Sector 51

By AnimalX23

1.3K 13 10

In the not-too-distant-future, Earth has become a safe haven for a myriad of alien species that want to live... More

The Plot
The Characters part 1: The Heroes
The Characters Part 2: The Villains
The Characters Part 3: Miscellaneous Characters
Season 1 Opening and Ending
Episode 1: Things Change
Episode 2: I Want To Believe
Episode 3: Predators and Prey
Episode 4: School of Hard Rocks
Episode 5: Friends of Earth
Episode 6: Garden of Evil
Episode 7: Deathstalker
Episode 9: Coming of the Zodiacs, part 1
Episode 10: Coming of the Zodiacs, part 2
Episode 11: Friend or Foe
Episode 12: Family Secrets, part 1
Episode 13: Family Secrets, part 2 (season finale)
Special Prequel Episode: Adventures in Starchild-sitting
Season 2 new characters
Season 2 Opening and Ending
S2 Episode 1: Scorpion's Reign
S2 Episode 2: The Grey Agenda
S2 Episode 3: Freak-out Friday
S2 Episode 4: Weed-whacked
S2 Episode 5: The Cattle Conspiracy
S2 Episode 6: The Assassin
S2 Episode 7: Revenge of the Zodiacs
S2 Episode 8: Battle at Aquarius Base
S2 Episode 9: Settling the score

Episode 8: Powerless

21 1 0
By AnimalX23

We open up on a shot of a streak of purple lightning travel across a telephone line in Lincoln County, Nevada creating a neighborhood-wide power outage. meanwhile in the Quinn household Jack and Emily are confused by why their house's power shut off. meanwhile Alex looks out the window and sees the streak of purple lightning travelling through the telephone line, Alex calling Lena to inform her that he might have bore witness to an alien sighting in his home town. Lena asks him where it went, and Alex said that it looked like a streak of purple lightning that was traveling through a telephone wire and he saw it going towards a local power plant. Lena tells him "don't worry, Agent Delta and I are on the case" as she sits in the back of the van with Agent Delta in the driver's seat. Lena tells Delta that Alex informed her that the alien is headed for the local power plant. Agent Delta tells her "I should have known. be careful, this is a Syphonian we're dealing with. they're a race of energy-based beings that feed off raw power". Lena acts cocky and tells Delta "Don't worry, I'm not letting any energy-sucking alien steal MY power. I'm too much for it to handle". Upon arriving at the power plant, Delta spots a streak of purple lightning streak through the building telling Lena to get back followed by the lightning materializing transforming into a beast made from glowing purple energy that roars at the two followed by Delta shooting at the creature only for the blasts to go right through it. Lena activates her energy sword construct and charges at the Syphonian with Delta saying "Lena stop!" however she doesn't listen and swings her sword only for it to phase right through the Syphonian followed by it leaping onto Lena pinning her down and starts absorbing her energy causing the crystal on her forehead to crack. the Syphonian then retreats, followed by Delta rushing to the unconscious Lena only to notice that her icy-blue hair has turned black and her forehead crystal has been cracked. Lena then opens her eyes revealing that her eyes have gone from blue to brown, getting up shouting "Alright evil alien, show yourself!" and tries to activate her fist constructs only for nothing to happen. Lena asks what's going on, and Delta tells her that they'll find out once they get her back to HQ. after that, we cut to the Syphonian from earlier limping through the forest as its body slowly begins to change as a result of it absorbing Lena's psychic energy, transforming into a new feminine humanoid form. she then tests out her newfound power by shattering a boulder with her mind. she then speaks, looking at her hands saying "It seems absorbing that child's psychic energy transferred her powers to me... as well as giving me the gift of sapience. no longer am I a mere feral beast, for I have evolved". after that, we cut back to Sector 51 HQ where we see the LGMs examine Lena under a medical table, Agent Delta asking the little green aliens if they've found out what's wrong with Lena yet. one LGM then tells Delta that it appears her psychic energy has been completely depleted, most likely a result of physical contact with the Syphonian she just fought. Lena then says "Then I'll just punch that beast until it gives me my power" however Delta tells her "I think not, without your Annunaki powers you're more vulnerable than ever, you're basically a full-blooded human in this state. it's best you lay low and let the adults take care of the situation. in the meantime, relax. maybe hang out at Alex's house". after that, we cut to Lena on her hoverboard arriving at the Quinn family household, followed by her knocking on the door. she is then greeted by Alex's mom Emily who asks Lena what happened to her hair, Lena telling her it's a long story before asking if Alex is home. she says yes and lets Lena in. Lena then goes upstairs to Alex's room where Alex is shocked to see Lena's hair and eye colors have changed, asking her what happened. Lena then tells him "this happened" and removes her headband to reveal the cracked gemstone on her forehead. Alex's eyes widen upon seeing the cracked gemstone, saying "woah". Lena tells him "Woah indeed. I fought this energy-sucking alien called a Syphonian, and ended up losing my powers in the process. now I'm just a normal, non-awesome human". Alex places his hand on Lena's telling her "There ain't nothing wrong with being normal. who knows, maybe this could be an opportunity for you to walk in my shoes". after that, we cut to Lena and Alex walking to Alex's school, Lincoln County High. Lena cocks her head, saying "So this is this School place you've been talking about. why are we here?" followed by Alex telling her "To learn of course, this is where yours truly will give you an education in being an average, boring human teenager". Lena rolls her eyes, saying "Boring, just the word I wanted to hear" in a sarcastic tone. Alex tells her "just play it cool. Tell them you're a transfer student from Dallas, Texas. plus I managed to get you into all the easy classes so It'll pretty smooth sailing from here. Just pray there's no pop quizzes for the week, heaven help you if that happens". The two then enter the classroom where the teacher Ms. Williams introduces the class to their new student: Lena Sullivan. Lena gets a little nervous and greets herself, saying "Hi, my name's Lena, Lena Sullivan. I was raised in a top-secret government compound in area 51 and I fight aliens to protect humanity!" All the kids in the class start laughing at Lena, followed by Ms. Williams saying "it seems we've got a class clown here. Young lady this is a place for learning not for telling made-up sci-fi stories" all the while Alex facepalms. After that, we cut back to Sector 51 HQ where we see Delta talking to Alpha who asks him where the starchild is, as she's been gone for a while. Delta tells Alpha that Lena has lost her powers after getting in a fight with a Syphonian and is spending her time recuperating with her friend Alex. Alpha warns Delta that a rogue Syphonian with Lena's annunaki powers is a dangerous combination, she must find a way to reclaim her powers if they are to stop that thing from wreaking havoc on this planet. After that, we cut to Lena walking through the hallways where she turns her head to see Alex getting bullied. Lena tells the two bullies to back off, with Alex telling Lena "trust me Lena, you don't wanna mess with Chad. He's the baddest kid in school. Plus you don't have your powers anymore" followed by Chad putting his hand on Alex telling him "quiet, Ginger kid. You think your new girlfriend is gonna save you? Big mistake". Followed by Lena roundhouse kicking Chad in the face causing him to drop Alex, Lena saying "didn't need any special alien powers to do that" followed by Lena hearing a voice saying "excuse me did you just physically assault another student?" Alex hides behind Lena "oh no, it's Principal Roth. Just play it cool, okay? Act like nothing happened" Principal Roth looks into Lena's eyes, followed by Lena saying "with all due respect sir, that Chad kid started it first, he was picking on my friend Alex. I did what I had to do to defend him". Principal Roth turns his head to Alex, telling him "I knew you were behind this Quinn, you little delinquent. I got my eyes on you" before walking away, Alex breathing a sigh of relief, Lena saying "wow that guy was scary. how do you put up with him?" Alex tells her "He's the head of our school, we may not like him but we have to show some respect" all the while we see a streak of purple lightning travel through the school's electrical system. After that, we cut to Alex in the gymnasium playing dodgeball with other kids, Alex taking evasive action as best as he can holding Lena's hand while the two try their best to not get absolutely pelted with balls leading to further humiliation when Chad laughs at the two, saying "aw look at the two their holding hands how adorable" with all the other kids joining in the laughter as Chad gets ready to throw the ball. Lena then gets angry and picks up a ball to throw it at Josh's face. The coach then tells her "Illegal throw, you're out Sullivan!" Much to poor Lena's dismay. After that, we cut to the now-humanoid Syphonian appearing in the school computer lab scaring everyone in the room as she absorbs all the electricity from around her, saying "yes... So much delicious raw energy! It tastes so good!" Causing a massive power outage in the school, Lena and Alex getting up to notice that the lights in the gymnasium have suddenly went out. Lena then tells Alex "It must be the Syphonian!" Followed by the two leaving the gymnasium and running through the school hallway where they are stopped in their tracks by the Syphonian who psychically freezes them in place, Alex saying "you said this thing absorbed your powers, didn't know that was one of them" followed by Lena saying "didn't know I could do that either" with Alex saying "guess Osmosa here is full of surprises". Lena raises an eyebrow, saying "you gave it a name!?" With Alex telling her "since you're practically a superhero minus the cape I assumed your enemies should have cool comic book-style names". Osmosa then activates her Energy sword construct, saying "enough!" before holding the sword construct up to Lena's neck, telling her "I thank you for giving me your powers, along with the gift of intelligence" followed by Lena saying "Not by choice. You stole those powers from me now give them back!" However Osmosa tells her "Do you seriously expect me to give up this power I possess to become a mindless beast again? I don't think so. I'm gonna make sure that nobody takes this power away from me, which is why I'm gonna have to kill you". Only for Delta to arrive on the scene shooting Osmosa in the back with his twin laser pistols only for Osmosa to block the blasts with her force field, Osmosa saying "not so fast, Sector 51 agent". Lena then twitches her fingers and struggles to reach out to Alex, closing her eyes as she grabs his hand followed by the two breaking free from Osmosa's psychic hold on them with their combined brainpower. Osmosa asks how that's even possible, followed by Alex telling her "your fancy psychic powers can't break the human spirit, Osmosa. Especially when we combine our brainpower to mentally resist your psychic attacks". Osmosa gets angry and activates her fist constructs before chasing the two through the hallway. Alex tells Lena that he's got an Idea followed by the two running back into the gymnasium and hiding under the bleachers while Osmosa floats around looking for them. Alex then surprises Osmosa from behind and starts throwing dodgeballs at her to keep Osmosa distracted with Lena joining in on the fun the two pelting her with balls, inspiring the other students to do the same and start pelting Osmosa with even MORE balls. This gives Lena the opportunity to sneak behind Osmosa and leap onto her grabbing her by the head causing the powers to transfer back into Lena. Osmosa feels her body crack and shouts "NOOOOOO!!!!" as she explodes into nothingness. After that the power comes back on followed by Lena's eyes and hair turning blue again in front of the other students along with her headband falling off reveling her newly-healed forehead crystal while all the students gasp in shock. Agent Delta stands in front of Lena and tells the kids all right all right nothing to see here and memory-wipes all of them. After that, we cut back to Sector 51 HQ where we see Delta report to Alpha that Lena has regained her powers and stopped the Osmosan's attack on a local high school. In the wake of this attack sector 51 has done a thorough memory-wipe of all of Lincoln County High's students, faculty, and staff to make sure that no witnesses were left. After that, we cut to Lena returning to her room where she is greeted by Poochie who licks her in the face happy to see his owner again. Alex also enters the room, asking Lena "so what did you think of your experience as a normal, boring high school student?" Followed by Lena saying "normal is overrated. How about from now on you stick to hitting the books while I stick to hitting the bad guys" activating her fist constructs to crack her knuckles. Alex is happy to see the old Lena back, telling her "sure thing, best friend" ending our episode on a good note.

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