her body, allowing Rebekah to pass through and wrapped her arm around her neck, placing her in headlock. Rebekah tries prying Callisto's hands off but is shock to find she cannot so easily so she puts more effort.

Callisto does the same. She had not used her partial strength but kept locking on tightly. She leans in and whispers. "So angry and impulsive. Not to mention spiteful and arrogant. Traits like those and you'd be dead already." Rebekah chokes out as air was getting cut off and then...SNAP!

Her neck gets broken. Callisto dropped her body down and slumped softly on the floor. Callisto gave a disappointed look. "You may not hear me but I did not kill you as I don't think I can, but I could have done worse. You may be old but I am older than you little girl and you behave more like a teenager than an adult. If you were like me you would have given me a warm up and a decent fight. How disappointing." She shook her head and hears screaming not too far from here.

Seems like Rebekah is not the only Original. Hopefully this next one will give her a challenge.


Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, and two students named Dana and Chad stared in horror as Klaus had not just broken Tyler's neck a few seconds ago. Caroline and Tyler had come rushing into the gym to find Elena only to cross paths with Klaus who was delighted to see them, more so when Bonnie arrived as he needed her.

Klaus had compelled Dana to hop on one foot and if she stopped Chad was compelled to beat her to death. Luckily he ordered them to stop but that was only the beginning of the terror Klaus planned on unleashing towards the Mystic Falls Gang.

Klaus wanted to figure out why he couldn't create hybrid without them dying and thus needed Elena since she is the doppelgänger, essential to his corner curse and Bonnie as she is a Bennett witch that was involved in attempting to kill him, along with his backstabbing brother.

Now he had just force fed his blood to Tyler and killed the young man in front of his friends and now needed Bonnie to ensure Tyler once awakening into the Transition state remains alive once feeding blood to complete the transition without dying.

Matt was next to Tyler's body with Dana and Chad sitting on the floor. "He killed him."

Elena corrects him. "He's not dead. Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire."

"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition." Klaus smiles towards Bonnie. "Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what not." He goes to grab Elena by her arm and looks at her. "I'll hold onto Elena...for safe keeping."

Elena sighs and signals Bonnie to go. She, Caroline who was reluctant to leave her boyfriend, and Matt leave. Once they were gone, Klaus looks to Tyler and wrinkles his nose. He turns to Chad and Dana. "You two, take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?"

Both compelled student followed the orders of their "master" and drag Tyler's body away.

Klaus turns his attention to Elena and smirk. "No one to come to little Elena's rescue."

If on cue, Callisto was going to enter, assessing the situation. The man inside, he smelled just like Rebekah except he also carried the scent as that Tyler kid. Could he be...

Entering the gym, Callisto remained in her hiding spot and watched as a handsome and yet brooding young man with a pale complexion, broad forehead, forest green-colored eyes, dark blonde hair that is gelled. Has a flat muscular and athletic physique. He walks into the gym with a harden face as he faces Klaus.

Elena was relieved to see Stefan return. "Stefan."

Stefan was relieved Elena was alright for the moment. he turns his attention to Klaus and jaws tighten. "Klaus."

Klaus smiles. "Come to save your damsel, mate?" Greeting the younger vampire if they were friends."

"I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty," Though Stefan knew Klaus would not be swayed.

And he was right. Klaus makes a face. "Well, you broke that pledge once already."

"Elena means nothing to me anymore." Elena was hurt by his claim, though she had a feeling he was trying to look convincing that all ties have been severed, the comment hurt coming from him. Stefan tries not looking at her face. "And whatever you ask of me...I will do."

Klaus shrugged casually. He did wonder where is his sister. She was suppose to have brought Tyler only the werewolf to come unintentionally running towards him. "Fair enough. Let's drink on it." Arriving back into the gym were Dana and Chad. Klaus grins wickedly. "Kill them." Gesturing at them. Elena looks in horror and Stefan tenses. "What are you waiting for? Kill them."

Elena rushes over to Stefan. "No! Stefan, don't! He's not going to hurt me. He already said..." Klaus having enough of her banter and acting like she is protected or something, he marches up to her and backhands her hard, causing Elena to spin like a tornado and fall flat on the floor.

Okay, Callisto knew she should have jumped in and yet...the girl had it coming for pushing her luck.

Stefan gets aggravated and vamps out, rushing over to Klaus but Klaus intercepts him and grabs his throat.

Alright now she watched enough. Time to see what Klaus Mikaelson is all about. She barges into the gym and marches over to the group.

Klaus raises a brow at the newcomer. Elena who recovered from the hard smack looks up and panics of seeing a civilian walking in on uncharted waters as she would likely to be another victim of Klaus.

"Well hello darling. My aren't you a beautiful lady." Klaus flirts.

Callisto is amused. "Sorry, but you're not my type."

"I'm everyone's type." Klaus replied.

She shrugged with folded arms. "Sure unless you're okay with crossing another rod below the waist."

Klaus raised both brows and shrugged. "I see, such a shame. I'm certain the women must jump at you as you are still a beauty of a gem." He continued to apply pressure at Stefan's neck.

She hummed. "If you do not mind but drop the vampire, child."

Klaus laughs, masking his irritation from her offensive remark. "I beg your pardon. Are you commanding me what to do?"

"This is going to be your final and only warning Niklaus Mikaelson The Great Evil." She said with sarcasm. "Honestly, seeing you know...I'm not so certain what makes you so "great" or "evil."

Elena and Stefan wondered if this woman has a death wish for talking to Klaus like that.

Klaus tossed Stefan over at the bleachers.

"STEFAN!" Elena cries, running over to see if he was hurt.

Klaus snapped his fingers at Dana and Chad. "Go watch Tyler. The grownups need to have a chat." He said, approaching towards Callisto. The two leave the gym. Elena who was attending to Stefan glances down at Klaus and the woman.

"I haven not the faintest idea on what to make of you." Klaus murmured. "Either you are brave or foolish. Perhaps both." Both arms were behind his back. "Seeing as you know me and yet I don't know you, I presume you are some vampire I have wronged and do not care, coming to kill Klaus Mikaelson." He laughs loudly. "Sorry to burst your bubble, luv but I cannot be killed as many in the past have failed."

Callisto sniggers. "You are quick to presume I am a vampire and believe me Klaus, I do not believe I can kill you but that does not mean I can't stop you."

Klaus laughed harder. "Stop me? Oh you are quite the funny one. Can I get a name as I like you a lot."


"Ah, named after the daughter of the mythological first werewolf when gods walked the Earth and one of Artemis' huntresses. You must know what happens to Callisto and the fate befallen to the poor lady."

Her brows twitches, gripping her hands tightly that her bones cracked hard. She swore if she could fight and kill a god, Zeus, Hera, and Artemis would be given a savage beatdown for such vile lies about her tale. "Perhaps you do not know the true story of Callisto and who she truly was, otherwise you'd run with your tail between your legs."

Klaus gave a quizzical look. "Oh really. Mind sharing that story with me?"

"Perhaps some other time as what you are doing, terrorizing these children." Gesturing at Elena and Stefan. She glares hard. "It ends here as you have gone with free reign long enough."

Now Klaus wanted to laugh hard on his back. "You intend to actually fight me? How adorable. And tell me luv, how do you plan to do that?"

Callisto cracks her neck and smiles. "Like this." She moved quick right in front of Klaus and backhands him hard! Klaus was shock and hissed from how hard the smack had been and spun in the air as he was sent meters away and lands hard on the ground.

Elena and Stefan who watched the scene were slackjaw. "Who is she?" Elena asked.

Stefan narrowed his eyes at Callisto. "Don't know but lets hope she's on our side. We need to get out of here while we have the chance."

"But what about Tyler?" Elena brings up.

Stefan sighed. "Lets just get far away from Klaus first and look for the others. The tow make their way to the exit.

Klaus groans and rubs his jaws. He glances in time to see both Elena and Stefan run off and growled in annoyance. He gets back up and turns to Callisto with his face masked with fury. "Now look what you have done! You are ruining the party."

Callisto emits a wolflike growl and flashes her red eyes, surprising Klaus. "There is still time to flee. Are you a man or a beast?"

Klaus shows off his hybrid face and growls. "I am the Original Hybrid" He vamp speeds at her.

Like Rebekah, Callisto blocks his punches, only she found Klaus to strike much quicker and blows had more power in them. Callisto winces as she reacts to his punch. Klaus manage to get a lucky show and punches at her gut. Callisto does a double take and stumbles back, and was then given an uppercut by Klaus. She swirled up in midair and lands hard on the floor, skidding backwards.

Klaus wipes his lips and chuckles. "I guess you were bark and no bite. See how insignificant your red eyes was. Poor fragile thing." His amusement is then cut off when she hears a low laughter, which started to get louder as he sees Callisto get back up on fours and continue laughing. He snarls. "Do you find the beginning of your demise to be amusing that I don't see?"

Callisto gets on both legs and wipes her lips of trinket of blood over them. "Oh I am laughing because you might give me a worthy challenge than your sister did."

Klaus' face darken. "What have you done?"

"I simply broke her neck. She's fine, though she will likely be annoyed and seek vengeance against me. She was a disappointment. But you look like you won't. Now that I have sized you up I will loosen up a little." Callisto closes her eyes and shifts.

Klaus watches as Callisto's face changed. Her eyes were searing red only now she brandished claws. She gained lupine features: ridged brows, pointed ears and large sideburns. She gave out a wolf growl and roared loudly, shaking all the doors and lockers in the school. Klaus is shock by how powerful the roar was and nearly took a step back.

Her roaring ceased and Callisto got into an offense stance. "Show me what the Original Hybrid can do, little wolf."

Klaus shows his hybrid face and growls, not deterred by her powerful roar that rattled the wolf within him. He was surprise to feel that it was the exact feeling he got before him and sister arrived to Mystic Falls, but right now all he cared was killing this woman and whatever manner of creature she is. He did have an assumption though.

The two charged at each other, Klaus vamp speed and Callisto moved fast, botch tackling each other hard.

The two rolled around the ground. Callisto manage to get Klaus on his back as she was on top of him and claws right into his forearms he used to block. Klaus' sleeves were torn apart. He growls and swerved his body to get Callisto off of him.

He was now on top and choking her. Callisto wheezed while Klaus grinned sadistically at the sight. Callisto growls. She digs her claws into his wrist. Klaus hisses but ignores the pain and keeps applying pressure to break her neck. Callisto grits her teeth and squeezes harder, her eyes glowing hotter and hotter. She moved her front a tad bit and backwards and jerked forward, flipping her and Klaus.

Using this chance to get her off of him, Klaus kicks her hard in the stomach and Callisto is flung in the air and lands on the other side of the gym. Both rub the area they harmed each other. Klaus sees his bleeding wrist and Callisto breathing in fresh oxygen.

They whip their heads at each other and jump back on their feet.

"I admit, you are stronger than I gave you credit." Klaus remarked. He then narrowed his eyes. "It has been a while, though I know what you are."

Callisto cautiously keeps her guard but was curious. "Oh do you?"

Klaus rubs his wrist, noticing they were not healing right away. "Yes. You are a werewolf, but not like the ones bound by the moon. You're a descendant of the legendary Lycaon."

Callisto did not react but gave a ghost of a smile on her face. "You might say that."

"Hmm, and you have the spark of an alpha." He notes of seeing her red eyes. "I heard tales of your kind. The first and true werewolves that predated the ones I am familiar with. You lot do not shift into actual wolves on a full moon, but the beast comes out to play if not tamed. I admit I am jealous of your kind."

"Oh? The great Klaus Mikaelson is at awe of my species? I am honored." She said.

Klaus shook his head. "Yes, I heard your kind possesses unique abilities and how you can reproduce with just a bite. I rarely met werewolves like you and usually they are always under the radar. Vampires that do come across, shall I say Evolved Werewolves tend to die as your bites are far lethal and you possess greater strength to challenge vampires, especially as an alpha."

It was good to hear her descendants are alive, but sadden that they have truly been forgotten and rarely register in today's supernatural community. She did wonder if other creatures of her time were around as well.

"You are right to assume as we do have our special powers and do not like being harassed by the vampire species, though I will admit I have never faced your kind of vampires as you and your sister is a first for me."

"I suppose that makes me honored." Klaus mimics her earlier response. "But it matters not as I do wish how to obtain the power of an alpha and other abilities. Oh well I guess I will settle with the wolf I have." He roars at her and vamp speeds again.

Callisto reacts on time and evades Klaus. The latter did not let up and blitz at her again. Callisto gets pushed back as she blocks him. Unlike before, she was able to block him just fine since she was much stronger in her partial-shift. There was no need to resort to her evolve-shift or bestial-shift as Klaus has yet to push her into those forms just yet.

And doesn't mean she should prolong this fight forever, even though she was sort of enjoying herself. Callisto roars loudly and swipes her claws across Klaus' chest. The latter yelps, feeling his flesh sting. he looks down, finding himself pissed than hurt about his clothes being ripped apart. "Oh I wish you stopped doing that!"

He punches her across the face. Callisto spilled some blood and in reward she punches back at Klaus who he too spilled blood. Both stumble back and wince at the sharp pain.

Klaus touches his chest and feels the wound. "Why are I not healing?!" His wrist have not healed as well. What's going on?!

Callisto grins, baring her fangs. "A perk of being an alpha. Trade secret though."

Klaus grits his teeth. "Perhaps I can suffice an agreement by I tearing your bloody head off!" He angrily lashes out and speeds at her.

Callisto readies herself and is about to inflict the final blow. She allows Klaus to tackle her into the gym wall and he pressed his forearm into her neck. The two hatefully glare each other. Klaus kept pressing, hoping to cut out her main air supply when Callisto grips his forearm, piercing his flesh with both claws and slowly moves his arm, she kicks him hard at the chest, making him stumble. Quickly, she grabs both his arms and spreads them open, leaving his neck vulnerable as she lunges forward with a roar and sinks her jaws at his neck.

Klaus screamed, feeling the effects of her bite send a flaring burn. Callisto growls in satisfaction. She pushes Klaus to leave him to touch his wounded neck and then she rushed at him while distracted by the agonizing pain. Callisto grips his head and snaps his neck. Klaus fell down "dead."

Callisto pants, wiping her lips. She shifts back to normal and tries catching her breath. She notices his body shake violently as black veins crawl over his neck. "Seems like my bite is taking affect. This will help me figure out if my bite can kill an Original. If not that I suppose today proves I am stronger." Callisto leaves Klaus to wake up and experience an excruciating pain he has not felt in his life.

Seems like she did well against the Originals, though she will admit Klaus did give one hell of a fight. It was a good thing his sister was not around to back him up, otherwise they might have overpowered her, thus she would have to take it up to the next level.

Hopefully this sent a message that this town has a new protector and they will be seeing each other again.

Now to find those teenagers and ensure they are okay.

Callisto walks around the hallway, ignoring her wounds. Nothing serious and the adrenaline helped, thus her instincts were in high alert for any surprise attackers. She turns to a corner and sees two new individuals. She hides quickly and listens.

"It worked. I saw her. I saw Vicki." Said a handsome young man with baby blue eyes, short dark blonde hair and a muscular build.

Next to him his a beautiful and attractive young woman with olive green eyes, full lips, soft light brown skin and dark brown wavy hair. "You did?" She questioned.

The young man nodded. "She said she had a message for you."

"For me?" Bonnie raised a brow.

Callisto listened carefully, wondering if she should make herself known.

"From the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus. She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual. The hybrid can't transition because Elena's still alive."

Both carried grim looks. Realizing what this meant.

Matt pales. "He's going to die, isn't he?"

"How about you two explain to me what is going on here?" Callisto steps out from the corner, covered in blood but otherwise standing strong.

Bonnie and Matt jump at seeing her and Bonnie readies to cast her magic, worried that it may not be enough against whoever this woman is, she could be another Original. Just great. "Who are you?"

"I asked you first." Callisto said sternly, folding her arms and glows her red eyes, scaring the two. She turns to Bonnie and relax, not wanting to appear threatening. "Calm yourself. I have no intentions of harming you unless you attempt to attack me."

Bonnie gulps, glaring at her. "That depends if you plan to hurt us."

Callisto cracked a grin. "I am certain me saying I have no intent on hurting so long as you don't should have suffice my true intentions."

"Look stay back and let us go." Matt pleaded. "Our friend is dying and the only way to save him is if another friend of ours dies."

Callisto narrows her eyes. "The wolf named Tyler, why is he dying? I thought he was dead when I saw him get dragged away."

Bonnie relaxed but did not trust this woman. Either way, Tyler was dying. "Klaus fed him his blood and killed him. Now he's in transition of becoming a vampire. The problem is every attempt Klaus tries to make a hybrid they end up dying during transition and the only way to complete it is if the doppelgänger dies."

Matt leans in and whispers. "Bonnie, are you sure we should be telling her everything, especially Elena?"

Callisto overheard them with her hearing. "I see. And who told you of this?"

"The Original Witch." Bonnie answered. "She put the curse on Klaus that sealed his werewolf side."

Callisto rubbed his chin. "I see and where can I find this witch?"

"She's dead and the only way you're talking to her is if you can speak to ghost or if you're dead." Bonnie giving Matt the stink eye. Suddenly Bonnie hears whispers and clutches her head in pain.

"Bonnie, what's wrong?" Matt inquires, placing his hands on her.

Callisto frowns, confused to what is happening.

Bonnie hears the Bennett witches speaking. This doesn't make sense. She thought they severed ties with her, but that night they spoke to her and now again. She then hears them utter their message.

"The True Alpha is not your enemy."

"Blood is the key."

"Blood of the doppelgänger is the key."

"Gain the True Alpha's trust."

The voices stop and Bonnie looks at Callisto, filled with more confusion. "What are you?"

Callisto is quizzical. "I do not understand what is happening but if there is anything I can help with your friend, I will try my best."

Bonnie had no idea what just happened but her mind focus on what her ancestors just said. "Blood is the key." her eyes widen. "Oh my god. Elena is the key." She turns to Matt. "We need to find her."

"The girl from the gym with the vampire?" Callisto sniffs the air. She manage to catch whiff of Elena's scent and found it. She looks at the two. "Follow me." She marches pass them, leaving the two to stare after her.

Matt looks to Bonnie with concern. "You sure we should be trusting her?"

Bonnie pursed her lips. "I-I don't know, but we need to find Elena fast." The two chase after Callisto.


Callisto tracked Elena who was with Stefan once she found them in a different section of the school.

They saw her and Stefan quickly gets in front of Elena to protect her. "Back off!"

Callisto looked amused. "If you had no chance against Klaus, what hope do you have against me, young vampire?"

Elena spoke up. "Where is Klaus?"

Callisto shrugged. "Oh his neck broken and likely to succumb to my bite."

Stefan and Elena's eyes widen, noticing she looked roughed up. They came to the obvious conclusion. "You defeated Klaus?" Stefan inquires.

"Maybe." Callisto said, wanting to toy with them.

"Elena!" Bonnie shouted. Matt and Her caught up and found her friend and Stefan. "Elena, we need your blood."

Elena scrunched her face. "What? Why?"

"To save Tyler. He needs blood of the doppelgänger. Where is Tyler?" She asked.

Callisto sighed. "Follow me. I can smell a wolf dying." She walks pass Stefan and Elena without care.

The Mystic Falls Gang were confused as to who this woman is but right now all that mattered was saving Tyler.


Caroline who had found Tyler were in the classroom. Tyler was not looking so well. "It's gonna be alright."

Tyler pants, feeling strange. Is this what vampirism transition feels like?

Just then Callisto stepped into the classroom with everyone else behind. "There you are."

Caroline gets up in defense and shows off her vampire face. "Get away from him!"

Callisto glows her red eyes and growls at the blonde who yelps and whimpers, backing down. Callisto stares at her. "It is not wise to challenge a predator that can kill you. Best remember that." She meant well, though given the circumstance of the state her lover is in, Caroline was only doing what she can to protect who she loved.

Bonnie brushed pass Callisto and sees Tyler. "Caroline, we need to give Tyler Elena's blood."

Stefan shook his head. "Wait, Bonnie, how do you even know that?"

"Look just trust me." She did not have time to sit down and explain. Bonnie turns to Elena. "Elena, your blood."

Elena did not understand why her blood is needed but if it meant helping one of her friend then so be it. She manages to find a scalpel in the classroom and cut her palm. She poured her blood in a test tube. Elena handed the tube to Bonnie, who then guides it over to Tyler. "Here, drink."

"Wait, what if it doesn't work?" Caroline brought up.

"Do you have any other suggestions to save him or not?" Callisto shot, to which Caroline did not and lowered her head.

Tyler drinks the blood and begins coughing. He falls to the floor, screaming and writhing. He holds both hands to his face and screams. Caroline places both hands to her mouth while his friends watch in concern.

Callisto looks closely and sees the change. His eyes glow gold yellow like a beta only his sclera were blood shot, however, growing from his mouth were vampire fangs and veins spreading around his eyes.

"He's a hybrid just like Klaus." Callisto whispered in awe of witnessing a hybrid be born. She sighed coolly. "Seems like I am not needed." She goes to make her leave. "If I were you I suggest you leave before Klaus and his sister awaken."

Stefan then vamp speed in front of her. Callisto sighed again with patience. "Who are you?" He demanded, not wanting so many people coming after them and this woman is an unknown.

"Step aside vampire." She barks, glowing her eyes eyes and brandished her claws menacingly. "You do not command me to answer your questions as I am under no obligation to do so either for I have saved your lives when I did not need to."

Stefan fearfully stepped out of the way, having a feeling he will die if he tries retaliating, and she will kill him without delay. "A-At least tell us your name."

Callisto brushed her hair coolly and answered them. "Callisto Arcadia the True Alpha and to give you a brief as to what I intend to do in this town, lets just say you can call me its protector until the balance has shifted back to normal. That is all you are getting for now." She turns to the rest. "Farewell and do not come after me as you will all die if you make me your enemy today." And she walks out of the class, leaving the gang shuddering from how intimidating she is.

Bonnie on the other hand is scared but curious. So she is the True Alpha her ancestors said to trust. "She is not our enemy." She beams with hope. "She is our savior."

The others were incline to believe that.


End of Chapter 3

Want to get this out of the way but I am not doing Ben gifting humans magic. On that note, for Ben, if I even consider Legacies in this story, he is going to be a demigod son of the real Prometheus as I didn't like that direction they went for Ben being Prometheus and stuck to the real Prometheus gifted humans with actual fire to deal with monsters. Gods only guided humans to use magic, never gifted magic itself only the knowledge to practice it. Magic already existed and was not something the gods gave like some object.

Callisto finally met Klaus and they are off to a good start. If she was excited to fight him, wait till she meets a fellow warrior, Mikael.

Also someone asked a long while back if Callisto could potentially become a hybrid. I don't think I will happen but if it does, the person that helps her is a huge surprise. But again I have not announced anything official.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Make sure to vote if you loved the chapter. Please comment if you have any opinions or ideas you wanna pitch in for the story to make things interesting, I will read comments. Please comment on what you liked or dislike about the chapter to improve future updates.

PM if you would like to discuss privately and I will answer you the best I can about your thoughts or questions.

Stay safe and enjoy your day.

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