With loss comes gain

By uhggggggggg

5K 140 29

COMPLETED STORY Atsushi ends up losing his ability after a battle with another ability users. He has to cope... More

The loss
In the living room
Surprise visit
In the rain
Tea time
The date

Wheres Atsushi? Theres Atsushi!

799 24 10
By uhggggggggg

Akutagawa stares at the words writing on the page for a moment longer, eyes wide before looking up frantically to see if maybe just maybe the girl he was chasing is still around.  However as expected she's nowhere to be seen.  Akutagawa tightens his grip on the paper, crinkling it.

"I've gotta inform Dazai..." Akutagawa says before making his way to the Ada.


Atsushi is running weaving through a crowd of people.  He can hear shouts from behind him.

Shoot he can't endanger the people in the area, his best bet for now is to go somewhere a little more secluded.  Atsushi turns a corner abruptly passing a woman holding a small child who seems to be crying.  He hurry's on before taking a few more sharp turns hoping to potentially shake his pursuers but to no avail.

Atsushi turns a corner taking a glance behind him to see if he's still being pursued but in the moment he glances back someone jumps in front of him.  Atsushi turns back just as he hears a loud bang and his vision goes black.

~Time skip~

Akutagawa bursts through the doors of the ada, it is only midnight so he assumed there would probably still be people there.  He scans the dark room but sees a light coming from down the hall.  Akutagawa makes his way down the hall looking in each dark room as he passes.  He reaches the door that's cracked open letting light spill into the darkness of the hallway.  He slowly opens the door looking inside he sees a form slumped over one of the desks at the end of the room.  Akutagawa makes his way over to the sleeping figure.  After a moment of studying the figure he realizes it's Dazai and quickly shakes his shoulders trying to wake the sleeping man.

Dazai wearily lifts his head looking around for a moment before focusing on Akutagawa.

"Well this is quite a surprise." Dazai says groggily

"You've got to read this!" Akutagawa says in a rush shoving the piece of paper in Dazais face.

"Wha-" Dazai stops as soon as he reads the words written on the paper.

"I didn't think she'd be a problem anymore." Dazai says, crickling the paper in his fist before giving it back to Akutagawa.

"Do you think there's a chance he might get his ability back if he really is with her." Akutagawa says, looking down.

"I didn't know you knew about that." Dazai says, looking up to stare at Akutagawa.

"Yeah the weretiger explained it to me, however that's not what we should be focused on." Akutagawa says with a tone of irritation

"Of course, of course, well first things first we should make sure she actually has him and this isn't some sort of bluff to lead us into a trap." Dazai says standing and patting his pockets.


Atsushi opens his eyes blinking a few times to try and get rid of the black splotches in his view.  After a moment his eyes focus, he seems to be in a dark room surrounded by shipping containers and he can just make out the ceiling high above him.  Atsushi also notes that his hands seem to be tied behind his back, maybe tied to the chair as well but he can't quite tell.  His feet are also tied together with the ropes holding his feet in place tied to a metal rod which is stuck in the ground.  He turns his head trying to look around him more, however he can't make out any specifics due to the darkness. 

He starts pulling his legs trying to yank the ropes off the metal rod but to no avail.

~Time skip~

Atsushi quickly turns, hearing a small sound from behind him.  It sounds an awful lot like shoes, to be more specific heels.  He stares into the darkness until the figure is close enough that he can make them out.  His eyes widened once realizing who the woman stood before him is.

"Fuyuko..." Atushi whispers, staring at the women before him.  She's wearing a tight blood red dress over her shoulders and a huge, fluffy, black fur scarf.  Her black hair is let loose across her back.  To adorn her feet she has these iridescent black knee high heel boots. 

"My my what a shock that you recognize me like this little Atsushi." The woman smirks, staring Atsushi down like she's just found her newest prey.

"You know your lovely little ability is much more useful than I thought." Fuyuko says stroking her fur scarf

Atsushi stays silent looking down at his feet.

"You're much less entertaining now, than you were just a couple of days ago." Fuyuko says with that smirk still plastered to her face as she takes a step toward Atsushi.

After a couple more steps she's right in front of Atsushi staring down at him but he still hasn't looked up.  Fuyuko extends her hand and places it on Atsushi's head, he flinches back at the contact before finally looking up.

"I don't have my ability anymore... What do you want from me?" Atsushi says trying to move his head so Fuyuko will move her hand.

"Now now stop moving. I just wanted to have a little fun." She says stroking Atsushi's head for a moment, rewarded with a glare from Atsushi before she removes her hand.

"Fun..." Atsushi whispers almost not audible

"Yes my little tiger I wanted to have some fun with you." She says, crossing her arms.

"However you're not very entertaining so let's try playing then shall we." She says with a smirk as she puts a finger to her lips.  Black smoke surrounds her for a moment before in her place stands Dazai.  Atsushu's eyes widen before he speaks.

"Daza-" He cuts himself off.  This isn't the Dazai he knows, it's still just Fuyuko he tells himself looking back down to stare at his feet.

"Oh Atsushi." Atsushi flinches, it sounds so so real yet Atsushi knows it's fake.

"Hm guess not." Fuyuko says she puts her hands on her hips.

"How bout this." She says with a horrifying smirk that looks so foregin on Dazai's face.  Black smoke surrounds her once more.  Atsushi looks up, staring directly at Akutagawa.  He immediately looks down again, he won't be swayed he won't.  Atsushi shakes his head trying to distract himself.

"Oh my sweet sweet Atsushi." Atsushi's eyes widen at the words spoken because it sounds so much like Akutagawa but the words seem so foregin for his voice.  The Akutagawa copy takes a step closer to Atsushi before extending his hand, putting his hand around Atsushi's throat and slowly sliding his hand up so it's under Atsushi's chin pulling his face up.  Atsushi strares, the blush spreading across his face becoming increasingly obvious as Fuyuko continues as Akutagawa.  She smiles, staring down at Atsushi before moving her hand so she can stroke his hair.

At this point Atsushi is staring directly at Fuyuko, blush very much evident on his face as he sits while Fuyuko strokes his hair.  Fuyuko smirks quickly, turning it into a more innocent smile knowing she's got Atsushi.  Atsushis are glazed over with a look of pleasure spread across his face as he sits staring up at Akutagawa.

"Atsushi you're so important to me." Akutagawa says with a smile stroking Atsushi's cheek with his thumb.  Atsushi leans into Akutagawa's hand wanting as much of his affection as he can get.

"You really are such a kitten." Akutagawa says smiling as Atsushi gets more comfortable.

After a couple more minutes of this Akutagawa removes his hand from Atsushi's face taking a step back.  Atsushi looks disappointed due to the loss of contact but after Akutagawa speaks he perks up just a little.

"I must leave for now my love but I'll be back shortly. Can you wait for me here?"  Atsushi nods his head frantically as Akutagawa smiles before he turns and starts to walk away.  Atsushi looks at his back as it disappears into the darkness before he can't make it out anymore.  After a moment longer, Atsushi shakes his head, his eyes clearing.

"What the- What was that..." Atsushi says, looking around him trying to remember what just happened.  The last thing he remembers was Fuyuko grabbing his throat looking like Akutagawa.  Atsushi shakes his head once more trying to clear the fog in his head.


Akutagawa walks trying to stay back to hear the conversation between Ranpo and Dazai but not wanting to waste any time.  He hears a clipit of what Ranpo says before his voice is drowned out by a passing truck.

"He should be this-" Akutagawa looks back at the two of them.

"We should hurry, you do realize Atsushi doesn't have an ability anymore." Ranpo nods, quickening his pace as Dazai hurrys to stay by Akutagawa's side.

"Now now Akutagawa no need to be too worried, Atsushi can still handle himself." Dazai says as Akutagawa glares at him

"I'm not worried!" Akutagawa shouts, sounding defensive.

"Oh sorry it's just you seem very worried about the safety of little Atsushi." Dazai says, smirking before taking a glance at Akutagawa who's just glaring.

"You do seem a bit overly worried..." Ranpo chimes in, earring him a glare from Akutagwa.

Akutagawa continues glaring at Ranpo for a moment longer before quickening his pace however he doesn't go too far since the only one who really knows where they are going is Ranpo.

~Time skip~

Atsushi stares into the darkness. He doesn't know how long it's been now, he has come to the conclusion that it's no use the ropes restraining him definitely aren't going to come off anytime soon.

Atsushi shuts his eyes trying to focus on any distinct noise around him however it's eerily quiet.  After a moment he lets out a sigh.

"Akutagawa..." Atsushi trails off lost in thought for a moment before whipping his head around again hearing footsteps.  Akutagawa appears out of the darkness, a look of worry written all over his face.

"Oh Atsushi, I was so worried!" He says rushing over to Atsushi and wrapping his arms around Atsushi affectionately.

"Wait wha..." Atsushi stops his sentence trailing off as his eyes glaze over once again.

"My sweet sweet Atsushi, how I missed you." Akutagawa says, tightening his grip on the younger boy.

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long my love." Akutagawa says untangling himself from Atsushi and extends his arms so he's just holding Atsushi's shoulders.  Atsushi shakes his head with a look of contentment on his face.

"Good I was worried you would be mad at me, my love." Akutagawa says with a smile.  Atsushi shakes his head again, blush spreading across his face.  Akutagawa removes his hand from Atsushi's shoulder and places it under Atsushi's ching tilting his head up more so they're staring directly into eachothers eyes.  Akutagawa moves his hand up so he's cupping Atsushi's cheek in his hand.  Atsushi's eyes flutter closed as he leans his head into Akutagawa's hand.  Akutagawa moves his thumb stroking Atsushi's cheek once again.  Soon enough Atsushi's head lolls forward.

"Sleep well my love." Akutagawa says, leaning forward and planting a kiss on Atsushi's cheek.  Akutagawa takes a couple of steps back before black smoke surrounds him and in his place is Fuyuko once again.

"Wow I am not a fan of that form, that's for sure." She says turning and walking away, turning to glance back at the sleeping figure of Atsushi.  She smiles before turning back the sound of her heels fading as she leaves.


"It should be right around-"


The sound of Ranpo's phone going off stops him mid sentence.  He pulls out his phone looking at the screen before his eyes widen, he looks up and stares at Dazai for a moment before shutting off his phone.

"It should be one of those warehouses!" Ranpo says pointing before he turns sprinting away.

"What-?" Akutagawa stares at the direction Ranpo left in before he stops turning back to the warehouses Ranpo had pointed at Akutagawa quickens his pace trying to make his way to the warehouses as quickly as possible followed by Dazai.

They reach the entrance of the first warehouse Akutagawa pokes his head inside before completely going in.  Dazai stays outside saying he'll keep watch.

Akutagawa cautiously makes his way around the building peeking inside of shipping containers and trying for any signs of the weretiger.  However after searching the entire warehouse he finds nothing.  Akutagawa slowly makes his way outside to be greeted with Dazai who looks behind Akutagawa to see if Atsushi is there, however he's not. 

"Let's move on to the next one." Dazai says, making his way to the next warehouse.  Akutagawa follows suit and walks in again Dazai once again saying he'll keep watch.

Akutagawa pokes his head in seeing that the coast is clear he enters.  He looks in a few shipping containers but Atsushi isn't in any of them.  He continues looking around hoping to spot the weretigers bright silver hair.

Akutagawa sees a cluster of shipping containers and starts making his way over to them.  He looks in each of them, still no Jinko.  He walks past them and takes a peek behind them.  Akutagawa eyes widen, there strapped to a chair is Atsushi his head lolling to the side.

"Jinko!" Akutagawa shouts running towards the younger man.  Akutagawa makes it to Atsushi and makes sure to check his pulse.  Akutagawa exhales in relife, he's still breaking.

"Hey Jinko!" Akutagawa says, shaking Atsushi's shoulder.  Slowly Atsushi's eyes flutter open. He looks up at Akutagawa and smiles, this dorky happy smile.

"You came back!" Atsushi says with a grin.  Akutagawa stares down at him in confusion.

"Jinko I was never here..." Akutagawa says, looking at Atsushi with an expression of concern and confusion. 

"Nu uh you left me earlier..." Atsushi says his voice sounds all sluggish.

"But-" Akutagawa cuts himself off

"Never mind that I gotta get you out of here." Akutagawa says, stepping behind Atsushi so he can untie his hands.  Once Akutagawa is finished with that, he steps back in front of Atsushi to untie his feet.  Akutagawa kneels down but jumps back as soon as he feels arms wrap around him.

"Jinko... What is this..."

"I missed you..." Is the only reply Akutagawa gets out of Atsushi.  Akutagawa lets out a sigh before he manages to untie Atsushi's feet.  Akutagawa tries to move Atsushi's arms so they aren't wrapped around his neck.  But to no avail.  Akutagawa stands dragging Atsushi with him.  Akutagawa is able to position Atsushi so that he's slung over Akutagawa's back with Atsushi's arms wrapped around his neck.  At this point Atsushi is just a giggling mess.

"Jeez weretiger is this what you're like when you're drunk." Akutagawa says making his way back to the exit so he can meet up with Dazai however when he gets there Dazai is nowhere to be found.  Akutagawa sighs, turning his head slightly so he can look at Atsushi who at this point has his head up against Akutagawa's shoulder with his eyes closed giggling away.

Akutagawa's face softens just a little before he turns back around to begin the long trek back to his flat.

~Time skip~

Akutagawa sighs as he closes the front door behind him.  Walking into the living room he gently placed Atsushi down on the sofa.  Akutagawa leaves for a moment to go and grab a blanket.  When he returns, Atsushi is back to giggling in his sleep.  Akutagawa almost smiles down at the younger man before he places the blanket over him.  Akutagawa then turns heading to his bedroom.

~Time skip~

Akutagawa slowly opens his eyes, proving himself up onto his elbow with a sigh.  He sits in silence for a couple of moments before the realization hits him that Atsushi is just a few meters away in the living room.  Akutagawa stands slowly opening his door.  He wasn't sure what was up with Atsushi yesterday but he hopes the weretiger slept off whatever it was.

Akutagawa makes his way to the sleeping form of Atsushi and kneels down so he's face to face with the sleeping weretiger.  Akutagawa tentatively extends his hand and boops Atsushi's nose just for a moment before pulling back.  Akutagawa lets the slightest hint of a smile creep across his face as he stares at Atsushi's sleeping face.

After a couple of minutes Atsushi's eyes flutter open it takes him a moment for his vision to focus but when he does he sees Akutagawa staring back at him.

"What- what?" Atsushi stutters his eyes begging to have this glazed over look the longer he stares at Akutagawa.

"Turn your head." Akutagawa instructs, Atsushi does as he's told, his eyes glisten for a moment before returning to normal.

"What happened?" Atsushi asks still looking away from Akutagawa

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Akutagawa asks before answering Atsushi's question

"I was tied up and Fuyuko was there... then there was Dazai... and finally you... but you..." Atsushi trailed off sounding rather confused

"Dazai was there?" Akutagawa asks

"Mhm... but he wasn't Dazai..." Atsushi says his sentence trailing as he tries to remember what happened the night before.

"Did Fuyuko give you your ability back?" Akutagawa asks tilting his head

"No..." Atsushi says with a hint of disappointment evident in his voice.

"So why do I have to turn my head?" Atsushi questions beginning to turn his head back to face Akutagawa.  Akutagawa quickly puts his hand on Atsushi's head to keep Atsushi from looking at him.

"From your reactions last night and the way you looked earlier I think Fuyuko did something to you so every time you look at me something happens." Akutagawa says retracting his hand

"What kind of something?"

"Let's just say you get very... flirtatious..." Akutagawa says, he hears Atsushi snort

"What-!" Atsushi almost shouts.

"Seriously!?" Atsushi says incredulously.

"It does seem to be the case..." Akutagawa says, his voice beginning to get quiet.

Atsushi let's out a sigh

Atsushi sits up avoiding looking directly at Akutagawa before speaking.

"Alright so you're telling me I can't look at you because... I don't act like myself...?"


"How bout we test your theory then and if it ends up being true you can just like... face me away from you or something...?"


Atsushi cautiously turns looking at Akutagawa and for a moment nothing happens so Atsushi speaks.

"See guess it was ju-" Atsushi cuts himself off, his eyes glazing over once again and his face looking much too pleased.


"Jinko can you just face away or do I have to do that?" Akutagawa asks, looking at Atsushi with an exasperated expression.  Atsushi stares back slowly leaning closer to Akutagawa.  Akutagawa extends his hand, putting one hand on each of Atsushi's shoulders and turning him to face away from Akutagawa.  Atsushi begins to move his head to look back but Akutagawa speaks, causing him to pause.

"Don't look back." Atsushi obeys keeping his eyes away from Akutagawa.

After a couple of moments Atsushi's shoulders tense and he speaks.

"Did it happen?"


"Well how do we fix this?  It was most likely Fuyuko using one of her many abilities."  Atsushi says as Akutagawa takes his hands away from the younger boy's shoulders.

"Perhaps Dazai would be able to erase the effects of the ability?" Akutagawa says as Atsushi moves on the sofa.

"Oh!  We should definitely see if he can do that!" Atsushi shouts a little louder than necessary.

"If that's the case then I'll go so you can take your leave and go find Dazai." Akutagawa says getting up and making his way to the hall.  Atsushi simply nods in response before waiting until Akutagawa's footsteps fade.

Once Atsushi is sure that the older man is gone he turns and slowly gets up from the couch.  After rearranging the pillow and thin blanket Atsushi makes his way to the door.  Once Atsushi gets to the door he has a bit of trouble with his shoes but nothing major.  After a moment, he looks the room over before opening the door and walking out, he slowly closes the door behind himself.


Akutagawa hears the door close and knows Atsushi has left.  Akutagawa coughs before looking up to stare at the door.  A deep frown forms on his face before he makes his way to the door, opening it and making his way back down the hall.  He makes it to the kitchen and looks over the counter into the living room exhaling a small sigh.

"Dammit Jinko." Akutagawa says, putting a hand up to his face and brushing it through his hair.

~Time skip~

Atsushi steps through the door of his dorm, sighing as he closes the door behind himself.  He glances to his left at a small table located next to the door.  On the table is a tissue box, succulent plant, keyring with keys, and a photo of Atsushi, Kyouka, kunikida, and Dazai.  Atsushi smiles looking at the photo before walking further into his home.

Atsushi plops down on his futon pulling his phone from his pocket.  He scrolls through the contacts, eventually finding Dazai and dialing.

"Hello~ Atsushi-kun~" Dazai says, sounds quite cheerful.

"Hi Dazai, would it be possible for us to meet up fairly soon so we can test something out?"

"Oh of course, what's the occasion?" Dazai asks, sounding a little suspicious.

"Oh uhh- I kinda ran into Fuyuko apparently she's using an ability on me so..." Atsushi stammers fiddling with his hands.

"Oh so that's where you've been then, well in that case how about midday today?" Dazai says through the phone.

"Yeah sorry i've been gone, can we meet at the little cafe by the agency?" Atsushi asks.

"Sure, midday at the cafe it is then!" Dazai says, and with a click the call ends.  Atsushi lets out a sigh.

"Now I just have to get Akutagawa..."

That's where I'm ending it for now.  Lots happened in this chapter and I feel like I might have had it progress a little faster than I would've liked, but that just means I'm really going to want to drag out the ending.  Not sure how many more chapters will be after this but hopefully I can just have a few long chapters and not have loads of super short ones.  I'm feeling better and went to health care to take care of the issues I was having so I'm back on track, which means I'll be able to do more writing.  I did miss some of my finals though so I do have to make that up but since those are almost over I might even be able to get two chapters out a week instead of just one.

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