Searching for Redemption: A L...

By ApocalypticHalfblood

315 26 6

As a High Priestess of Asgard, Freyja is naturally a perfectionist. She seeks to be clean, pristine, and a sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eleven

20 2 0
By ApocalypticHalfblood

For an instance, the world was quiet. There was only the warmth of Loki's mouth, the firmness of his body against mine, the stiffness in his every trembling muscle as I pitched my lips above his, rising onto my toes.

His hands were desperate for any inch of skin and his lips starving for my retribution. I pulled away a moment later, finding his green eyes kindled with flame. His breathing was harsh, ragged even as if he had just slain a dragon.

I laughed lightly. Oh, how fun it was to get my way. "Wee lamb," I cooed. Loki glared, harder than he ever had before. I made to unhook my fingers from his jacket pocket, ready to strut right out of that study. But I only got as far as lowering my right hand before Loki surged towards me to kiss me again.

The force of his lips against mine knocked us against the bookshelf. The wood slammed against my shoulders and books flew off the shelf at his strength. His soft, cold hand slid into my hair whilst the other grabbed my hip. His fingertips pressed so deeply into me, that I knew they would bruise. And for a moment, I was fearful to know what may happen if anyone saw those bruises. But all of him, lined up against all of me felt too good to worry about what Albruna may think.

The moment I hit that wall, the moment Loki enveloped me, it destroyed any restraint I clung to. I wanted this, I wanted nothing but the freedom to be as powerful as I wanted and do whatever I wanted. And at that moment, I wanted Loki. 

I opened my mouth and his tongue swept in, greedy and desperate to please. The kiss was punishing and raw. And the taste of him, nothing had ever tasted so good. It was like a smoke sweeping over Asgard in the middle of winter, like the forbidden books I yearned for. 

I moaned. Never had I heard such a sound escape my lips. Pure ecstasy. It seemed that simple whimper was the Prince's downfall, for the finger in my hair gripped me as if for dear life. He angled my head, tongue plummeting into my mouth as if he craved my taste.

For the first time, I allowed myself to truly touch him as my hands roved over his body. Muscles lay hidden under his tailored clothes, strong and firm. I was desperate to find any of his skin, anything to touch as our tongues met and parted. 

I kept up, meeting his hunger stroke for stroke. All sense of self disappeared, all I could think about was him and how much I wanted him. I plunged my fingers into his ebony hair. It was as soft as silk against my fingers. It was long enough to grip, holding him firmly against me.

Every hateful thought towards him, towards his highness, vanished as I gave in fully to the distraction. Something about it felt so incredibly right, it was more than the desires of the flesh or wants of my carnal mind. It was as if I was a puzzle finally made whole as soon as I gave in to my wants. I welcomed the change within me with open arms, letting the kiss burn through any shame or fear that lingered. There was only Loki's mouth and his tongue and his teeth, tasting and biting. There was only the weight of his body on mine, pressing firmly against me. But somehow, even then, he wasn't close enough.

Loki hiked up my skirt and slid his icy hands around me, grasping my ass as he lifted me up against the shelves. I wrapped my legs around him, finding myself absolutely helpless as he pressed himself between my thighs.

This is what I had been needing. Every unfair, awful thing in the world was suddenly made right by this reprieve. It was as if I was blind my whole life, and now I could see. 

Loki ground into me, groaning deeply into me at the first push of his hips. Every last bit of reason in me became undone at that deep-throated sound. I parted, panting as I looked up towards the ceiling. The ceiling was painted a heavenly blue and was speckled with gilded stars, for a moment I truly thought I had died and gone to Valhalla.

Loki seized my neck as if it was uncharted land he was ready to devour. His tongue traced up my neck and found its claim right beneath my jawbone. "Loki," I whimpered, digging the pads of my fingers into his shoulders. 

He let out a cruel chuckle against my skin. "Like that?" he murmured, dragging his tongue against me again. 

Every part of me ached as I touched him. I needed every and any bit of contact I could get, his chest,  his face, his hands-anything. Loki buried his face into my neck, drowning in my hair. I gasped as his teeth clamped down lightly and I became all too aware of my fluttering pulse. I gripped him tightly, panting as I stared up at the ceiling. Never had I been laid so bare as I was then. This part of me had been dormant up until then. But, I knew that if I were to die right there, I'd die happy. 

A dark smile curled on his lips as he parted from my skin, just for a moment. His eyes trailed over every bit of me as if he was viewing some priceless art piece. "You're magnificent," he purred in a voice I had never heard before. It was sultry and deep, but not flirty. I somehow knew he didn't talk to his whores the same way he talked to me. No, this desire..that passion, it was different.

He drove his hips between mine, lazily but thorough as if just on instinct. My core ached, throbbing like a deep wound. My mind called out to me, begging me to regain any sense of control. But control was so far from me, and far less fun. I found myself wanting to give in completely. I wanted Loki to touch every inch of my skin, lick it and damn it, I wanted him to take me whole.

Loki's eyes flashed as he growled, it was as if he could read my thoughts. Loki's lips collided against my own once again. Every part of us was tangled up within each other. Our bodies were pressed so tightly that I could feel his heart beating within his chest.

His tongue swept every corner of my mouth, thoroughly. Carefully. 

I had to feel his skin. I had to feel that hardness that pushed into me. I had to feel it in my hands, my mouth, my body, anywhere. I would go crazy if I didn't, go mad if he stopped touching me.

I wedged my hand between our bodies, seeking out my prize. Loki groaned as I found him, cupping him through the leather of his pants. My breath was stolen from me as I realized the sheer size of him.

Loki's kiss turned deeper, even more desperate than before as I fumbled with the laces and buttons of his pants. I had never worn trousers a day in my life, there were so many buttons and laces my fingertips were ripping every loop. I was damn near ready to claw him free.

Loki's panting fell against my skin as his head lay in the crook of my neck. He nipped at my skin, my jaw, my ear, my collar bone-all of it. Fire roared in my blood as I finally made my way through his pants. 

I didn't dare to look down, too afraid of what length I might see. But, I didn't hesitate as I took him in my hand. Loki bucked against my touch as I rubbed the heel of my palm down his length, inch by inch by inch.

"Freyja, darling," he groaned. I did it again, dragging my hand upwards against the tip that pressed against my abdomen. Loki's hips arched towards me as his grip on my skin grew tighter yet. I pressed harder, working him. 

Loki grit his teeth. His chest heaved deep, shaking breath. The sight of the prince, my prince coming undone felt better than any prize I could've won. Loki's eyes turned upwards, his face to the heavens as if he were praying. I licked up the strong collum of his neck before I clamped my teeth onto him, rubbing him harder with every stroke. 

"Freyja," he hissed, my name like a prayer on his lips.  His hips thrust into my hand with a strength that left books falling once again. I couldn't imagine that force in action, in use as it was intended to be. I couldn't think straight at that thought.

I ran my hand down his length once more as I leaned in close. "My prince," I whispered into his ear. My teeth scraped against the cartilage of his ear and Loki erupted instantly.

Loki's entire body tensed as he came. Each spurt of his cock shuddered through my hand, an echo in my muscle as I stroked him and stroked him. 

When Loki finally stilled, his muscles still shook. Only when I removed my face from his neck did calm truly settle over him. His gleaming green eyes were so wide that the white showed around them, a blush stained his pale cheeks. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"You're so articulate when you're being jacked off," I said as I pushed against his chest, letting myself go. Loki's face only burned a deeper scarlet. "Truly," I teased, "It's like you're a poet."

"Freyja," he attempted, reaching for me once again but I was already on my way out. With a snap of my fingers, my dress was cleaned and any evidence of funny business was discarded. Loki, on the other hand, was still a hot mess.

I scoffed as I looked over my shoulder at him. 

"You were easier to please than I thought you'd be."


I watched Freyja strut out of my office. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her, just short enough that I could see the sway of her hips beneath. 

As soon as that door shut behind her, I realized I was doomed. That woman, that witch, and seductress would become my undoing. But I was fine with it. In fact, I knew right then and there I would do anything she asked of me. I would level cities for her, kill for her, and even beg on my knees for her. 

The next morning at breakfast, I couldn't look a soul in the eyes. I wanted nothing but that picture of Freyja in my focus. Her chin tilted up high, her pillow lips parted ever so slightly. God, I was going insane. 

I had come in that girl's hand after a few strokes. Freyja had just as much experience as her smutty books allotted her and yet, she had torn me undone within a moment. I had been reduced to a whimpering boy beneath her, no better than my youth.

But the moment I kissed her, I lost it. All sanity was worthless to me. Freyja could have killed me and I would've found myself thanking her. At her touch, I had turned into another man entirely. I couldn't think clearly beyond my instinct to claim her. I wanted her, I wanted her to be mine.

And the taste of her. The taste of her! It was sweeter than anything I had ever had before, like rolling hills of milk and honey. And that...that was just her mouth. If I wanted to keep any shred of logic to myself, I couldn't think how she'd taste if I found my tongue elsewhere.

"Did something happen, Loki? You seem unwell," my mother asked innocently. Within an instant, I was dragged from my rising arousal. 

I blinked before I plastered a smile onto my face. "Forgive me, mother. What did you ask?"

Thor nearly choked on his breakfast as he began to chuckle. If the bruises that Freyja left on me weren't evidence enough, the blush on my cheeks surely gave him away. 

"Are you alright?" she asked again. 

"Oh, yes. Perfectly fine." Thor scoffed, stuffing his face even more. His countenance was pure amusement as if this whole exchange were his personal comedy show.

I knew I'd never hear the end of it if I told Thor where the bruises had come from, or more accurately-who they came from. 

Freyja had been like a Goddess, practically dripping in sex as she made me come hard enough to see stars. Yet, I had left her completely disserviced. 

If that were to have been the only taste of her I ever got, I surely would've been driven to outright insanity. 

You were easier to please than I thought you'd be, she had said. I knew what she had meant. I had seen that competitive glint in her eye. This was all some sort of game to her, a victory to claim. My pride was mere shards in her hands, like what we'd done hadn't meant a thing.

My mother cleared his throat and I blinked. "What?"

"I said, it's nearly time for you to fetch Freyja." She gestured to the clock, it was only ten till eleven. There was no way I would make it in time on foot.

"Right," I said, standing from my seat. "If you'll excuse me." With a slight bow, I was off. I found myself nearly sprinting through the palace on my way to the stables. 

Though I wouldn't admit it, I was more than thrilled to see Freyja.

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