An Idol Debut (An Amourshippi...

By Sandtrooper-647

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(Sequel to "The Ferry Home" and the final book in my personal Amourshipping Trilogy) Taking place 2 days aft... More

Chapter (1/5): A Work of Fate
Chapter (2/5): An Idol Debut
Chapter (3/5): Backstage Preparations
Chapter (4/5): Climax of the Plan
Chapter (5/5): Words to be Said
Epilogues: Tying Up Loose Ends

Extra Chapter

605 10 0
By Sandtrooper-647


(Continuing off the epilogue from "Her Source of Inspiration")

[Lisia's P.O.V]

And here i was, pacing around my room, ranting to Ali about how my uncle was the sole reason why Serena couldn't have a longer reunion with Ash, and i was livid about it.

"I've mentioned it to him a few times in the past, i told him i was also busy helping with her love life", i continued to rant as Ali listened, this wasn't the first time i vented out my frustrations to my pokemon, but knowing Ali, he's willing to listen and cheer me up.

"Sure he mentioned something about an Ash who traveled with May and Dawn a few times, didn't really think of it, i just shrugged it off thinking it was someone else. And i was way in over my head".

Serena did say Ash isn't confined to one location, so the one problem that i decided to think about for another time was how to get him and Serena under one roof. After i was done venting about it, Ali proceeded to nuzzle against my face.

"Thanks Ali, i needed that", now that i was back in the right headspace, it was time to do some brainstorming.

As i was pacing back and forth, i wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. And i was instantly met with hitting something hard and falling onto the floor. As i was getting up i could see my friend, Serena.

[Serena's P.O.V]

Well after having an "interesting" conversation with Wallace, interesting being him asking about my relationship status with Ash. I answered a few questions i was comfortable with, then decided to head upstairs to check on Lisia.

When Wallace said Lisia was nosy, he's not wrong. He mentioned that this wasn't the first instance of her involving herself in someone's love life. From what he could recall, she did manage to set up May with Drew. Might need to confirm that with her first.

As i entered the room, i could see Lisia pacing back and forth mumbling, as i tried to get her attention, we accidentally bumped into each other and knocked ourselves down onto the floor.


[Third Person P.O.V]

Lisia was the first to get up and began to help Serena up.

"Sorry Serena, i was just brainstorming"

"You're still orchestrating my second reunion with Ash?", she asked as she began to stand up and grab her Rotom-Phone.

"Obviously, i know he's competing in the World Coronation Series. Which doesn't give me a lot to work with", Lisia then slumps down in disappointment.

Serena chuckled and responded with, "Lisia what you're doing for me is nice and all, but it isn't really necessary. Fate will eventually let me and Ash meet again"

"When you say again, do you mean you're willing to wait another 2 years or a decade to see him again?"

"If it takes years to get through his dense head, yes", Serena answered bluntly.

'Now that's what i call dedication to your goal', Lisia told herself internally.

Before Serena could ask her another question, she checked her Rotom-Phone to find a message come in and proceeded to reply to it.

"Is it May?"

"Chloe actually. But speaking of May, did you really get her and Drew together?"

"I did actually, noticed a lot of romantic tension around those two", Lisia answered while questioning. "Also did you say Chloe, as in the girl i scouted today?"

"We decided to stay in contact, so i gave her my number". When Lisia heard that answer, a smug look was now plastered on her face.

"Lisia, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing". "But since you're in contact with Chloe, then there is a good chance you get to be in contact with Ash too", she teased.


"Hey hey, i'm just stating facts. And what are the chances of her giving him your number?"

After getting questioned by Wallace about her relationship status with Ash, she didn't want to think about it right now, besides their reunion from about an hour ago, she also agreed to be part of an Idol Duo with Lisia. It was a lot to think about.

Serena no longer gets flustered easily when talking about Ash, but if you add Lisia's teasing remarks plus the fact they are now an idol duo who are about to debut some time in the future, it was a lot to wrap her head around. 

"A-actually, i-i think i'm gonna take a shower first. We'll talk about this later, okay!", as Serena was saying this, she walked backwards and closed Lisia's door on the way out.

"Looks like i overwhelmed her again", she said to herself while thinking of how they'll do their idol introduction in 2 weeks. Lisia thought 2 weeks should be enough time to plan everything out and come up with a performance.

As she was writing some ideas for a minute, Ali pointed out Serena dropped her phone on the way out. Screen still on and a new message from Chloe coming in.

A responsible person would grab said phone and take it back to their rightful owner. But if you're someone who's nosy about someone's love life and are willing to help them in any way. That's exactly what Lisia did, message Chloe while she had the chance.

[Vermilion City, Cerise Labs - Kanto Region; Third Person P.O.V]

Meanwhile on Chloe's end (she along with Ash & Goh already arrived back in Vermilion), she was shocked to learn Lisia was messaging her using Serena's phone. And after Lisia explained her side of the story, she needed to know a few things on Ash. Chloe agreed reluctantly, and made Lisia promise that Serena doesn't see these texts. And that they were now onto an interesting conversation.

(A/N: From here on out, this will be Chloe & Lisia's messages)

Serena: So wait, Ash isn't really dense?

Chloe: Me and Goh pressed him back on the ferry 

Chloe: turns out he's had feelings for her for 2 years now

Serena: That solves the dense problem. And could i ask you for a favor?

Chloe took a moment to respond, on one hand she's going against the back of a new friend but also, her and Lisia did share a common goal, getting their two friends together.

Chloe: Sure, what do i need to do?

Serena: Me and Serena will be debuting as an idol duo in 2 weeks, and could it be possible for you to get Ash there when it happens

Serena: I know this is a lot to ask and not to mention we barely know each other but we are doing what's best for our friends right?

Chloe: Ash did say fate would make them reunite again, so it wouldn't hurt to make this reunion happen right?

Chloe: After all, everyone needs a good push now and then

Serena: So you'll do it?

Before Chloe could send her response, a familiar voice could be heard from where she was sitting.

"So who ya talking to?"


It was her childhood friend Goh, Professor Cerise asked him to check on her since he was hitting the hay for the night. Goh glanced over at Chloe's phone and he could see who she was messaging at this time.

"I didn't know Serena gave you her number"

"It's not actually Serena i'm talking to. It's Lisia"


"One sec", Chloe began to send another message to Lisia.

Chloe: I'm up for it, also is it okay if i have a friend of mine help me in this

Serena: If it means getting her and Ash together easily, the more the merrier!

"Goh, i'm talking to Lisia,"

"Lisia? As in the idol who scouted you?"

"The very same. Also can you help me in this pla-"

 "Say no more, i'm on board!"

"And just like that you agree?", Chloe looked at him confused as she placed her phone down on the table.

"Chloe we literally learned about Ash's love life about an hour ago. Plus the way how he told Serena his current goals. It was completely out of character for him"

For as long as Goh knew Ash, he knew the raven-haired trainer was humble. From learning about him being Alola's first champion from visiting the region a second time, and asking about his past journeys and mentions of encountering both mythicals and legendaries before (and having near-death experiences), Goh was certainly shocked about Ash's history as a pokemon trainer. He was even more shocked when he told him Team Rocket was after Pikachu for the last 6 years.

"Now that you mention it, Ash doesn't really talk about his past much only if something or someone brings it up", Chloe replied. "And when you asked him if he wanted to see the recording of Serena's performance, he nearly fell into the ocean", she added.

"So, shall we play cupid?", Goh asked.

"We shall", and with that, Chloe picked up her phone and texted one last message to Lisia.

Chloe: Lisia, Goh is on board.


Going back to Lisia, the moment she saw that message, she couldn't help but smirk.

"Welcome aboard to Operation: Amour, Goh", before Lisia could type up one last response, she could hear her door open and she scrambled to hide Serena's phone and act natural (and with Ali helping his trainer out). 

"Hey Lisia, have you seen my phone? I swore i left it in here", Serena asks as she entered the room, now wearing a pair of magenta pajamas.

Lisia was on her bed, pretending to be writing down notes with Ali beside her.

"Oh- your phone, i placed it over there", Lisia said as she pointed to her bedside table.

"Thanks", Serena says as she grabs it while Lisia was telling herself internally:

'Please don't see the messages, please don't see the messages...'

"Uh Lisia?"

"Yes!?", she asked as if she was paranoid and Serena was shocked at her reaction.

"Your- your notepad, it's upside-down", she answered as she pointed to said notepad in her hands.

"Oh...", she quickly turned her notepad right-side up and said, "You know it's getting late, we're tired plus we still need to talk about our idol duo plans"

"It's been a long day. See you in the morning", Serena says as she proceeds to exits Lisia's room, phone in hand and closes the door on her way out.

"Phew...", she sighed in relief as she looked down at her notepad, written in it was Chloe's phone number (she had to write it in a hurry). And proceeded to call her number with her phone.

"Chloe it's Lisia, stop sending messages!"

(A/N: this just sounds wrong without context)

After sorting everything out, the small matchmaking team was formed composing of Lisia, Chloe and Goh. They moved their planning to a small group chat they created and shared ideas on how to make Ash and Serena's second reunion the best as possible.

From Lisia suggesting to have Serena do a surprise performance with Ash, May was eventually added to the team to help things move smoothly on both sides, but that wasn't the only reason. When she found out the boy she mentioned was Ash, she just had to hop on board. They could've added Dawn too, but she couldn't be contacted at the time.

Ash and Serena almost expected their friends of their plans from questions like what was Ash's suit size and if he really did try out Contests in the past. As for Serena, Lisia randomly asked her if she found Ash wearing a tuxedo and mask hot.

And with 2 weeks of planning the debut of the idol duo and the orchestrated reunion, all that was left was for an invitation to be sent and for a raven-haired trainer to agree.


(Taking place 2 days after the events of "An Idol Debut")

[Unknown City & Region]

With wherever our dark-blue haired coordinator and her Piplup is, you should know three things: 1st, the region she is in is a familiar one and has experienced an end of the world scenario thanks to an evil organization. The second, for her, 2 days have passed since Serena and Lisia's debut as an idol duo. Dawn was currently sitting at a table outside the cafe and was reading an article on her phone about said idol debut performance. Oh and the the third thing? She's in this region under the suggestion of either May or Serena.

What interested her the most on that article was the section about how it talked about Serena getting kissed on stage by a coordinator wearing a dark blue suit, fedora and white mask that covered the eyes. The only details she could get so far was that the person was identified as "Satoshi" (unknown to her it was her best friend, Ash Ketchum whom she considered as a twin brother) and that was it.

She knew Serena had a crush on Ash, and if she were to ever run into this Satoshi person. Let's just say she'd want that person to be struck down by a Draco Meteor.

And unknown to her, Piplup was currently stuck in a bone-crushing hug.

"A Piplup, you're so cute!"

Dawn looked up from what she was reading to see Piplup in a bone-crushing hug by a familiar lemon-blonde girl who had a Dedenne with her.

"Excuse me, but that's my Piplup you're hugging", Dawn pointed out to the girl who was just standing only a meter away from her.

"Oh, sorry miss, i just couldn't resis-", as she release Piplup from the hug, the girl looked to Dawn and immediately said.

"OH MY! YOU'RE A KEEPER!", the unidentified girl suddenly got onto one knee as if she was proposing and said to Dawn, "Please miss, you seem like the perfect person to be a wife to my brother, please say yes!"

"Wife!?", Dawn said in shock, one minute ago she was just enjoying the scenery that the city had to offer while reading about Serena and Lisia's idol debut, and now she was being proposed to by a girl who looked to be 8 or 9 years old.

And as if on cue, a robotic Aipom arm grabbed the lemon-haired girl by her back. And what that arm it was attached to? A boy who looked to be 18 years old who also had lemon-blonde hair just like the girl. He wore a blue jumpsuit and circular glasses, and said robotic arm was attached to his backpack.

"Bonnie i've told you a million times not to do that!", the boy scolded the girl, now identified as Bonnie as he let her down to the ground and released her from the Aipom arm.

"Don't blame me i'm making more of an effort recently, i'm turning 10 in just a couple of months and i need to find someone to take care of you big brother!", Bonnie told the boy, now identified as her older brother while questioning. "And what will you do once i go out on a journey and you're just left all by yourself?"

Dawn just watched the sibling argue awkwardly while Piplup made his way back to his trainer. The older boy who saw Dawn's confused expression made his way to her to apologize.

"I am so sorry about my little sister, she... has an interesting way of trying to find someone for me", he apologized.

"Hey, no need to worry", Dawn said to him, while looking at Bonnie. "You know, i find it nice that your sister is determined to find someone for you, i can tell she cares for you a lot"

"See Clemont, she gets it!", Bonnie says to her older brother now identified as Clemont. "And you are miss?"

"I'm Dawn, and this is my partner Piplup", Dawn says as she gestured to her starter who was standing proud.

"Well Dawn, i'm Bonnie, and this is my partner Dedenne", Bonnie greets as she points to the mouse pokemon who was sitting in her bag who squeaked hello to the blue-haired coordinator and her partner.

"Guess i should introduce myself too, my name's Clemont, it's nice to meet you Dawn", Clemont says as he holds his hand out for dawn to shake.

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