Secrets of the Wolves

By SKatInk

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After an irreversible encounter when she was young, Sigrid has had to keep her true self a secret. She's a we... More

Chapter 1: Merriweather High School
Chapter 2: Cinnamon Spice
Chapter 4: We're All Dogs Here
Chapter 5: Wild Goose Chase
Chapter 6: Just a Picnic
Chapter 7: Show Some Grace
Chapter 8: Under Pressure
Chapter 9: Bad News All Around
Chapter 10: And Run
Chapter 11: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 12: Ready Fire Aim
Chapter 13: Arming for War
Chapter 14: A Midnight Affair
Chapter 15: The Kiss of Frostbite {end}

Chapter 3: Dreaded Dine

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By SKatInk

Chapter 3: Dreaded Dine

School. Honestly, you would think my parents would’ve homeschooled us because we moved around a lot to make sure we didn’t fall behind, but for some bizarre reason we had to attend normal school. Something about being regular humans . . . ?

Anyways, I pulled up to Merriweather with trepidation nesting in my chest. I didn’t want to come across him again. No, that was the last thing I wanted. He can go and be a stalker and a creep, but in a few months, I won’t matter to him anymore.

I sighed and walked into the school. I could see in the school commons a group of people near the back and wolf practically radiated off of them. There were hardly four people, but I scrammed in the hallway near the front office, turning into the junior lockers. I unloaded my things in my locker, peeping around for any creepers, but I must’ve missed a spot because in the next moment, he was slouching against the locker again.

Straight face, I thought and I glared into my locker.

“I think your locker is going to win your staring contest,” he said.

My wolf was doing circles and yipping and reveling in pleasure from his cinnamon scent. I blatantly refused to smell him and I began breathing through my mouth. Bad idea. It felt like someone was stuffing cinnamon sticks down my throat.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot yesterday,” he continued. His cheeriness permeated my skin and I had the strangest urge to run into his arms. “We’re not going to hurt you, or interrogate you, or think you’re up to no good--and I don’t, especially because I’m not the Alpha.”

I knew that, I thought dryly. He didn’t smell as powerful as an Alpha did. I bit back a smirk.

“You’re obviously new here, and I don’t know how intimidating that can be, but I was wondering if you’d like me to show you around,” Theo offered.

I plastered on a smile that was edging on a grimace and turned to face him. He was really good looking, I had to admit. He had fluffy, thick, black hair that spiked up in a way that looked soft and silky, but completely untameable. He had electric green eyes, like someone had fused them with neon green pigment. His skin was fair and though he was tall and lanky, I could make out through his clothes that his arms were roped with average muscle. Being a werewolf, he was already stronger normally, so the muscles were deceiving to his actual strength. He was wearing a green tee shirt and Khaki’s, so his eyes nearly popped off his face.

“No, thank you,” I replied as sweetly as I could.

 “You sure?” he asked, raising his thick eyebrow. “It’s only your third day.”

“I’ve got it,” I reassured him and I shut my locker, slugging my backpack over my shoulder. I started walking down the hall, hoping he’d leave me alone. My heart was already racing and my cheeks were red. What was he doing to me?!

My blood jumped when he appeared at my side again and a freshman had to swerve to the side to avoid being crashed into. “Who’s your first period?”

Seriously? I can’t function when normal people try to talk to me, but here was this strange werewolf that I couldn’t handle my emotions around! “I . .. um.” I didn’t want to ask him to go away; that was rude. “Beaulieu,” I responded, looking at the floor, cuddling my books to my chest.

“French?” he asked.

I know nothing about you! Go away! “Yeah,” I responded, feeling really uneasy. The fact that he kept following me was freaking the crap out of me and I wanted him to stop.

“Cool,” Theo replied, nodding as we turned into the linguistics hallway. I tried not to make it seem like I was speeding up when I was. “I take Spanish. Yo hablo español.”

I didn’t say anything as I turned into the French doorway.. Maybe if I could pretend to have a conversation with Raylor, he’d go away. I sped to my desk and plopped in my chair as Theo stayed at the door, a storm clouding his face. Raylor was beside me already and a strawberry-blonde boy had his arm draped over her shoulder.

“Hi, Sigrid,” she said kindly.

“H-hi,” I said. Oh god. Oh god. The boy next to her . . . he wasn’t the Alpha, but I could sense he was the next one. Power rolled off of him in waves and my hands started trembling. My left one went up to my ear and started rubbing my earlobe, a nervous habit I’d developed.

The Ethiopian-looked girl pulled out of his arms and leaned closer to me. “What’s the matter?”

My lips parted. This was why I hated school. Drama, problems, messes! I could not escape any of it! But as I looked at Raylor and tried not to look at the boy behind her, I realized that because she was with the next Alpha, she’d be able to shake Theo off my trail faster than I could. And she was the nicest person I’d met. I hadn’t felt like such a freak around her.

“There’s this guy that keeps following me,” I said so only she could hear--but knowing werewolves were in the room, it didn’t really matter except for the humans. I looked at the doorway and yep--he was still loitering like a stalker.

Raylor looked at the doorway and a smile broke out over her face. “That’s only Theo.” She chuckled and totally blew our whispering cover. “He won’t hurt you, but I’ll take care of him for ya.”

“Thanks,” I said, blushing as red as a tomato as she got up and walked over.

The strawberry-blonde boy was looking at me with narrowed eyes. “I’m Tobias,” he said with a flat tone. I saw his nostrils flare as he smelled my scent. Which creeped me out intensely.

“S-Sigrid,” I replied. He stuck his hand out and I shook it timidly. He had a strong handshake.

“Where’d you come from?”

My body quivered. I couldn’t lie to him. He was terrifying. “Mississippi.”

“You don’t have an accent,” he pointed out bluntly. His light blue eyes were scrutinizing me. What was that about not interrogating me, huh, Theo?

“I--I move around a lot,” I replied.

He didn’t respond, but when Raylor walked back over, she smiled at me as she settled into Tobias’s arm and side. “Don’t worry about him, Sigrid. He’s perfectly harmless. Like a little puppy.”

Nice analogy, I thought. It seemed I couldn’t help but run into werewolves. This was really getting out of hand.

I nodded and avoided looking at Tobias. I turned back to my desk and pulled out my bookfrom my backpack. I heard a thump to my right.

“What?” Tobias muttered. A normal human wouldn’t have heard it.

“Stop it,” Raylor murmured. I assumed she’d hit him by the nature of the conversation.

I turned back to my book, but until the bell rang, I kept flashing glances at the door, waiting for Mr. Creeper himself to waltz back in. He never did.




Kyler was laughing at me in third period. He was my chem partner and got a kick out of my humiliating morning. He was dying in his seat.

You wouldn’t be cackling if it were your mate, I said sourly.

No, but she’s still yours so it’s still funny!

Of course, we were taking an individual ‘fill-out-with-hobbies-etc’ so the teacher could get to know us better but because Mr. Broudy was in Sunshade pack, he already knew a good chunk of us. There were seventy-six wolves in the school, but each grade had roughly three hundred students. So we didn’t overpower the student body, but you could always find one wherever you walked.

Mr. Broudy shot Kyler a dirty look and his voice filled our minds. Get back to work, boys.

I made a tiny mock salute gesture and I heard him puff through his nose in agitation. I turned back to my paper and wrote down ‘camping’ for one of my favorite activities. I nudged Kyler. Let’s mess with Broudy, I suggested and I explained to him my plan. He agreed enthusiastically and we began writing down ‘yodeling’ and ‘fairy-hunting’ and ‘goat-raising’ for hobbies. We scribbled down famous people for our family members and we kept sniggering at our own joke, writing down whatever material we could think of.

What would you do with a million dollars?

Well, I would probably roll in it like a dog, and then build sculptures with it. Maybe make a beard like that one Geico guy.

What’s your favorite vacation place?

Europe. Nude beaches.

I snickered and showed Kyler my paper. He scribbled down for that number, Theo’s place. He always has Oreos.

True, I thought. He nodded.

I risked a glance in Sigrid’s direction and saw she was gazing out the window. Her profile was gorgeous--why did I have to be an idiot this morning and scare her?!

Kyler saw me looking. You’ve got dopey eyes.

You’ve got an unhealthy obsession for magic. Why don’t you do some bibbity-bobbity-boo and take us back to this morning?

Because a) that is Cinderella and b) that is time travel. Very big difference from magic, my friend.

I shot him a look, ripping my eyes from her. I had screwed up so badly. Kyler smirked at me and I shoved him. He grappled at the table, but still managed to make a loud noise when he half-fell from his chair.

That takes skill, I commented. He growled lowly at me.

“Boys!” Mr. Broudy exclaimed. I could feel everyone turn to look at us, but my wolf paced when I felt her eyes on me. They were piercing and dark and violet and geez, get a grip, Theo! “It’s day three! Do you want to go to the principal’s office?”

Kyler sheepishly sat properly and we both looked down at our papers, not responding. Mr. Broudy took that as a yes because he didn’t send us anywhere. Kyler and I bumped fists.

I glanced at Sigrid, and I saw she couldn’t write because of her shaking hands. I saw her face was pinched. I don’t think she knows what a mate is, I said to Kyler.

Why not?

Because she isn’t responding the way a werewolf who knows would. It’s like she thinks it’s just a human crush.

I saw Kyler looking at her. I dunno, man. I’ve never met a werewolf who doesn’t know what a mate is.

She doesn’t seem like she has a pack.

Clearly. The one reason she’d move away from one is if she got exiled, and if she did, every werewolf would be able to smell ‘exiled’ on her.

I know, I said, frowning. That’s why it’s confusing. She doesn’t smell like any pack.

I bet she smells better than a pack, he teased and I shoved him again. Broudy cleared his throat and glared at us. We both turned back to our papers.

What’s your favorite food?

I really like Spam and sardines. But only with paprika and soy sauce.

The bell rang and all of us schlepped forward to put our papers in the basket on his desk. He glared at each of us. “Thank you, boys.”

“No prob,” Kyler said and I grinned fiercely at him as we left. I smelled Sigrid in the room, but I was still embarrassed from this morning, so I didn’t wait for her. Even as I was embarrassed, I wasn’t discouraged. And if she didn’t know what a mate was, I’d have to be friends first.


I thought lunch would be awkward for a newbie like Sigrid. But no, she walked in with her blue lunchbox and plopped herself down at an empty table. I watched her over Tobias’s shoulder and saw her pull out a book from her backpack. She was always reading, it seemed.

Raylor sighed. My eyes flickered to hers. She put her hand over mine. “Theo, come on. Go talk to her. It’s not doin’ anybody any good to watch you make googly eyes like a girl with a crush on Tom Hiddleston.”

Tobias sniggered.

“Shuddup,” I muttered and I looked at Sigrid again. She was munching on carrots. What if she didn’t want to talk to me? She probably didn’t after my little stunt this morning. Could I get any more of an idiot?

Raylor’s claws dug into my hand and her pitch-black eyes fused with gold. “Get your behind over there, mister, or I’ll march you over there.”

For an artist, she really could be vicious. That was why she would make an excellent Luna--or, Alpha’s mate. She was motherly, could joke, but could scare the living daylights out of anyone if she wanted to.

“Geez, I was going to,” I said, but I still didn’t stand up.

Kyler coughed, “Chicken!”

I shot him daggers and rose to my feet, taking my plate of food with me. I prayed she would be more agreeable than this morning. Be cool, I reminded myself as I walked over to her, but my wolf was going nuts. He was prancing around like he was on drugs and he was longing to touch his mate, even if to just brush hands.

I was too, but I would never admit it.

I approached her table and sat next to her, but she paid me no mind. Her eyes zoomed across pages as she read her blue book. She munched on carrots and then moved on to pita chips.

Interesting lunch, I thought.

“I’m sorry if I frightened you this morning,” I said after a moment of silence.

Sigrid paid no heed to my greeting. She simply turned a page and crunched on her chips.

“I didn’t mean to,” I continued, watching anxiously for her reaction. “I just want to be friends with you.”

I could see her cheeks fire up as her wolf argued with her. She fidgeted, but never met my eyes.

I sighed. “Look, I don’t want to seem intimidating and I don’t want to freak you out, but I know you’re a were--hey!” I said. She was absentmindedly packing up her lunch with one hand and holding her book with the other. With a sudden urgency, I tore her book away from her. “Listen, Sigrid--”

She snarled suddenly, her canines reaching up for my face, desiring to rip the skin of my face off. Her indigo eyes flashed with silver. “Give. Me. My. Book.” She growled at me and I saw death in her eyes. So maybe her wolf didn’t recognize me as her mate.

I handed her back her book and her canines retracted. Her eyes dimmed as she returned to her page. She shot me a death glare before continuing reading. I cautiously looked around for anyone who had seen that little incident and I took a deep breath when I saw my pack’s table cracking up with laughter.

I huffed and left the lunch room, feeling even worse than before.




He was never going to back off, was he?! I dashed through the woods, leaping off my paws every time they skimmed the ground. He was infuriating! I couldn’t be at peace whenever he was around! And my wolf! She was completely out of line! Fawning over him like she was some slave. Unacceptable!

A growl ripped itself from the bowels of my chest and I heard all the chipmunks and whatnot scatter in terror. Good. I was beyond ticked off. Who did he think he was? Nobody special, that’s who!

As I ran with rage, I sniffed and listened to the heart of this forest. This run was to a) chill down after school and b) get my bearings. I didn’t want to run into any wolves I didn’t know. That had happened so many times before I would need more phalanges to count them.

I noted a trail to a natural forest reserve. Note to self: stay away.

I kept running, deeper and deeper into the woods, until the sunbeams of three o’clock melted away and shadows ran their feet over me as I sprinted on the forest floor. Merriweather was actually pretty nice. I liked it here. Too bad I’d be saying sayonara in a couple of months. This moving thing was getting really old. Lucky for me I had only one more year.

But it baffled me, because what was I supposed to do? I’d have to take serious summer credit to get two PE credits and some more classes. I wasn’t failing, but because I’d transferred so many times, some credits didn’t count. And I’d only finished one semester of health in Spokane, Washington and that was where we’d stayed there six months.

My heart twisted at the memory and I shoved it to the recesses of my mind. I’d sworn never to go there again.

I padded through the forest, breathing deeply and feeling one percent wonderful. The wind through my fur, my tongue lolling out, my determination to just run and run and run. Being a wolf was spectacular. I loved it.

Soon enough I had to stop. Tonight was the night when Marshall Kingston, or should I say Major Killerston, was coming over. This run was supposed to help calm my nerves down, but they were rocketing sky high as I made my way to where my clothes were.

I shifted and yelped as pain ripped across my flesh in blinding pain. I crouched on the ground, an uncomfortable breeze rustling through my unbound hair, and my body tightened as I recognized the smell of Red Hots.

“Oh God oh God oh God oh dear God,” I whispered, rolling behind a tree trunk opposite from where the smell was coming from. It had to be now didn’t it? The universe must hate me!

I snatched my clothes from under the bush and snaggled them on my limbs in a wild frenzy, praying with every fiber in my body that he wouldn’t see me or smell me. That was that last thing I needed. My cheeks were a living furnace as I rolled my bike from out the undergrowth and I swung my leg over it, speeding down the only road in and out of Merriweather.

I didn’t look back to see if Theo was there, but if I had I would’ve seen a brown-streaked wolf gazing after me.


I don’t believe I could hate my uncle’s job any more than I already did, but when I stepped through the front door, his head popped out of the kitchen.

“Get dressed nicely, Sigrid! Marshall will be over in an hour!”

And just like that, rage boiled up inside me.

I tried my best not to stomp up the staircase on my way to the shower. I would grin and bear it, but I was sure I would die inside.

My shower consisted of two shampooings and three scrub-downs. I was vigorous and even scalded myself once. Any chance of Marshall sniffing me out I had to diminish. I had to protect myself. Even though I was Zion’s niece, who’s to say that he wouldn’t come after me while I’m sleeping? I don’t want to take that risk.

Being as burning hot as I was, I used cold water to rinse myself off and I escaped that sauna of a bathroom as fast as I could. I checked my bedroom clock as I wrung my hair out with a towel—I still had half an hour to go.

After drying my hair, I slipped on my pine-green summer dress and put my hair in a braid down my back. I hardly ever wear makeup, but I brushed a little on. Nice is nice, no?

By that time, Marshall Kingston was going to arrive soon, so I went to the bathroom and returned to my room with the air freshener. Every precaution I could take, I would. I spritzed the ocean-scented spray everywhere—especially in my laundry basket. But then I rethought it and took my clothes to the laundry room, where my scent would mix in with everybody else’s dirty-sock smell.

As I exited the laundry room, the doorbell rang, and I swore the entire house froze. Nerves were egging on dangerously high and I could hear my dad pacing above. My mom was in her bedroom, putting on the last finishing touches of her makeup, and I could hear a small gasp escape her lips when it did ring. Cassidy was helping my uncle set the table, and naturally, she shouted, “I’ll get it!”

Cassidy!” my uncle protested, but she was already at the door.

Start digging your grave, I thought to myself. My fingers started rubbing my earlobes as he walked in the kitchen.

He was bald and had tan skin. His eyes were black as coals--just as they should be, I mentally scorned--and his arms were thick with muscle. He had a naturally angled face, and this ever-present displeased look to him. I hated him instantly.

But for some reason, my wolf bolted upright. She knew this man. She was ignorant to what though.

“--in the kitchen and that’s my sister Sigrid. She’s a bookworm,” Cassidy introduced and I felt my face warm to the temperature of a furnace. I pressed my lips together as she continued to the living room.

Giving him the grand tour, huh? I thought sourly. My stomach twisted at the chance of wolf smell being imprinted on the couches. I can always use the animal shelter excuse, I reminded myself. I still couldn’t get over how familiar he smelled.

My parents came down the staircase and I could hear my mom’s heart racing frantically. More introductions ensued and then they all joined me in the kitchen. We said grace—during which I peeped my eyes open to see Marshall glaring at his plate—and then we passed the bowls around to feed ourselves. I noted the dishes—my mom’s mac’n cheese casserole, a green bean casserole, salad, and spinach quiche.

Was Marshall a vegan?

How strange.

Hardly ever we went a day without meat in this house. Of course, that included boiled eggs and turkey sandwiches, but it was rare that we didn’t dine without a main meat. I glanced at my mother—she looked nervously antsy. Her eyes kept flicking to Marshall, and then to her own food. I saw my father’s hand rub her back once in reassurance when Marshall wasn’t looking.

It still baffled me how Marshall looked. I was expecting some older man who had wrinkles and maybe ‘Die Wolves’ on a tattoo somewhere, but I guess not. First glance, you’d think he was normal guy. But his eyes kept flicking everywhere, like he was anticipating an attack. I could feel the warmth rolling off his body, along with the slight zinging sensations of protection hexes.

“Thank you for the dinner, Mrs. Patterson. I know this is short hand notice,” our guest said and my wolf snarled instinctively. She didn’t like him anymore than I did, and the fact she half-knew him just amped that up.

My mom waved her hand. “It was no problem, really. I know these recipes like the back of my hand.”

Personally I couldn’t remember the last time we’d had mac ’n cheese casserole. For sure she had memorized that one.

“Sigrid,” Marshall said, breaking my train of thought and the awkward silence. I snapped my head up and swallowed my bite of quiche. “Who’s your favorite author?”

“I-I don’t have one,” I replied, trying to smooth my tone out, “I like to read everyone’s books.”

He nodded, whether in agreement or not I didn’t know.  “Favorite genre? I’m a bookworm myself, you know.”

“Oh, um, fantasy and sci-fi,” I responded. I kept out the romance part. For some reason it was always embarrassing to tell people that.

“Ah. My favorites are historical and supernatural.” The way he said it blew a menacing threat into my face and his eyes flashed. My wolf growled and her ears flattened. My heart sped up with tightness and breathing became harder. I wanted to shift and tear his throat out. No matter the reason for his familiarity.

“Cool,” I said.

“Marshall, why don’t you tell them about your vacation to the Bahamas?” my uncle interjected, clattering his utensil on his plate.

“The Bahamas?” my sister piped, her eyes wide. “Ooo, what was it like?” Her eyes sparkled and a grin overtook her face.

Marshall smiled and I hated the fact that he had dimples. He began telling us how exotic the food was and interesting their accents were and how it rained half the days he’d been there. He told us about the rocky cruise ship and how he could see the horizon rolling when he looked out of the porthole at night. He explained how the maids would take the towels and design them into animals when they cleaned his room.

“That sounds so cool,” Cassidy gushed. She turned to mom and dad.

“Don’t even ask, Cassidy,” my dad said, grinning and shaking his head. “The answer is no.”

Cassidy whined and my mom interrupted with a question. “Zion never told us: are you married?”

“No,” he said. I saw my mom’s face turn pink. “I have had girlfriends in the past, but marrying is not on the top of my list of priorities.”

Good, my wolf snarled. Who would want to marry a monster like you?

“Oh,” my mom said. My dad’s face was sour and Zion looked a little green. My heart felt bad for my uncle’s deceased wife, but the urge to destroy Marshall was overwhelming.

“That’s okay,” Marshall said. “It was never a problem or interest.”

You’re friendly, I commented sarcastically. My wolf growled in agreement.

“Mr. Patterson--”

“Call me Derek.”

“Derek, what’s your family like?”

“I grew up in Utah, and went to college in New Hampshire, which is where I met Alice,” my dad briefly explained. He left out that he had four siblings, one passed parent, used to have seven pets, played the drums--but I guess some material just isn’t suited for conversation with psychotic killing machines.

“How nice.” His voice sounded strained and Zion cleared his throat.

“Do you have any hobbies?” my mom tried. She didn’t even look him in the eye.

“I like astrology, and admittedly, stargaze quite a bit.”

Well that there knocked my socks off.

“Oh,” my mother replied, just as baffled as the rest of us. “That’s lovely. Do you have a favorite constellation?”

“Lupus, the wolf,” he replied without missing a beat. “Always reminds there’s more out there I have to get to.’

My wolf curled back her lip. My mother made an almost inaudible ‘ah’ noise. We lapsed back into uncomfortable silence as we swallowed our meatless meal.

Five minutes later, Cassidy and I asked to be excused and we fled upstairs into my room--well I tried to find sanctuary, but she followed me. She sighed deeply.

Finally,” she said, rolling her eyes and spreading out on my floor. “I thought it would never end.”

“He is a little creepy,” I commented.

“A little?” she asked and her eyes grew wide. “I’d say buttloads weird.”

“He does spend his time killing m--” but I clamped my mouth shut. I’d almost said ‘my kind’. Whew, close one.

“Werewolves,” my sister finished for me.


She sighed again, staring at the ceiling. “Uncle Zion told me that you’re going to be a vet one day, so I’ll have to take over his job,” she said. “I don’t want to though.”

My blood turned cold. It must’ve literally frozen in my veins because all of sudden I couldn’t breathe and my wolf was whining so loudly I was afraid she’d hear it. Did she just say . . .? Oh God, she had. What was Zion thinking?! A girl her age, to be told she was going to be a killer one day?

“Can’t you say no?” I asked.

She chortled. “I think we both know the answer to that.”

I took a shaky sigh. “That must suck.”

“Tell me about it. I have no idea how to tell him I don’t want to be a killer. I’ve never met a werewolf. And I don’t trust him. With all his comings and goings, you’d think he was having a little too much fun with women. It can’t possibly take a professional like him that long to track them.” She put her hands behind her head and stared at the ceiling.

I shivered at the repulsive mental image. “I guess. I hope not, though. Anyone who knows him is--” but I closed my mouth before I bad-mouthed Zion. I loved him, but I hated him as well. It wasn’t so much him, but what he did. And I could never accept it.

“Unfortunate,” she finished. “Unlucky, must be despicable, must be gross, too, horrible, sadistic--”

I laughed. “I get it!”

She grinned up at me. “How’s high school workin’ out for you?”

I nodded, thinking. “It’s alright.” But there’s this guy named Theo who is a) freaking me out and b)really alluring and I really don’t know what to do and it’s so confusing. I can’t make friends but these people like Theo and Raylor are really nice to me and I’m beginning to question my ban of friends. My grades are fine though. “How about you, freshman?” I wiggled by eyebrows at her.

She rolled her eyes. “It’s fine, junior. I don’t really expect it to be that bad since we don’t stay anywhere long enough for me to be tortured by upperclassmen.”

“You forgot something—you live with one!” I cackled maniacally and then leapt off the bed, attacking her sides. She shrieked in laughter and curled herself into a ball as I tickled her sides relentlessly.

She howled in laughter and her hands started reaching for my sides. Uh-uh, I thought and I tickled her even more. She rolled around on the carpet, gasping for air. I chuckled evilly as I pulled back and started at her. She had tears in her blue eyes and a smile that could wrap around the world twice. “Meanie,” she said.

I shrugged. “Best sister ever.”

She shook her head. “Mm-hmm.” She sighed after a minute and looked at the clock. “I’d better get my shower.”

“Yeah,” I replied, holding my nose. “It stinks in here.”

She chortled. “The one who smelt it dealt it!”

“I did not fart!”

“Farty McFart-Pants!” she crowed and she hurried out of my room, getting the last word.

I smiled after her. What a doof, I thought. Only my sister.

After half an hour of doing crosswords, another half hour of reading, and doing the smidgen of homework I’d gotten, I sniffed the air. Marshall had left. I’d been so wrapped up in the crosswords and other things I hadn’t noticed it before. The house no longer smelled like the Grim Reaper.

I sighed and changed into my pj’s. Tonight hadn’t been a total disaster, though my wolf was still on high alert. Somehow, we knew that smell and somehow, we were going to find out why.


A/N: Thanks for reading, reviewing and all that foshizzleness! ♥


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