The Archer

By Crazforfun1

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Fauna Brandybuck, a mer hobbit from Buckland always dreamt of an escape from her family's forceful ideals and... More

Part I
Chapter ~1


4 0 0
By Crazforfun1

Nights at Bag End went one of two ways: a peaceful dinner prepared by Bilbo to which the pair would sit with full bellies near the fire until one of them grew too tired or which happened only rarely, was a night Fauna dedicated to working on salves, tonics, and sorting her herbs.

On nights like that Bilbo knew not to aspect the younger hobbit to appear at the table. Instead, he'd come to leave her meal at the edge of her desk giving him the excuse to keep her company as she snipped, crushed, and mixed away. During times like those at the very late hours of the night when Fauna has completely folded over her work, vibrating the desk with her exhausted snores, Bilbo makes sure to drape a blanket over her trembling shoulders. He assumed by the sight of the full basket of herbs and such items what kind of night it would be.

But tonight the hobbit did not have the luxury of falling asleep on the job. While in a room just tucked in the corner of the hall, Fauna sat hunched over desk prepared to spend the night finishing that midwife's order. She knew if she didn't get done now she might not have it in her to get done later.

There was no warning to the disturbance that threatened to meddle in their normalcy. Nothing to prepare the two for what would happen next as the ring of the doorbell, loud and clear to those inside. At the sound Fauna straightens up, very much surprised at the late and unusual visit. The younger hobbit meets her cousin at the door both sharing a confused expression.

"Well, go on and answer it already." Fauna motions Bilbo to the door, to which he did not seem pleased with. The two only grew more confused at the sight of a bald, tattooed, dwarf standing at the entrance.

"Dwalin, at your service." He greets the pair with a slight bow before inviting himself in.

"Bilbo Baggins, at yours."

Fauna takes a step back unsure of what is happening. There was no holding back her curious eyes especially when there was a dwarf right in front of her. She'd never met one before but she imagined they look just like their unexpected guest but just a bit more stout.

"Hello," she hesitated but smiled like one would greet their guest. "Are you a friend of Bilbo?"

"No." The dwarf so casually dumps his gear. "Which way, lassie? Is it down there?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean." Fauna said, still maintaining a sweetness to her voice, unaware of terror growing in Bilbo's eyes.

"Supper. He said there would be food and lots of it."

The muscular dwarf tosses his coat toward Bilbo, who barely managed to catch the heavy material.

"Oh, just down the hall—"

"No, what are you doing!" Bilbo scurries to stop Fauna from finishing that sentence but the dwarf by the name of Dwalin has already pushed past his panicking state. "What you said early, who mentioned the food?"

Bilbo passes the coat over to Fauna as he follows Dwalin into the dinning room. When the doorbell rings again Fauna herself can't help but feel alarmed.

"I'll get the door!" She announces before finding yet another dwarf at their doorstep. She noticed this dwarf was far older and much wider than the first.

"Oh my, I wasn't expecting a woman...Nonetheless. Balin, at your service."

She grins motioning for him to step inside."Nor was I expecting another dwarf at the door."

"Another? Am I late?"

"Well, I guess it depends on what you could possibly be late for, seeing as I have no idea on what is happening." She said honestly, curious as to Bag Ends sudden popularity tonight.

Bilbo threw his hands up, "Another one, Fauna!"

"I know, I wonder where they're coming from?" Fauna expressed, clearly oblivious to how vexxed the hobbit had become.

"That's not what I meant," he drew a breath and released it before speaking.. "Just no more strangers, Fauna, please."

"Why are you getting upset at me? You let the first one in."

"That's not the point—" the sounds of moving the dining table scraping the floor froze Bilbo. At the same time the doorbell had run once again.

"Go,go, I've got it. No more guests." Fauna said, waving him off as he dashed away into the hallway.

For the third time tonight, the door is opened to reveal even more unwanted guests.



Together the two new faces gave a courteous bow. "At your service."

Perhaps, Fauna was expecting another old or intimidating looking dwarf and so it was understandable that her breath had caught for a mere' second at the sight of the pair. The brothers were noticeably younger and far less hairy than the two causing Bilbo trouble in the kitchen.

"We were told there was a Mr.Boggins living here," the taller Burnett smiled apologetically. Somehow Fauna felt her heart race at the simplest gesture.

"You're right, Mr. Baggins does indeed live here." She straightens, regaining herself.

Kili raised a single eyebrow leaning forward to gain a better look at the women in front of him. His dark eyes left a trail of goosebumps as they traveled over Fauna, liking that he caused a rush of color to spread across her gentle face.

"Well, you don't look too much like a mister to me."

Fauna suddenly became very aware that she had been standing in nothing but her sleep shift and night robe the entire time. She quickly tied her robe together, crossing her arms tightly around her chest.

"That's because I'm not. Mr.Baggins is my cousin and he's not taking visitors at the moment, sorry." Fauna goes to close the door but a boot stops any idea of her dismissing them so soon.

"We weren't informed we'd be having another host. A pleasure to meet you..."

"Fauna Brandybucks." She answers out of habit, cursing her manners. "Now that we've all gotten to know each other, it's time to bid our farewells.

"My apologies, but we were told to come here."

"So very sorry but it seems that you've come to the wrong house. Goodbye."

"Has it been canceled?" Kili shares a look to the dwarf beside him.

"No one told us!" The blonde pipes in.

"What are you talking about? There hasn't been any cancellation."

"That's a relief." Kili smiles, walking past a confused Fauna.

"Careful with these, Ms.Brandybuck. We just had them sharpened." Fili is careful to unload their weapons into the hobbits small arms. The new found weights caused her to stagger back.

A large hand settles at the lowest part of her back, the sturdy touch preventing Fauna from falling back.

"Don't want our host getting hurt, now do we." Kili beamed, like a fool needing approval to which Fauna didn't mind doing if meant he'd get his hand off her.

"How kind of you." Fauna said, her arms growing tried from under the weight of their belongings.

"It's nice, this place. Did your uncle do it himself?"

She watched him look around admiring the hallway. "He's my cousin and no. It's been in the family for years."

"That's my mother's glory box, could you not do that!" Bildo bolts to the darker haired brother, who was scraping his muddy boots on the edge of the wooden chest.

The older hobbit marched up to his cousin, the steam practically snoozing out his ears. "No more strangers, that's what you said right before I left you at the door, Fauna."

"I told them we weren't taking any more visitors but they wouldn't take no as an answer. They were too strong and walked right past me!"

The doorbell rings again, for the fourth time now.

"How many more are there?" Bilbo groans, running both hands down his face.

"Not many." The one by the name of Dalin is quick to respond.

Bilbo gives Fauna a slight shove towards the dining area, "I'll handle the door. Go make sure they don't break anything."

Fauna quickly dumps the swords and other equipment handed to her onto the ground and hurries to the dining room. The little hobbit leapt to the side dodging the moving table, moving trinkets that would earn her a earful if destroyed on her watch.

Settling on a spot the four dwarfs let the table drop causing the shelf above it to shake, each glass ornament wobbling closer and closer to the very edge. Fauna darts over, catching and clutching Bilbo's family heirlooms. Tucking the small decorative ornaments away she turns to face the dwarves, "Maybe, um, moving the furniture is not quite the best right now."

Of course her soft voice couldn't be heard over their hearty laughter and loud voices as they continued to the pantry.

"Well, actually, those plates are not for just any use so maybe instead..." Fauna said, only for Dwalin to grunt, dismissing her. "Or not."

Another Dwarf whirls past, leaving a mess in his trail. Fauna follows behind him, straightening and readjusting every misplaced item. Huffing out a breath, "If you could tell me what you're looking for I might be faster at finding it." And make less of a mess while doing it.

The younger Durin stopped right in his tracks and spun around causing Fauna to walk right in his chest. The impact was enough to send her a few steps back, "My bad, lass. I didn't notice you were right behind me." He slaps a hand down on her shoulder causing Fauna to side eye the extra weight on her. Again with the touching. "Ale, do you have any here?"

Shaking off his hand, "Yes but–", Fauna pauses at the sound of heavy feet and new voices rushing in their direction.

The little hobbit quickly moves to the side to avoid being trampled on by their eight new guests. Peeping her head around the corner she finds that same wizard from the morning looking amused at Bilbo, who's completely lost by now. Then she remembered...Adventure, is this what he meant? I mean it couldn't be... but it certainly couldn't be anything else. I mean, why else was there home suddenly the gathering ground for reunion of dwarves.

She decided minutes after all twelve dwarves ranshaked their pantry, even taking Bilbo's most favorite ale, that this was no longer in her hands. The two hobbits stood l in shock at the fact there were dwarves and a wizard gathering in the never eventful home of Bag End. Fauna pinched her wrist needing to make sure she hadn't fallen asleep at some point during her work. And to her excitement this was very much real and happening right in front of her eyes.

"Fauna, don't just stand there. Help!" Bilbo rushes past her to stop a burly dwarf carrying Grandpa Mungo's chair

"How can I possibly help, they hardly listen to you." Fauna mumbles under her breath walking to the kitchen.

"Excuse, Ms. Baggins. You wouldn't happen to have anything else to brew, would you?" A dwarf, who's beard seemed to be braided into a silver case, approached the young hobbit.

Fauna gasped, offended seeing him think so little of her chamomile blossoms she prepared herself. "First of all I am not a Baggins but Fauna will do just fine. Secondly, that is more precious than you think. I've moon dried those blossoms myself for many months only under the light of waning crescent. That would be the absolute best chamomile tea you've tasted in ages. It would ease even a troll's right to sleep."

His laugh shook his round belly, amused but impressed at the hobbit's defense. "Ah, a herbalist. I will take special care when brewing this then."

Unaware of what she had done Fauna stretched her arm out to stop the dwarf with braided hair. "I–No, wait one second please." But she had lost him the constant push and shove of bodies shuffling around her.

Taking a step back to avoid being caught in the traffic of dwarves passing to and fro from the dining room and kitchen, Fauna had stumbled on her own footing. She braced herself for the impact, anticipating the cold floor to fellow her but the pain never came. Rather a warmth of two rough and noticeably strong hands caught her waist. She glanced up to find that scruffy bearded dwarf staring down at her.

"Careful, little lass."

"Thank you," Fauna says, dusting off her robe.

He let his head tilt to the side, inching closer, narrowing his eyes on Fauna. "For cousins you two sure don't look that much alike. Nothing at all, actually."

"Perhaps because we're cousins and not twins." Fauna says going to move around, only for Kili to copy her movement.

"Still, there's nothing really half-ling about you..." Already having to look down at her, he lowered his eyes further down to her larger feet topped with the same chestnut colored hair that tumbled well fast her chest. "Expect the obvious."

"I didn't know we had a hobbit expert here with us," She said in a dry tone, "Are we all supposed to look alike? Should I assume you're not a dwarf at your lack of facial hair compared to the rest of your company?"

Kili puts his hands up in defense taking a step back. A smirk lifted at the corners of his lips, unable to hide his amusement. "Ah, no need for low blows, lass. I was just curious, honest."

"Well, if that's all." She said, again trying to step around the playful dwarf, but Kili again blocked her path.

"Is there a reason you're still standing in front of me?"


"Fauna! My prize winners, where have they gone?" Bilbo's call for help kicked enough fire into Fauna's legs; she practically spun Kili around as she dashed past him.

She watched her cousin stand completely still looking at their now empty pantry. Nothing but crumbs and glass bottles emptied on the shelves.

"It's all gone, Fauna. All of it."

She blinked a couple times, stunned yet impressed at how much twelve dwarves could eat. No words would be enough to calm an overly stressed Bilbo, that much Fauna knew. But she also knew there was no point in fussing over their guests, especially not when there were so many of them.

"My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?" Gandalf questioned, looking like he knew why.
"What's the matter? I'm surrounded by dwarves! What are they doing here?"

"They're quite a merry gathering, once you get used to them." The wizard dressed in gray robes looks down smiling at the less angry hobbit. "Wouldn't you agree, Fauna?"

Bilbo whips his head to Fauna, fire burning in his eyes. "Don't answer that! I– we don't want to get used to them!"

Ori approaches the woman, meekly tapping her shoulder. "Sorry, but where would you like me to put my plate?"

"Actually, I can-" Before she could grasp the plate Fili had taken it.

"Here you go, Ori, give it to me."

Fauna froze, her mouth parting from shock as she watched Fili toss the plate to Kili, who watched with no worry throwing the dish into the kitchen. Eating all the food and dirtying up the house was one thing but breaking her aunt's pottery was another. Fauna alongside Bilbo grew frantic watching the dish throwing cycle continue, anxious their grip would grow slack.

"I'm sorry, but those dishes are very precious and over hundreds of years old. Please do be careful." She said.

"Those are my mother's West Farthing crockery, be more than careful!" Bilbo turns to Fauna, taking her by the shoulders. "Stay here and see if they can be reasoned with, I'll take the dining room. I think I hear a banging...Please, not my silverware!"

The sound of banging silverware only grew older as the dwarves began a rhythmic drumming with their utensils. Mocking her older cousin with a song dedicated to his constant pestering.

Fauna dipped and dogged the incoming dishes, speaking over the sound of their singing. "Perhaps, instead of throwing, we could possibly just pass me the plates and silverware. A guest should never have to clean up, I wouldn't want to burden our guest with cleaning."

"Don't you worry a hair on your head, little lassie. It's our pleasure." Kili winked offering her an assuring grin, not that she trusted him in the first place.

"That's the thing, it's kind of hard not to worry when there are fragile and very breakable things flying in the air, master dwarf." Fauna said, anxiously watching Ori walk past with a stack going past his head.

"I'd much rather hear you call me Kili, if you don't mind."

Fauna opens her mouth to speak only to be quickly silenced by the sound of a thunderous knock. In an instant everything stopped and went quiet.

"He is here." Gandalf announces and silences the eleven dwarves, all of them watching as the wizard heads toward the door.

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